Eco-friendly tableware - which is the safest? Rating of cooking utensils Which utensils are best for cooking.

Everyone loves to eat delicious food. To make food tasty and healthy when cooking, you need to have good cookware. Just as a theater begins with a hanger, a kitchen begins with dishes.

Any housewife will tell you how much pleasure you can get from working in the kitchen with comfortable, pleasant and beautiful utensils.

Let's talk today about what kind of cookware there are and which one is best to buy for your kitchen.

Kitchenware is classified according to the material from which it is made, manufacturing technology, and appearance. When buying dishes for the kitchen, first of all you need to know what it is made of, what you can cook in it and how it will affect us.

Considering the disadvantages of different materials for making tableware, you can avoid many troubles.

In dishes from aluminum It is not recommended to cook hot and sour dishes. Even with slight heating, even weak acids and alkalis destroy aluminum, forming its salts, which are very harmful to the body. However, you cannot cook porridge without aluminum cookware, since dairy products burn in enamel cookware. One piece of advice can be given: cook - cook, but under no circumstances store food in it.

Dishes made from of stainless steel, most often grade 18/10, where 18% chromium and 10% nickel. This cookware is safe. Stainless steel is resistant to oxidation, beautiful, when cooked in it, products do not lose their properties, taste and even vitamins, and ensures long-term and reliable storage. But the nickel it contains is still an allergen and can cause dermatosis. You should not use such utensils too often and do not cook spicy dishes in them.

Has proven itself well enameled dishes. You can cook lunch in such dishes, store any food products, and you can safely make pickles and marinades in it. However, one of the main disadvantages of such dishes is their fragility. If handled carelessly, enamel chips and cracks appear. Moisture penetrates through them to the metal, and the corrosion process begins. It is better to part with such dishes. Enameled cookware, edged with stainless steel, hardly breaks.

Completely safe and heat resistant glass And ceramic dishes. IN clay pots food has been prepared from time immemorial - this has been customary among many peoples. High temperatures make them even stronger. One bad thing is that ceramics quickly absorbs grease and is difficult to wash off. And yet, modern ceramic and glassware is not cheap. If you can afford it, it's very good. But before purchasing, be sure to make sure that it is truly heat-resistant.

IN last years dishes with non-stick polymer coating. This cookware is non-toxic, chemically inert, and, most importantly, food does not burn in it. But if you heat the frying pan to a temperature of 300 degrees (and regular frying occurs at a temperature of 200-220 degrees), then polymer coating begins to decompose, releasing rather harmful fumes. When working with such pans, you should only use a wooden or plastic spatula.

And, of course, one should not write off cast iron dishes Although it is heavy, food almost does not burn in it, heats up slowly (which is why it is especially good to stew in it) and cools down slowly.

In terms of manufacturing technology, cast dishes are better. It is thicker and heavier, distributes heat well, and - most importantly - the walls and bottom are heated evenly, which means the food does not burn.

The thickness of the frying pan or pan also plays a big role. If the thickness is less than 2 mm, then such dishes are not suitable for use simply because they are easily deformed. The most common cookware is 2.5 mm thick. It can be used on gas and electric stoves ah, but it is not recommended for glass-ceramic stoves. Universal cookware with a thickness of 4-6 mm.

Some types of cookware have a heat controller, steam holes on the lid, a textured bottom and other features to increase safety and comfort. If the bottom of the frying pan has a “honeycomb” pattern, then in such a pan the surface of contact with food is reduced and its non-stick properties are increased.

The most prominent part of any frying pan or pot is, of course, the handle. Handles are riveted or welded. Welded handles are preferable as they do not violate the integrity of the coating. And the rivets of a riveted handle may peel off. The pen itself may be various shapes and execution. IN Lately dishes with non-heating handles have appeared, which is very convenient to use.

Well, you will have to determine the required volume of your pans yourself. It all depends on your family's needs and cooking traditions. It is recommended to have several pots of different sizes in the kitchen.

