How to decorate the walls in the bedroom. Walls in the bedroom: finishing options, ideas, photos

When decorating bedroom walls, it is better to focus on the environmental friendliness of finishing materials rather than on their practicality. The bedroom does not have high humidity, splashes of grease and water, as in some other rooms of the apartment, but it is a place of relaxation, so materials must be as safe and natural as possible. In addition, due attention should be paid to the decorative qualities, as well as the color scheme, because using flashy shades in the bedroom is inappropriate. So, what materials are most suitable?

No. 1. Wallpaper

Wallpaper is most often used for decorating bedroom walls, because they have the proper variety and allow you to create. Almost everyone can handle it, and the range is amazing. It’s easy to find smooth and textured wallpaper on sale, as well as wallpaper that replicates the texture of wood, stone or other materials. Wallpaper can be plain or with a pattern, have different densities and differ in some performance qualities: water resistance, ability to withstand washing, etc. For the bedroom, it is not so important that the wallpaper can be washed - it is better to focus on the most natural materials possible.

  1. They are great for the bedroom, especially if the room is not too sunny, otherwise they will quickly fade. This is an affordable material available in a huge variety of colors. Paper wallpaper breathes, providing a healthy microclimate in the room, can be embossed, and provides additional heat and sound insulation.
  2. are distinguished by better performance, but almost all types are not capable of allowing air to pass through, with the exception of wallpaper using hard vinyl, but this is a rather expensive and uncommon type of finishing.
  3. An excellent option for the bedroom: they are environmentally friendly, breathable, easy to stick, but require a perfectly flat starting surface.
  4. They are also good for the bedroom: threads of fabric are attached to a paper base. The result is an environmentally friendly coating with good heat and sound insulation, which is important for a relaxation room. In addition, they are pleasant to the touch and are available in a wide range. However, such material can attract dust, so you need to pay attention to wallpaper with special impregnation, and carefully care for the coating after installation. Similar properties are characteristic of carpet wallpaper.
  5. There are also wallpapers based on wood veneer. This is a natural finish that increases heat and sound insulation in the room, creating coziness and comfort in the bedroom.
  6. It is better not to use them in the bedroom - they do not breathe. The way out of the situation is to combine them with other, more environmentally friendly types of finishing.
  7. in the bedroom they are used less often, but in vain: they have excellent performance qualities, they can be repainted several times, they are able to let air through.
  8. They also perform well, with which you can create a seamless surface.
  9. , which in terms of naturalness can compete with cork wallpaper.
  10. They are also coming back into fashion, which have a textured surface and fit perfectly into classic interiors.
  11. Separately, it is worth noting for which the bedroom is an ideal room. With their help, you can give the room the desired atmosphere, and even visually enlarge a small bedroom.

No. 2. Dye

Among the minuses the use of paint should be called a necessity careful preparation wall surfaces, because they must be perfectly flat. Not all paints dry to a washable surface, so the need for this property must be taken into account.

The paint can have a matte or glossy surface. Although gloss can slightly mask wall defects, it is not very suitable for a bedroom due to the formation of a lot of glare from. It's better to choose matte paint calm shades. You can combine different paint colors in a room, highlighting, for example, a wall. This technique allows you not only to make the interior more interesting, but also to visually adjust the geometry of the room.

What paint can be used to paint the walls in the bedroom?

To decorate the bedroom walls you can use Not everyone types of paints. So, oil-based is definitely not suitable: although it is not expensive, it has a pungent odor and a high probability of cracking. Great fit acrylic paints, which can be tinted at your discretion, and water-based, that can withstand light and infrequent washing. Also performed well water-dispersion and latex paints.

No. 3. Plaster

In addition, with the help of decorative plaster it is easier to decorate bedrooms with various protrusions and other architectural elements. Of the minuses The only thing that can be highlighted is the high price, but taking into account the durability and uniqueness, the cost is quite justified.

No. 4. Textile

Of the minuses This option will result in the accumulation of dust by the fabric, which means that the walls will have to be vacuumed carefully and regularly. But finishing with fabric will allow you to create an original interior, and the walls will become a little more heat and sound insulated.

No. 5. Decorative rock

Decorative stone has excellent performance, it is strong and durable, does not emit any harmful substances. It is better to use this finish in combination with paint or plaster, for example. So, you can use stone to lay out part of the wall above the bed, around the window or other elements in the room, but if you decorate all the walls in this way, you won’t be able to create a cozy interior - it will look like a room in a medieval castle.

No. 6. Wooden lining

If you want to create the most relaxing and cozy environment in your bedroom, then you cannot find a better material than natural wood. For walls it is possible. It is made from natural wood: pine is the cheapest option, but at the same time this material looks great and performs well in use. The main advantages of wooden lining are:

  • naturalness and environmental friendliness, which is so important for a relaxation room. In addition, wood gives a pleasant aroma, creates a unique microclimate, and can maintain an optimal level of humidity;
  • great appearance. Depending on the chosen one, the color and texture may differ: spruce and pine, for example, have a yellow tint, larch has a brownish tint;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • durability. The service life of such finishing can reach 50 years with proper care;
  • additional heat and sound insulation.

