What kind of container should you use to cook food? High-quality and safe cookware for cooking Safe cookware for cooking.

Nowadays there is such a variety of dishes, from the cheapest to the most expensive, that willy-nilly you wonder, what’s the difference? Of course, not only in price. Cheap cookware of underground origin is also extremely harmful to health. But, buying higher quality dishes from reputable manufacturers, we are also not insured against the harm they cause. So what harm does dishes bring to your health? And is it safe?

Harmful of plastic dishes

Plastic utensils are very convenient and, moreover, cheap. However, everyone knows that the composition plastic dishes includes various organic compounds. Therefore, all plastic utensils are divided into several types:

not for food products; disposable; for cold food; for hot products; for use in the microwave. Thus, if plastic dishes are used for other purposes, for example, in dishes not intended for food purposes, to store food, or to put hot food in dishes intended for cold foods, then the plastic begins to actively release toxic substances, which, of course, affects human health.

You should also not use expired plastic utensils if their expiration date is indicated, as well as cracked utensils, since harmful chemicals will leach into the food.

Harmful melamine tableware

A separate line can highlight the harm of melamine dishes, which are found in almost every home. Melamine tableware is prohibited for sale in Europe because it is considered to be of low quality and harmful to health.

Such dishes look like porcelain, but are plastic. Melamine tableware contains formaldehyde, which is a mutagenic poison and causes severe allergies. The use of such utensils can lead to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, liver, stomach and irritation of the eyes and skin.

But melamine dishes are harmful not only by the release of formaldehyde, but also by lead, manganese and cadmium. The damage to dishes increases several times when scratches and cracks appear.

Therefore, when purchasing plastic utensils, inquire about the quality certificate and the hygienic report of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Harm from metal utensils

Metal utensils are also not 100% safe. When cooking food in it, nickel and chromium ions, which are toxins, are released.

Therefore, in order to avoid enriching food with these harmful substances, it is recommended not to store acidic dishes, such as cabbage soup or pickle soup, in metal containers. And of course, you need to protect the dishes from scratches and other damage.

Below are the characteristics of several types of metal utensils.

Stainless steel cookware

Stainless steel cookware is very convenient and beautiful. But, as we found out, it contains nickel, which is a strong allergen. In addition, in addition to nickel, during cooking, copper and chromium also get into the food, which is why it often acquires a “metallic” taste.

It is highly undesirable to cook spicy and vegetable dishes in stainless steel dishes. By the way, in some countries, stainless steel cookware is produced with the mark “nickel free”, that is, without nickel. Well, the most harmless stainless steel metal utensil is a double boiler.

Non-stick cookware

Among all the variety of cookware, there is also stainless steel cookware with a non-stick coating. It can be made from steel or aluminum, and is in great demand because it allows cooking without the use of fat.

However, such utensils are only suitable for cooking, but not for storage. It is also not recommended to cook sour dishes in non-stick cookware.

The fact is that the Teflon coating contains perfluorooctanoic acid, which is a carcinogenic and mutagenic substance. Even the DuPont company, which is the inventor and main manufacturer of Teflon, has confirmed the harm of non-stick coatings when cookware is heated to high temperatures. However, the destruction of the Teflon coating and the release of harmful substances begins at temperatures above 350 degrees, and the average cooking temperature is usually about 200 degrees.

Under no circumstances should you use this cookware if the non-stick layer is damaged or scratched! You need to get rid of these dishes and buy new ones instead.


Enameled cookware

Perhaps this is the safest type of cookware, and only until the enamel layer is damaged.

The following colors of enamel will be harmless: cream, white, blue-gray, black and blue. All other enamel colors, especially bright ones, contain chemical compounds manganese, cadmium and other metals in large quantities. Therefore, when choosing enamel cookware, pay attention to the color of the enamel, or even better, look for the GOST marking.

The enamel coating in the dishes protects food from the penetration of harmful metal ions; moreover, bacteria are not able to multiply on the smooth surface of the enamel. Therefore, this type of cookware is the most harmless; you can both cook and store food in enamel cookware.

However, as soon as damage to the enamel layer, scratches or chips appears, enamel cookware begins to cause harm to health, since enamel particles get into the food.

