Aerated concrete or foam concrete, which is better than a bathhouse? What is the best material to build a bathhouse from?

On construction market abundance of wall materials: expanded clay concrete, foam, gas and cinder blocks. This review will look at the features of commonly found foam and slag concrete. This will help the future homeowner, when building a home, decide what is best to choose for a house or a garage.

Brief overview of the main characteristics of materials, pros and cons

Identical shapes, as well as some general properties create a misleading impression of identity.

Just a small list of general attractive indicators includes:

  • good geometric shapes, facilitating and reducing the cost of transportation;
  • ease of operation, which does not require professional laying skills;
  • good fire resistance;
  • minimum construction period;
  • identical frost resistance F15–F50;
  • budget cost compared to other masonry buildings (but the difference in the price of the blocks themselves is significant).

In reality, foam and cinder blocks have significant and serious differences.

Characteristics Cinder blocks Foam blocks
Composition and production technology Artificial building material is produced both industrially and at home. In addition to the main concrete components, these blocks may include ingredients such as:
  • blast furnace slag;
  • expanded clay chips;
  • rock screening;
  • gravel;
  • crushed stone;
  • broken glass;
  • broken hardened cement or brick.

They are not subject to standardization in terms of weight, size and properties. They can have a variety of components and be manufactured on installations that differ in design and technology for performing the work.

During manufacture concrete mixture a foaming agent is added, which creates porosity. The process is carried out in stationary industrial installations, where the components are strictly dosed. This explains compliance with dimensions and technical parameters depending on the brand of foam concrete
Weight of 1 m3 in kg from 1500 from 580 to 630
Cost of one block in rubles 17 – 48 47 – 110
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m°C 0,5 – 0,8 0,1 – 0,38
Density, kg/m³ 750 – 1450 100 – 900
Compressive strength, kg/cm² 25 – 75 10 – 50
Water absorption percentage Up to 75 14

Physicochemical characteristics are confirmed by the advantages and disadvantages of slag and foam blocks.

By using foam concrete to build a house, you can significantly save on energy savings, since this material practically does not allow heat to pass through and is 3-4 times better than slag concrete in this regard. It also has the following positive properties:

  • does not require additional waterproofing;
  • perfectly protects against noise;
  • vapor permeable and does not absorb water well;
  • communications can be laid through foam concrete walls without any problems;
  • well machined, allowing you to create any geometric shape;
  • light weight and low load on the base make it possible not to build an expensive foundation and use special equipment;
  • environmentally friendly and safe for humans.

Foam blocks also have their disadvantages:

  • Insufficient strength to hang heavy objects on the walls of the house.
  • The use of specialized glue as a binding material during the masonry process. Usage cement-sand mortar leads to a decrease in the thermal insulation of foam concrete.

When choosing foam or slag concrete for individual construction, the future owner of the house needs to know that the latter, attractive for its budget cost, has more disadvantages than advantages.

To the positive parameters common to foam concrete, we must add the special advantages of cinder blocks:

  • quick drying of the folded finished wall;
  • the possibility of creating bricks of the required dimensions and properties in non-industrial conditions;
  • the blocks are not exposed to fungi or mold, they are free from bacteria, pests and insects;
  • low specific gravity.

The negative properties of cinder blocks include:

  • ability to quickly heat up and lose heat;
  • the inability, unlike foam concrete, to mechanically process elements, which interferes with the wiring of internal communications;
  • heavy weight, which makes masonry work difficult and requires a solid foundation;
  • instability to moisture, so vapor and waterproofing is needed on all sides;
  • tendency to absorb radioactivity;
  • non-environmental friendliness, which depends on fillers;
  • poor sound insulation;
  • the fragility of the blocks, which are very easy to damage individually (not in a finished building) by mechanical action.

A careful analysis of the information provided will allow the future homeowner to choose foam or cinder block as masonry for the construction of the building, depending on its purpose.

Which is preferable to build from?

The above overview of the pros and cons of common building materials specifically suggests their areas of application. Cinder block is not the worst option for masonry, and in some respects (for example, price) it is even better than foam concrete. But the latter is attractive due to its low thermal conductivity and energy savings, so it is definitely better to build residential buildings from foam blocks.