And let only good mood reign in your kitchen. As experienced housewives say: only when good mood you can cook good food.

IN healthy eating There is one problem that we often forget about in the bustle of everyday life. Harmful dishes are not indifferent to our health. Unfortunately, tableware is now widespread in our country. Low quality.

Melamine tableware 100% harmful. It has long been recognized as dangerous to human health. In the European Union, the sale of melamine tableware is also prohibited. At first glance it seems like porcelain. But it is easy to recognize by its “weightlessness”: it is a very light dish. The release of formaldehyde resins continues almost the entire time a person uses plates and cups. The transition to food in melamine exceeds acceptable standards tens and sometimes hundreds of times. And melamine, depending on the dyes used, releases heavy metals - lead, cadmium, manganese. Metal utensils are also harmful. When preparing hot drinks in tinned copper containers, metal ions are released into the liquid. The same thing happens when preparing hot dishes. It is not recommended to store cooked food in metal containers and to scratch the inside of the pans. Because otherwise, metals can penetrate into food and, accordingly, then into our body. This applies even to luxury tableware worldwide famous brands. Any metal pots and pans emit unsafe nickel and chromium ions to a greater or lesser extent. It is especially dangerous to leave sour and salty foods in metal dishes: they will certainly absorb a huge amount of released ions.

Aluminum cookware also harmful. Moreover, it is recognized as the most harmful to human health. It has been proven that aluminum cookware changes its Chemical properties when interacting with salt, soda and various acids. In this regard, it is forbidden to cook acidic food (cabbage soup, sauerkraut, sorrel, various jelly, compotes, stewed and fried vegetables, and also bake food in foil in it). Do not store even water in aluminum containers for a long time: it has been noticed that if water is kept in an aluminum flask for a long time, it will inner surface a kind of metal oxide precipitate is formed. Aluminum, regardless of the presence or absence of an oxide film layer, constantly penetrates into food during cooking.

Aluminum has a bad tendency to accumulate in the human body, which can eventually lead to the development of a serious illness. If possible, avoid using aluminum cookware. In a whole range European countries aluminum cookware without non-stick coating has been banned for a long time.

Harmful dishes from of stainless steel. In general, any stainless steel cookware is not completely harmless. To avoid metals reacting with food, it is not recommended to store cooked food in such pots and pans. Stainless steel cookware is resistant to oxidation; when cooked in it, food does not lose its properties, taste and even vitamins; it provides long-term and reliable storage of cooked products. Plus she looks very beautiful. Yes, stainless steel cookware has obvious advantages, but, unfortunately, the nickel it contains is an allergen and can cause dermatitis. You should not use such utensils too often and do not cook spicy dishes in them. The same applies to titanium cookware.

Not everyone can afford good stainless steel cookware. It is the relative cheapness of products that Asian manufacturers rely on. But using inexpensive cookware can be hazardous to your health. The thing is that low-quality stainless steel cookware is often supplemented with copper, which is cheaper than other components of the alloy. Food cooked in low-quality stainless steel cookware is enriched with harmful ions of non-ferrous metals and becomes unsafe for human health. You can recognize harmful stainless steel cookware by the characteristic metallic taste of food cooked in it.

Enameled cookware can also be dangerous sometimes. Safety enamel cookware may have an interior coating of black, white, blue, sage or cream. If the inside of the dishes is covered with enamel of a different color, know that this coating contains a huge number chemical compounds manganese, cadmium and other metals harmful to health. Enameled cookware with brown, red and yellow interior coatings is especially dangerous. If you find cookware with the correct color of the inner enamel layer, still remain vigilant. First, check whether GOST is on the label. Secondly, evaluate the quality of the enamel coating itself. There should be no stains on it (they always indicate improper firing and, accordingly, poor-quality coating); the thickness of the enamel coating should be sufficient (if the pans are covered with two layers of enamel, the chances of avoiding contact of food with metal are twice as high). If there is a thick enamel layer, dangerous ions will not get through the metal base of the pan into the food.