Aluminum cookware

Aluminum cookware is considered the most harmful to health, since when heated it begins to release metal ions. Under the influence of certain acids, aluminum is destroyed and converted into food, so you cannot cook sour cabbage soup, stew or fry vegetables, cook jelly, borscht or boil milk in such a container.

Are porcelain, ceramic and other dishes harmful?

Porcelain, ceramic, clay and cast iron cookware are relatively safe, although not always convenient. Porcelain and ceramic cookware cannot be used for cooking on the stove, and cast iron cookware is very heavy.

Again, the surface of the dishes must be intact, since if damaged, heavy metal salts begin to enter the food.

In addition, ceramics are often decorated with varnishes and enamels. If the design is applied inside the dishes, then such dishes cannot be used for food purposes, since lead is added to the paints.

What to cook with?

If by the end of reading the article you started to panic, don’t worry. From the entire list of harmful utensils, you can choose the one in which cooking food will be as safe as possible for your health. So what should you cook with?

In a stainless steel metal container. Just not spicy, sour or vegetable dishes. After cooking, transfer the food to an enamel bowl. In cookware with a non-stick coating, excluding food storage in it. In enamel dishes - both for storing and cooking. IN aluminum cookware– cook as little as possible, or even better, get rid of it. Under no circumstances should cooked food be stored in aluminum containers! In cast iron cookware. If possible, in earthenware. Personally, I have already gotten rid of aluminum and enamel pans with chips inside. What will you do?

Based on materials from: bt-lady.com.ua

Additions are welcome in the comments.

Let's start with stainless steel. Stainless steel cookware is resistant to oxidation; when cooked in it, food does not lose its properties, taste and even vitamins; it provides long-term and reliable storage of cooked products.

Plus, stainless steel looks very nice. Yes, this cookware has obvious advantages, but, unfortunately, the nickel it contains is an allergen and can cause dermatosis (editor’s note: the author forgot to take into account that this nickel goes into food in microscopic quantities, and also picked up a myth cunningly launched by the Chinese manufacturers of nickel-free stainless steel).

The best brand of food grade stainless steel. steel - 304 (or 18/10), and if you have a choice, it is better to prefer it to two cheaper brands - 202 and 201. Cheap stainless steel from Asian countries can be of poor quality and even hazardous to health due to unwanted impurities. However, it is precisely this that is often sold under the guise of “German” or other European, having come up with sonorous brands and good marketing...

Enameled cookware is very good and safe. You can cook lunch in it, store any food, and safely make pickles and marinades. But one of the main disadvantages of such pots and containers is their fragility. If handled carelessly, enamel chips and cracks may appear on enamel cookware. Moisture penetrates through them to the metal, and the process of corrosion and penetration begins. harmful substances from metal into food. So what's better handle enamel with care, and also buy enamel utensils with stainless steel edging, which prevents corrosion.

Avoid enamel cookware that has brown, yellow or red enamel on the INSIDE - these often contain harmful substances.


As for ceramics, then in clay pots food has been prepared since time immemorial, and the experience of generations cannot lie. Everyone enjoys real ceramics, which become even stronger when exposed to high temperatures. One bad thing is that it quickly absorbs fat, which is difficult to wash off. Another disadvantage of modern ceramic utensils is their relatively high cost. Unfortunately, on the market you can find low-quality and quite enough.

It is not recommended to cook spicy and sour dishes, stew or fry vegetables, or boil milk in aluminum cookware. Even with slight heating, even weak acids and alkalis destroy aluminum, and it ends up in our food. However, it is good because it is more convenient to cook porridge in it than in enamel dishes. In the latter, dairy products often burn. The conclusion can be drawn as follows: you can cook in aluminum cookware, but it’s better not to do it often, and you shouldn’t store cooked dishes in it.


Teflon is a good coating from the point of view of protection against sticking, but it begins to evaporate from the surface of the cookware already at 200 ° C. The effect on the human body has not been sufficiently studied, however, in workers of enterprises producing Teflon cookware.

Also, non-stick coatings are disadvantageous because they quickly become damaged or worn out, and such cookware cannot be used with a damaged coating.


