The poisonous plant is Datura vulgare. Medical use

A mysterious plant with beautiful flowers and a southern aroma, it is known as a powerful hallucinogen. Ancient peoples used Datura in cult rituals, occultism and herbal medicine.


The exact homeland of Datura has not been established. Mentions of the grass are found in legends of all continents except Australia. One version says that Datura was brought by Columbus's sailors from the American continent. According to another, tribes of wandering gypsies found intoxicating grains near the Caspian Sea and spread them throughout Asian countries. But the greatest popularization of henbane was facilitated by healers who transported seeds on their travels.

Henbane was often used for magical rituals. The Aztec tribes considered the flower sacred. Priests used it to induce hallucinations to contact spirits. Datura fruits were sacrificed to deities.

In the Middle Ages, Chinese doctors treated various ailments with dope. And the Hindus, with the help of henbane wine, plunged into ecstasy. In European countries, there once lived a legend that using the datura herb, sorcerers could prepare an ointment that would allow them to fly.


Datura (lat. Dature) or dope is a poisonous, herbaceous plant and is part of the nightshade family along with potatoes and tomatoes.


Datura flower is a spreading bush with showy tubular flowers with a flared end. A description with a photo will give a complete picture.

The height of the perennial reaches 1.5 m. During frosty winters it is grown as an annual. Datura has a thick, erect stem with a hollow structure. Sometimes colored red-violet at the base. The first, central shoot bifurcates at a height of about 30 cm. A conical bud grows in the fork. It grows and opens into a funnel with a diameter of up to 20 cm.

The large, fragrant flowers resemble a lily with five petals. White or purple flowers are arranged singly in the convolutions of the stem. The next flowers will appear in 1-2 weeks. The bush will be completely covered with flowers closer to autumn, when several flowers will bloom every night. Hybrid forms of Datura bloom in purple, yellow, lilac, cream, purple flowers. The buds open in the evening and bloom for only one night. At the peak of flowering, the opened flowers fill the night air with an exotic fragrance.

Datura fruits are ovoid capsules with small spines. Internal structure The boxes are divided into 4 sections. Each fruit contains about 800 seeds. Rounded black grains, compressed, irregularly kidney-shaped. They have increased endurance and remain viable for decades.

Flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of September, when frosts begin. The fruits ripen in September-October.

The branched tap-type rhizome is quite long and white in color.

The arrangement of large, toothed leaves on long petioles is alternate. The size and shape of the leaves depends on the location. In the root part they are narrower and longer, planted on a short petiole. The upper surface of the leaf is velvety, dark green in color, the underside of the leaf is a shade lighter.

The flower is popularly known by several names: crazy grass, henbane, angel's pipe, datura grass, Lunar flower. Datura lives in small groups in vacant lots, along roads and along the edges of vegetable gardens.


In biology, there are 13 species of dope, and each of them is poisonous. The concentration of toxic substances is related to the season and place of growth. There are regular, double and semi-double species. The following became widespread on the European continent:

Breeding on site

During the flowering period, Datura looks very attractive. Gardeners plant certain varieties of Datura on garden plots With decorative purpose, especially since the plant is unpretentious in care. And flowering is accompanied by the spread of a pleasant aroma with tropical notes, covering other odors in the garden plot.

For full growth and abundant flowering, a flower needs a lot sunlight, regular watering and loose soil. In the shade, the plant grows poorly and looks unattractive. The need for moisture is explained by increased evaporation through large leaf plates. Due to lack of water, the flower's leaves and buds fall off. The soil should be nutritious and rich in organic matter. Acidic soils are not suitable for growing.

During the season, feeding is carried out every week, alternating mineral composition and organics. Flowering is stimulated by hard water, such as milk of lime. Unopened flower tubes indicate a lack of nutrition and moisture.

