Design ideas and layout of a site on a slope. Original solutions for multi-level plots: landscape design Solutions for summer cottages on slopes

Quite often, owners of plots on a slope encounter difficulties in arranging it. The main question is how to competently organize construction and landscape design on your property so that it is reliable, functional, and, of course, beautiful. This article will offer the most optimal options to solve the problem.


The first thing you need to do is draw up a construction plan. When drawing up a project, the following points should be taken into account:

  • slope of the site;
  • location of outbuildings;
  • rest zone;
  • plantings;
  • locating storm drains.

The next point in the arrangement will be the maximum allowable leveling of the slope. The most suitable method for this would be terracing, the use of which involves removing soil in one place and moving it to another. On particularly steep slopes, buttress walls may be necessary.

Slope strengthening

An important condition for this type of site is the strengthening of the slopes. To prevent soil sliding, several types of fortification structures are used:

Natural strengthening. Creeping shrubs and root systems are planted along the entire slope, which will be created by a natural frame. The most popular plants are rose hips, willow and lilac.

Geomaterial. Material coated with special protective layer, not subject to various harmful external influences. Placed under fertile soil layer.

Embankment. Suitable only for areas with a large area, as it significantly conceals space. One of the main disadvantages is the periodic addition of soil.

Retaining walls. An ideal solution if you are planning to design a site in the form of terracing. Can be used natural materials- stone or wood.

Gabions. Modular structures filled with large crushed stone, stone or pebbles.

Organization of the drainage system

To prevent landslides, washouts and slope destruction, it is very important to consider the location of the drainage system.

The installation of a drainage system is carried out after the location of all buildings on the site is known, all the necessary excavation work has been carried out, supporting walls have been installed and a water supply system has been installed.

Basic rules for installing a drainage system:

  • trenches are laid along the slope throughout the entire area to the receiving collector;
  • a layer of sand (about 10 cm) is laid at the bottom of the trench, from 30 cm to a meter deep;
  • geotextiles are spread over the sand, covering the canal walls with a reserve;
  • the next step is to pour gravel (about 20 cm);
  • next – install and connect the pipes;
  • another layer of gravel;
  • covered with geotextile;
  • covered with infertile soil;
  • fertile soil is laid.

Let's start with the design

Landscaping a site on a slope is perhaps one of the most pleasant moments for its owner. You can use the services of a specialist or only your imagination. Below we will offer several design options for every taste.


The area above the slope in the form of a deck will be an ideal relaxation area with a beautiful view. You can install sun loungers on it, organize a dining area and a barbecue area.

Alpine slide

This is a kind of composition of flower beds, lined with natural rough stone. Plants on a hill are planted according to the principle, the lower, the higher. The main condition is that they must be suitable for growth inclined surfaces.


This type of design requires mandatory reinforcement with supporting walls. The number and size of platforms depends on the functionality of each of them.

Despite the fact that supporting walls with this design technique take up a lot of space, it is very convenient if you want to clearly divide the boundaries of your site. The terraces can be connected to each other by paths or steps.

Waterfall and stream

An excellent solution would be to organize artificial reservoirs. A waterfall can decorate a supporting wall, and when making the right choice plants that will be located along the stream will create the impression of a natural source.

vertical garden

On the most noticeable wall of your site, you can organize a plant composition of your favorite garden plants and flowers. Climbing plants are usually used for the main background, bright accent on which they will various flowers, planted in pots and placed on the wall according to your taste.

Observation deck with bench

An observation deck can be set up on one of the upper tiers of the site. A wonderful privacy area where you can relax and unwind while enjoying the views of the blooming garden. As an option - an open gazebo covered with ivy.

Decorative vegetable garden

Even narrow spaces It’s a good idea to use it functionally between the supporting walls by placing small beds for vegetables, herbs and spices in them. They should be high enough and filled with fertile soil.

"Wild" slope

If you are a fan of “wild” nature, it is quite acceptable to decorate the site in this style. It will be enough to arrange the ascent and descent in the form of stairs, paths or steps, along which to plant plants that do not require special care.

Choose ground cover plants that will not only give aesthetic pleasure to their appearance, but also strengthen the soil.

Accept final decision How your site will look will help to view it various photos design of a site on a slope.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the development of a site on a slope requires large material and physical costs. But it is precisely this kind of relief that will make it possible to turn it into a place unlike any other, where you will want to return and host family and friends.

Photo of a site on a slope

A site on a slope is sometimes very difficult to properly develop. This is due to its relief features. Complex structure local area It is quite easy to organize, provided that certain rules are followed. Designers offer for consideration various ideas for decorating a non-standard courtyard.

Design of a site with a Chinese gazebo Source

Slope design Source

How to take advantage of the terrain

Owners of yards with slopes believe that this area has complete disadvantages. They can easily be turned into advantages if you design them correctly. Professionals claim that areas of this type have the following advantages, which can easily be exploited when organizing the landscape:

  • Most of these areas face south. This guarantees active and healthy growth vegetable crops and ornamental vegetation. Therefore, it is safely allowed to plant such plants.
  • If there is a slope not exceeding ten degrees, you do not need to resort to the use of additional means to level the area. And the highest point is allowed to be made in the form alpine slide.
  • If the living space itself is located on a hill, then you can guarantee that the foundation will not be flooded during floods.
  • On such a site you can arrange a high-quality pond with a smooth waterfall. This decor is most common for similar areas.