The enamel surface must be perfectly smooth. The absence of depressions and pimples will avoid the accumulation of harmful bacteria on the dishes. But one of the main disadvantages of such pots and containers is their fragility. If handled carelessly, enamel chips and cracks may appear on enamel cookware. Through them, moisture penetrates the metal and the corrosion process begins. So it is better to take enamel utensils with stainless steel edging, which prevents corrosion. Otherwise, it becomes hazardous to health. According to the results of a comparative analysis, enamel cookware was recognized as the most the best option for preparing and storing food.

Dishes with non-stick coating has received recognition from millions of housewives due to the fact that it is possible to cook food in it without additional fats, and therefore without additional calories and carcinogens. But, according to researchers, such dishes are not always safe. The Teflon non-stick coating, for example, contains harmful perfluorooctanoic acid, which, when evaporated when the pan is heated too much, even kills pet parrots. But, unfortunately, perfluorooctanoic acid is not the only cause for concern in the case of non-stick coatings. Scientists have found that when heated to 220 degrees, the Teflon coating releases benzene and other harmful substances. Worn non-stick coating is especially dangerous. You should absolutely not use cookware with a non-stick coating if it has damage on the inner surface.

It is not recommended to buy cookware with non-stick coating from unknown brands. Buy dishes from familiar companies and preferably with a thick bottom. If you can’t afford an expensive Teflon-coated frying pan, don’t buy a cheap one; it’s better to opt for a titanium-coated frying pan.

Porcelain, glass and ceramic dishes not always safe. These materials themselves are harmless. However, if the clay surface is seriously damaged ceramic tableware Heavy metal salts will begin to penetrate into the food. Decorative painting on dishes made of porcelain, glass and ceramics can be dangerous. The painting must be underglaze so that the metals contained in the paints: cadmium and lead do not get into food. Dishes with underglaze (safe) painting are distinguished by muted colors of the design. Poisonous overglaze painting is easy to recognize by the brightness of the colors. As for ceramics, food has been cooked in clay pots since time immemorial, and the experience of generations cannot lie. Everyone enjoys real ceramics, which become even stronger when exposed to high temperatures. One bad thing is that it quickly absorbs fat, which is difficult to wash off. Another disadvantage of modern ceramic utensils is their relatively high cost. Unfortunately, you can find low-quality ceramics on the market - they are not heat-resistant.

Unfortunately, it's dangerous crystal glassware, since it contains lead. Of course, you can drink from it, but you shouldn’t store drinks.

Plastic dishes may be harmful if used inappropriately. There are special plastic dishes for cold foods, and there are special ones for hot foods. And you cannot use the one intended for cold foods for hot dishes. Otherwise, the food will be enriched with harmful organic compounds that can negatively affect human health. For example, polyvinyl chloride is prohibited for food use. It contains BPA, vinyl chloride, phthalates, and may also contain mercury and/or cadmium.

In addition, you should not use plastic containers to store food for too long. They must have an expiration date indicated. When it expires, the plastic becomes dangerous and must be thrown away. In order to avoid food poisoning, do not pour alcohol into a soda bottle or mineral water. When interacting with alcohol, plastic will begin to release toxic substances.

Silicone cookware elastic, durable and can withstand temperatures up to +280 degrees. It can be used in ovens, microwaves and baked meat and fish in air fryers. In addition, food can be frozen in it. Silicone is an inert material, does not rust or crumble, and does not interact with hot or icy products. From silicone cookware It is very easy to take out what you have prepared - just pull the edge and bend the soft silicone in the other direction. The smooth surface has natural non-stick properties. But the great thing is that after your culinary exercises, this form can be compactly rolled up. The next time you unfold it, it will return to its original form.

Shouldn't be written off cast iron cookware . Although it is heavy, food almost does not burn in it, heats up slowly (which is why it is especially good to stew in it) and cools down slowly.