It should be noted that natural wood sensitive to moisture, but there are no sources of it in the bedroom, so this drawback can be ignored if you do not live on the top floor directly under the roof. In addition, the tree is susceptible influence of pests so it needs to be covered.

It is worth noting that there is budget alternative to wooden lining –. It can replicate the texture of any wood or other material, but it is still undesirable to use it in the bedroom. Firstly, it can hardly be called environmentally friendly, and secondly, it is not very durable, and even a slight blow can damage its integrity.

No. 7. Laminate

Laminate can be used for more than just flooring. Today this material is widely used both, and. Thanks to laminate, the walls in the bedroom are beautiful, strong and durable. The main advantages of laminate include:

  • a huge range of patterns and textures, you can choose the material of the desired shade to create the desired interior;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • no harmful fumes, so this type of finish can be used in the bedroom.

However, laminate susceptible to moisture and temperature changes, but such influences are not observed in the bedroom, so this material is excellent for these conditions. To save money, you can use laminate class 21-31: it is intended for rooms with minimum load on the floor, and ideal for walls.

No. 8. Cork covering

The main advantage of this coating is its environmental friendliness. It is made from the bark of a cork tree, and the ones mentioned above are used for wall decoration, as well as sheets and canvases. In addition to being natural and environmentally friendly, cork has a lot of other advantages:

  • light weight, which makes transportation and installation easier;
  • sound and heat insulation properties;
  • high strength and wear resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • Dust does not accumulate on the cork surface, which makes cleaning the coating easier.

The cork has disadvantages such as vulnerability to moisture, abrasive materials, dents from heavy objects remain on it, but the bedroom walls are not subject to all these influences. There is only one drawback - the high price, but you have to pay for everything natural.

No. 9. MDF panels

MDF panels are widely used today for finishing various kinds premises, since they have proven themselves excellent in operation, have an excellent appearance and, at an affordable price, are an analogue for more expensive materials, because they perfectly imitate them. MDF boards are much more environmentally friendly than chipboard, since they are made from very small wood shavings, which, when heated, release lignin, the main binder. In contrast, in the production of fiberboard, epoxy resins are used as a binder.

The main advantages of MDF panels:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • No. 10. Soft wall panels

    A relatively modern type of wall decoration is one that has a characteristic relief. Their surface is made of any type of fabric, leather, eco-leather and other nonwoven materials. The main feature of this type of finish is a soft and slightly convex surface. As a rule, such panels consist of three layers: the base is hard plastic, the center is soundproofing, and the outer layer is fabric or leather.

    The main advantages of soft wall panels:

    • unique appearance;
    • excellent sound and heat insulation qualities;
    • hide small irregularities original surface;
    • relatively simple installation;
    • variety of shapes and colors;
    • pleasant tactile sensations.

    There are also flaws:

    • high price;
    • soft panels are easily damaged, and the damaged element will have to be replaced;
    • soft panels strongly attract dust, and even more accumulates in the raised parts, so careful and regular care is needed.

    A good option is to use soft Wall panels for the bedroom: in this case, the cost of finishing will be less, and the room will look cozy and stylish.

    Other options

    Of course, to decorate the bedroom walls, you can use other materials to implement all imaginable and inconceivable design ideas. Sometimes they can even use the most unpredictable materials: wine corks, belts, pebbles, etc. Not bad idea -

    In addition, the walls can be decorated, e.g. vinyl stickers, creating a certain atmosphere in the bedroom. These stickers are very easy to apply and remove, and the effect is amazing.

The bedroom is a private space where guests are not taken. But this does not mean that you can get by in this room inexpensive repairs, and bedroom decor is not at all necessary. On the contrary, all the best should be concentrated here, especially when it is the common area of ​​the spouses. Famous designers have developed many interesting proposals for decorating a bedroom with their own hands. It is important to choose a style and some kind of concept, then the choice of decoration and accessories will be subordinated to a tempting idea.

This panel will become the main highlight of the bedroom interior.

Bedroom design in dark colors

Paintings on the wall perfectly complement the decor of the room

Which bedroom decoration option should you choose?

The faceless, uniform decoration of a bedroom is becoming a thing of the past; no one is interested in simply re-pasting wallpaper when there is an opportunity to do something special. If you dream a little, it’s easy to make your wildest dreams come true in your personal space.

Think about what you like best:

  • a bohemian craftsman's workshop in boho style with a luxurious bed;
  • quiet cozy corner in the style of French Provence;
  • chic apartments with white furniture;
  • palace interior with a set on elegant gilded legs;
  • metropolitan loft with a city panorama and a transformable bed;
  • a Japanese geisha's room with a rock garden landscape behind a bamboo curtain;
  • the chambers of an oriental dancer or the sultan’s concubine;
  • creative laboratory in high-tech style;
  • the glamorous bedroom of a socialite;
  • futuristic setting of a guest from the future.