The bushes are transplanted into pots for the winter and placed in a non-residential, bright room with a temperature no higher than +15°, otherwise the plant will stretch. Rarely watered. After wintering, when some of the leaves fall off, pruning is done.


Seeds are often used for propagation. In spring they are soaked in hot water 0.5-1 hour. Then only the specimens that have settled to the bottom are placed in containers with soil. Germination conditions are dark shelter and temperature 10-12°. Shoots will appear in 15-30 days. Then they are already kept at t=25°. Closer to summer, in last days May, seedlings 15 cm high are planted on the site.

You can use the cutting method. Used for rooting warm water or nutritious, moist substrate. Select cuttings with 2-3 nodes. They are cut off immediately below the node. A film bag and a warm place will help speed up rooting. Young leaves will appear in 10 days.

Plantings on the site are spaced freely, leaving about 1 m between bushes. Young plants produce flowers in the first year.

Medical use

Use healing properties Doctors have also learned to use Datura herbs Ancient Greece. Avicenna characterized the plant as an excellent drug. Hyoscyamine contained in henbane helps reduce the secretion of sweat and salivary glands, reduces the production of bile and stimulates the activity of the heart muscle.

Tannins, alkaloids, carotene, oils, trace elements and fats have been identified in henbane. Alkaloid content in various parts is different. Most of them are concentrated in foliage and stems.

In pharmacology, the production of drugs with datura intended for the treatment of:

  1. Bronchitis and asthma
  2. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  3. Cholecystitis and colitis
  4. Tachycardia
  5. Neuralgia and mental disorders
  6. Rheumatism

Decoctions are used for rinsing rubs and enemas. Oil infusion is useful for constipation as an internal remedy. The leaves, crushed into powder, are mixed into cigarettes for asthmatics.

In veterinary medicine, henbane relieves cramps in livestock and promotes the growth of the fat layer in pigs.

When treating with dope, it is important to remember the dosage and consult a doctor so as not to harm your health. When independently preparing medicinal raw materials from Datura, several rules must be followed:

  • The collection should be carried out in warm and sunny weather after 10 am.
  • Be sure to use gloves and not touch the plant with your hands.
  • Do not dry in a living room or in an oven.

Raw materials are sorted into leaves, flowers and seeds. Use separately and store in a closed container. Shelf life – 2 years.

Harmful effects

Datura is poisonous and should be handled with caution. The herb is definitely contraindicated for people with glaucoma. They are even prohibited from being near the plantings. Do not take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It happens that small children are attracted to boxes of datura grass. They open them and push the seeds into their mouths, which causes poisoning.

Toxic substances begin to act on the body quickly. Signs of poisoning include blue lips and mouth, dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat and speech impairment. The temperature rises and swelling of the face appears. IN severe cases convulsions and hallucinations are observed. In the absence of help it is blocked respiratory system and possible death of a person.

Long-term use of drugs with dope, in addition to its therapeutic effects, leads to mental disorders.

Datura at the site

Datura is used in landscape design in single and group plantings. It looks impressive in the background of mixborders. Spreading bushes with prominent flowers will decorate the flower garden and provide a source of pleasant scent.
Indian view from bright flowers Suitable for pot and container growing.

Decomposed plants serve as small fences and successfully fill empty spaces after perennials bloom in early spring. If you install additional support, the dope will be pulled up to eye level.

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As soon as people hear the word dope, cute flowers in the form of a trumpet pop up in their minds, emitting a pleasant aroma. Looking at them from the outside, it is unlikely that the fact that the plant is poisonous will come to mind. Despite this, its majestic buds simply fascinate true nature lovers. What if we lift the veil of misunderstanding and look at the flower from an objective perspective? It's probably worth a try.

Practice shows that consumption or close contact with dope leads to the appearance of vivid hallucinations. That is why shamans and witches used it for their magical rituals to deceive people.

