Valeria - name, origin of the name. The meaning of the ancient Roman name Valeria, character traits and future fate of Lera

Valeria is a Latin name based on the word “valeo”, meaning health and strength; the name is translated as “strong”, “strong”, “healthy”. Female version male name. By naming a girl this way, parents not only give her good health, but also great inner strength, as well as great creative potential.

You won't get bored with Valeria, she is very emotional and unpredictable.

Small and insignificant reasons for happiness or sadness are very significant for Lera; she is extremely happy or upset, but at the same time she is easy-going. On the one hand, in her emotions she is honest and sincere, she does not know how and does not consider it necessary to disguise herself, on the other hand, very often even she herself cannot unravel the reasons for such mood swings, so Valeria is open and mysterious at the same time.

Valeria's positive traits are sincerity, love of truth, cheerfulness, perseverance, self-confidence, and determination. She will never be bored, she will always find something to do, and if she likes it, she will reach heights in it. Valeria is able to get very carried away and devote herself to her favorite work with all the impulsiveness of her character, rich in emotions.

Negative traits - eccentricity, imbalance, hot temper, capriciousness, touchiness. Due to her unpredictable nature, it is difficult to communicate with Valeria - she can be terribly offended by finding something offensive in your words or actions when you did not even think of offending her in any way, and will immediately let you know about it by raising her voice and without mincing words.

Finding an approach to Valeria is not easy, but when you succeed, Lera becomes a devoted friend who will not only not hide anything from you, but will also sincerely rejoice at your victories, without envy, and this is not given to everyone.

A beautiful four-syllable aristocratic name has shorter and simple options: , Valerka, Lera, Lerka, Lerchik, Lerochka, Lerunya, Lerusha, Lerusya, Lerukha, Valesha, Valyunya, Valusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Vava.

The name has spread quite widely around the world and has passed into different languages:

  • in English – Valerie (read as Valerie, emphasis on the last syllable);
  • in French – Valérie and Valère;
  • in Spanish – Valeria;
  • in Italian – Valeria;
  • in German – Valerie, Valeria;
  • in Polish – Waleria;
  • in Ukrainian – Valeria;
  • in Belarusian – Valeria;
  • in Serbian – Valerija.

Valeria's character

The character of a woman named Valeria is complex, but at the same time pleasant; one cannot help but love her for her sincerity and inability to lie. Sometimes she is able to infect others with her emotions. If Valeria admires you and praises you, and she does this sincerely, without the goal of buying your favor at such a price, this cannot but raise self-esteem. But if she is angry with you, it will cost you a lot of nerves, and even if you are sure that you are right, no, no, and you will start looking for what you were wrong about.

However, Valeria’s judgments about people are often changeable and not always fair, based more on emotions than on an analysis of the situation. Valeria, angry with you, can start cheerfully discussing something with you in a minute, and this should be taken for granted; she may not even remember the insult.

This can be taken as Valeria’s frivolity, but it’s not that simple. She experiences your minor miscalculations as the end of the world, but quickly moves away, but she never forgives betrayal and lies. Valeria can take revenge on a traitor, and in this case, the lightness of character is replaced by cold calculation, and if she has decided to punish the one who did not live up to her trust, she will achieve her goal.

Valeria's fate

Since childhood, Lera has been an active child; she loves to have fun and play outdoor games. It’s difficult to make her sit still, but she won’t get bored or wander around doing nothing because she has nothing to do. Despite the fact that Lera is a fidget, she is very obedient, and has loved housework since childhood, which allows her to become a good housewife when she grows up.

Parents should be attentive to Lera - minor remarks and negative assessments of her personality can offend her and arouse suspicion towards people.

At school, it is important to awaken interest in learning - Lera will not waste energy on something that is not interesting to her. Getting excellent grades in order to get on the honor board or for the sake of the pride of her parents is not for her, but if she understands how beautiful and logical the rules of the Russian language are or mathematical formulas, there will be no need to sit her down for lessons - she herself will make every effort to independently solve the most complex and interesting problems.