How to decorate a bedroom if each bedroom decoration option is good in its own way? You need to rely only on your taste and sense of proportion. You shouldn't rush from one extreme to another. “Decor” is related to the word “scenery”; they are made from inexpensive materials. But in a theater or film pavilion it looks like a cabin spaceship or real royal chambers. How and how to decorate the bedroom with your own hands depends on the choice of style.

Additional lighting can be installed on the ceiling

Bedroom design in Provence style

Golden rule: All decoration and accessories should emphasize the choice of one recognizable style. You shouldn’t have “a little bit of everything” - as a rule, these are large but unjustified costs for lush decor in the bedroom. An eclectic interior rarely succeeds, especially when there is no experience. A design with little decor, but all done skillfully and tastefully, will make your bedroom unique and elegant.

All components work for the overall design concept:

  • decorating the walls and ceiling in the bedroom, finishing the floor;
  • carpentry material (windows, doors, other wood for finishing);
  • selection of furniture (how to update it);
  • textiles (bed linen, bedspread, curtains, tulle, rug);
  • accessories and decorative elements.

If the decoration is made with neutral materials, it is easier to vary the style. You can partially change the appearance of the room for the new season and the upcoming holiday, or even just to suit your mood. A radical stylistic transformation is done during renovation (major or cosmetic), but it costs much more than original decor DIY bedrooms.

Wallpaper with flowers will look great in the bedroom

Bedroom design in bright colors

Lamps above the bed will perfectly complement the bedroom interior

Decorating the walls and ceiling

A stylish bedroom is unthinkable without modern design solutions, including high-tech finishes. Bedroom ceiling decor is difficult to do with your own hands, but some elements are quite accessible:

  • the effect of a night sky with painted stars, where luminous paint is used;
  • original lighting from a perforated lampshade (openwork pattern on a smooth ceiling);
  • stained glass inserts illuminated from inside give the illusion of skylights;
  • finishing unusual materials or adding new inclusions to traditional mixtures;
  • zoning of the bedroom with color differentiation along the ceiling;
  • suspended structures, decorative beams and modern lamps mounted on a rod near the upper plane;
  • modeling self made made of gypsum-based plaster - the embodiment of any idea.

It’s even better to embody ideas on the walls. On 4 vertical planes there is more area, wider possibilities, it is easier to draw and fix fragments of decor at the head of the bedroom or near the window. When they want to do something quickly and inexpensively for the holiday, they use vinyl stickers or a three-dimensional paper applique for the walls or a hanging sign made of large letters.

You can put a large mirror in the room

You can attach a panel with patterns and lighting above the bed

The easiest way is to frame interesting images and place them in the most suitable place. Paintings, prints of optical illusions, photos from a good angle, the author’s experience in fine arts. Wall painting is often used as bedroom decor. It seems that it is difficult, but there are simple and beautiful sketches that you want to look at for a long time. They can be easily moved to a free wall - at the head of the bed or opposite the bed.

Tip: If you don’t have artistic skills, use a stencil or transfer the contours across the cells, enlarging the drawing. Good example– a “Look” pattern at the headboard, suitable for a bedroom, transferred to a larger scale.

Stencils can be used multiple times - flowers, leaves, fruits, birds, butterflies. When applied to the wall, the gap is painted with a roller or wide brush. The contours are outlined with a thin brush or marker, the background is created by spraying paint.

Bedroom design in white color

Bedroom design in dark colors

Illuminating the bed creates the feeling that it is hanging in the air

The easiest way is to use photo wallpaper for decoration in the bedroom. The selected landscape will please the eye all year round. The only drawback is that the principle of seasonality is violated. It is impossible to change the summer in the image to another season without deciding to re-stick the wallpaper. But you can choose a cityscape - New York, London or Paris on the wall will not confuse those admiring their architecture in any weather.

When plans do not include frequent changes in bedroom decor, preference is given to thorough finishing of expensive textured plaster, frescoes or drawings on flexible stone. This work is entrusted to specialists, but it is better to prepare the wall and select the image yourself. Unusual painting walls or original designer decor on the bedroom wall can look very extravagant. You can vary the pigment added to liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster to get something original.

The color combination in the bedroom looks very beautiful

You can hang a large picture above the bed and add lighting

How to decorate furniture in the bedroom?

Decorating a bedroom with your own hands involves updating the furniture if it was purchased a long time ago.