Beautiful arrangement of plantings Source

If the owner wants to have a beautiful landscape design with evergreen vegetation, he should prepare for frequent watering. The fact is that on a slope, water does not stay well in the ground, and accordingly, the entire decor will turn yellow and dry out.

Decorating uneven areas with stones Source

On a note! If the house is located at the bottom of the site, then all the moisture will accumulate at the bottom. This will lead to the formation of dampness and fungus inside the home.

Cottage on a slope Source

Successfully managed slope on the site Source

Layout, slope strengthening and drainage organization

Before you begin installing a drainage or strengthening system for your yard, you need to think through all the little things in advance. It is advisable to create a diagram or sketch that will clearly show which object will be located and where. More often than not, this is what is used as a starting point for serious landscaping.

Paths in the garden

Alpine slide on a slope Source

Ways to strengthen the territory

There are plenty of options for fixing a relief area. They all vary in complexity and financial costs:

  • Using perennial vegetation with a branched root system. This approach is optimal if the slope level does not exceed 10 degrees. Various flowers and ornamental shrubs can be used for this purpose.
  • Using a retaining wall. It is usually made from various building materials. The most commonly used materials are concrete block, floor slabs, brick, shell rock or limestone. Foam concrete is used less often, as it is considered quite fragile.
  • Using geogrid or geogrid. This design is suitable for areas where the slope is more than 70 degrees. Features of such strengthening include laying geotextiles and filling prepared cells with coarse crushed stone.
  • Using gabion. A gabion is a cage made of strong wire. This cell is filled with rubble, stone or gravel. They are successfully used for strengthening, in some cases they even play a decorative role.

Slope at the base of the house Source

Preparatory stage of design: construction of concrete supports Source

After all installation work has been carried out in order to strengthen the soil and prevent it from sliding. Next, the area must be drained.

Home waterfall Source

The purpose of drainage and features of its implementation

The drainage system in the yard is a structure in which there is practically no soil. Several layers of soil are dug into the pit, after which it is filled with sand and large stones. This allows all the moisture to seep deep into the drainage, from where it goes into the groundwater. Arranging such a structure will help avoid several problems:

  • The appearance of excess moisture, which often accumulates near the foundation, causing its destruction.
  • Mold formation in the basement.
  • The formation of excess moisture in the soil, and this will prevent the development of rot in the root system of plants.
  • After heavy rains, the yard will always be clean and dry. The drainage will absorb the entire mass from precipitation.

Support for a slope made of stones Source

Dense lawn on a slope Source


Please note that all work on the technical arrangement of the territory is carried out even before the start of construction and organization of the landscape.

Outdoor kitchen Source

Landscaping rules for a site with a slope

After the purchase land plot on a hill, it is important to take into account that during its further design it is necessary to take into account several professional rules:

  • Houses and non-residential buildings in such conditions are always installed in the upper parts of the slope.
  • The location of functional and decorative zones in the yard is carried out using the features of the relief (something is extremely necessary to be located at the foot of the slope).
  • At the lowest point, they try to plant tall crops. They help smooth out elevation differences.
  • For a southern slope, plants that can withstand dry conditions are preferably chosen.
  • Alpine slides are best located on the southern or southwestern parts of the slopes. This also applies to any other rocky decor.
  • Bulbous primroses are best planted on the western part of the garden plot.
  • Since the northern slope is shaded but quite warm, dwarf conifers should be planted here.

Using slope steps as beds Source

Big slope Source

Even with proper arrangement drainage and strengthening system of the site at an angle, you need to follow the recommendations for planting. Moreover, it is necessary to check with a specialist which materials are best used for the construction of buildings.

Decorative plantings on a steep slope Source

Recreation area at the foot of the slope Source

The best ideas for using a slope in design

Landscaping of a site on a slope, subject to housing construction, is popular. In such areas it is easy to organize the most unusual design. For arrangement you can use different ideas.

Design of a site on a slope Source

A multi-level slide will look very interesting and quite unusual. Such designs are incredibly simple to implement. To create a similar option, it is enough to know how to build steps and make borders along their edges. The total area of ​​the designed decor can be sown with lawn.

Landscape design of a two-level plot Source

A plot with a slope can be used as the basis for the formation of a children's playground or a single gazebo with circular landscaping. For this design, you will need to build a retaining wall and build steps from above. The structure will be successful if the slope has two sides.

Recreation area on the slope Source

The original gazebo, which can be located at the bottom of the slope, is arranged in a special way. This will make it possible to create calm and prevent the penetration of winds. The foot of the slope, which is made in the form of a semicircular brick reinforcing wall, will look very original. The upper part of the slope is intended to accommodate residential buildings.

Design of a site for a small summer house Source

Decorative plantings Source

A slight descent can be simply zoned, while creating a design with steps in marble stone. In this case, a low concrete wall is built in the middle of the slope with decoration. In such areas, mainly bulbous perennial plants are planted.

Backyard design idea Source

A slide that is too tall is usually designed using different design principles. One of these is concreting the site with the organization of deep flower beds and stairs. If you look closely, this object will resemble a geometric alpine slide.

Rules for landscaping a summer cottage on a slope

You can create an unusual home exterior using landscaping from different angles. Vegetation should be planted if its growing conditions correspond to the characteristics of the territory.