Valeria will have a hard time in love - she is very jealous and touchy, she can break off relationships even if they have gone too far, and not every man can stand such an eccentric girl with a strong and proud character. But if she really finds the one, this relationship will be fruitful - in love, as in everything, Valeria gives herself completely. She also loves children very much, and children will not find such a mother old-fashioned or overly strict. Even if she severely punishes them, Valeria’s children will always know that their mother is rooting for them.

Various characteristics of the name Valeria

  • Gemini;
  • planet - Mercury;
  • color – purple;
  • tree - fig;
  • Lily flower;
  • animal - monitor lizard;
  • stone - garnet.

Different aspects of life

Due to frequent stress and excessive emotionality, Valeria may experience health problems - lack of sleep, nervous breakdowns, and may develop the habit of stress eating, which must be prevented in time or balanced by instilling a love of sports so that this does not lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of excess weight .

Valeria can be lucky in financial matters, she knows how to adapt to the variability of the situation and is not afraid of unexpected decisions. In general, Valeria is not afraid of anything, so she is lucky in professions related to extreme sports or sports, travel and adventure. She is not afraid of adventures, but monotonous activities are boring for her and are therefore contraindicated. Due to her developed emotional life and creativity, Valeria will have great success if she connects her life with the stage.

Valeria's name day

Compatibility with other names

A happy union for Valeria will be with Adam, Andron, Anton, Anatoly, Boris, Valentin, Eugene, Leo, Maximilian, Semyon.

Relationships with Gregory, David, Ilya, Hippolytus, Zakhar, Rodion, Ruslan, Peter, Tryphon are undesirable.

Famous Valeries

Director Valeria Gai Germanika (real name Dudinskaya), public figure Valeria Novodvorskaya, short track athlete Valeria Potemkina. In ancient times, this name was also known - Valeria Messalina was the third wife of the Roman emperor Claudius (1st century BC).

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All parents want their children to grow up healthy, and therefore, from the most ancient times, they gave them “guardian” names, which were supposed to attract health, happiness or wealth to the younger generation. And one of these names is the male name Valery and its female version.

The meaning of the name Valeria is the same as that of its male version: in Latin valeo means “to be healthy.” But the Latin root of the name had several meanings, so the name Valeria in translation means not only “healthy”, but also “strong”, “strong”, “influential” and even “powerful”. It is believed that this name originates from a family of Roman patricians. First, the male name Valery spread throughout the world, and much later his “partner” appeared.

The unusualness and novelty of the female version of the name, as well as its origin, have contributed to the fact that now girls are much more often called by it. And not only in Russia - in European countries names such as Valerie or Valeriana are very popular. They have the same meaning, only their sound is determined by the characteristics of different languages.

Valeria as complete female name abbreviated most often sounds like Valya, Leka, Lera. There are also various affectionate derivatives from these names - Lerunya, Lerochka, Valyunya. Of course, this is what Valeria is most often called as a child.

So what does the name Valeria mean, what will her character be like, what should the parents of the girl they named with this name pay attention to? The main feature of little Lera is emotionality and sensitivity.

It may seem that her character is unstable: she was just about to cry, but she is already laughing. But the secret lies in the girl’s impressionability. Often even parents cannot predict how their daughter will react to a particular event.

So that Lerochka learns the necessary and useful information, you need to sincerely interest her in what you want to convey to her. Her character is such that she will only assimilate well what has a strong emotional connotation for her. Valeria's learning abilities are above average, but she will study well only with those teachers who evoke her sympathy and positive emotions.

The girl’s character makes it difficult for her to make any significant changes in life: getting used to her peers and teachers in kindergarten, the beginning of school lessons and so on. In any such situation, little Valeria simply needs the moral support of her parents.

"Mysterious stranger"

Of course, the name continues to influence a person as he grows up. In doing so, it is worth answering the following key questions:

  • How does the name Valeria influence the character of a girl and an adult woman?
  • How will Lera’s personal life develop?
  • What professions would be most suitable for her?
  • How can Valeria maintain her health reserves until old age?
  • When can she celebrate her name day?