  1. It is not necessary to change cabinet furniture that suits its functionality. It is enough to change the facade, which will emphasize the style. Sliding mirrors – universal option, veneer or natural wood noble texture - classic. The design on frosted or sandblasted glass can be matched to any ethnic style. Stained glass - Gothic or Art Nouveau.
  2. Artificial aging furniture facades is a popular DIY bedroom decor trend. It can be done using any available technique - coating with patina or varnish with cracks, or performing exclusive decoupage with eggshells and napkins. Such furniture is very popular in Provencal and vintage bedrooms, in retro or country style.
  3. Repainting it in a common color, replacing old legs and molding will help to combine several pieces of furniture into a single bedroom set. The more elegant these additions are, the more luxurious your “new” one will be. white furniture for bedroom decor in the style of shabby chic, grunge, chateau or romanticism.
  4. When you want to update the appearance of a bed that is quite comfortable with a comfortable sleeping surface, you can replace only the headboard or the entire base. A bedroom for Japanese minimalism does not require a bed - just a low wooden podium with a comfortable mattress and a luxurious bed. I like the English classics - it is recommended to upholster the high headboard with eco-leather in the form of a carriage pick.
  5. A high-tech bedroom includes glass shelves and corners on chrome anchors - to match the bed on metal legs.
  6. The East is a “delicate matter,” but what is needed here is not so much a special bed as a lot of stylized pillows with luxurious embroidery and other decor.
  7. Some styles include a canopy over the bed, which will create a special atmosphere. Great idea for those who have not decided how to decorate the bedroom with fabric. Beautiful materials are also suitable for screens and partitions, multi-layer curtains or other window decor in the bedroom. Upholstered furniture with new upholstery is also appropriate if someone prefers a sofa bed.

Bedroom design with large panoramic windows

You can put flowers near the bed

Flowers in the room will make the interior more alive

Important rules for bedroom design

The bedroom is a special room, and it is highly undesirable for it to combine other rooms. Due to the lack of free space, an accountant's office, a dressmaker's workshop, where clothes are used as decor in the bedroom, are moved here. There may be a computer desk, an aquarium incubator, a dressing room and a library. It’s good if not all at once, but many mothers also place the baby’s crib next to them.

There are 2 solutions:

  1. Relieve the functionality of the bedroom and emphasize with decor that this is a place to relax.
  2. Rethink the room as much as possible in terms of zoning.

Maximum relaxation and relaxation is the main idea of ​​decorating a bedroom, no matter what style it is decorated in.

You can hang pictures on the wall

A bright room will give only positive emotions

A place to sleep is the basis of a bedroom, regardless of where the owners sleep. Everything should “revolve” around it. It’s very convenient when the most necessary things are at arm’s length, and the secondary wall decor in the bedroom, made with your own hands, can be conveniently viewed from the opposite side.

You should not overload your consciousness with bright elements; there is nothing in this room that should excite the imagination, with the exception of paintings of erotic content or other “hints”. The priority is your favorite color, but in calm shades, even if it is red or purple. An important role is given to textiles and decor, which visually expand the dimensions of a small bedroom. If the room is very large, it is important to properly delimit the space so that it does not look empty and uninviting.

You can make a backlit panel in the room

The combination of black and white colors in the bedroom interior

You can put colorful pillows on the bed

Basic types of decorating a modern bedroom

Wall decor with imitation rough surface

Brickwork, concrete-like plaster, stone and lining cladding

Natural wood and texture imitation

Eco-veneer, laminated chipboard and fibreboard, plywood, furniture board and etc.

Painting the walls

Interior enamels (for interior use only)

Wallpaper (all types)

Liquid wallpaper, fiberglass, vinyl, photo wallpaper, luminous wallpaper

Drapery and fabric trim

Wall upholstery with carriage picks, decorative panels, screens, curtains

Wall painting

Frescoes, collages, applications, stencil designs

Decorative plaster

“Venetian”, “bark beetle”, textured, “fleece”

A 3D panel near the bed will perfectly complement the bedroom interior

You can hang pictures on the wall in the bedroom

Obviously, there is no shortage of ways to decorate a wall in the bedroom or create original decor with your own hands. It all depends on the scale of the transformation and the preferred method of decoration. More interesting design ideas– in our photo gallery.

Video: Bedroom decor

Wall design can be varied and depends on imagination and preferences. This could be a finish in delicate colors that promote relaxation, or, conversely, an emphasis on bright colors and eclectic patterns. There are many options for wall decor in the bedroom and they all depend on the type of finish and color.

Options for wall decoration in the bedroom

The decoration of the walls in the bedroom should first of all be made from environmentally friendly materials, this could be paint, wallpaper, fabric, laminate or plaster.


Despite the obvious simplicity of painting, this is not the cheapest option, as it requires a perfectly prepared surface. A huge palette of colors makes it possible to choose the one suitable for a specific bedroom interior; niches and arches can easily be finished with paint.

Painted walls look great with pictures and frames, and the color of the bedroom can be changed depending on the change in bedroom design. Acrylic, latex, silicone and silicate types of paints are suitable for wall decoration.


Wallpaper for the bedroom wall is most often used as the most affordable material, representing a large assortment. It can be plain wallpaper, with the texture of wood or wild stone, with a pattern, with different characteristics of density and water resistance.

  • Wallpaper made from paper is hygroscopic, harmless, and affordable. Suitable for a non-sunny bedroom, otherwise the color and pattern will fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  • Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper easy to apply, hide defects uneven walls, stronger than paper ones and suitable for a sunny bedroom.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted several times; it is more resistant to mechanical damage.