But it is better to choose cinder blocks for household buildings such as a garage or a bathhouse, which do not require good sound insulation or a low thermal conductivity coefficient. And during operation there will be no problems with them if the heat and waterproofing is done properly. These small buildings, a garage and a bathhouse, are erected in just a few days at minimal labor and material costs. But the choice of technology, depending on the purpose of the structure, is determined by the financial capabilities of the potential homeowner who is building his own estate.

What is better, a foam block or a cinder block, many people think before starting construction. And this is not in vain, because the block system for building premises is more economical in terms of time spent. And their price is lower than brick.

Foam block or cinder block, which is better we will consider today. You will also be presented with a video in this article and photos that will help you make the right choice.

Foam block and cinder block - comparison

Aerated concrete has recently become popular in construction; cinder blocks have been used by builders for a long time to construct objects. The popularity of aerated concrete was influenced by its low cost, global crisis, and availability for any developer.

Cinder blocks began to be used en masse from 1927 to 1930. This was the time of industrialization in the country. When did they start in large quantities smelt steel and cast iron. The resulting slag was considered waste material, it had to be used.

Even today we sometimes see old buildings built using cinder blocks (see). In those days, the material was attracted by its low cost and ease of manufacture. This was important! The country was rising!

What are the benefits of a block structure? After all, it has its own advantages and disadvantages, they must be studied before making a decision.


  • First of all, this is the speed of construction, because the blocks are larger than bricks and the work can be done quite quickly.
  • So does thermal insulation. There are of course some differences here, but overall it’s excellent.
  • By doing the work yourself, you can significantly reduce costs. After all, face masonry is not done here.

Attention: The main disadvantage of the blocks is the mandatory cladding. It's just not facial material. And therefore, when deciding whether cinder blocks or foam blocks are better, you should immediately include the cost of finishing.

Foam blocks or cinder blocks, which is better depends on the parameters of the material. The characteristics that are important here are, first of all, they are different. Let’s go straight to them and look at cinder blocks or foam blocks, which is better in terms of their performance.

Manufacturing of gas blocks

Used for production new technology– foaming.


  • It consists of cement, sand and water. The composition is foamed and poured into molds, where the products harden. Become suitable for construction. The internal component is a large number of microscopic air bubbles. They give the product lightness.
  • Therefore, the products do not allow moisture to pass through easily and do not sink in water. They have enhanced waterproofing. The blocks do not require additional protection - this is a positive quality that is highly valued by developers. For them, this is a profitable material!
  • It almost does not allow heat to pass through, which indicates energy saving. As a result, in winter you can save on heating costs. Building an object from blocks is a pleasure and an attraction for any developers. Walls are built from it quickly. Organizers do not need to carry heavy products. The walls can be laid out in one row, the house will still be warm. For execution construction process there is no need to attract a lot of people. The construction option is one of the most profitable and has become available to many since the invention of the product.
  • Due to the lightness of the material, there is no need to build a complex foundation. Even a lightweight foundation will do, because the weight of the building will still be light. Work on its installation is carried out without the use of specialized equipment. The result is a reduction in costs for the facility, a benefit for the developer.

If the blocks are not counterfeit, then their index reaches 99%. Therefore, it is sometimes compared to a tree. The porous structure of the blocks allows the building to breathe.

How does it happen in wooden house. Therefore, the buildings have a good microclimate.

They are easy to cut, creating objects of unusual shape during construction. The design solution for the facility can be anything, taking into account the customer’s requirements.

Advantages For any developer, the cost and strength of the material are the deciding factors when purchasing.

The advantages of the material also include:

  • Excellent thermal insulation, due to which objects do not need to be insulated additionally;
  • The speed of creation of structures, this is due to the low weight of the products;
  • The porosity of aerated concrete gives the products vapor permeability;
  • The ability to build external walls in one layer, even without insulation;
  • No harm to humans or animals.
Flaws This material has flaws, just like bricks. The main one is water absorption. Therefore, even after the completion of the construction process, moisture may be observed in the house.

The house should be thoroughly dried before use. IN winter time the external structure of the house may become covered with ice. This reduces the heat in the house.

Cinder blocks - production

Cinder block has been popular since ancient times. Cheap product for the construction of objects.