In adolescence, Valeria is often “closed” - after all, not everyone is able to understand the subtleties of emotional experiences. Because of this, many believe that such a girl is secretive, and perhaps even insincere. But Lera’s few friends know that her character is not like that at all: she is straightforward, cannot tolerate liars and deceivers, and her external “armor” comes from excessive vulnerability.

Sometimes Valeria treats people much more strictly than they deserve, but the origin of this attitude also comes from her “thin-skinnedness.” It is difficult to win her trust, but if someone manages to do this, then he will see before him a sincere and passionate nature, and, moreover, a faithful friend for many years.

In high school and after it, Valeria studies much more diligently than in primary school. She learns to control herself, manage her emotions, and her persistent character comes into full play as she obtains the knowledge she needs. One thing that turns out to be “minus” is relationships with guys, because feelings always come second after her interests.

One can only envy Valeria’s hard work and responsibility, but how her fate and career will turn out depends on how much she learns to manage her emotions. Great value For Valeria, it is how the results of her work are perceived by colleagues and friends. And the most difficult moment for her - to learn to perceive constructive criticism not as a personal insult.

Despite the apparent detachment and isolation, Valeria is able to perceive as her own troubles those with whom fate has brought her together. Despite this, she has very few friends - this is also a consequence of her reluctance to be disappointed in people.

Her inaccessibility and at the same time her innate sense of style and ability to be elegant creates one impression on men: Valeria often seems mysterious and enigmatic to them, unattainable and therefore even more desirable.

Don't worry about the "imperfect" ones!

Despite this attitude on the part of fans, what will matter to Valeria is the extent to which her potential beau matches her ideal. It happens that she takes a long time to choose one of the candidates for this role and gets married quite late. It is very difficult for an “imperfect” man to interest her even in the light of a short romance - this also needs to be remembered by someone who wants to win a girl’s heart.

In order for Valeria to agree to marry a potential groom, there is one thing, but very important condition.Both she herself and her chosen one should have the most sincere and ardent feelings for each other.

This origin of her family can manifest itself in two forms: on the one hand, she manages the house well and supports her husband in everything. But on the other hand, she uses any, even the slightest, reason for jealousy. The fate of Valeria's husband, who is eyeing the beauties he meets, will be very unenviable - his wife can bring down a whole hurricane of emotions on him.

If a woman has the prospect of a career takeoff, then the importance of family for Valeria may decrease, and she will primarily focus on her own professional growth. Fate family union will depend on how much the husband is ready to provide her with moral support.

Valeria’s emotionality also determines the most favorable professional sphere for her. And it is very broad - it is everything that evokes positive emotions and interest. They are best manifested in the field of humanities and communications with people in any of their manifestations - be it pedagogy or organizing your own catering outlet.

The meaning of the name Valeria has a direct impact on her health. But at the same time, she needs to watch her diet and give herself decent physical activity. By the way, regular exercise will help make your emotional background more stable, which will have a positive impact on relationships in your family and with colleagues.

Despite the seemingly “foreign” sound, the name Valeria for a child can be given at baptism. According to Orthodox church calendar Her name day will fall on 7 days a year - in March (31), April (28), May (6), June (6, 7, 20) and December (9). Who will become the patron saint of the child should be determined by the calendar - the day of veneration of which saint is closer to the date of birth of the child, or which one is closer in spirit to the family into which the girl Valeria was born. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Career, business and money

Such women have a strong will, strong character. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that she has a masculine name. Punchy Valeria achieves great success in any business. She will become a good entrepreneur, but she is better suited for professions related to raising children. Valeria is an excellent teacher and educator.

Lera loves to travel, she is an adventurer. At the same time, where it is necessary to quickly make a decision, it has no equal. Owners of this name should try themselves in politics, television or stage. Well, if she decides to create own business, then he will achieve success much faster than any other person thanks to his intelligence and efficiency.