Interestingly, there are even edible tableware. Plates made from bamboo sugar cane, starch and water, according to the manufacturer, effectively combat the problem of pollution environment. Under normal conditions, such plates completely decompose in 180 days, and in water they disappear without a trace in just 2 days. This eco-friendly cookware is microwave, oven and refrigerator safe. And farmers can give the used service to feed their livestock.

Bowls and plates are exposed to various factors in the kitchen, including high temperatures and acids. Under their influence, devices can emit substances harmful to human health. Lead, cadmium, aluminum and some compounds, such as iron oxide, are deposited in the human body, thereby causing various diseases. To avoid this danger, you need to know exactly which containers you should not eat from. Therefore, you should only cook in pots and dishes made from approved materials, in other words, marked “for contact with food products» or with a sign of a glass and fork.

Melamine kitchen utensils

A cup or plate is such an obvious thing in the kitchen that sometimes we don't pay attention to what it's made of. Meanwhile, it turns out that some of these vessels can be harmful to health. This is definitely important to take into account, because children use them. You can often hear a children's riddle: “What kind of dishes can you not eat from?” Not many people can immediately give a seemingly simple answer - from an empty or broken one. After all, in fact, the answer has a much more serious meaning.

Melamine tableware is extremely popular due to its durability and vibrant colors. But under the influence of high temperatures (including heating in microwave oven) and contact with sour foods can release the carcinogen formaldehyde.

And again we ask ourselves: what kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? From street vendors whose goods are guaranteed not to be certified. Its production often uses hazardous chemicals in quantities exceeding safety standards.

Advantages of items made from melamine

Reasons for the popularity of data kitchen products:

  • Melamine dishes are convenient, practical and much cheaper than ceramic ones;
  • melamine is a durable, elastic material, in some versions it imitates porcelain kitchen utensils;
  • this is the first “own” dishes for the youngest family members - colorful, unbreakable and light;
  • Melamine is included in popular disposable plates, cutlery and cups for grilling, parties and outdoor activities.

Disadvantages and risks

Why should you not use dishes made from of this material:

  • melamine quickly and initially imperceptibly penetrates into cooked dishes under the influence of high temperatures and an acidic environment;
  • this, in turn, can lead to breathing difficulties, allergic reactions, and with prolonged use, also to disruption of the kidneys, the appearance of stones and even tumors. Therefore, you need to know which dishes you should not eat from.

To keep melamine cookware safe, avoid cooking or serving soups and hot dishes in it. It is advisable to use it only for warm food. You should absolutely not prepare hot tea with lemon in it, as this further enhances the secretion of the mentioned substance and also significantly affects the taste. Do not use it for cutting or storing citrus fruits.

Harmful aluminum

When talking about what kind of cookware should not be used for food, we cannot fail to mention aluminum. You cannot cook or stew sour or very salty dishes in it. Such products, together with high temperature cause formation on the surface harmful substances, as a result of which aluminum penetrates into cooked dishes and is completely deposited in the liver. This can lead to its deficiency and also initiate the development of cancer.

Scientists warn that there is also a close relationship between the use of such utensils and neurological diseases, namely Alzheimer's disease.

Dangerous Teflon

Teflon pans are very convenient because they are easy to clean and food fried on them does not burn. The problem only appears when scratches appear on their surface. A damaged Teflon layer allows particles of this substance to fall directly into the food.

American scientists have proven which dishes cannot be used to eat anything. Their experiments showed that fumes from damaged Teflon could kill caged birds. This type of pan releases toxic chemicals that reduce the body's resistance not only in animals but also in humans. The risk of heart attacks and strokes increases, which can lead to cancer. These highly toxic chemicals are fluorine compounds, which are found in Teflon. They are also found in impregnation products for waterproof fabrics (clothing, curtains or carpets).

What dishes should you not eat from: enamel pans

Kitchen enamel vessels are not harmful until scratches appear on them and the enamel begins to fall off. Under its layer there is steel sheet, which corrodes quite quickly. Rusty steel filings can get into food being cooked in a pan, and then directly into the human body. But the result of iron oxidation is very harmful to health.