  • In its manufacture, components are used - cement of a certain brand, slag, ash. The filler for the materials is a sand-gravel mixture, granite screenings, stones, crushed stone, sawdust, gravel, sand, and other types of waste.
  • The sizes of the blocks and weight are different. Specialists do not comply with standardization during production. Many firms, entrepreneurs, and developers of personal estates are now engaged in the production of the product.
  • The low thermal conductivity of products is incomparable with bricks. It depends on the type of fillers used to create the compositions. The highest quality and most durable products contain lime in their composition. These products are used by many for construction.
Among the advantages
  • Simple, fast construction;
  • Heat preservation;
  • The structure, made of cinder blocks, dries quickly;
  • The material is harmless to humans;
  • Low cost.
Disadvantages of cinder block Like all materials, it has disadvantages. Among them:
  • Reduced level of sound insulation;
  • Upon completion of the construction of the facility, finishing of external structures with brick is required. Which increases costs.
  • It is difficult to lay utility networks for a facility through walls and partitions;
  • Cinder block is afraid of water, due to which the service life of objects is reduced;
  • A cinder block structure needs waterproofing after construction, and construction costs increase.

Aerated blocks in construction - Multi-storey buildings are not built from aerated blocks. Although it doesn't have many shortcomings. But even those that exist are alarming to developers. Among them is the low strength of the blocks. This is critical. Then developers use a mixed type of masonry, where brick is interspersed with aerated concrete.

Cinder blocks in construction - Cinder blocks are used not only in the construction of walls. It is used for laying foundations. Then the blocks are made from a concrete mixture and a certain filler. The choice depends on the preference of the developer and the strength of the material being created.


Now let’s look at what is better: foam blocks or cinder blocks:

  • Upon examination, it is clear that structures created by aerated concrete can become covered with ice in winter. And this is already a disaster for the developer. When using a foam block, you need to make an effort to reduce the shortcomings of the products. He has many positive qualities.
  • Cinder block also has important advantages. It cannot be discounted as a material for construction. And what exactly the materials cost is the question! Dachas and large one-story cottages are built from aerated blocks. Buildings of economic importance, for example, various sheds, are made from cinder blocks.
  • The one who is in this moment does not have the necessary funds, it costs cinder blocks to give himself a dacha. It's not bad! And if the material was made in good faith, then the dacha turns out great! If the building is properly maintained, it will serve for a long time.
  • In cities and towns you can sometimes find houses made of cinder blocks. They are very old, but still standing. But, given practice, the gas block is undoubtedly the leader in use! This will continue for a long time until they come up with a new, innovative material!

Attention: When purchasing material, you must be careful not to buy a fake that has negative indicators. For example, low environmental friendliness, harmful to humans. The instructions and certificate of conformity must be studied.

Cinder block or foam block, which is better, there is no clear answer. Here we must proceed from the use of the room itself. It’s also worth paying attention Special attention on the characteristics of the material. It also sometimes matters that a cinder block or foam block is cheaper, and if it is not a living space, then this indicator can play a major role.

Foam blocks thanks to their light weight, low price and good technical parameters fell in love with developers. What will be the results if we compare foam concrete with other building materials suitable for the same purposes?

Let's find out, and first compare, gas silicate (), and answer: what is better, what are the differences and similarities between the materials?

So, what is the difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete, or are there no differences? Both of these materials belong to representatives and basically contain . However, they differ somewhat in composition and.

  • Aerated concrete blocks become porous due to the introduction of aluminum paste with lime; during production, the mass is usually heated in an autoclave.
  • Foam blocks contain a special foam concentrate that forms pores, and they often dry naturally - in air.

What is the difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete, what are their pros and cons, we will explain further.

The following video will tell you which is better, foam concrete or aerated concrete:

How to distinguish from each other?

How to distinguish aerated concrete from foam concrete?

  • Snow-white aerated concrete and gray (cement-concrete-colored) foam concrete are easy to visually distinguish from each other.
  • The latter is cheaper - about one fifth.
  • However, if you calculate construction costs, it turns out that you need to take more foam blocks than gas blocks.
  • And it is more expensive to lay them, since for this you will have to make a cement mortar. And for aerated concrete you need a special glue, which is consumed much less, and the installation itself is faster.
  • Due to thin seams, aerated concrete walls will be warmer.