  • It is important to plant greenery between rocky structures. To do this, you need to make small niches and shallow flower beds. However, not all plants grow successfully this way. In these conditions, thyme, phlox, and sedum are planted.
  • Low-growing coniferous plants and shrubs are best planted on a northern slope. They then become incredibly bright and large. Planting petunias, marigolds and other small-seeded herbs next to them is acceptable.
  • Large flower beds and locarias grow well on a southern slope. Such living decorations should be grown in wooden or stone flower beds.

Beautiful slope Source

Recreation area with barbecue on uneven terrain Source

Taking into account all the requirements regarding landscaping of the territory, it will be possible to create original flower beds and compositions from living plants. Here it is important to consider what shade the plant will be during its ripening period. This must be emphasized in order to create an interesting palette.

Modern landscape design of the site Source

Preparatory work on a site with a slope

Before you begin to clean up the organization of a house plot outside the city that has a slope, you need to decide on several important points. Be sure to carry out preparatory treatment of the area. To do this, an irrigation system, decor and functional areas are provided in advance.

The nature of the soil and the angle of inclination are mandatory points that should be taken into account when developing landscape design. For example, if the soil is quite alkaline and filled with acids, then it is better to refuse to grow cultivated plants on it.

Luxurious sitting area with open fireplace Source

Standard topsoil is characterized by less aggressive properties, making it ideal for growing fruit and vegetable crops.

For example, on the northern part of the slope it is better not to create various rock gardens with green spaces. This object will always be dim and almost lifeless.

Beautiful alpine slide on the slope Source

Terracing is often used. This is one of the well-known technologies that will hide strong differences in the area. Before installing balconies at a high point on the slope, it is necessary to design the area that will be used for this object.

In this same place it is very easy to create an individual space for relaxation, leisure, or to arrange an outdoor kitchen or an open veranda in this place.

How to design a garden plot on a slope

If the slope in the local area is used for garden ornamental plantings, then it is best to use well-fortified soil. From the photo you can choose various ideas on how best to arrange a garden on a slope.

Decorating slopes with plants Source

It is known that people try to improve rock gardens and other living decorations in the spring. Many of the slopes are also decorated with spring vegetation. Slender, newly bloomed tulips will look very romantic and interesting on the site. They are usually planted in flower beds and special niches. Seeds of perennials with small foliage and short stems are often sown together with them.


Many people try to design terraces or flower beds directly in the low-lying part of the site. You can organize this object in your own way. Some people plant a lawn in their area, others prefer to put up flower beds and much more. One of the common design options that every owner will like is the creation of a hard platform under the gazebo area. Gravel is often used for this purpose, and sometimes sea pebbles are added.

Stone-lined steps Source

Separate option - classic decor. For those who prefer minimalism in design own plot, will like the idea of ​​​​traditionally strengthening the slope using a wall with a short flight of stairs. On the sides, in the depths of the fence, flower beds with fertile soil are created (some use special purchased soil), where they are planted flower plants. In this case, the entire territory, starting from the house, is sown lawn grass.

landscaping non-standard site Source

Those with northern slopes were luckier. Here you can create coniferous garden. It will include trees, shrubs and some small, stocky plants. Beautiful triangle-shaped thujas in the background fit perfectly into the overall decor of the courtyard area.

The area visible from behind the fence deserves attention. We are talking about the highest slope. In such cases, in addition to fastening, additional drainage is created. The vegetation zone is designed in a standard manner. As a rule, only non-capricious plants are sown, which are perfectly susceptible to rapid loss of moisture.

Beautiful park area Source

Beautiful slope with illumination Source

To complete all the work on arranging the design of a yard on a hill, you can take as a rule a few simple, but very useful tips from the designers:

  • If there is even a slight hill on the territory, then in any case it is impossible to do without a ladder.
  • All elements should be easy to move, but their harmony with other objects on the site is also important.
  • They try to design any paths in the form of a serpentine, so they create visual extension nearby space.
  • For all areas it is recommended to use only natural materials, including stone, paving stones, wood and other popular species.

House on a hillside Source

Amphitheater slope Source

House on a slope Source

Garden crops and a vegetable garden should not be present next to each other on a slope. Minimum distance between such crops there should be at least 3-4 meters.

Big wooden house Source

Territory with swimming pool Source


Developing a site on a slope is a responsible and painstaking task. If you do not take into account a lot of nuances, then you may encounter problems with the growth of the selected vegetation. As for the protective projections of the territory (strengthening, drainage), you cannot save on them. If all recommendations are followed, even the steepest hill will delight both the owner and his guests.

Not all owners of suburban areas can boast of their correct and convenient shape. It often happens that the plot is quite narrow, but on it you want to create a cozy decorated yard, a beautiful garden, and a gazebo with a barbecue would not be out of place. But there is no need to despair, even narrow and small areas can be arranged so that they appear wider and more voluminous, and are functionally in no way inferior to areas of the correct shape. And how to achieve such an effect, and what techniques will help us with this, we will now discuss.

When arranging a narrow area, you need to take into account its specifics, and proper planning of changes will make it possible to correct all its shortcomings. When planning the design of a small and long plot, it is necessary to use its entire area, including even those zones and remote corners that seem non-functional. With this approach, it will be possible to arrange a long plot wisely, using every centimeter of the territory.

Unfortunately, when designing a long plot of land, owners often make the same type of mistakes.