However, if you decide to buy an enamel pan, remember the rule: the heavier it is, the better. It should have a thick bottom because it will be more resistant to damage. Before purchasing, be sure to check the pan on each side to make sure there are no chips or scratches.

Don't skimp on silicone kitchen utensils

Silicone is a fairly harmless material to health. But, unfortunately, very expensive. Therefore, manufacturers often add various kinds of cheap chemical fillers. Such silicone products are not safe. When exposed to high temperatures, they release organic volatile substances that change the color, aroma and taste of food, resulting in harm to health. This once again shows what kind of dishes you should not eat from.

What is better to use?

Experts are unanimous in this case. The least harmful utensils are made from It is durable and chemically resistant to all factors and chemical substances found in food. Does not lose its properties when exposed to very high temperatures during cooking and is not affected by acids and other components contained in food.

In this article we will look at different materials, from which modern utensils for heat treatment of products are made, and find out which utensils meet modern requirements security.

From the course of chemistry and physics high school, We know that chemical elements react with each other and form various compounds that may be unsafe for humans. The structure of the alloys from which cookware is made is different, and it affects the quality of food.

Ideally, the dishes should be chemically inactive, neutral, so that the taste of the products does not change and so that various substances are not released into them. Let's look at what kind of dishes there are.

Clay dishes

Clay dishes are safe, proven over thousands of years. Even if clay particles get into your body, you will not get poisoned, nothing bad will happen. However avoid cooking and eating from earthenware decorated with bright colors . Such paints may contain lead, cadmium, and zinc. So for food, it is optimal to use clay dishes without painting and/or store only dry foods in them.

Copper utensils

Copper has high thermal conductivity, meaning it will take less time to cook food, which will help retain more nutrients in the food. But you cannot store food in copper dishes. Especially foods with high acidity - copper oxidizes.

Copper cookware is good for everyone, but it is very expensive.

Cast iron cookware

Many people believe that good old cast iron is very good: pans do not wear out, last almost forever, do not deform, and retain heat well. We hope you remember that cast iron (it contains 97-98% iron) rusts without special care - regular calcination and oiling. Cast iron is a porous alloy, so caring for cast iron cookware will be special.

Liliya Gushchina, chef at the MitStar cafe, notes that porous cast iron cannot be considered safe : “We don’t cook with the same oil twice because it’s unhealthy, but somehow we allow leftover oil in a cast iron pan to heat up over and over again, releasing carcinogens into the food.”

To prevent this from happening, it would be logical to apply a special coating to the cast iron, but so far no company has achieved success in this direction. Read more about cast iron frying pans we wrote in the article.

Enameled cookware

The task of enamel is to protect the metal from oxidation and interaction with products. But this effect lasts only until the first chip or crack. And then that’s it, the path for acids to the metal is open.

Note that the enamel itself (red or brown) is unsafe - it contains a lot of magnesium and manganese, and its excess in the body leads to loss of appetite and drowsiness. Most safe utensils with enamel white, gray, blue flowers. However, enamel does not solve the problem of food burning at all.

Stainless steel dishes

Surgical instruments are made from stainless steel - this is the main answer to the question about the safety of stainless steel. In the production of such steel, an alloy of iron, nickel, chromium, manganese, and copper is used. Steel does not rust and retains its appearance, food rarely burns on it. We can say that such dishes are chemically neutral - they do not interact with acids or alkalis.

But stainless alloys are all different. Eg, To make the dishes as safe as possible, nickel should not be more than 10% . And it is not recommended to store food in such containers - metals can penetrate into the food.

According to studies (1), large doses of nickel lead to breathing problems, protein dystrophy, allergies, promotes the development of cancer and increases the risk of miscarriages in pregnant women.