Blocks made of foam concrete and aerated concrete

Technical specifications

Now let's compare the main technical parameters:

  • The dimensions of aerated concrete are more stable (factory conditions allow this to be achieved).
  • The moisture absorption of foam concrete is much lower (untreated concrete, like sponges, absorbs water, but is not destroyed). Accordingly, foam blocks are more suitable.
  • In terms of density (which determines strength), both materials have floating indicators: from 300 to 1.2 thousand kilograms per cubic meter. In foam concrete, the strength greatly depends on the quality of the foam concentrate. Gas blocks have the same strength throughout their entire volume, foam blocks do not. At the same density, aerated concrete is stronger.
  • Shrinkage near a wall made of foam blocks is greater - 1-3 millimeters per meter. Therefore, cracks sometimes appear in it. Aerated concrete walls with shrinkage of no more than 0.5 millimeters per meter, they usually do not crack.
  • Thermal insulation (which has low density) is better. After all, it is more “bubbly” in structure.

As for safety in terms of ecology, lightness, fire resistance and durability, both materials are quite up to par.

Having drawn conclusions, it can be noted that it is better to build load-bearing walls from gas blocks, and thermal insulation from foam blocks.

Now that we have compared the characteristics of foam concrete and aerated concrete, identified their advantages and disadvantages, we will also consider gas silicate in this regard.

Foam concrete and gas silicate

  • Gas silicate blocks are made using a slightly more complex technology than aerated concrete ones. For them, an autoclave is an indispensable condition. The main components are water, and. To create pores, aluminum is added in the form of powder.
  • The material is strong, retains heat well, and does not crack. White color.
  • The price of gas silicate blocks is about a quarter higher than that of foam concrete blocks. But, as already described above in the example with aerated concrete, building with them is cheaper and faster. The shrinkage of the wall will be no more than 0.3 millimeters per meter. The remaining parameters are similar to aerated concrete. This includes high water absorption, which requires high-quality finishing.

The conclusions are the same as in the previous case: for the construction of load-bearing type walls and various designs It’s better to take gas silicate, or foam concrete to preserve heat. Also, the latter will be good for small street buildings that are not intended to be finished. The material resists moisture and frost well.

What to choose, foam concrete or gas silicate - the following video is devoted to this issue:

Polystyrene concrete, as the name implies, uses the lightest polystyrene foam as a filler. Depending on the composition, the density (and, accordingly, the thermal insulation capacity) of the material may change. Externally it has a grayish color. It can be easily distinguished from foam concrete by holding the block in your hands.

Let's compare the characteristics:

  • By weight: foam concrete is heavier (more than twice). Square meter a wall made of it weighs 302.5 kilograms. Polystyrene concrete has 135 kilograms.
  • Polystyrene concrete blocks are also the leaders in terms of heat conservation: they have a thermal conductivity of 0.075 W/m·K, while foam concrete blocks have a thermal conductivity of 0.14 W/m·K.
  • And in terms of frost resistance: foam concrete can be frozen up to thirty-five times, polystyrene concrete - up to a hundred times.
  • Foam concrete blocks are one and a half times weaker in resisting compressive loads.
  • Regarding fire resistance, the situation is different. If foam concrete does not burn at all, then its competitor is a slow-burning material. Polystyrene balls melt when heated strongly, releasing harmful substances. Therefore, for safety, polystyrene concrete requires a plaster coating of three centimeters.
  • The water absorption of foam concrete is higher - 14 percent. Its lighter competitor has only 4 percent.
  • Styrene granules are not always distributed evenly, which is why the structure of expanded polystyrene is less uniform than that of foam concrete. Because of this, it can be fragile.

In principle, both materials are suitable for the construction of small buildings and thermal insulation.

But, unlike foam concrete, polystyrene concrete (which is somewhat more expensive) requires mandatory plastering. But thanks to low thermal conductivity, the total cost of polystyrene concrete structures is 1.4 times lower.

Foam concrete and expanded clay concrete

To improve the heat-shielding properties, cement mixture add smooth rounds of expanded clay. This is how expanded clay concrete with a grayish noticeable textured surface is obtained, which is as easy to manufacture as foam concrete. They are also similar in characteristics.

Here's a comparison:

  • The thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete blocks is from 0.12 to 0.55 W/m K. Foam concrete has an average of 0.14 W/mK.
  • The compressive strength of expanded clay concrete is from 3.5 to 7.5 MPa. For foam concrete - from 2 to 7.5 MPa.
  • In terms of frost resistance, foam concrete is better: it can withstand thirty-five defrosts, and expanded clay concrete - twenty-five.
  • Water absorption is slightly lower for foam concrete (14 percent). His competitor has 18 percent.