Marriage and family

Family occupies a very important place in Lera’s life. For her sake, she will go to any lengths, trying to create a cozy nest for herself and her loved ones. Her husband will definitely be lucky to have her, because she is a devoted friend, a wonderful lover, and a caring mother. Valeria combines all these qualities and shares them exclusively with her family. But God forbid you make Valeria jealous. In this case, one might think that the woman he loved was simply replaced. Lera will immediately forget about romantic feelings, lightness and begin to take revenge. And if the man is not guilty of anything, she will not calm down until she finds out absolutely everything.

Valeria is always patient with her children. She likes to educate them and teach them something new. She will always be an excellent friend for children, and for her parents she will forever become a reliable support.

Sex and love

Valeria is very interested in the opposite sex. Falling in love is a constant companion in the life of a woman with this name. But at the same time she is true. These women are not prone to cheating. In any relationship with a man, Valeria puts sex in a high position. Male friends will always feel interest on the part of this woman, but she can only share bed with someone whom she values ​​highly, in whom she is confident, with whom she is in love with all her heart.

Valeria is not one of those who will have only one sexual partner in her entire life. I’m ready to throw myself into the pool headlong, opening up to new feelings; this is only possible if Valeria is free. In marriage, she will never allow cheating, but would prefer to diversify her sexual family life in other ways.


Diseases that are common for Valeria are tonsillitis, flat feet, and scoliosis. Due to increased emotionality, she suffers nervous system. Complaints of stomach pain and gastritis are also typical for her. But colds in childhood and adulthood bypass Valeria.

Parents of girls with this name should pay attention to the nutrition of their children. Often among bearers of this name there are girls who are prone to being overweight. Thus, Valeria needs to lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly.

Interests and hobbies

Valeria can safely be called a creative person. And if fate has decreed that she has to work in an ordinary job not related to creativity, she will try to do everything possible to realize her talents there too. Since she loves attention, Valeria can get carried away fine arts, photography, rush on stage. She will do everything to make her known as much as possible. large quantity of people. And everyone will certainly have to shower Valeria with applause, because she deserves it.

Valeria (Lera)- a bright and charismatic personality whose internal energy is always in full swing. As a rule, owners of this name are very sociable, energetic, smart and beautiful. They always know what they want and try to achieve what they want in any way. As practice shows, Valeria’s vitality is enough to make not only her own life better, but all those around her.

Origin of the name Valeria

The most commonly used translations are “to be strong, strong”, as well as “hello”, “to be healthy”. But this Latin word also has other translation options, for example, “to be powerful, strong,” “to have an advantage,” “to be influential, to have influence,” “to have meaning, to have significance.”

There are also other interpretations, of which there are many more. Related name: Valentin, Valentina. The diminutives Lera and Riana (from Valeriana) are also independent names.

In some European countries the name Valeria sounds slightly different. In England, the name Valeria is pronounced as Valerie, Valerie, in France - Valer (Valera), Valerian (Valeriana), the name Valerian is also used in Spain, Italy, and Greece.

Character of the name Valeria

As a child, Valeria is completely unpredictable. The expression “got off on the wrong foot” suits her perfectly. Without any reason, she can become very angry over any trifle and then be in a bad mood for quite a long time.

After a while, she is again cheerful and carefree, as if nothing had happened. And how quickly such changes occur remains a mystery.

IN mature age Having become a woman, Valeria is still as complex and unpredictable. He is characterized by inconstancy: he quickly and often changes his plans, after some time he can evaluate the same person completely differently.

It is very difficult to adapt to Valeria's character. But Valeria’s changeable behavior directly depends on her increased sensitivity and vulnerability.

Valeria's impulsive nature does not prevent her from building a career. If Valeria strives to achieve success at work, while avoiding problems in the family, she will always be able to accustom herself to order at work.

And she tries to show her impulsiveness in some personal hobby, for example, in creativity. She perceives the team as her family. Valeria always wants to be a responsible person, so she strives to get a leadership position. And she often succeeds.

Such a woman has a contradictory and complex character. She is unpredictable and difficult to understand. It is very difficult to please Valeria and win her trust, but if a person succeeds, he will find a devoted and faithful friend for many years.