On the picture paper wallpaper"in a cage." The room between classic style and minimalism, an example of how shades of the same color complement each other. Dark gray curtains and plaid, a gray and white accent wall and white furniture create a laconic style.

Photo wallpaper

In the bedroom, photo wallpaper on the wall looks more advantageous than in any other room. They will visually enlarge a small bedroom and decorate the head of the bed. They are applied as a whole canvas or in separate parts, depending on the size and material (fabric photo wallpapers are made whole, while non-woven and paper wallpapers are made as elements).

In the photo, the accent wall is covered with photo wallpaper; it is in harmony with the textile and decorative elements.


Laminate on the wall in the bedroom today is used more and more often; simple installation, durability and a large selection of wood textures make this type of finishing attractive.


Painting in the bedroom can decorate the interior of any style. This is a fresh option for decorating walls and emphasizing uniqueness. Apply the drawing with an airbrush, acrylic paint. It can be painting, graphics, pattern, graffiti, gradient effect, photo portrait.

Accent wall in the bedroom as a manifestation of individuality

The wall in the bedroom above the bed can be a manifestation of creativity and fantasy; it is decorated with tiles, covered with wood, textiles, paintings, false windows, frames, photo panels.

An eye-catching decorative wall that will be different from the rest and harmoniously complement them at the same time can create a bright accent in the bedroom. An accent wall adds individual texture, shape and color to the overall design of a room. The focal point can be complemented with accessories, for example, sconces, wrought iron construction, flowers.

Niche in the wall

A niche in the bedroom is most often constructed of plasterboard at the head of the bed; this is an excellent option for updating appearance rooms. It can be deep and become a sleeping area (with the bed completely submerged), as well as decorative with additional spotlights. A decorative niche performs only an aesthetic function; when decorating it, fabric, photo wallpaper, plaster, and mirrors are used.

The photo shows a bedroom with decorative niches covered with brown wallpaper. The headboard made of soft leather panels creates coziness and matches curtains and furniture.

This type of finishing is increasingly becoming a trend and is replacing conventional photo wallpaper. A three-dimensional image can be single and look like a picture in a frame, or it can be applied to the entire wall, which is considered a standard option. A 3D picture can be with neon lighting, and LED 3D photo wallpaper can change the image.

For the bedroom, it is best to choose neutral images rather than portraits. This technique will help avoid psychological discomfort from the “looks” from the painting. There is no need to place a cabinet or other furniture near the 3D wall, otherwise the effect of the picture will disappear.

An ideal solution for a corner room or when choosing a bed without a headboard. The wall can be finished different shapes upholstery, leatherette or fabric (suede, velor, silk).

Suitable fillers include foam rubber and synthetic padding, which will improve sound insulation. Finishing options include drapery, covering, and creating soft tiles. Today it is fashionable to decorate a wall with soft panels of any shape, with or without a pattern. The color of the soft wall can match the color of the furniture or be different and be a bright accent in the bedroom.

Brick wall in the bedroom

A brick wall will fit into a loft style; it can be a symbol of brutality, as well as creativity and romance. These effects are achieved through the textures and colors of the brick.

  • A brick wall can be the same tone as the furniture, then the interior of the room will be in tune.
  • When choosing a contrasting accent wall, you need to choose matching furniture, for example, red brick goes with pastel colored furniture, and white brick contrasts with brown and black furniture.

In the photo, a bed made of wooden pallets and a white brick wall create a fashionable loft style. Table lamps attached to the wall are a creative and unusual solution.

This option is suitable for creating an eco-style. The wall is made of boards, wooden panels, is easy to attach, does not require alignment, hides wires and is easy to maintain. It looks best at the head of the bed in addition to wall sculptures or paintings.

Mirror wall

A mirror visually enlarges the space and raises the ceiling, making it brighter by reflecting light, emphasizing the style of the room. When choosing a mirror wall, you should remember that it requires constant cleaning from dust and splashes; it is a fragile material. For a bedroom, a mirror mosaic with each individual mirror highlighted is best suited. They emphasize the edges with moldings, slats, frames made of wood or plastic.

In the photo, the sitting area is separated by a two-level ceiling, the wall at the head is decorated with a solid mirror and mosaic.

3D panels

3D panels are very light, but look massive and solid. They are able to close any uneven surfaces walls, in this finishing option you can skip the leveling step.

Choosing wall color for the bedroom

The color of the interior is created by furniture, floors and walls, which should be combined or echo each other.

  • The color of the walls should match the furniture.
  • When choosing a bedroom color, you must remember that the furniture should be darker than the walls and lighter than the floor and that you can combine up to 5 colors in one room.

The photo shows a bedroom in orange with white furniture. The applique at the headboard mutes the brightness of the walls and matches the design of the room.

  • White walls in the bedroom go with both light and dark furniture. Requires an emphasis on details in a contrasting color, fits with any style, expands the bedroom.