Lift the veil of a mysterious flower

Datura is an evergreen herbaceous perennial. It grows in the tropical and subtropical zones of our planet. Feels comfortable in steppe regions and hilly areas. In cool climates, the flower is grown as an annual option. It is often found in vacant lots and on roadsides. It loves moist soil, so it appears in the shade of buildings as a weed. On the Crimean peninsula it is grown for medicinal purposes.

In accordance with different folk legends, the plant is called differently. Here are some of them:

  • angel trumpets;
  • henbane;
  • devil's grass;
  • Lunar flower;
  • crazy grass;
  • drunk;
  • thistle;
  • witch herb;
  • mad potion;
  • stupefying grass.

Of course, the names are not very pleasant. In addition, the flower was used in pagan cults to communicate with demons. And ancient healers treated serious diseases with the plant. Be that as it may, if you follow safety rules, dope can easily be grown on summer cottage.

The flower is considered a representative of the Solanaceae genus. Its close relatives are quite pleasant plants. These are everyone's favorite potatoes, juicy tomatoes or purple ones. Basically, datura is a large herb, which is distinguished by lodging or erect tubular shoots. They can reach a height of about 120 cm. The outside of the stems is covered with a glossy dark green or reddish bark. When Datura grass ages, the basal shoots become lignified, acquiring a brownish color.

From the main trunk there are shoots, on which there are successive leaves of large sizes (length approximately 15 cm, width about 10). They come with a jagged frame or oblong shape. The color of the outer side is dark green. The back part is usually lighter in color. Interestingly, along the vein located in the center of the leaf, a stripe is visible light tone, which gives it a stylish look.

If you carefully examine the photo of a dope flower, you will notice that the buds arise in the axils of the leaf plate or on the forks of the shoots. The magnificent trumpet-shaped inflorescences consist of five delicate sectors. The depth of the funnel reaches about 15 cm. Some species can boast of bells 25 cm long. Buds appear with the arrival of the first summer days. The last inflorescences are pleasing to the eye in the fall, when frost sets in. Datura flower can be painted in bright colors:

The original shape of the bud comes in the form of a simple large bell, with fused petals. Some species are distinguished by spiral-shaped complex inflorescences. It has been noticed that the Datura plant does not always emit a pleasant aroma. Some varieties have virtually no smell, but have unsurpassed beauty of buds.

Since the flower is a nocturnal plant, you can admire its buds only after sunset or on cloudy days. When planting on a summer cottage, this fact should be taken into account.

When lush flowering passes, fruits form on the bushes in the form of large oblong boxes filled with seeds.
On the outside they are covered with a dark green skin with original spikes. Interior the fruit is divided into 4 sectors.

Each of them contains black seeds, round or kidney-shaped. The first boxes appear in July.

Charming views of a mysterious flower

Although Datura is a poisonous plant, there are about 13 different species. But only a few of them are cultivated in summer cottages.

If symptoms such as redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat, sudden headache, dry mouth and dilated pupils, you should seek help.

Datura common

Often mistaken for a weed, this incredibly resilient plant can grow up to 120 cm in height. Its tubular, erect shoots are covered with large leaves with cut edges. When the common datura blooms, very few bell-shaped buds appear on it white. But this does not prevent it from exuding an intoxicating aroma.

IN natural environment the flower grows in wastelands, near low bushes, on forest edges and river meadows. As a medicinal plant, it is grown in the Kuban, as well as in the southern regions of Ukraine. The photo shows Datura vulgare in its natural environment.

The dried leaves of the plant, which are collected in sunny, dry weather, are considered medicinal. The seeds are no less valuable. They are suitable after the fruit capsules have fully ripened. Medicinal raw materials should be stored in a dry place for no more than 2 years.

Datura Indian

This species can be found in flower beds summer cottages. The plant is a branched bush one meter high. Its large, dark green foliage rests on long petioles. The shape of the plate is oblong. Indian datura buds are different colors. Much depends on the species. Here are some of them:

Datura Indian

This species has very poisonous properties. Residents of the American continent used it as a sleep aid. Shamans of Indian tribes used it in their rituals as a magic potion that causes hallucinations.