Silicone cookware is elastic, durable and can withstand temperatures up to +280 degrees (update: today in the comments there was an opinion that it is carcinogenic). It can be used in ovens, microwaves and baked meat and fish in air fryers. In addition, food can be frozen in it. Silicone is an inert material, does not rust or crumble, and does not interact with hot or icy products. From silicone cookware It is very easy to take out what you have prepared - just pull the edge and bend the soft silicone in the other direction. The smooth surface has natural non-stick properties. But the great thing is that after your culinary exercises, this form can be compactly rolled up. The next time you unfold it, it will return to its original form.


Should not be written off. Although it is heavy, it heats up slowly (which is why it is especially good to stew in it) and cools down slowly. It is environmentally friendly and time-tested.

8. Edible tableware

There are even... edible dishes. Plates made from bamboo sugar cane, starch and water, according to the manufacturer, effectively combat the problem of pollution environment. Under normal conditions, such plates completely decompose in 180 days, and in water they disappear without a trace in just 2 days. Super eco-friendly plate - if you eat lunch, you can eat your dishes too. This eco-friendly cookware is microwave, oven and refrigerator safe. And farmers can give the used service as livestock feed.


Plastic utensils are very convenient. You can't cook porridge in it - the plastic will melt. But in such a container, according to many, it is very convenient to carry and heat food in the microwave. Besides, it doesn't break. (Editor's note: minimize use utensils made of PVC and take into account the information about ).


Beware of plastic utensils melamine! If you see the inscription melamine on the back of an elegant plastic box, do not buy it under any circumstances, much less use it for its intended purpose. Melamine contains formaldehyde, which can be released into food from interaction with hot water

, especially if the dishes are even slightly scratched. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen; Causes severe irritation to eyes, throat, skin, respiratory tract and lungs. Even the chief sanitary doctor of Russia spoke about the serious danger of melamine tableware. However, it is still widely sold in our country. To prepare culinary masterpieces you need good dishes . In a huge variety kitchen utensils offered by manufacturers can be difficult to understand. The abundance of frying pans, pots, saucepans and other things can make your head spin. They have different shapes

, colors, sizes and made of different materials.

On the counters you can find aluminum, cast iron, ceramic and enameled, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages. One may be ideal for stewing, in another it is better to just boil it in soups, and in the third it is better to fry or bake.

Properties of good cookware

Cooking utensils must be safe and made of inert material that will not react chemically with food. For example, aluminum cookware is not suitable for foods containing acid, since the acid can react with it and release harmful substances.

Most non-stick cookware is made of aluminum, so damage to it will have a detrimental effect on the quality of the cooked food. It is also necessary to monitor the integrity of the coating of enamel cookware, since it is made of metal, contact with which is undesirable for products. When buying such utensils, pay attention to the edge, which should be smooth, even and evenly painted, without bare areas or chips. Inner surface

Enameled cookware should not contain dark spots or dots; their presence indicates processing defects.

  • High-quality kitchen utensils should be heavy - the products will not be deformed and will last a long time.
  • Try to select cooking utensils with thick walls and bottom; they will heat up evenly and retain heat for a long time.
  • For preparing soups and stews, it is better to choose wide, low-sided pans.
  • Handles of utensils must be made of high quality, durable material, which will not deform and heat up when exposed to high temperatures.
  • The bottom of the cookware should be flat, smooth and without defects.

Select cookware based on what you will be cooking with:

  • For glass ceramic hob You need utensils with a thick, smooth and flat bottom, dark or matte. The diameter of the cookware should be larger than the diameter of the burner. You cannot use utensils with an aluminum or copper bottom, as well as glass-ceramic products on stoves. The bottom of the cookware used must be dry and clean, without any reliefs - this will avoid damage to the hob.
  • For induction cookers It is recommended to use only cookware made from magnetically conductive materials: cast iron, steel and other types of iron. Its suitability can be checked using a magnet.
  • For microwave Non-conductive utensils are required. It should not contain metal or metallized patterns. Best choice For microwave oven will become heat-resistant glass or ceramic dishes.
  • For electrical or gas stoves Any utensil will do, but it is better to choose products with a thick bottom.