Outwardly, Valeria is confident and strong, but internally she is vulnerable and emotional. Valeria notices a lot that other people don’t notice.

In her home, such a woman is very caring and economical. She always has order and comfort. Valeria loves to spend free time in your home, not in noisy companies. She is very jealous and often suspects her husband of cheating. Often it is her jealousy that destroys a marriage.

Valeria is strong in spirit, she is purposeful and strong-willed. This woman can endure all the difficulties that come her way, courageously endures all the hardships and sorrows that life punishes her with. In the company, Valery is the leader and amazes everyone with his gaiety. She can easily give everyone around her a good mood.

Numerology of the name Valery

Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles.

They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work team or in a family, comes easily to them and reveals all their greatest strengths.

“Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Valeria

Valeria has a complex, sometimes unpredictable nature, she is jealous, eccentric, it is impossible to follow the changes in her mood.

She is like that in relationships with men: almost after the first minutes of acquaintance she can suggest going to the bedroom, or she can languish and keep her in front of closed doors for a long time.

She is stimulated by a variety of sexual partners, and she does not consider this something obscene - she wants to experience the whole gamut of sensations, and she does not deny herself her desire. Valeria is rarely abandoned, more often she leaves her lover herself.

When Valeria's ardent passion turns into an even feeling and the atmosphere of novelty and joy disappears, she is looking for something new, or even may return to her old affection.

When she meets a man, she becomes animated, strives to please him, she is worried about everything that precedes intimacy: a love whisper, full values glances, unambiguous compliments.

Words, gestures, looks, the image of a man - everything becomes the subject of her analysis; she tries to penetrate into the inner world of her partner in advance in order to understand his capabilities.

Valeria doesn’t like to make mistakes; she needs a strong, sexually active man, and she wants to see in him not only a suitable sexual partner for her, but also a loyal friend who can protect her from everyday adversity. Therefore, Valeria’s chosen ones are often much older than her in age, with everyday and sexual experience.

“Summer” Valeria is cunning, curious, cautious, she wants to try everything, and she won’t let go of what she likes. Valeria's excessive jealousy often destroys her initially happily developing marriage.

Characteristics of the name Valery according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - “strong, healthy.”

Little Valeria has an unpredictable character. Her behavior depends on which foot she got up from. Without apparent reason may be offended by something and be in a bad mood for a long time. After some time, she will become cheerful and carefree, and it is difficult to understand why such a change occurred.

Growing up, Valeria remains just as complex and unpredictable. Constantly changes his plans, evaluates the same people differently after some time. It is difficult to adapt to such a character. The basis of Valeria’s changeable behavior is slight vulnerability and increased sensitivity.

It is enough for Valeria’s husband to take a fleeting glance at a woman passing by and Valeria’s mood may already deteriorate and she will begin to do obscure things.

WITH strangers is wary and mistrustful. But the person who will patiently win her affection or unexpectedly like her will become her most devoted friend, in whom Valeria will see only good things, even if he does not deserve it.

Valeria is a good housewife; everything is in order at home. Prefers a quiet home environment, communication with family and friends. Doesn't like visiting or going to parties. Jealous, the most harmless communication between her husband and another woman arouses a lot of suspicion in her.

Characteristics of the name Valery according to P. Rouget

Character: 83%

Radiation: 88%

Vibration: 94,000 vibrations/s

Color: blue.

Basic features: will - receptivity - excitability - intuition.

Type: Women named Valeria are often intriguing. You never know if they'll explode or start singing. From childhood you need to hold them in your hands.

Psyche: can hardly sit still, they need to move, dance and sing all the time. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they demonstrate their anger in order to impress others. Strive to be active public life. Overly self-confident.

Will: strong, sometimes simply despotic.

Excitability: so strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which long-term depression sets in.

Speed reactions: very fast, especially if we're talking about about loved ones. They are ready to defend them with tooth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

Activity: depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from their friends, and if one of them deceives, they are capable of taking revenge.

Intuition: associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming, and they perfectly know how to use these qualities to their advantage.