The leaves of Datura are ovoid in shape. Color grey-green. The buds are simple or terry in nature. Maximum length inflorescences about 13 cm.

Simple rules for flower care

Detailed description Datura herbs and photos show that the plant does not require special care. It is enough to adhere to the basic rules, and the mysterious flower will linger on your summer cottage for a long time.

If you have the opportunity to grow seedlings yourself, you can safely do this. The best option– purchase it ready-made. Datura grass is planted in flower beds at the beginning of summer. The distance between the bushes is approximately 100 cm, so that each seedling has enough air, light and moisture.

To avoid damaging the root of the plant when planting a flower, it is important to keep a small ball of earth on the seedlings.

The soil in the flowerbed should be loose in nature with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil is acidic, you can add a little lime. The most appropriate place- This is a sunny, windless area of ​​the yard.

Since Datura loves moderate humidity, it must be watered regularly. In this case, water should not stagnate under the bush. The wide leaves of the plant need refreshment, so they should be sprayed periodically.

When the period of throwing out buds comes, it is advisable to feed the dope. Mineral fertilizers diluted in water, after which they are carefully applied to the soil. To stimulate the flowering of the bush, it is better to water it with hard water. And cut off the lower part of the plant. The procedure is performed in early spring or at the final stage of flowering.

When cold weather sets in, perennial grass varieties are completely cut off at the root.

The majestic Datura flower, the photo and description of which attracts many fans, tolerates quite well various diseases.
The only problem - gray mold. It occurs if the plants are planted very densely. In rare cases, it can settle on the crown spider mite, bugs or weevils. Pests can be easily controlled with the help of insecticides.

In mid-latitudes, where harsh winters prevail, Datura is grown in tubs. Some gardeners transplant flowers from open ground into deep containers in the fall. They are placed in a room where the maximum temperature is maintained at about 13 degrees. In wet weather they are rarely watered. With the arrival of spring, the plant is taken to warmer places, creating comfortable conditions. Thanks to the implementation of such simple rules, it is possible to contemplate the beauty of the “Angel's Trumpets” in your summer cottage throughout the entire season.

Datura belongs to the genus of the Solanaceae family. The name in Latin is Datura. Popularly it is a poisonous herbaceous annual plant called crazy grass, sorcerers' grass, drunken grass, thistle, devil's grass.

Pharmacy name: Datura leaves or seeds.

Datura is divided into four main types:

  • Datura stramonium - common datura, or stinking datura;
  • Datura innoxia, or Datura is harmless;

  • Datura snowstorm;

Botanical description

Datura is a herbaceous annual plant that grows in height up to 0.5 - 1 m. The root is white, taproot.

Characteristic appearance: the stem of the plant is erect, glabrous, trifoliately branched.

Leaves up to 10 cm wide, up to 15 cm long, glabrous. The upper part of the leaf is dark green, the bottom is slightly lighter. They are long-petiolate, alternate, ovate-pointed. The lateral and main veins of the first order are noticeably protruding from below, of a whitish hue.

The flowers are located in the forks of the stem, solitary, big size. The corolla is funnel-shaped, white. The calyx has five sides and five teeth, long-tubular. Ovary with two nests, most often the nests are divided into two half-nests each.

Color can be red, blue, yellow and white. Datura blooms from June to October. Flowers bloom in the evening. Blooming datura is a very beautiful sight.

The fruit is most often a four-cavity capsule of large size, ovoid in shape, with a large number of spines, fleshy or completely drying out during ripening, either not opening or breaking up into four valves.


Datura grows in Africa, Central and Southern Europe, in Crimea, in the European part of Russia, in the Baltic states. The plant can be found on the outskirts of fields, in vegetable gardens, in vacant lots, and near residential buildings.