In aluminum cookware, food burns easily and is difficult to clean. Utensils made from this material quickly become deformed and lose their attractiveness.


It has a good appearance and an affordable price. It is suitable for preparing soups, stews, borscht, cabbage soup, compotes, and for pickling and fermenting foods. Products in it burn easily and are difficult to clean afterwards. Such utensils are fragile and easily chipped. It is not recommended to cook in damaged cookware.

Stainless steel

This type of dishes is not afraid of acids and alkalis, does not scratch, retains an attractive appearance for a long time, is easy to clean and does not affect the quality of food. Stainless steel cookware good quality, is not cheap. Its bottom contains several layers, which allows the heat to be evenly distributed, thanks to which the food cooks quickly and does not burn.

When using such cookware, do not allow it to overheat as it may cause stains. A frying pan made of stainless steel is not suitable for cooking pancakes as they will stick to the surface.

Cast iron

It is durable and high strength. Suitable for preparing dishes that require long-term cooking, such as pilaf, poultry, stewed meat or vegetables. Food in cast iron cookware will never burn, but it is not recommended to leave cooked food in it, as the food may change color and taste.

A significant drawback is its tendency to rust, so after washing it must be wiped. Cast iron cookware coated with enamel does not have these disadvantages.


Utensils and fire-resistant glass do not come into contact with food, have low thermal conductivity, are beautiful, environmentally friendly, easy to clean and resistant to scale. Glassware should be used carefully over an open fire. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it heats up unevenly, so it can crack.

It is better not to use oval or rectangular products on round burners. The dishes are suitable for baking in the oven, cooking in a microwave, electric or gas stove.


Dishes made of fire-resistant ceramics preserve the aroma and taste of dishes. It has poor thermal conductivity, so food is cooked using gentle heat treatment, which preserves its beneficial properties. Ceramic tableware It has a beautiful appearance and is suitable for microwave ovens and all types of ovens. Its disadvantage is low strength.

With non-stick ceramic coating

This type of cookware is resistant to high temperatures. Its coating contains no heavy metals, is dense and scratch-resistant. The utensil is suitable for frying and stewing; it is easy to prepare healthy and tasty food. It is suitable for gas, glass-ceramic and electric stoves, washes well and is not afraid of alkalis and acids.

When purchasing dishes from ceramic coating Caution should be exercised as there is a possibility of stumbling upon a fake or low-quality product.

Teflon coated

It is resistant to alkalis and acids, food does not burn on it and cooks evenly. It is suitable for stewing and frying. Handle this cookware with care as the coating can be easily damaged. The food in it should be mixed with a wooden spatula, and it should be washed carefully. It is sensitive to elevated temperatures, at which the coating begins to decompose and decomposition products enter the food.

It is also unsafe to cook in damaged products if there are deep scratches on their bottom. If it begins to bubble or changes color, it is better to get rid of such utensils.

  • Stainless steel pans - nickel in their composition is dangerous. During cooking, it passes into food, causes allergies, and leads to severe dermatitis.
  • Enameled - harmful if used incorrectly. If even the slightest crack or damage appears on the enamel, corrosion begins, due to which harmful substances begin to enter the food.
  • Teflon is only safe when used correctly. It cannot be heated to 200 o C and pans with damaged working surfaces must not be used.

Harmful and beneficial tableware for health: types and brief description

Cast iron cookware


  • high service life
  • one of the most durable and non-perishable
  • If used correctly, food will not burn. To do this, you just need to heat the pan well for a few minutes.
  • not subject to deformation, wear-resistant, resistant to low and high temperatures
  • dishes cooked in cast iron are distinguished by high taste qualities, beneficial and do not have any foreign odors or tastes.


  • heavy weight
  • if the rules of use are not followed, rust appears
  • some foods can oxidize cast iron
  • It is not recommended to store it in it ready dish— cast iron absorbs odors.

Aluminum cookware


  • not expensive
  • lightweight and conducts heat well
  • when cooked, the taste is more rich and natural
  • Water boiled in aluminum containers retains beneficial substances longer.


  • heats up very quickly, sometimes even faster than the product in it
  • Organic products cannot be stored for a long time
  • quickly deteriorate when exposed to acid or alkali, which are found in all cleaning products
  • quickly darker.