For example, it is quite common when designing such a site to have tall trees along the fence, which only aggravates the appearance of the site, making it even longer and narrower.

To achieve the right effect and make the area of ​​the site visually wider, you need to plant tall trees at the end of it. And in the foreground place low-growing trees and shrubs.

In this way, you will adjust the shape of the site, giving it the appearance of a residential area, and not a walking alley (as in the photo). There is no need to try to maintain the visual integrity of a narrow site. From a sense of integrity, the disproportionate shapes of the site will attract attention even more.

  • It would be more correct to develop the design of the site in such a way that the territory is clearly divided into certain zones.
  • A variety of architectural forms will help you achieve this effect. For example, you can divide the site into zones and divide them among themselves with fences, ornamental plants, pergolas or small gazebos.

Proper division of the site into zones will help to conditionally expand it and blur the real boundaries of the territory.

  • You need to start zoning a narrow area by dividing it into two large zones.
  • One of these zones can be sown with lawn grass, and the second can be covered, for example, with pebbles.
  • The division of the site into zones must be done in such a way that the rest of the territory is visible in perspective.
  • Zones should not be separated by blank walls.

What the zoning of such a site looks like, look at the photo:

When arranging the design of a long section, there is no need to use straight lines and strict shapes when designing, especially along it.

  • It is better to make the paths winding and winding, and when transitioning from one zone to another, tiles can be laid on them with different patterns or textures.
  • Give flower beds and flower beds rounded and irregular shapes. This will visually expand the area of ​​the yard and garden and give them the desired volume. See the photo below for an example.
  • It is advisable to make all zones on the site unusual in shape. A recreation area or pond will attract more attention if it is made in the shape of an irregular circle or oval.
  • It is advisable to use the same forms for other objects - paths, bushes and trees with a ball-shaped crown. This will serve as a counterbalance to the elongated shapes of the site.
  • The fence around the perimeter of a narrow area cannot be made monotonous. It is better to make it multi-level and complement it with low or climbing plants. An example of such a fence in the photo:

Adding volume to an elongated yard will be helped by ridges and mixborders located on the sides of the transverse garden paths.
You can also expand the site with transverse lines, which can be borders, hedges and flower beds.
A narrow yard area will look wider if the paths of the zones are different.

Remember one fundamental point - all the lines in landscape design running along the site lengthen it even more, and the transverse design expands it and brings balance.

Techniques that bring distant areas closer

You can correct a narrow area using fairly simple techniques.

If you grow in the far corner of your plot tall tree, then on the other side, in a straight line from it, plant the same tree, but smaller. Two identical trees different sizes located in opposite corners will visually shorten the length of the section.

A long area can be visually brought closer by placing a small gazebo surrounded by flowers in its far corner.

If it is not possible to build a gazebo, you can use an alpine slide, multi-tiered flower bed or fountains to achieve this effect.

The photo shows an example of this design:

On a long-shaped site, it is advisable to make at least three accents that will attract the eye and distract from the shape of the site.

Such accents can serve not only

  • flower beds and gazebos,
  • sculptures and secret gates.

If there is a need to build any utility rooms on the site, it is better to place them in the background.

All distant elements of the landscape of a narrow area should be bright and rich, and the foreground should be kept in cool and restrained colors.

Trees and shrubs that are bright and large will also visually expand the area of ​​the site. yellow leaves and yellow-orange flowers (as in the photo).

Multi-level design of the site

The multi-level arrangement of elements on the territory of a narrow area is another way to properly design it. Different levels will create the effect of placing objects at different heights, which will visually expand and enlarge the area.

Creating such levels - improvised terraces - is not an easy process, in which you will need to invest both money and time, but the result will please you.

  • If the location of the main objects allows, then it is better to raise the central part of the territory or its distant part.
  • Raising the central part will visually limit the view of the rest of the area and thereby reduce its length.
  • Proper creation of levels, regardless of their location, will create the impression of independent terraces, thereby breaking the integrity of the site, leaving other areas out of sight.

The upper level can be used as a recreation area, rock garden or rock garden. And if you make a terrace on the farthest side of the plot, then visually the plot will not seem so long.
An example of multi-level design in the photo.

Advantages and disadvantages of a plot on a slope, rules for planning a problem area, placement of functional zones, basic techniques for improving the plot.

Advantages and disadvantages of a site on a slope

Many people prefer to purchase only horizontal plots of land for their summer cottages, counting on their ease of operation. However, plots on slopes provide more opportunities for the formation of original appearance and embodiment non-standard ideas. Therefore, you should not be upset if you have at your disposal an area located at an angle to the horizon.

Its undoubted advantages include the following:

  • Cottages on a slope are always different from each other.
  • Proper arrangement of the site will allow you to obtain a picturesque example of landscape art.
  • By placing the house at the very top, you can view the entire area from the window.
  • On such land it is possible to build design elements that are inaccessible to flat areas - an alpine slide, a waterfall or a cascade.
  • If the slope is directed south, you can collect on it good harvest fruits and vegetables due to better sun exposure.
However, such plots have quite a lot of disadvantages:
  1. It is difficult to grow a lawn on a steep slope.
  2. The arrangement will require significant financial investments.
  3. It is necessary to water the plantings frequently, because... Water does not stay well on the slope.
  4. Buildings are built only on top, due to the danger of erosion of the foundation.
  5. Unstable areas may slip.
  6. Moving on sloped terrain is tiring.
  7. Small children should not play on steep slopes.