Thus, for the construction of inexpensive buildings up to two floors, both materials are quite suitable (they are almost the same in price, but expanded clay concrete is still cheaper).

Foam concrete and cinder block

For (otherwise, wall bricks) all kinds of industrial waste are used, introduced into the cement mixture. For example, coal screenings, brick fragments, broken building materials. This determines its low cost (lower than foam concrete). Externally, the material is not very presentable, reminiscent of pumice of a dirty color.

Let's compare both materials:

  • Foam concrete is more environmentally friendly, as cinder blocks are made from waste, which is not always environmentally friendly.
  • Foam concrete absorbs less water. Cinder blocks are not used without plastering and waterproofing.
  • Foam concrete is less fragile.
  • Cinder blocks have low thermal insulation and noise protection. Foam concrete wins in these parameters.
  • But cinder block structures are, as a rule, stronger than foam block ones. They are comparable to bricks.

Let's draw conclusions: foam concrete is useful if you need to inexpensively build a small cottage or country house IR. But it’s better to build something household out of cinder concrete: sheds, toilets, utility rooms.

Foam concrete and brick

It is easy to distinguish them from each other: brick (which costs much more) is twenty times smaller and looks more decorative, having a white or red tint and a smooth surface. However, building with brick is much longer and harder - it requires skill, experience and a lot of tools. You can build a wall from foam block very quickly, without using extra effort.

As for the characteristics:

  • Brickwork is stronger (from 50 to 300 kg/cm2) than foam concrete (from 9 to 90 kg/cm2).
  • But in terms of noise insulation and heat conservation, foam blocks win. For brick these indicators are much worse. Thermal conductivity, for example, 0.8 W/m·K (foam concrete - 0.14 W/m·K).
  • The moisture absorption of both materials is approximately the same level, but the frost resistance of brick is better (75 cycles versus 35 for foam concrete).
  • The environmental friendliness and fire resistance of both materials are a “solid five”. And also vapor permeability, allowing the walls of the house to breathe.

Let's draw conclusions. More expensive bricks are appropriate to use for the construction of strong foundations and load-bearing walls. And cheap foam blocks are used for partitions and thermal insulation.

This way you can combine materials, harmoniously combining them and making construction quite affordable. If we talk about completely brick house, then it will cost more than foam concrete, but it does not protect against noise and store heat as well.

Even more data on comparing foam concrete with aerated concrete, cinder blocks, and polystyrene concrete is contained in the video below:

The first question that arises at the stage of preparation for construction work- this is the choice of material for building walls. There are many options on the market and it is not easy to find yours among them. Foam blocks and cinder blocks are considered one of the most popular wall materials. They have different technical characteristics and... To answer the question of which material is better and cheaper, it is necessary to analyze their advantages and disadvantages and position in the market.

Features of the use of materials

Foam concrete is cellular concrete obtained through the hardening process of a solution that contains cement, sand, water and foam. Foam blocks are a hardened mixture of binder, siliceous component and air cells that are formed due to the action of foaming agents. It is the latter component that ensures uniform distribution of air in the blocks. They are considered lightweight, warm structural construction products. They burn very poorly and protect other materials from fire. Houses made of foam blocks will be warm and reliable, and during operation they will allow you to save on heating the building. It is important that their thermal conductivity and volumetric weight are several times lower than that of sand-lime brick.

Foreman's advice: for laying load-bearing walls (internal and external), partitions of low-rise buildings, it is better to use foam blocks with a density of at least 500-500 kg/m³.

Cinder blocks are made from cement, sand, water and special filler(usually this is blast furnace slag or expanded clay chips). They have good technical characteristics, but some significant disadvantages require a special approach to their use during construction. The owner needs to take care of high-quality waterproofing, insulation of walls and roof. But this material is cheaper and easy to install (even a non-professional can do it). needs careful finishing interior walls. First attach to the surface wooden sheathing, then insulation, foil and at the final stage - wooden upholstery.

Comparative characteristics of foam concrete and cinder block

Foam and cinder blocks have different technical characteristics and design capabilities. But if you follow the construction technology and choose the right product according to its characteristics, the selected building material will perform its task efficiently. Foam block has better properties, but it costs significantly more. Cinder block is cheaper, but has some disadvantages that need to be compensated for by good thermal and waterproofing. The choice should depend on the financial capabilities of the construction site owner and housing requirements.