Copper utensils


  • has the best thermal conductivity among metals
  • high heat capacity
  • durable
  • has antibacterial properties.
  • copper reacts with acids, and this can be harmful to health
  • reactions with food are dangerous - a greenish coating appears if you leave the dishes wet. As a result, foods lose vitamins, and the human body is replenished with copper salts and free radicals.

Harm of crystal glassware

Despite the myths that circulate about the dangers of such dishes, crystal is not harmful to health. The only thing worth remembering is that you cannot pour hot liquids into it. As a result, the dishes lose their decorative properties and become cloudy.

Silicone cookware


  • not afraid of high and low temperatures
  • no harmful substances are released
  • juices and fat are not absorbed during cooking
  • Dangerous microorganisms will not multiply on the surface
  • You can boil it for disinfection.

Disadvantages are minor:

  • small assortment
  • Due to the softness of the material, it requires skill from the owner.

Enameled cookware

Prevents metal ions from entering food. But you should pay attention to the shade of the product:

  • safe - blue, black, cream, white or blue-gray
  • dangerous due to the presence of dyes and low protective properties - red, yellow or brown shades.


Does not negatively affect the human body and health. But there are a number of useful actions:

  • resists various fungi
  • has antiseptic properties
  • eliminates negative flora and preserves nutrients from food
  • has medicinal properties.

Why are utensils made from polypropylene harmful?

It has three levels of heat resistance - high, medium and low. The first one includes food containers; they can be heated in the microwave. Others are not intended for heating, since at high temperatures the plastic melts and releases substances harmful to the body into food. For the same reason, you cannot store for a long time food in this dish.

Stainless steel cookware

It contains nickel, which has carcinogenic properties and is an allergen. You cannot store food in it or cook spicy or vegetable dishes that release juice. Use for frying, preparing first courses, but without storage.

Cupronickel tableware

Utensils are made from an alloy of copper and nickel; the alloy may also contain other metals (iron, manganese, zinc).


  • does not heat up quickly
  • affordable price
  • attractive appearance
  • safe for health
  • corrosion resistant
  • durable.


  • loses its beautiful appearance quite quickly
  • requires special care
  • hard to find
  • many consider it irrelevant and old-fashioned.


Pewter does not cause any harm, does not emit harmful substances, does not oxidize. The food does not acquire any foreign odors or tastes.

The most important thing when buying is to study the composition, you can find a fake with impurities of metals unsuitable for cooking.

Glass ceramic dishes

It is universal and suitable for daily use. Distinctive feature- resistance to high temperatures and chemicals. The advantage is resistance to chips and cracks. But it is worth remembering that such dishes do not like sweets, aluminum and plastic. It should not be cleaned with brushes, a knife, or steel wool. Do not use abrasives.

Galvanized cookware

Designed for storage and transportation. However, food is not cooked in it or water is boiled because it releases zinc salts, which are harmful to health. Do not use canning. This coating is affected by acidic and alkaline substances. Enamel is not resistant to mechanical damage.

Teflon coated cookware

Teflon contains toxic substances, when the heat is high, they enter the air and food. They are harmful to humans. Teflon emissions can lead to obesity, insulin problems and thyroid cancer. Particularly dangerous for children. Therefore, it is worth replacing it with another one. If you continue to use Teflon cookware, remember not to heat it above 200 degrees. Make sure that there is no damage to the work surface.

Melamine tableware

Melamine is a substance of chemical origin that contains deadly formaldehyde. Such dishes cannot be used for food purposes. It is dangerous to human health, especially for children. When heated or damaged, it releases formaldehyde. To make drawings, paints with a high concentration of metals are used. When they come into contact with hot water, they begin to release harmful substances. These substances can accumulate in the body and cause diseases: cancer, eczema, diseases of internal organs, upper Airways and etc.

Ceramic tableware

Unlike Teflon, it is safe and can be heated up to 400 degrees.


  • environmental friendliness of the material
  • Maintains temperature for a long time
  • no release of harmful substances.


  • very fragile
  • sensitive to temperature changes.


It does not cause any harm to health because it is made without the use of elements harmful to health.