Creating a project for a site with a slope

Landscaping begins with analysis various indicators, which will allow you to create optimal scheme placement of elements and develop a sequence of construction work.

The following characteristics need to be assessed:

  • Surface relief. The location of zones (residential, recreational, garden), placement of communications, etc. depends on it.
  • Dimensions and geometry of the site. This characteristic influences the planning style.
  • Possibility of leveling the territory using terracing.
  • Soil type. It is often necessary to import fertile soil for growing vegetable and garden crops.
  • Depth groundwater. Information is needed to create a drainage system to drain rain and flood water.
  • Predominant wind direction. Ignoring this factor can lead to the death of green spaces that do not survive well in very cold or very hot weather. It is necessary to select appropriate plant varieties or provide protection from winds.
  • The location of the inclined area in relation to the cardinal directions and the illumination of the area. Characteristics have a great influence on crop yields. You need to choose the right plants.
  • Systems of measures to strengthen soil on slopes. These include planting vegetation with an extensive root system that creates turf, mechanical strengthening of the soil, and planting plants with strong roots.
The result of the analysis of the information received is the creation of a project for a site with a slope, on which the following must be indicated:
  1. Houses and additional outbuildings (showers, gazebos, garage, etc.). The main object on the territory is residential premises. The breakdown of the allotment begins with it.
  2. Rest zone. The placement depends on the decision of the dacha owner to concentrate entertainment areas in one place or scatter them throughout the dacha.
  3. Enclosing fence. A hedge of 2-3 rows of trees or trimmed bushes looks beautiful.
  4. Territory for vegetable garden and garden. Sites for them are prepared depending on the steepness of the slope.
  5. Terracing or other methods of leveling the surface. The resulting flat areas are used as lawns, and swimming pools are installed in the hollows.
  6. Underground and above ground communications.
The optimal arrangement of zones is one in which 9-11% of the territory is allocated for buildings, 65-77% for gardens and vegetable gardens, and 11-16% for paths, stairs, and access roads.

The plan is drawn up in a regular, landscape or mixed style. For an angled site, the most suitable landscape style is one in which the elements are arranged freely and naturally. Regular and symmetrical shapes are excluded, which adds to the attractiveness of the dacha. Regular style designed for flat areas, and mixed combines the features of the first two.

The diagram is drawn at the selected scale, usually 1:100. Divide the sheet into 1x1 cm squares, each of which corresponds to 1 m2 of area. Orient the sketch according to the cardinal directions. Cut out figures of buildings from cardboard on the same scale (residential building, shower, garage, front garden, garden, etc.) and place them on the plan at your discretion, taking into account building codes and other requirements. We recommend indicating entrances and exits to buildings to avoid bitter disappointments. After obtaining satisfactory results, you can begin work on landscaping the dacha.

The landscape of a site with a slope is formed according to its own rules. Each zone is located depending on its purpose, size, terrain, etc. Often the arrangement of the territory is influenced by the possibility of creating terraces - horizontal platforms that are easy to operate.


Leveling is usually carried out on slopes with a slope of more than 15 degrees. If the slope is slight, no surface modifications are required. In areas with an average slope, you will need to build supports for the terrace. If the angle is very large, serious construction work will be required using heavy equipment. The number of platforms and their sizes depend on the angle of inclination. Stairs are used to move from one level to another.

Terracing begins with determining the steepness of the slope and is carried out in several stages:

  • Marking horizontal areas. Their dimensions should be such that the elements of the site - a house, a flower bed, a vegetable garden - can be freely placed. They can be arranged in different sequences - in one row, in a checkerboard pattern, asymmetrically, it all depends on the wishes of the owner.
  • Formation of horizontal platforms. Work starts at the top, gradually moving down to the base. The cut soil is moved to the lower areas. Typically, the height of the walls of the structure does not exceed 0.6-0.8 m, and the width - 4-5 m. On small plots, 2-3 levels are equipped, on large ones - from 5 or more.
The terraces are supported by vertical walls. When constructing them, the following must be taken into account:
  1. The partitions are subject to overturning and shearing forces, so the structure must withstand such loads. To increase the strength and durability of the walls, a foundation is needed, the dimensions of which depend on the size of the partition, as well as on the characteristics of the soil.
  2. In order for the support to withstand large vertical loads, create drainage system, which prevents the base from being washed away by water.
  3. When building using the “dry” method, sprinkle the stones with soil and seeds. After a short period of time the wall will have a very beautiful view. But without cement mortar protective structure poorly withstands large amounts of water that appears on the site during rain or melting snow.
  4. Brick walls are very beautiful and durable. Partitions can be made blank, sparse, winding or zigzag, etc.
  5. Wooden structures look very beautiful, but their service life is short, even after treatment with special preparations.
  6. Walls made of concrete can be built up to 3 m high, which is much more than those made of stone or brick (0.8 m). It is possible to use ready-made panels or pour formwork.

Residential and auxiliary buildings

It is quite difficult to erect buildings on sloping areas. This requires a large amount of work to be done on the basement and underground parts of the building. Ideally, the building should protect the area from prevailing winds and not obscure green spaces.