The first question that arises at the stage of preparation for construction work is the choice of material for the construction of walls. There are many options on the market and it is not easy to find yours among them.

Foam blocks and cinder blocks are considered one of the most popular wall materials. They have different technical characteristics and prices. To answer the question of which material is better and cheaper, it is necessary to analyze their advantages and disadvantages and position in the market.

Foam concrete is cellular concrete obtained through the hardening process of a solution that contains cement, sand, water and foam.

Foam blocks are a hardened mixture of binder, siliceous component and air cells that are formed due to the action of foaming agents. It is the latter component that ensures uniform distribution of air in the blocks. They are considered lightweight, warm structural building products.

They burn very poorly and protect other materials from fire. Houses made of foam blocks will be warm and reliable, and during operation they will allow you to save on heating the building. It is important that their thermal conductivity and volumetric weight are several times lower than that of sand-lime brick.

Foreman's advice: for laying load-bearing walls (internal and external), partitions of low-rise buildings, it is better to use foam blocks with a density of at least 500-500 kg/m³.

Cinder blocks are made from cement, sand, water and a special filler (usually blast furnace slag or expanded clay chips). They have good technical characteristics, but some significant disadvantages require a special approach to their use during construction. The owner needs to take care of high-quality waterproofing, insulation of walls and roof.

But this material is cheaper and easy to install (even a non-professional can do it). A cinder block bathhouse requires careful finishing of the interior walls. First, a wooden sheathing is attached to the surface, then insulation, foil and, at the final stage, wooden upholstery.

Type of construction materialPrice of slag block per pieceCompressive strength kg/cm²Thermal conductivity coefficient W/m°C Percentage of water absorptionDensity kg/m³Dimensions (mm)Foam concrete47-110 r.10-500.1-0.3814100-900198x295x598600× 300×400600×300×200600×300×130600×300×100Cinder block17-48 r.25-750.5-0.8Up to 75750-1450190x190x390200×200×400250x120x90390x19 0x190

Foam and cinder blocks have different technical characteristics and design capabilities. But if you follow the construction technology and choose the right product according to its characteristics, the selected building material will perform its task efficiently.

Foam block has better properties, but it costs significantly more. Cinder block is cheaper, but has some disadvantages that need to be compensated for by good thermal and waterproofing. The choice should depend on the financial capabilities of the construction site owner and housing requirements.

    Cinder blockFoam blockConclusion

From the author: We welcome you, dear reader. In the article we provided a comparative analysis of the two most popular building materials, so that you can decide on the choice: cinder block or foam block, which is better for building a house, garage or other building.


If you asked me to express my opinion on the construction of houses, my choice would be clear: brick.

But our article is not about bricks, therefore, dear reader, opt for foam blocks. In short, foam block is better. You can finish reading the article here and go to the warehouse store for the necessary building materials.

But still, not so fast. It’s worth finding out why foam block is still better.

To do this, we will divide our article into three parts. In the first, we will describe the advantages and disadvantages of slag blocks, in the second, we will characterize the foam block, and in the third, we will provide links to useful articles that will be useful to you in further work. That is, you will find out what you have to do after you build a structure made of cinder block or foam block - insulation, wall decoration, and so on.

Let's get started.

cinder block

A fairly popular material that has been used in construction for quite some time.

Not since ancient times, of course, but during massive construction during the Soviet era, this building material managed to prove itself well. It is quite strong, relatively durable, but most importantly, it is easy to manufacture and therefore cheap. Houses with cinder block walls still stand in their places.

But, naturally, their condition often leaves much to be desired. I wouldn’t like to use a cliched phrase and overly dilute our text with “water,” but “there could be many reasons for this.” The article “How to strengthen a wall from the outside: the second life of your home” describes the process of reconstructing cinder block walls, so we will not cover this topic in detail here.


There is no single GOST for cinder block. Therefore, the weight of each element may vary. You can buy cinder blocks in warehouse stores, which are located in any more or less large locality in our country.

Let's name the advantages of cinder block:

relatively low cost. In the production of cinder blocks, a “secondary” material is used - slag.