  • Beige walls in the bedroom are very popular in bedroom interiors for the versatility of the color and creating a base for other colors. It can be combined with all shades of beige, gray, brown, blue, turquoise and purple.

  • Brown walls in the bedroom they match light furniture, look original and do not require additional decoration. As for accessories, a bright painting in white and gold tones would be appropriate.

The photo shows luxurious brown and white colors do not need a third color, this is a classic of royal bedrooms. Mirror panels visually enlarge the room.

  • Gray walls in the bedroom can be combined with gray patterns on the carpet, white furniture; there is no need to overload the bedroom with this color.

The photo shows a minimalist style bedroom decorated with 3D wallpaper, mirror cabinet opposite the window fills the room with additional light.

  • Green walls in the bedroom are suitable for solving sleep problems. In this case, soft shades are suitable: pistachio, olive. Bright green can be used as an accent, nothing more. Combines with white furniture, gray, brown, beige colors.

  • Blue walls in the bedroom match dark and light furniture, causing positive emotions, relaxes and calms. Suitable for sunny rooms, as insufficient lighting causes fatigue and weakness.

    • Dark walls in the bedroom create strong energy and a bold image. Suitable for bedrooms large sizes with two windows. An accent above a dressing table or bed is appropriate when good lighting pendant and wall lamps.

    Walls in the bedroom: photo design examples

    The photos below show examples of use. various options wall decoration in the bedroom interior.

An empty wall at the head of the bed often raises questions: what to fill it with, what color, size, in what quantity... It would seem why there is such close interest in this part of the room, but its design can radically change the atmosphere of the bedroom. On a subconscious level, the wall behind the bed is perceived as its continuation: if there is boring plain wallpaper, expensive furniture will not save you. Fortunately, the rule also applies in the opposite direction. Today we will tell and show how to use it correctly in the interior.

1. Picture

If desired, the paintings can be replaced with posters with bright pictures or playful inscriptions. These are exactly what we chose for the Scandinavian style bedroom

The first thing that comes to mind with the thought “how to decorate the wall above the bed” is to hang a picture or poster there. It’s not surprising, because this is the cheapest and easiest way to decorate a wall. Plus, boring illustrations are easy to replace.

6. Soft wall panels

Soft wall panels are a three-layer structure. The bottom layer acts as a frame. For production, sheets of plastic or plywood are used. The second layer is padding polyester or foam rubber filler. The third is the external part that we see. Here they come into play Genuine Leather, leatherette or textiles, depending on the tastes and income of the buyer.

Wall panels provide additional sound and heat insulation, creating the atmosphere of a cozy, safe nest. Also, with the help of them you can easily hide unevenness and cracks on the walls of the bedroom.

7. Wood paneling

On designer Yulia's website, an accent wall with wood panels enlivens the interior of a bright bedroom

There is no need to cover the entire room with wood; this option is only suitable for a chalet style. But the accent wall will look stylish. The cost of such pleasure depends on the type of covering: from inexpensive pine paneling to luxurious solid panels of oak, cedar or alder.

When choosing wood paneling you can play with color, texture, size and pattern. For example, for the bedroom Evgeniya created an entire composition from panels of a noble dark shade

Wood has a positive effect on the microclimate in the bedroom, and its unobtrusive smell helps you feel closer to nature. Natural and eco-friendly sleep is guaranteed!

8. Brick wall

Imitation of masonry can be created using modern materials (for example, crayons, gypsum putty and paints). In new buildings from happy owners of real ones brick walls all you need to do is clean them of minor dirt, but in older buildings you will have to put in a little more effort: remove the primer, plaster and whitewash.

It seems that after so many options, the wall above the bed has no chance of being left without decor. So study, get inspired, compare, choose. And don’t forget to look at the selection of products for the article - there will probably be a painting or mirror there that you will like.

Everything in the bedroom should be perfect, from beautiful furniture to attractive wall finishes. Modern consumers have access to a wide range of finishing materials different colors and textures. You can choose a decent option for a room of any size and layout. It’s worth taking a closer look at how to create a wall design in a bedroom.

Layout features

Wall decoration should be chosen in accordance with the location and layout of the bedroom. The personal preferences of the owners also play an important role.

IN Lately A very popular design solution is an accent wall. With its help, you can not only give the interior an interesting twist and emphasize individuality, but also highlight certain areas of the room.

Most often, an accent wall is placed behind the bed. This way you can highlight a recreation area. This could be an elegant wall covered with light wallpaper with a contrasting black pattern - surrounded by beige plain walls.

Often chosen to decorate an accent wall natural materials. These can be panels made of valuable wood of different shades. Such details in the interior of a bedroom look “expensive” and original. However, it is worth considering that most wood panels require regular maintenance. They must be treated with special substances and impregnations that protect natural material from drying, fading, cracking and proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Accent walls are especially relevant in a studio apartment without partitions separating rooms. To highlight the sleeping area in such conditions, various screens, movable partitions, and bright accent walls are often used. As a rule, such a surface remains empty or is decorated with a couple of paintings above the head of the bed (if located behind the bed).