Acrylic tableware

The disadvantage is that it cannot be used in an oven.

But there are a number of advantages:

  • completely hygienic and environmentally friendly clean dishes
  • does not absorb moisture and dirt
  • unlike glass, it is harder to break, lighter in weight and easier to clean
  • odor resistant
  • Easier to clean, but better not in the dishwasher.


Has no disadvantages.

Among the advantages:

  • safe for food storage
  • tolerates temperature changes well
  • has low thermal conductivity
  • easy to clean
  • resistant to any detergents
  • has increased strength.

Wooden utensils: which one to choose?

Please note:

  • the wall thickness must be at least 5-7 mm
  • material: larch, birch, linden and oak - suitable for serving fruits, vegetables, marinades, cold boiled potatoes, and conifers - for cold appetizers of fish and meat
  • Before first use, excess tannins must be removed. Fill the dishes for 20-25 days cold water. After a few days, replace, clean with baking soda and rinse with hot water.
  • varnishing - if you bought unvarnished dishes, then before use you need to rinse, dry and coat them, or wait until it is absorbed, rinse and wipe dry.

Disposable tableware and packaging

  • Use strictly as directed.
  • Use only once.
  • Do not leave food in such containers or packaging.
  • Do not take meat and cheese in packaging.
  • The best option for such dishes is paper.
  • Do not use brightly colored dishes; they contain melanin (toxic) and are released upon contact with hot objects.

Harm from plastic bottles and plastic film: what is the danger?

They include Chemical substance Bisphenol-A is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone. From the container or film it can get into the liquid or product, and then into the human body.

A large amount of the substance increases the likelihood of prostate cancer in men, negatively affects man's health, can disrupt hormonal levels. Pregnant women should not drink from plastic bottles, as this substance can lead to poisoning of the child, who may be born with birth defects.

Taking care of our health should start with the simplest - with correct use dishes. Choose the right dishes and be healthy!

Eco-friendly tableware - which is the safest?

5 (100%) 8

Having renovated the kitchen, equipped it with the latest technology and decorated it original decor, we have only one thing left to do - cook delicious food. But for this you need just a little more - high-quality cooking utensils.

Of course, you will also need cool recipes and environmentally friendly products, but we think you can figure this out on your own, but we will help you choose kitchen utensils.

Today the market is overflowing with offers and, if there is good budget to buy everything you need, you will no longer encounter shortages. The main thing remains - to choose dishes for yourself and the requirements of the kitchen, be sure to take into account the size of the family and the approximate range of dishes, and focus on cooking or frying. Although, it would be better to stock up on everything you need, because in the kitchen we need a complete set.

Popular cooking utensils

Classification of kitchen utensils depends on the material of manufacture, appearance, brands and many other factors, but the most important thing is safe utensils for cooking, because some materials can affect us negatively by oxidizing or releasing harmful components during cooking and storing food, while other materials can deteriorate when cooking. So, what is the best cookware for cooking, what is needed in the kitchen, and what is most suitable for us?

Aluminum cooking utensils

Aluminum cookware is known to each of us, because even if we are now trying to replace sets of kitchen utensils with new ones, there are still one or two similar pans in the pantry. This is a pretty good option, but you must always remember that it is undesirable to cook sour or spicy dishes in aluminum cookware, as they negatively affect the pans. By destroying aluminum, these products contribute to the release of salts, which have a very negative effect on the human body. Therefore, you can cook in such a container, but storing finished products in it, which gradually absorb harmful substances, is strictly prohibited.

Stainless steel cooking utensils

Stainless steel cookware is very popular because it not only looks very attractive in the kitchen, but also cooks well. That is, the products do not lose their beneficial properties, the necessary microelements and vitamins remain just as healthy and effective after preparing the dish, you can even store the products in such containers.

It is recommended to use safe cookware brand 18/10. The marking numbers mean that the material used to produce the cookware contains 18% chromium and 10% nickel. By by and large, these components do not decompose during cooking, but only when certain conditions. Thus, cooking in this vessel is convenient and safe, but if you suddenly decide to cook spicy sauce, nickel can saturate dishes that are not the most beneficial properties and act as an allergen.