During construction, use our recommendations:

  • Place buildings in such a way that there is the shortest distance between them.
  • It is recommended to build houses in the north or northwest of the plot.
  • If the site is facing south, build the house at the very top. If to the east and west - also above all elements of the dacha, at its northern border.
  • If the territory slopes to the north, erect the building in the middle of the plot, closer to the western side.
  • In any case, do not build a house at the bottom of a slope to avoid flooding. The façade of the building must face the street.
  • Often 5-7 m of free space is left between the building and the road, which is filled with flowers and low shrubs.
  • The location of the windows is important. Openings facing southeast and southwest provide illumination throughout the day, while openings facing north create shading that cools the room in hot weather.
  • By the size of the shadow cast by the house, you can determine the geometry of the recreation area and car parking.
  • The gazebo is usually located in the very beautiful place, With good review. The playground is located on the lawn under the windows of the room where adults most often gather during the daytime. A barbecue area is left on the edge.
There are several techniques for building a house on a slope. The horizontality of the building is ensured by a high base, in which case the natural slope is preserved. In the basement you can place a garage, shed, kitchen. The area under the building is leveled by filling or pruning.

Green areas

Plantings look especially beautiful on sloping terrain.

Plants are planted according to certain rules:

  • Vegetables and fruits are grown on sunny side where they take root well.
  • Do not plant trees closer than 5 m from buildings so that they do not become damp from lack of light.
  • On the north side of the building, plant spreading fruit trees - apple trees, pears. You can also place an apple and cherry tree with east side building. In this case, in summer there will be a large shaded area near the house.
  • Plant shrubs near the garage, as well as around compost heaps and other unsightly places.
  • On the south side of the house, plant heat-loving plants - grapes.
  • Grow vegetables in the middle of the area where there is no shade. Provide the same conditions to the flower garden.
  • Avoid tall bushes along the edges of the garden; they give a long shadow. You can grow raspberries on the south side of the garden; they provide almost no shade.

Creation of a drainage system

The layout of a site with a slope must necessarily indicate a drainage scheme, which is necessary to maintain a constant water balance and quickly remove rainwater and moisture that appears in the spring when the snow melts. The danger from excess moisture is the formation of gullies.

The steeper the angle of inclination, the faster the water will wash it away. Even small streams eventually wash away deep gullies, which leads to the formation of deep ravines. The installation of drains begins after the completion of the construction of the main buildings, communications, and green plantings.

Drainage can be open or closed. The last option has an advantage, because saves usable area. Access roads and paths can be arranged above them.

The drainage system is a system of trenches and receiving collectors. Highways are dug along the slope. The most effective option is considered to be one in which the ditches are arranged in a herringbone pattern. In this case, additional outlets are adjacent to the central trench, which removes moisture outside the site or into the receiving collector.

The depth of the trenches is 0.3-1 meter. The bottom must have a slope of at least 2 mm over a length of 1 m. Cover it with sand in a 10 cm layer, then cover it with geotextile overlapping the walls. Pour crushed stone on top in a layer of 15-20 cm.

Place pieces of perforated paper on the prepared pillow. drainage pipe and connect them together. Cover the pipe with crushed stone and cover it with geotextile. Fill the remaining space with sand or soil.

Decorating the site

The multi-level arrangement of individual sections allows you to implement original ideas. A good option for non-standard territory is considered alpine style With big amount rough stones and bright colors.

Using these elements, you can solve the following problems:

  1. Design of zones;
  2. Strengthening the soil with boulders;
  3. Snow retention;
  4. Decoration of the site.
On a sloping plot, plants are planted according to certain rules: the higher the place, the lower the plants. At the top there should be low-growing species, at the base there are trees and tall bushes, which allows you to visually level the plot.

There should be no free clearings left in the dacha. Fill the strips with lawn or ground covering plants that prevent soil from being washed away. You can grow a lawn on a sloping slope.

Track layout

To move around the site, consider the location of the paths.

They are subject to the following requirements:

  • The width of the paths and the height of the steps throughout the entire area should be the same to avoid injuries when ascending and descending. To smooth out differences in the heights of the paths, make them winding.
  • Maximum permissible angle paths - 45 degrees. With these parameters, be sure to make a railing. Make treads 25-30 cm wide, risers 15 cm high.
  • If the plot of land has a large slope, be sure to provide rest areas on the stairs, after which the direction of movement should change.
  • A wooden staircase is considered the most affordable. In this case, the riser is made of boards secured on the sides with pegs, and the tread is formed by compacted soil.
  • A staircase made of brick, stone or concrete will be more durable. In the latter case, use formwork.
  • A section of stairs with 10 steps or more should rest on concrete base, which will not let her slide.
  • The size and shape of the stairs depend on the functional purpose of the site and do not necessarily correspond to accepted standards.