Intelligence: they have a synthetic mentality, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what amazed or alarmed them.

Susceptibility: although they try to keep their distance, this hides highly developed sensitivity and receptivity. Overly restless.

Moral: they are equally pleased with their own and other people’s successes.

Health: good, but they tend to be overweight. Disorders of the genitourinary system are possible. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports, especially water sports. Tend to abuse medications, especially tranquilizers.

Sexuality: strong and appears early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than they might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of sexual complexes in them.

Field of work: are more interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is to improve their own hearth. These girls love to help and can be allowed to cook and do other housework early on. Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field of public catering, trade, education.

Sociability: They love to receive guests, they are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. They achieve some success not so much in professional field, how much in the realization of one’s own personality.

Additionally: these interesting women as charming as their totem - the blossoming cherry tree, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

Cheerfulness and confidence in achieving a goal are combined with impulsiveness. This often leads to Valeria’s unpredictable actions, which she herself cannot explain.

This excitability makes Valeria a very sensitive and at the same time mysterious person: she combines cheerfulness with sentimentality, wit with melancholy, practicality with short-sightedness. Valeria is proud, but not touchy. She is happy to make contact, she has many friends.

Negative traits of the name

Some eccentricity and hot temper make Valeria's character capricious and unpredictable. Sometimes Valeria herself does not know where dissatisfaction with someone’s behavior can take her - perhaps she will become overly sarcastic, or perhaps she will be overcome by anger.

It is difficult to find any universal key for her, since Valeria herself does not know what she will be happy or sad about in a minute.

Choosing a profession by name

Valeria has a strong, decisive, ambitious character, capable of showing herself best in unexpected situations when quick, decisive action is required; she is strong mentally and physically and does not know the word “fear”. By nature, she is prone to adventure, travel, even adventures, and is always ready to take risks.

The impact of a name on business

Valeria is usually happy in money matters thanks to a successful marriage, profitable sales, and bold financial transactions.

The influence of a name on health

Valeria does not care about her health and can undermine it by being overloaded with all sorts of things, so usually after 50 years of age her health begins to decline. Possible accidents include car accidents, plane crashes and animal attacks.

Psychology of the name

As a rule, Valeria feels good communicating with balanced people who willingly respond to the topics she proposes, but at the same time remain just listeners. When a person picks up a topic too actively in a conversation, Valeria may simply lose interest in the conversation.

Patron saint named Valery

The patroness of Ler in heaven are two Holy women - Queen Valeria and Martyr Valeria of Caesarea. The fate of these two women was very difficult, but they still did not break and continued to believe in God.

Queen Valeria was the wife of an emperor who fiercely hated all Christians. And since she sympathized with them, he decided to get rid of her by simply sending her into exile.

Valeria of Caesarea also sympathized with Christians, being a pagan from birth. Moreover, having matured, she was baptized and began to pray to God every day.

For this, all her relatives abandoned her, and the Caesarea ruler ordered her to be put in prison and tortured every day. But no matter how hard he tried, the courageous woman did not give up and prayed even harder to God.

She spent the rest of her life in prison, never going out into the world. For such self-sacrifice for the sake of the Almighty, people canonized her as a Saint.

Greetings, my dear readers! As I promised earlier, let's continue talking about names. Today we’ll talk about what the name Valeria means. Among you, I think, there will be readers with such a wonderful name.

Let's take a closer look at where the name came from, what it means, what it gives to its owner, and much more.

Ancient Roman names are very beautiful. One of them is Valeria. Where did it come from? The history of its origin is very interesting. This has been known for more than 2500 years oldest name. It originates from the ancient Roman family of Valeriev.

The name Valeria originates from the male name Valery, which has Latin roots. It comes from “Valeo,” which is Latin for “strong, healthy.”

Popularity of the name Valeria

The name began to spread in the fifties of the last century. Before this period, it was considered ecclesiastical. Now it is widespread in the CIS countries. Lera is the short name for this name. Foreign language synonyms are Valere and Valerie.