All parts of the plant contain alkaloids, mainly scopolamine, atropine and hyoscyamine. The plant also contains carotene, essential oil, tanning elements. As a rule, it is not specially grown.

Medicinal properties and uses

For medicinal purposes Usually seeds and leaves are used, and in some cases the tops of the plant. Datura leaves contain mainly the alkaloids gloscyamine, atropine and scopolamine.

Since the plant is very poisonous, after preparing raw materials, you must wash your hands. As raw materials, dust-free, healthy leaves are collected from still flowering plants. The leaves must then be dried quickly. Seeds are collected from ripe fruits in the fall. Raw materials are stored for two years.

Medicines from Datura leaves, thanks to scopolamine, have a calming effect on the central nervous system. These drugs reduce the secretory function of the glandular apparatus and also have an antispasmodic effect.

A useful tincture is made from the seeds of the plant, which is part of anti-asthma drops. In folk and official medicine, preparations from dope are known: asthmatin, asthmatol, anti-asthmatic collection, dope oil.

Datura is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, bronchial asthma; atropine sulfate is prescribed for renal colic and pylorospasm. In addition, it is prescribed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, severe cough.

This substance is also available in the Efatin aerosol, which is used for bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

In the form of cigarettes medicine Asthmatine is used to alleviate the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Experts recommend taking datura oil as a rub for rheumatism and neuralgia.

Contraindications : should not be used during pregnancy, with glaucoma, do not take Datura in too large quantities, otherwise it can lead to very severe headaches. Causes visions and hallucinations when rubbed into temples.

  • Decoction for baths: 20 grams per bucket of water.
  • Decoction for inhalation: 200 ml of boiled water and 20 grams of the plant. Inhale for 15-20 minutes through your nose.

You can find the plant everywhere, growing in meadows, wastelands, and among thickets. For treatment purposes, the seeds and leaves of the flower are used. The grass is very poisonous, since a slight touch to it causes inflammation of the skin. But, despite this, dope is considered a medicinal raw material, which also benefits people.

Durnopian (datura) was used by priestesses in Greece to perform a ritual to find out their future. The Indians used the herb as a talisman against evil spirits and as a hallucinogen. It was also used in witchcraft by witches to carry out conspiracies.

Seeds, leaves, and inflorescences are collected as a medicine. In autumn, the seeds are removed from the fruit capsule and dried in the sun or in a dryer. During the flowering period, leaves and flowers are cut off, after which they are also dried. Collecting raw materials should be done in gloves so as not to damage the skin of the palm. After finishing the preparation process, do not forget to wash your hands well with soap.

You need to dry the raw materials under cover (attic, shed), stirring the grass regularly. The drug should be stored for no more than two years in a fabric or sealed bag or dry paper box.

Plant characteristics

The plant has a branched stem, a strong, spindle-shaped root, and grows up to one and a half meters. The leaves are alternate, pointed at the end, and large. The flower has an unpleasant smell, and if you rub it in your hands, it becomes stronger and intoxicating.

The culture grows in Siberia, the Caucasus, Russian Federation, Ukraine. It likes moist soil best, so it can be found near a house, a ravine, or in a vacant lot. Remember that the plant is poisonous, so watch the dosage so as not to harm yourself, but, on the contrary, to have a healing effect.

The fruit is an egg-shaped capsule. There are up to 800 seeds inside. The outside of the fruit is surrounded by green thorns. The seed is black, flowering period is in July, ripening in October. Datura is propagated by seeds.

Growing Datura

Homeowners grow intoxicating grass not only because the plant does not require special care, but also because it blooms a long period. It is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. To do this, mix humus, sand and soil. Autumn is a great time of year to prepare the soil.

In the spring, seeds are sown and seedlings are planted. To quickly harvest the dope, it is better to sow the seed in special molds or boxes. Pre-prepared soil is poured into them, and seedlings appear in 10–14 days.