Slope strengthening

To prevent the soil from sliding, the soil must be strengthened. The following methods are used for this:
  1. Natural fortifications. Used at small angles (up to 15 degrees). It is recommended to plant areas on slopes with creeping plants, and near the base with lilac, rose hips, and willow. The roots of these plants intertwine and form a strong frame.
  2. Use of geomaterials - geotextiles or geogrids. The material is laid on the surface and covered with soil. After a short period of time, a layer of turf and other vegetation appears, which reliably prevents the soil from sliding. The service life of the geomaterial is more than 50 years.
  3. embankment. This is the creation of barriers from soil, which is taken from the base and poured on top of the slope. Used on large areas, because... takes up a lot of usable space. Periodically, soil must be added to increase the height of the embankment.
  4. Retaining walls made of wood or stone. They not only strengthen the slopes, but also create convenient terracing. Most often, this method is used on hilly areas with any elevation difference. Partitions up to 0.8 m are easy to build yourself. Massive walls that can withstand heavy loads are built using heavy equipment.
  5. Gabions. This special designs factory-made, filled with pebbles, stones and other materials. If the contents are sprinkled with soil, in the spring shoots will appear above the structure, which will camouflage it.
Watch a video about a sloped area:

A dacha plot located at an angle to the horizon, which is not attractive at first, will, with the right approach, become a beautiful and comfortable recreation area. To get a good result, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of using the problem area, which should be taken into account at the stage of developing a summer cottage arrangement project.

There is an opinion that the area with different levels heights are a drawback, but this is not at all true - the difference in garden heights is rather a highlight and allows you to turn the most incredible landscape design ideas into reality.

When creating a landscape project, all plants, buildings, paths, and a recreation area must be linked into a single composition. Everything should be designed down to the smallest detail, since even the slightest defects will immediately catch your eye.

Soil strengthening

The choice of ideas for landscape design directly depends on the topography and condition of the site. For multi-level surfaces, professionals advise using geoplastic techniques, which involve developing a structure and arranging retaining walls that perform the functions of strengthening and redistributing soil.

Geoplastics allows you to divide a site into separate zones, design an observation deck, or plan the construction of additional relief zones.

To enhance the strength of the upper inclined layer of soil, an engineering technique such as geogrids is used - these are polymer strips fastened together in a checkerboard pattern, which create a cellular structure that ensures effective strengthening of the soil.

Layout features

The choice of appearance for a multi-level garden depends entirely on your preferences.

Perhaps you want to equip a traditional garden with a spacious lawn and courtyard where children can play, or you want to maximize the beauty of nature and arrange a garden, for example, in a Japanese style.

Basically, when planning a garden, they try to combine business with pleasure, but the final result depends on your imagination and desires.

Having created a project for summer cottage Some objective limitations must also be taken into account.

Secondly, it is important to consider factors such as:

  • type and topography of the soil;
  • the location of the site and the presence of structures in it;
  • climate of the area.

For example, you want your living room windows to have a view of a beautiful decorative pond, but it is preferable to place it in the sunniest place, where it would be nice to have a place to relax. In this case, you will have to choose or combine.

In addition, the choice of plants depends on natural conditions. Many of their species can grow in sunny places, but not every flower or bush will survive in the shade.

When arranging a multi-level garden, give free rein to your imagination, the main thing is that there are contrasts in everything. In such a garden, landscape stairs, streams, waterfalls, terraces, and stone flower beds will look great. Garden structures are located closer to the house, located at the very top of the site. Combine various buildings into complexes.

When planning a site, they use a rule called the “golden proportion”, namely, 3 parts of the area are equipped with flowers, bushes, 5 - paths, alpine slides, rottary, fountains, etc., 8 - lawns (3: 5: 8). With this layout, the garden will look harmonious.

In a private garden there must be some small detail that will become the highlight of the garden and will definitely immediately attract attention. Such a detail could be an elegant fountain, a sundial, or exotic plant. To avoid this, the main thing is that this highlight fully corresponds to the style of the garden.

Terracing the site

Marking and preparation

When arranging a multi-level garden at the very beginning, it is important to determine how many terraces the sloping terrain can be divided into. If it is a small slope, then 2-3 levels will be enough.

You should also calculate the length and height of the slope. To do this, you need to drive two poles at the top of the slope and at the bottom, between which horizontally, using a level, pull the rope. The distance from the rope to the stick located at the top of the slope will be equal to its height, and the length of the horizontal cord will be equal to the length of the slope. Depending on the length of the slope, the number of terraces is determined, and the total height of the slope gives an idea of ​​the height of each of the terraces.

After all the design work, markings are made on the site and the soil is removed in those areas where the first terrace will end and the next one will begin - the result is large earthen steps.

When terracing a site, horizontal platforms (terraces) are formed, reinforced with retaining walls. Using this method, you can also turn a flat area into a multi-level garden.

The boundaries of the terraces may not be straight; curves look more aesthetically pleasing in landscape-style gardens.

The terraces comfortably accommodate lawns, rockeries, ponds, fountains, vegetable gardens and fruitful plants.

Retaining walls

There are two types of retaining walls: solid and lightweight.

The first type is designed for heavy loads and is used as support for cut soil. The thickness of the permanent retaining wall must be at least 25 cm. To increase performance qualities the wall should be built with a slight slope towards the slope, while drainage holes must be provided in the lower part to drain excess water.

To build a retaining wall, you must first organize a foundation. To do this, dig a trench about 40 centimeters deep, then fill it halfway with crushed stone or small stones, and reinforce it with cement mortar. The next step is laying the retaining wall stones. It is advisable to make it with a slight slope to strengthen the structure. The gaps between the stones must be filled with compost, consisting of sand and leaf humus.

Lightweight retaining walls serve mainly a decorative function; they can be used to build small raised flower beds. Such supports do not require a design, and they can be as thick as one brick.

Plants can be planted in the seams of the walls. You can place benches near brick or wooden walls or install them in the body of the retaining wall itself, if it has the appropriate dimensions.