It is also important to know what kind of chromium was used in production - trivalent (natural) or hexavalent (manufactured and ecotoxic). The latter can cause lung tumors, allergies, gastritis and stomach ulcers, accumulate in the liver and bone marrow, lead to nervous system disorders and decreased reproductive function (2).

Aluminum cookware

Perhaps the most common in Soviet times, due to its low cost and lack of corrosion, a natural oxide film forms on the surface of the metal and protects it, but is easily destroyed when exposed to acids. IN Soviet time many knew that it was impossible to ferment cabbage in an aluminum container - the cabbage would change color to gray and acquire a metallic taste.

According to research by scientists (3) excess aluminum in the body negatively affects the central nervous system, bone marrow, kidneys, lungs, female reproductive system . Intoxication causes speech impairment, loss of consciousness, coma, and immunodeficiency develops. Aluminum accumulates in tissues, and its toxic effects, such as Alzheimer's disease, can take several years to appear.

However, recently a lot of cookware made from aluminum-silicon alloys has appeared, which is becoming increasingly popular because it does not rust. To prevent aluminum from interacting with food, a special coating is applied to the dishes. The coating recipe is different - but they not only cover the metal, but also improve its properties - in particular non-stick.

Cast aluminum pans with a non-stick coating have long been a favorite among housewives. How safe are they for humans?

Non-stick coating is a relative newcomer to our kitchens, they are still studying it and trying to identify its shortcomings. Fortunately, modern technologies allow for thorough testing of coating compositions, and manufacturers can provide detailed instructions for correct use such dishes.

Du Pont, the inventor of Teflon, confirms that when heated above 300 degrees Celsius, Teflon begins to release fluoride compounds . But it is also worth remembering that modern stoves heat up to 220 degrees. So there is no need to fear any harm.

Here’s what Anton Aleshin, chemical technologist at Neva Metal Posuda JSC, says about coatings: “Non-stick coatings really protect the metal from contact with food. It is recommended to use wooden or silicone spatulas when cooking so as not to leave deep scratches on the surface to the metal. Minor damage to the coating is not dangerous.

It is very important that the coating was not very thick– the thicker the coating, the greater the likelihood that it will cease to be solid, cracks will appear, through which vegetable acids will penetrate to the metal. Modern coatings They are made multi-layered, where each layer is independent and at the same time thin.

Temperature is an important point. If the pans are overheated or overheated, the coating can be burned, it will become unusable, and the food will burn. And this is a signal that such dishes can no longer be used.

If there is any visible damage to the coating, the cookware must be replaced. . In particular, our company within warranty period produces free replacement dishes."

Liliya Gushchina, chef at the MitStar cafe, explains how to properly handle utensils for cooking: “Questions arise - how best to use frying pans for frying food, so that the meat is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Firstly, the less fat when frying, the better . If you still use oil, it is better to buy special olive oil for frying – yes, it is more expensive, but safer for health.

Secondly, to avoid overheating the coating of the frying pan, you need to heat it over low heat - for induction cookers this is mode 6, for electric – 2.”

Harm and benefits of infrared sauna

It is important to understand which kitchen pan to choose - after all, you will use it very often.

We have prepared detailed instructions about how not to make a mistake when buying and what you should pay attention to. And the first thing worth talking about is how many pots there should be in the kitchen and why they are needed.

Determining the purpose of use

If you don’t have any pans yet, then everything seems simple - buy a ready-made set of 5-6 containers. What should you do if you seem to have enough dishes, but it’s inconvenient to prepare a certain dish?

Not everyone thinks about the fact that each pan has its own functional purpose. Let's figure it out:

  • Large saucepan 3-5 liters is ideal for soups, and in summer time- compotes. True, if you live alone and prefer to do without first courses, you don’t have to buy it.
  • The average capacity is 2-2.5 liters. considered universal. It is used for heating first courses and for preparing small portions of soup, pasta, etc. In fact - a must-have.
  • Liter saucepan with a long handle, used for boiling eggs, sausages, and vegetables. Convenient and practical.
  • It will also come in handy thick-walled saucepan or cauldrons - suitable for porridges, pilaf, products that require a long stewing process.
  • A stewpan is essentially a hybrid between a standard saucepan and a frying pan - a medium-diameter container with fairly high walls. Perfect option for products for which it is very important to retain moisture or sauces.