If the accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with bright materials and contrasting prints, it should not be weighed down with a large number of decorative elements. They will simply “dissolve” against such a background and lose all meaning.

Walls with windows can be decorated in different ways. Today, finishing such surfaces with dark materials is very popular and widespread. Against the background of windows dark wallpaper or plaster do not look gloomy or dull since they are surrounded by natural light. Particular attention should be paid to the curtains on the windows in the bedroom. If the window openings are located on one wall, there is a small distance between them, then you can turn to light and simple curtains devoid of any decorative elements.

Often the windows in the bedroom are located on the area of ​​adjacent walls. They should be decorated with airy curtains, unobtrusive blinds, as well as fashionable roller blinds or Japanese curtains.

In rooms with two windows different walls a dark finish will look especially impressive and stylish. Typically this arrangement window openings typical for spacious rooms. Two windows on different walls can be decorated with light translucent curtains that do not weigh down the interior.

In private homes, bedrooms are often located in the attic or attic. The result is an interesting and cozy bedroom with a sloping wall. It is not recommended to decorate such spaces in dark colors, as in this case they look cramped.

Don’t be afraid of the visual effect of the “eaten” area of ​​a room with a sloping wall. If you choose light wall decoration and correctly select and arrange furniture, the room will not seem too small.

Correctly selected Decoration Materials suitable colors are able to transform and decorate rooms of any shape and layout. This can be a cozy space both in a city apartment and in a wooden country house.

Color selection

The interior of the bedroom largely depends on the color of the walls:

  • Today, dark walls in bedrooms are very popular. Many people are afraid of these types of palettes because of their darkness and depth. However, you should not beware of dark colors, as their depressiveness is easily diluted bright accents in the interior, contrasting furniture and refined glossy surfaces. Don't forget about sufficient lighting in such a bedroom. As a rule, they are placed against the background of dark walls. lighting several levels at once. These can be ceiling, built-in, table and spotlights. Do not choose dark wall decoration if little natural light enters the room. It should be completely abandoned if the bedroom is dull and has no windows at all.

It is not recommended to use this type of decoration if the bedroom is small. Dark walls will visually reduce the space. This design solution is suitable only for spacious rooms with a large area.

  • The situation is a little simpler with light wall decoration. This design looks harmonious both in spacious and small rooms. However, the interior may turn out to be too boring and unfinished if it is not decorated with bright accents, decor and accessories.

  • Trend recent years are the bedrooms in which there are light beige or white walls and contrasting furniture black, dark blue or dark brown tones. Such contrasting interiors look interesting and fashionable.

  • Natural green, olive or pistachio shades are ideal for decorating walls in the bedroom. Such color schemes have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state and mood. Walls of such colors will promote quick and easy falling asleep, as well as good rest and healthy sleep.

Furniture made from different materials looks attractive against the background of green walls. It can be expensive natural wood, light plastic or metal. With the help of calm natural colors it is possible to create the most beautiful interiors. different styles– from classics to hi-tech.

  • Gray walls will look beautiful in the bedroom. However, if you do not play up this neutral color with rich details, the interior may turn out dull and boring.

Gray color harmonizes with many shades. They can be neutral, pastel or contrasting.

  • Turquoise color has been very popular lately. It is rich in shades. A turquoise bedroom will look bright and original. This design is ideal not only for a youth room, but also for a bedroom belonging to people of a more mature age.

  • Turquoise looks great in combination with chocolate, dark brown, white and soft blue colors. In a room decorated in soft turquoise, you can place an accent wall decorated with wallpaper in a richer shade with a fine white geometric print. Against this background, a cozy double bed with a white headboard, chocolate pillows and a brown-turquoise blanket will find its place.

  • Blue color is suitable for decorating the walls in the bedroom. It also makes it easier to fall asleep and has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Most often, blue paints are diluted with refreshing whites, which results in a very pleasant and “airy” tandem.

  • A bedroom with walls decorated in a “sweet” pink color will look beautiful and original. In one room there can be several shades of pink at once - from rich to pale. They can be diluted with purple, classic white or beige color so that the interior does not resemble a doll's house.

  • A warm peach color is ideal for decorating walls in a bedroom. Interior items in both pastel and contrasting dark tones will look harmonious against its background. This design looks especially impressive in rooms with good natural light.

It is also fashionable to use peach tones for decorating a room located on the north side. This will make the room “warmer”.

Finish options

To decorate the walls in the bedroom you can use the most different materials. Modern manufacturers offer a large number of different options with which living spaces are literally transformed, becoming harmonious and stylish.

Let's look at the main ones:

  • A popular finishing material is decorative plaster . In construction stores you can find similar products in a variety of colors. Many consumers choose this finish because it is wear-resistant, durable and does not require special care.

  • Special tiles are suitable for wall decoration. However, this material is most often used to decorate accent walls. The tiles can be plain or decorated with interesting prints. The bedroom can be decorated with such materials with either a glossy or matte surface.