Enameled kitchenware

Very practical and convenient utensils that are completely safe not only for cooking, but also for storing prepared foods and dishes. The material does not deteriorate, does not oxidize, does not release harmful components and does not saturate products with them.

The disadvantage of such dishes is considered to be that they are somewhat delicate, because the enamel very easily comes off from pots and bowls if you drop them or simply hit them. After such a “trauma”, a chip in the enamel begins to let in moisture and various chemical elements, due to which the dishes quickly deteriorate, as corrosion begins to eat them from the inside. But if you purchase enameled cookware trimmed with stainless steel, then you don’t have to worry about such problems.

Cooking utensils with polymer coating

You should carefully choose cookware with a non-stick polymer coating, as it has both advantages and disadvantages. I would like to immediately say about the advantages - it’s high quality non-stick coating, which is not toxic. But, on the other hand, it is such only during normal cooking, that is, at a temperature of approximately +220°C. If you bring the temperature to +300°C, polymer coating becomes toxic, decomposes and releases harmful substances. In addition, when cooking with such utensils, you will only need to use a plastic or wooden spatula, since metal accessories quickly damage the coating.

Ceramic and glass cooking utensils

Glass heat-resistant cookware and ceramic heat-resistant cookware are considered very classy. In addition to the fact that it is very beautiful, the utensils for cooking are also of quite high quality, but only when they are truly heat-resistant and not fake.

This cookware is considered safe and is perfect for cooking almost any dish. In addition, ceramics becomes even stronger after each heating over a fire. But there is also unpleasant news - ceramic utensils quickly absorb all sorts of fats, which will become more and more difficult to wash off each time until it becomes completely impossible. You should initially understand the cost of such dishes; they certainly do not please you, since they often occupy the highest positions.

Cast iron cookware for the kitchen

Cast iron cookware was, is and will be in almost every kitchen, as it is a real classic. Of course, today many are getting rid of it, trying to purchase more modern cookware, but also many housewives are upgrading to cast iron cookware, since cooking in it is pleasant and convenient.

If the dishes are new, the food does not burn in it, the temperature rises and falls gradually, which means that stewing will occur very correctly. Heavy? Yes, and this is a serious disadvantage, but not so much as to completely abandon cast iron in the kitchen.

How to choose dishes for cooking?

Choosing utensils for cooking in the kitchen depends on many parameters, and the material of manufacture is only one of them.

Having chosen the material, you can move on to the manufacturing technology. Of course, cast cookware is much better, of higher quality and more durable, as it distributes heat perfectly, eliminates burning or uneven cooking, and also lasts quite a long time.

Speaking about the thickness of metal or other material, you should understand that a thickness of only 1.5-2 mm does not bode well for you. Such a frying pan or saucepan can quickly burn out or simply become deformed due to temperature changes. A thickness of 2.5 mm is considered the most popular, since such dishes can be used on a gas or electric stove without any problems. Cooking utensils 4-6 mm thick are considered the most reliable and durable; they will certainly last a long time.

Be sure to take a closer look at the convenience and practicality of the dishes. Eg:

  • Welded handles are much better and more durable than those attached with rivets. Besides the fact that they will not fall off the main container, they will never ruin it appearance. Riveted handles can become loose, fall off, or simply, due to movement and play, break off the decorative coating;
  • A non-stick coating on the bottom of the pan or a textured bottom will help prevent sticking, which means even cooking;
  • Special handles for pots and pans that do not heat up during cooking are very convenient, if only because they eliminate dangerous injuries;
  • Heat controllers built into the lids help housewives cook by reporting the temperature inside the container;
  • Steam vents on the lid, special temperature discs on the bottom of pots and pans, readiness indicators, transparent lids, and so on.

As you can see, all that remains is to choose a design for the kitchen, the number of items in the set of dishes, as well as the volume of each of them.

Try to choose dishes slowly, because any set is not cheap, and for your money it should not only be attractive, but also of very high quality.

Kitchen utensils for cooking (video)

Choose cooking utensils It’s only difficult if you’ve never cooked in the kitchen. Many experienced housewives can easily cope without our advice, but we suggest playing it safe and, if necessary, simply looking at the list of requirements that need to be presented to our dishes.

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