We have described the minimum set, which is enough to prepare all the main dishes. Of course, professional chefs will think that this is critically insufficient, and those who practically do not cook food at home will decide that five pans are overkill.

Therefore, think carefully about which of them you really need - it is better to have only 2 pans in the kitchen, but good and high-quality ones.

However, it is not enough to decide on the volume and shape: now cooking utensils are made from 7 various materials . How are they different and which one should you choose?

The ideal saucepan - what is it made of?

To make it easier to navigate, we analyzed all 7 types, highlighting their main pros and cons. We are sure that with these tables the choice will be much easier!

1. Dishes from the past - enamel

Surely, everyone remembers it from childhood - a white or blue saucepan with the obligatory drawings on the sides.

Nowadays it is used less often, but they are not in a hurry to forget it. Why is this happening?

How to choose: Pay attention to the way the enamel is applied- there are only two of them. The first, called spraying, is not very reliable - after just six months the coating will begin to peel off. Dipping is more durable and proper care will serve you long years. It is indicated by 2-4 points on the bottom of the pan - the place of fastening on the conveyor.

Besides, the color of the enamel inside is important- it must be black, white or beige. Other tones indicate that dyes were used. They have a bad effect on the strength of the coating, and they themselves can be toxic - especially in cheap Chinese dishes.

2. Aluminum

Reviews about her say different things. For example, that food cooked in an aluminum pan is not edible and is almost poisonous. Is it really?

Experts' opinion: Indeed, it is not recommended to buy such pans. At frequent use they can be harmful to health.

So is it necessary to take risks? After all, there are many other, safe analogues that are not much more expensive!

3. Durable cast iron

Heavy dark pans seem unsightly at first glance. Let's see what advantages compensate for the appearance.

Nowadays you can find cast iron pans with enamel in stores. While significantly facilitating the care of dishes, they deprive them of their main advantages. So think twice.

When choosing, pay attention to the material itself: it should be dark and porous. At the same time, the surface is homogeneous and flat. Any chips, dents and deformations are a sign of low quality.

4. Popular Teflon

In the 90s, Teflon pots and pans made a real splash. Are they really that good or is it just a marketing ploy?

What are the conclusions?

According to reviews, high-quality Teflon pans can withstand even pasta left on the stove and do not spoil. But they are expensive and require extremely careful handling.

When purchasing, make sure that the coating is even and try to choose dishes with the thickest possible layer of Teflon.

5. Eco-friendly ceramics

Ceramic pots have become extremely popular on the crest of the fashion for environmental friendliness and naturalness.

Let's see why they are loved:

Many experts advise using ceramic pans - they justify their high cost. But be sure to take into account the disadvantages - if you are not careful, it is better to look at another option.

We are talking about its special, fire-resistant form. According to housewives, such dishes are in no way inferior to ceramic ones.

When choosing glass pans, pay attention to the material itself: it should be uniform, without bubbles or color changes. And, of course, refuse Chinese cookware that costs 100 rubles - there is a risk that it will burst as soon as it starts to heat up.

7. Eternal stainless steel

The undisputed leader in popularity are pans made of stainless or medical steel. Why is that?

An important parameter is wall thickness. So, the bottom should ideally be at least 3 mm, and the walls - about 0.5.

We also advise you to study the labeling. It is usually presented in chrome/nickel format. 10/18, 12/18, 08/12. The more chromium in the alloy, the stronger and better quality the pan. However, it is not necessary to memorize the numbers - if anything, in good store the seller will always advise you.

We hope we were able to clearly explain the difference. The choice is yours: think about what you plan to cook and what characteristics are your priority. The only thing we still recommend is to refuse aluminum pans- they are too unsafe and low price This doesn't compensate in any way.