However, this is clear from the name. Now you know what is cheaper. More specifically, the price of cinder blocks in Russia at the moment is about 20–30 rubles per piece; the speed of construction of the structure.

Here, it is rather appropriate to compare this material with brick. Elementary, Watson: where you would put about seven bricks, you will put only one cinder block. But in terms of weight, naturally, one cinder block is not equal to seven bricks.

Bricks are heavier; theoretically non-toxic. In its production /must not/ be used materials that are harmful to the body of people and animals. But, again, theoretically, anything can be mixed into its composition.

Therefore, before purchasing a batch of this building material, it would be a good idea to check the certification to ensure the quality of workmanship; thermal insulation. The material itself can serve as a good heat insulator due to its structure. And in combination with home insulation produced using the right technology, you can be sure that you will not freeze in the cold season; versatility.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is more practical: cinder blocks or foam blocks. The fact is that both of these materials are suitable for building both a house and a garage or other building. In a word, both building materials are universal.

Let us separately highlight one more fact that undoubtedly deserves your attention. Cinder blocks are used in foundation construction. And quite successfully.

As often happens in practice, when pouring a foundation, various materials are often “buried” there. construction garbage, which, by the way, not only does not make the structure worse, but in some way makes it stronger and more durable. Of course, if not everything was thrown there in a row, but various fragments of bricks, perhaps metal (for example, unnecessary pipes). So, cinder blocks also make a reliable and durable structure.

Now let's discuss the disadvantages of cinder block:

low sound insulation. More precisely, the lack thereof.

Due to its structure, the material is practically no obstacle to sounds, say, from the street. Therefore, if you built a house from cinder blocks, you will have to get used to the noise of cars passing along the street. Although, there is another way out - sound insulation.

But this is natural extra work, time and, of course, additional costs. Therefore, cinder block is more suitable for the construction of garages or other non-residential buildings. Or for erecting walls inside a house from, say, foam concrete; unattractive appearance.

If a brick wall, for aesthetic reasons, can be left without finishing exterior finishing, then a cinder block structure will not look very attractive. Let's just say, for a rare fan. Therefore we will have to do exterior decoration using siding, brick or other material.

At the same time, between the wall and finishing material it is possible (and necessary) to lay insulation (foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool). But, again, if not a house is built, but a garage, there will be no need to bother with finishing. A garage is just a garage; subsequent processing is difficult.

To lay the necessary communications in the room with your own hands, you will have to try hard. It is better to hire professionals who will do the work for you; the need to build a reliable foundation. This cannot be called a disadvantage, since the foundation must be reliable.

That's why it's the foundation. But if you are planning to build a two or three-story structure on loose soil, this is not the best idea, since there is a risk that the building will “float”; the walls need to be waterproofed. The fact is that cinder block very actively absorbs moisture.

But for buildings (especially residential ones) this is completely useless. Moisture both destroys building materials and promotes the formation of fungal colonies, which also destroy building materials. In addition, mold is hazardous to health.

Well, we have analyzed the properties of the stone block. For construction, this material is not bad, but not excellent either. Personally, I wouldn't build a house out of cinder block.

But the garage is another matter. By the way, my garage is made of exactly this material. And they built it without much haste - in less than a couple of weeks (taking into account the time spent on cladding).

Enough about cinder blocks. Let's move on to foam blocks.

Foam block

We will not go into consideration of the technology for producing foam blocks. And this doesn’t make much sense in the context of our conversation today. Let's limit ourselves to noting: the foam block is obtained by foaming concrete using special equipment.

Most often this material is compared to brick. Many builders say that these materials are identical, but their main difference is the price. Foam block is not completely identical to brick, and its price is actually lower.

Let's consider the advantages of foam block:

low cost compared to brick; low thermal conductivity. The material itself is a good heat insulator.

Therefore, do not ask whether foam blocks or cinder blocks are warmer - in this regard they are identical; versatility. The material is suitable for the construction of structures of any type. Just like the shalkoblok; light weight.

You can build a house or garage from foam blocks on almost any soil and not be afraid “ seismic activity» local scale. But the foundation must still be strong and reliable - no one can cancel this; a sufficient level of sound insulation compared to the previous material; relative ease of processing. Conducting communications will not be as difficult as in the case of a cinder block.


Now is the time to reveal the flaws. In reality, these shortcomings are relative in nature and cannot be called shortcomings of the material. But in order not to write a slogan here like “Foam block is ideal!”, we will still present them for your consideration:

if the batch is defective, this is critical.