  • If you want to create an original and fashionable interior, then you should take a closer look at wall decoration moldings. These details are primarily decorative additions. With their help you can create a truly unique and cozy interior. Moldings often cover various wall defects. Experts do not recommend using these decorative finishing materials in rooms with low ceilings. If you still decide to complement the decor with such materials, then you should purchase narrow options, the color of which matches the ceiling.

Moldings should be in harmony with the interior of the bedroom. In a setting filled with pretentious furniture and complemented by luxurious stucco, this decoration will look inharmonious and ridiculous.

A soft wall will look interesting in the bedroom. For this purpose, special panels with different upholstery are most often used:

  • Leather. Soft wall panels with leather trim look luxurious and attractive, but are not cheap. Such details look especially harmonious against the background of plain wallpaper or decorative plaster.

  • Leatherette. Panels made from leather substitute are cheaper. With their help you can create very beautiful interior. This surface can be easily cleaned of dust and dirt using a regular soap solution and a damp cloth.

  • Fabric. Wall panels with textile upholstery are universal. With their help you can hide many wall imperfections. Such interior items are cheaper than their leather counterparts, but they look less bright and luxurious.

As a rule, soft elements are used to decorate the space above the head of the bed or to finish an accent wall.

  • Not long ago, beautiful tension walls became popular. Many companies today offer interesting options with photo printing. The subjects can be very different, from harmonious natural landscapes to city panoramas.


The following materials are perfect for decorating walls in a bedroom:

  • Tree. This design of the walls in the bedroom will create an incredibly cozy and attractive interior, where being in it will bring only positive emotions. Using wood, you can decorate one of the walls (accent) or decorate the entire available space in this way. To do this, you can use the popular and inexpensive lining or uncut board. These materials look beautiful in residential areas, but they should be regularly treated with special impregnations - just like any other panels with a wooden base.

  • Drywall. This material is very popular due to its low cost and ease of use. Drywall can be easily processed in any way. It can be painted, finished with wood panels, and built-in lighting can be installed on its sheets.

  • Another popular and attractive material is decorative stone. It is fireproof and has excellent performance characteristics. The stone on the walls will not require special care from the owners. Dust and dirt from its surface are wiped off with a regular damp cloth. You can install decorative stone yourself.

  • Bamboo. This material is often used in the decoration of residential premises. Interesting bamboo wallpapers with a unique texture have been especially popular lately. Similar canvases are made from the outer or inner part of a bamboo trunk.

Do not think that this finish is presented exclusively in natural brown and cream tones. Modern manufacturers offer luxurious bamboo wallpaper in a variety of shades - from classic to bright and rich.


Today, the walls in bedrooms are decorated with the most different ways:

  • One of the most popular decorative elements are paintings. Designers and psychologists recommend decorating cozy rooms with images of flowers, natural landscapes, city panoramas or good love scenes.

You should not hang pictures on your bedroom walls that have sad, depressing, and depressing themes. Similar elements will provide Negative influence on the mood of the owners.

  • Decorative stencil designs are very popular. The most popular images are sakura, roses and butterflies. As a rule, these compositions are distinguished by contrasting colors that stand out against the main background.

  • A suitable fresco will look attractive in the bedroom. Similar decorative elements can have different sizes. Some frescoes are small and occupy a small area of ​​the wall, while others are located on the entire surface of one of the walls.

  • In youth interiors, various paintings and inscriptions on the walls look harmonious. These additions may feature bright and flashy colors. With the help of such elements you can refresh the interior and emphasize its individuality.

  • You can make a room truly luxurious with elegant stucco on the walls. This decor looks especially harmonious in Rococo, Baroque or Classic style. However, you should not overload the walls in the bedroom with a large number of stucco compositions, so that as a result the interior does not turn out to be too pretentious.

  • Photos with various frames will complement the interior of the bedroom. They can be not only wall-mounted, but also table-top. Depending on the color scheme of the interior, you should choose color or black and white photos.

So here's a beautiful one design decoration several bedrooms:

  • A white bed with a carved high headboard can be placed in a purple bedroom against a brown and white accent wall. The floor in such a room should be finished with a light laminate, and multi-level ceiling– white plaster. Complete the interior with a white built-in wardrobe, an elegant dressing table, purple linens, a patterned area rug and white nightstands.

  • Against the background of a window with translucent white curtains, you can place a white bed with bedding decorated with contrasting patterns. Decorate the floor with pale brown or gray laminate, and cover the walls with coffee wallpaper with geometric prints. You can lay a fleecy carpet on the floor, and near the bed there is a white chest of drawers with black lamps, a black and white elegant chair and two low bedside tables.

  • A dark brown bed with red pillows should be placed in a white bedroom against a red accent wall with a black and white painting. Complete the interior with a tall dark wardrobe with mirrored doors, a dark brown chest of drawers with red vases and a fluffy cream carpet on milky floor tiles.

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