But it’s not enough to decide which pan to buy - enameled, cast iron or stainless steel. Necessarily consider what kind of stove you have- For different types different pans are suitable.

Selecting cookware for the hob

Yes, you read that right. This is really very important - not every pan can be placed on a glass cover or gas burner. Let's figure it out together:

  • For electric hobs with glass-ceramic surfaces Do not use any pans with a rough surface - for example, cast iron. Suitable utensils made of stainless steel, glass, Teflon or ceramics, enameled steel.
  • For induction panels It is important that the bottom has magnetic properties - choose metal utensils.
  • For gas stoves It is not advisable to use glass pans. But everything else is without restrictions. True, it is better to place the ceramics on low heat first so that it warms up evenly.

As you can see, this is really important point: It would be a shame to buy an expensive pan that simply won’t heat up or will burst on the first day.

What else is worth paying attention to?

It doesn't matter what material or volume you prefer. There are some nuances that are always important:

  1. 1. Choosing from two similar pans, take the one with thicker walls and bottom. Yes, it will heat up longer, but more evenly.
  2. 2. What more layers of non-stick coating, the longer the dishes will last you.
  3. 3. Carefully inspect each element- no defects, chips, scratches. They significantly reduce the service life, and in some cases can be very dangerous.
  4. 4. Pay attention to the cover: It should fit snugly against the edge and not move or slide off when tilted slightly.
  5. 5. Important: Ideally, it has a small hole for steam to escape - this will prevent the liquid from boiling over.
  6. 6. Make sure the bottom is level. The pan must be stable on the grill or cooking surface.
  7. 7. If you buy pans made of steel, aluminum or enameled, look at the pens. Do not take those where they are welded - if they are soldered carelessly, there is a high risk of injury.
  8. 8. It is better to assemble a set of separate but really necessary pans than to buy a ready-made set. Plus last option- it's more profitable price, minus - the risk of taking unnecessary utensils.
  9. 9. Not related to choice, but helpful advice: think about where and how you will store these dishes. This is really a problem, especially in a small kitchen.

There is one more important point. Any utensils come into contact with your food. Are you sure that you should buy an unknown brand that does not guarantee high quality?

Understanding brands

Don't try to save money in this matter.

IN best case scenario you risk throwing away money, and at worst, even harming your health.

So, which companies have performed well in the production of high-quality pans?

  • If we talk about aluminum, then it’s worth buying cookware only with protective layer . These are the products produced by the German company BergHoff, as well as the Italian brand Lamart.
  • Leader among Teflon pans- the well-known Tefal. It may be difficult to find a worthy competitor. But keep in mind - the price is appropriate.
  • We recommend buying cast iron cookware made in Russia - they are thicker than European or Asian ones. The “Biol” concert has proven itself well. If you want cast iron with an enamel coating, take a closer look at the products of the Turkish brand Lava - they are inexpensive, and the quality, according to reviews, is excellent.
  • French enamel pans Savasan You won't be happy with the price. But they are very reliable, durable and beautiful - you don’t have to hide such dishes before guests arrive.
  • Italian ceramic pans Granchio Lauro Green Fiamma differ high quality and variety of designs. Definitely, the manufacturer has earned a place in our ranking. Emile Henry also deserves attention - those who love to cook will be attracted by the wide assortment, where, in addition to ordinary dishes, there are rare variations such as tagine or ceramic baking pots.
  • A large selection of stainless steel pans is widely represented by the already mentioned BergHoff brand - reliability and durability at affordable prices. Suddenly competes with them Chinese tableware Kohen- it has passed certification and confirmed its high quality.

If you like dishes from another brand, be sure to look real reviews on the Internet so as not to purchase a low-quality or even dangerous item.

In our article we tried to cover all important aspects. We hope you now understand how to choose a really good pan and what you need to pay attention to. Have a pleasant and useful shopping!

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