Seedlings must be watered daily, but do not allow water to overflow or stagnate. To protect seedlings from pests and disease, they need to be watered with a weak solution of manganese. In May, seedlings are planted in open ground. Maintain a distance of 1 m between young shoots. Because the plant grows and becomes large over time. In order for the crop to develop well, it is necessary to replant it in the spring into chernozem soil.

Datura care

First, before planting grass, decide on the location. It should be protected from the wind, bright, sunny. Please note that flowering will be of high quality if watered with good water. It is recommended to water with hard or soft water. In cases of watering with soft water, it is necessary to water the plant with lime milk once a season. In summer and spring, faded inflorescences need to be cut off, after which the plant will grow
is activated.

To prevent seeds from spilling out of the box, you should put a special bag or bag on it. You need to collect seeds from the fruit that remains after the first flower appears.

It is better to spray the plant against pests with a solution of pyrethrum to protect it from harmful fungal infections.

Useful properties of Datura

IN medicinal purposes The leaves of the plant are used in the form of an extract or infusion. The seed is included in the contents of the tincture, which is used to treat asthma. A drug based on datura eliminates nervous breakdown. It has an antispasmodic effect and reduces pancreatic function.

Datura grass is given to small children to drink out of fear. Soaked seeds in alcohol help with shortness of breath, severe cough, and paralysis.

Flower decoction is used for epilepsy and chest suffocation. Lotions from the infusion are applied to the eyes for inflammation. The decoction relieves toothache and is used for neuralgia and manic states.

The herb has a sedative and analgesic effect. The drug is taken for rheumatism, neuralgia, intestinal tract, and respiratory diseases. Datura is included in tablets for motion sickness and also helps in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

For some diseases, it is recommended to breathe in the smoke emanating from burnt grass leaves. Datura infusion helps relieve cancer pain. Datura acts as a sedative for seizures, epilepsy and neurasthenia.

A decoction of the seeds is used to rinse the mouth and throat, prepare a compress and apply it for mastitis, bruises, or enlarged lymph nodes.

Due to its antiseptic and antibactericidal properties, douching is used as a decoction for uterine prolapse, inflammation of the genitals, and ovaries.

Eczema is treated with Datura herb oil; in addition, the extract effectively removes unwanted hair from parts of the body.

Use of Datura

Special cigarettes are made from grass leaves that help with asthma. Tincture of dope seeds is used as a painkiller for gastric colitis.

The prepared infusion is taken for shortness of breath, spasms, cramps, hiccups, seasickness, and increased excitability of the (male) genital organ.

The drug reduces the secretory activity of the sweat and salivary glands, causing an increase in the frequency and reduction of the heartbeat. Reduces the production of digestive enzymes and the activity of the pancreas. Also reduces muscle tone abdominal cavity, tones the respiratory system.

Datura herb is used for alcohol poisoning, asthmatic attack, and respiratory depression.

The drug is used for kidney attacks and liver disease, cholecystitis. Eliminates spasms in diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, constipation. The medicine treats cardiovascular disease, bradycardia.

Thanks to the product, it is possible to block drooling for some time during surgery, especially in facial plastic surgery.