It is clear that defects are bad for any building material, but if you build a structure from foam blocks, the production technology of which has been violated, you will be in trouble. The material will simply begin to crumble. Although, you can identify defects at the procurement stage.

Just be careful; the material “does not like” moisture. More precisely, he loves, but for us, as residents of the house, this is not very good. Foamed concrete blocks actively absorb moisture, so it is necessary correct finishing walls after construction.

OK it's all over Now. The material has no other significant disadvantages. It is quite easy to process, serves as a good heat insulator (but this does not mean that the house will not have to be insulated at all), and also has soundproofing properties.

As for the cost, one foam block with parameters 600×250×50 mm/5 kg averages 30–50 rubles. As we can see, it is more expensive than a cinder block.

But in terms of technical characteristics this material is superior to the previous one. But if you are not building a house where you will subsequently live, but, say, a garage or a greenhouse or even a country house where you will only occasionally spend the night, you can use cinder block. Here it is appropriate to be guided by the advertising slogan that came to us from the era of perestroika: “Why pay more?” But if the house is built for permanent residence, - build from foam blocks (or better yet, from bricks).


In this section we will provide a list of articles that will be useful to you in further work, that is, when insulating a house, when finishing walls, when constructing a floor structure, and so on. I recommend that you read the following articles, which are freely available on our website:

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Today, building houses, garages, fences and other structures is not difficult. The market offers a variety of materials for construction that even a non-professional builder can use.

Houses are built mainly from brick, wood and no less popular materials, which include cinder blocks, aerated concrete and foam blocks. If everything is clear with brick and wood, then the remaining three materials still cause mistrust. Only a specialist who understands the composition of the given materials and their technical characteristics can answer the question of which is better - brick or cinder block, foam block or aerated concrete.

If before construction the question arises about choosing suitable material, you should thoroughly study all the materials offered. Let's try to determine: what are the differences between aerated concrete, cinder block and foam block. After all, these seemingly identical materials contain a lot of distinctive features.

Aerated concrete in construction

Aerated concrete has become popular relatively recently. Perhaps its popularity was influenced by the global crisis: since it has a fairly low cost, anyone can buy it. Despite the cheapness of the gas block, it has a number of positive features.

The advantages of aerated concrete include:

    excellent thermal insulation, so there is no need to spend money on additional insulation; it is very convenient to use, its weight, big size, grips and grooves make it possible to quickly build the proposed structure; aerated concrete has vapor permeability due to its porous cells; makes it possible to build external single-layer walls without insulation; environmentally friendly, harmless to human health.

As for the shortcomings, they are also present. Moreover, all of him negative qualities completely match the brick.

The main disadvantage that is worth paying attention to is their moisture absorption. This feature characterizes the absorption of moisture into the material, which is why the house may be damp for several days after construction is completed. Also in winter, icing of the outer wall is observed, which leads to a decrease in heat in the house.

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Before answering the question of which material is better, you should fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of cinder block.

They will help you accept correct solution when choosing.

Cinder blocks are used not only in the construction of walls, but also for laying the foundation.

Its low cost is explained by the use of waste materials in production.

The blocks are made of concrete mixture with the addition of the necessary fillers. The weight and dimensions of the block may vary slightly. Here the standards are not met, since production is carried out not only by enterprises, but also by private entrepreneurs.

A distinctive feature of cinder block is its low thermal conductivity in comparison with brick or foam block. But thermal conductivity also depends on the filler, so when choosing, you should pay attention to its composition. According to experts, cinder blocks made of lime are considered the most durable.

The advantages of cinder block include:

    back to main positive quality refers to simplicity in construction, namely speed: a cinder block is 7 times larger than a brick, so laying a wall will take only a few hours; due to its low thermal conductivity, cinder blocks have good thermal insulation; a finished wall made of cinder blocks dries quickly; the material is non-toxic and safe for health.

This material has disadvantages:

    low level of sound insulation; after construction is completed, it will be necessary to carry out external and internal finishing; it makes it difficult to install internal communications; cinder blocks are afraid of water; under frequent exposure to it, the service life of the blocks is noticeably reduced.

When giving preference to the material described, it should be borne in mind that it may be necessary to overlay external walls brick, and this leads to additional financial costs.

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