Characteristics of a name by season

Valeria "winter"

She is very excitable and prone to nervous breakdowns. Small problems for her develop into a big tragedy, and therefore she often cannot find a common language with the people around her. But, since she is a woman of principle, this can give her inner strength.

Valeria "spring"

This capricious woman is most often lonely. Her great popularity among men makes her a self-confident person.

Valeria "summer"

She is quite cunning, mercantile, and careful. Will achieve his goals, especially when they promise benefits. Summer Lera with her principles and concepts does not always meet the standards of ethics and morality.

Valeria "autumn"

Restrained, calm and balanced. It is not easy to get impatient with her, since she answers any question with a reasonable answer. She, hiding her feelings and emotions, creates problems in relationships with representatives of the stronger sex.

What does the name Valeria mean in childhood?

funny, sunny child Lerochka quickly makes friends and can play outdoor games with them all day long. Even as a child, she loves to help her mother, and also to repeat after her mother everything that she does.

The unpredictability of Lerochka’s character has been felt since childhood. The girl is capable of unexpectedly getting upset. But before mom and dad understand what’s going on, the baby becomes cheerful again.

Valeria has been impulsive and purposeful since childhood. Even at school, she tries to prove herself as best as possible and compete with others. For a girl, this is an incredibly strong incentive to study well.

The artistic and talented Lera takes part in school celebrations and attends various clubs. The girl has a generous, kind, sympathetic nature. Lerushka loves close people, relatives very much and is always devoted to her friends.

Characteristics for girls and women

Do you know that girls with this name have a great desire for self-affirmation, which is the main driving element in her career?

Adult Valeria is an exemplary, honest worker. The girl finds true friends at work. Thanks to her, the team becomes more friendly and united.

The character of the bearer of the name is peculiar . Lerushka is a woman with many positive, funny qualities. To the very strengths character include:

  1. Love of life;
  2. Focus;
  3. Communication skills;
  4. Impetuousness;
  5. Inspiration, sensitivity;
  6. Wit.

As an adult, her mood changes quickly again. She goes to the most extremes and does not control mood swings, which affect the significance of the name, fate and character. One second Lera can be cheerful and sweet, and the next - gloomy. She is unpredictable, extraordinary.

Do you know how its stability is manifested? In her sincerity. She hates lies and hypocrisy. Next interesting fact is that, being a great friend, Lerusya can also become an implacable enemy if she is betrayed.

Bearers of the name are vulnerable, sensitive. It is very easy to offend them both with words and actions. Sometimes this is precisely the reason for her unexpected outbursts.

Other, no less important characteristic is determination, self-confidence, purposefulness. But it happens that in life she is caught by laziness. Fortunately, this time does not last long.

What does Valeria mean in church terms?

In Orthodoxy this name is not changeable. It is ecclesiastical and allowed for baptism. Valeria's name day falls on March 31, April 28, May 6, June 6, 7, 20, December 9. According to the calendar, you can determine who will become the patron saint of the girl.

Family in Lera's life

This name can really make a difference. You ask: what path in life does it suggest? Correct question. I'll try to answer it.

Valera devotes a big place in her life to family. She will become a devoted companion to her husband, as well as a strong support in difficult times. Lerushka adores children and raises them with great pleasure.

She is a rather jealous person, perfectly notices the indifferent glances of her envious women.

Valeria in different languages

Interesting translations of this name in different languages. So, in Belarusian it is Valeriya, in Ukrainian it is Valeria. Valeria sounds very unusual in Japanese - Ba-re-ri-a. Isn't that interesting?

Valeria's name spelled out

This often sounds original and beautiful name in poems and congratulations.

Let's see what this name means in letters:

B - love of life, optimism, moderately sociable, attractive.

A - loves to lead, do something new, strives to provide external and internal comfort.

L is the letter of creation and creativity, which speaks of good taste.

E - independence of views and thoughts, self-expression through communication.

P - some flexibility of character, patience with work.

And - inspiration, the desire to live and exist in harmony with the world around us.

I am self-esteem, a rich inner world.

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