Recipes based on Datura

  1. Alcohol tincture: seeds are poured with vodka or alcohol and infused for a week. Then filter and take 1-2 drops per tablespoon of water before eating.
  2. Infusion: you need to throw the seed into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink a teaspoon three times a day.
  3. Decoction: Boil the seed for 1–3 minutes, remove from heat, leave for half an hour and filter. One teaspoon of the decoction is washed down with half a glass of plain water.
  4. Oil extract: after its use, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, soft. This medicine can remove unwanted hairs from any part of the body. Over time, the hair lightens and disappears, such depilation is pleasant and painless. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy kiosk at an affordable price.
  5. Leaf powder: The drug is used as an antiemetic. Prescribed as an antiseptic and antispasmodic. Use twice a day.
  6. Anti-asthma collection: You can buy the product at the pharmacy, after which you need to pour it into a frying pan and breathe in the smoke that is released.
  7. Removal of radionuclides: the drug is able to quickly remove from the body substances that have entered from a harmful environment. The infusion is easy to prepare, you will need dry raw materials, boiled water. But take 8-10 drops on an empty stomach. In cases of discomfort, you should reduce the dose or consult a doctor.
  8. To prevent stroke, take tincture. It is prepared as follows: take a bottle of vodka, dry seeds and infuse the liquid for two weeks, shake the bottle regularly.
  9. In case of rectal prolapse leaf infusion of the herb is poured into the bath. The raw material is infused for about an hour and only then poured into a bathtub filled with water in advance. A person should stay in it for no more than 25 minutes.
If you are poisoned by grass, the following symptoms will occur: nausea, hallucinations, dry mouth, vomiting, headache, nervous overexcitation, and increased heart rate.

First of all, you need to rinse your stomach, drink a lot of liquid, and try to induce vomiting. Accept Activated carbon or other means to neutralize intoxication.

Contraindications to the use of Datura

Since the drug contains different components (alkaloid, hyoscyamine, atropine). This medicine should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor and following the dosage. Otherwise, poisoning may occur, which is accompanied by the following symptoms: hoarseness of the throat, thirst, nausea, intermittent pulse, dry skin.

A severe form of intoxication is accompanied by convulsions and dilated pupils. Symptoms may appear immediately or may take a couple of hours. So be careful and vigilant when taking the drug.

It is not advisable to combine the use of Datura with sleeping pills or bromides. It is forbidden to drink Datura herb if you have glaucoma. Only the attending physician can prescribe and prescribe a dose, thereby monitoring the treatment process.

Reckless and large quantities of raw materials can lead to the development of atherosclerosis. This will adversely affect your health, so you should not treat yourself and calculate the dosage.

Learn about the properties of Datura vulgaris from this video:

Datura common as a botanical species was described by the Swedish botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus back in the 18th century. But before that, of course, the plant was widely known among the people - primarily for its poisonous properties. This can be judged by the number of popular names for Datura. The ancient Aztecs called this plant “tlapatl” and pointed out that the grass makes a person crazy. They were afraid not only to ingest it, but also to smell it.

Features of a medicinal plant

Datura is a highly poisonous plant. Its seeds, which contain many alkaloids (tropanes), are especially dangerous.


Datura common. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

The homeland of the herb is Mexico and the eastern part North America. In Russia it is common in the southern regions and middle lane. Often found in Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Crimea, and Central Asia. Refers to weeds. Loves to grow along roads, building walls and fences. More often found in wastelands and open steppe zones.

Decorative type of dope

The scientific name of Datura fragrant is Datura, Brugmansia. This decorative look plants, which have many varieties. It is a powerful, evergreen shrub that can reach a height of 5 meters. Its flowers are fragrant, large, pink, white, yellow color. Datura fragrant is planted in tubs and large pots. In summer the flower stands on fresh air, in winter it is moved indoors. Also applies to the species poisonous plants, but is not used for medicinal purposes.

Botanical characteristics

What does Datura grass look like? An annual herbaceous plant that grows extremely quickly. On good soils, the grass height can reach 1 m or higher.


As medicinal raw materials The top of the stem, leaves and seeds are used. Datura flower is not usually collected and is used only in homeopathy.

  • Collection. Leaves are collected only in dry weather, during the flowering period, from June to October, until the first frost. Seeds are collected in the fall after full ripening.
  • Drying. The grass is laid out in the shade, under awnings, in attics. Stir frequently when drying. Do not dry next to other medicinal plants!
  • Storage . Raw materials are stored in tightly closed containers, separately from others. medicinal plants. Shelf life - 2 years.

Healing effect

What are medicinal properties Datura herbs?

  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antitussive.
  • Calming.
  • Painkiller.
  • Narcotic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

What's in the chemical composition?

  • Many alkaloids (atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine).
  • Carotene.
  • Tannins.
  • Essential oil (leaves).
  • Fatty oil (seeds).
  • Organic acids.


For what diseases and symptoms is the herb prescribed?

The properties of the plant have been well studied in toxicology and are used in neurology. The alkaloids of this herb are classified into a separate group. Medicines with anticholinergic, atropine-like action are made from them - they relieve spasms of smooth muscles and act on the central nervous system. Moreover, the alkaloid scopolamine relaxes the nervous system, and hyoscyamine excites.

What are the contraindications of Datura herb? Strictly prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, glaucoma, increased intracranial and intraocular pressure, childhood. The plant's effects on the central nervous system can be unpredictable. The use of Datura without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited.

Features of preparation and use

What are the uses of Datura vulgare in folk medicine? What methods of preparing this plant are there? And how to safely use the various dosage forms of Datura?

Decoction, infusion, alcohol tincture

The Datura plant is not sold in pharmacies due to its narcotic properties. But its leaves, seeds, and finished oil are freely sold on the Internet. Herbal preparations can also be made from raw materials prepared independently.

Preparing a decoction from seeds

  1. Take 1 tsp. grass seeds
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.

The broth must be filtered. Apply externally for rinsing, douching, enemas, lotions, compresses. It is also added to medicinal baths for rheumatic and muscle pain, prolapse of the colon and uterus.

Making an infusion from the leaves

  1. Take 20 g of dry leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Breathe the steam.

Vapors from this infusion are inhaled through the nose for 10 minutes for asthma and whooping cough.

Preparation of alcohol tincture from seeds

  1. Take 1 part of crushed seeds.
  2. Fill with 5 parts alcohol (70%).
  3. Leave for 7 days.
  4. Strain.

The tincture is taken orally in a strict dosage - 2 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a tablespoon of water. Recipes are taken from the “Herbalist” by V.V. Reshetnyak, I.V. Tsigura, from the book “Healing with Plants” by A.V. Reshetnikov, E.I. Semchinskaya.

Read more about hair removal with Datura oil

Datura oil for hair removal is perhaps the most popular product for home hair removal. Many articles and even separate forums on the Internet are devoted to this topic. To remove hair, alcohol tinctures, decoctions and infusions are used, but more often an oil extract from the seeds of the plant is used. There are a variety of reviews about Datura oil tincture for hair removal.

Today, dope for hair removal is “promoted” in the networks, like many other products. One gets the impression that this is a commercial project. Does beauty require sacrifice or attention to your own health? The question is rhetorical.

Signs of overdose and emergency assistance

With prolonged, uncontrolled use and overdose, the following signs of poisoning may appear:

  • sore throat and hoarseness of voice;
  • severe drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth;
  • thirst;
  • strong nervous excitement;
  • paralysis;
  • dilated pupils;
  • rapid pulse;
  • skin redness;
  • headache;
  • speech disorder;
  • hallucinations;
  • coma.

Providing emergency assistance:

  • call a doctor immediately;
  • Before the ambulance arrives, perform gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • drink sorbents (the simplest is activated carbon).

In a medical institution, medications are prescribed that block the action of alkaloids, provide symptomatic therapy, and restore the functioning of vital organs and systems.

Security measures:

  • do not take Datura without a doctor’s prescription;
  • if a drug is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor, there should be feedback;
  • do not increase the dose or course of treatment;
  • When rinsing, do not swallow the broth, spit out saliva;
  • Use Datura externally with caution, as its vapors are considered poisonous.

Datura herb is used narrowly in folk medicine - to relieve spasmodic cough in bronchial asthma and whooping cough, and for stomach cramps. Also in homeopathy, nervous excitement is treated with tincture. Externally used as a pain reliever for neuralgia, bruises, and sprains.

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