Garden paths

Garden paths are the best option to draw attention to something and direct your gaze correctly. Garden alleys with a clear border are immediately perceived as a compositional axis; low-growing plants such as spirea and boxwood are perfect for these purposes.



The water flows of such a fountain pass from bowl to bowl in a cascade. Selecting a pump is not at all difficult, you just need to take into account the expected pumped volumes of water and the height of the structure. The main task in building a fountain - stream - is to correctly organize the cascade, which consists of several bowls (mostly 3 or 4), each of which has its own foundation. The water jets of the waterfall descend into the reservoir in the form of a small lake. Both natural and artificial stones. By grinding the surface, you can simulate the appearance of water flows (from thin streams to continuous small waves).

Fountain - source

For connoisseurs natural beauty You will like a fountain in the form of a spring.

Here you can use a variety of sculptures that serve as decoration for the source, the main thing is to give free rein to your imagination. Stone, concrete or polymer concrete are suitable as construction materials; you also need to take care of the foundation in advance - the key to stability. To supply water you will definitely need a submersible pump.

floating fountain

This type of fountain is quite popular among consumers; it can be installed in a natural deep body of water. It is sold already assembled, and you can clearly see how the fountain will look in your garden, so here you won’t be able to show much imagination in its improvement. For installation you only need to select appropriate place and plug it into the network.

Alpine slide and rock garden

An alpine slide and rock garden are excellent ways to diversify the garden landscape.

To create such decorative elements people were inspired by the relief alpine mountains- a society of stones and plants, both of which play the same role in purpose, therefore it is very important that the entire composition is carefully selected and looks harmonious together.

The difference between an alpine hill and a rock garden is that the first forms an embankment, which is decorated with stones on top and plants are planted, while a rock garden does not require an embankment; a rocky garden is usually set up on a flat surface or on slopes.

To make an alpine slide, you should initially prepare a trench for the foundation with a depth of no more than 1 m. The bottom, leaving about 40 cm to the surface, is covered with small stones, broken bricks, sprinkled on top with river sand, the layer thickness of which should be 5-8 cm.

The next stage is the most creative - laying stones. Initially we install the largest stones, then smaller ones, and the smallest ones at the top. Experts advise not to equip an alpine slide with the correct geometric shape, since it should be as natural as possible. Then you should start planting the plants. Heather, juniper and saxifrage are perfect for these purposes. The most light-loving plants are planted at the very top, and herbs at the bottom, since they need moisture most.

For an alpine hill, regardless of its design, evergreen plants, for example, periwinkle, are ideal.

In order for your hill to bloom all the time, take care of planting “transition zone” plants, such as violets, bells, tulips, euonymus, etc.

A rock garden does not require arranging a foundation; all you need to do is arrange the stones correctly and harmoniously, in accordance with the style of the entire garden, and plant the plants on the topography of the site.

In a garden with smooth paths, the rockery should be as close to nature as possible - it is highly not recommended to use straight, symmetrical lines with sharp corners, but on the contrary, roundings and s-shaped transitions are welcome. It can smoothly transition into an alpine lawn or scree. Quartz, granite, quartzite, and steppe can be used as accents. Plants can also be the main feature; in this case, you need to use discreet gravel and river pebbles.

Two symmetrical rocky gardens on both sides of the entrance to the house will look very harmonious.

Divide all rockery plants according to height criterion. Place the tallest ones (such as spruce, thuja, rowan) in the first tier, lower plants (barberry, spirea, mountain pine) in the second, and plant low creeping plants in the third tier.

Stairs in the garden

In a multi-level garden you cannot do without stairs and they should be considered not only as a necessity, but also as part of the landscape design. A staircase in the garden will undoubtedly decorate the hill, and even on an almost flat area, decorative steps will create the effect of a height difference, allowing you to look at the garden from different points. It can be both the beginning and the continuation of garden paths, and when using the same building material will further emphasize the landscape style.

The most common and at the same time simple option Stairs made of gravel and wood are considered. To organize it, it is enough to lay wooden sleepers and fill them with gravel, which forms smoothly rising steps. To smooth out the contours of the corner and create a more spectacular composition, you can plant various plants along the edges.

The most important thing when building a staircase in the garden is that it should be as safe and comfortable as possible. The steps should be optimal in width and gentleness, since stairs that are too narrow and have a steep rise will negatively affect the walk through the garden. It is also important not to make the steps too smooth, as in wet weather they can be easy to slip on.

It is also necessary to take care of high-quality lighting of the ascent; in the dark, each step should be visible so that it does not turn into a “stumbling block.”

Place to rest

In multi-level landscapes, you definitely need to take care of a place to rest, where it will be calm, windless and where you can explore the rest of the area. If the plot is medium in size, then it can be designed in the form of a gazebo or a bench with a table. In a large area, you can even equip a sports ground with a rocking chair or a swimming pool with a sun lounger.

An excellent option for relaxation would be an open arched gazebo. This building should be placed at the intersection of paths and will require a kit to assemble it steel pipes with nylon coating.

Near each stand, plant climbing roses, which will soon intertwine the structure and create a wonderful, cozy atmosphere for relaxation. In this case, the gazebo is the main element of the garden layout.

Rules for landscaping multi-level gardens

  • Unlike flat garden surfaces, slopes are more often exposed to wind, so you need to think about planting wind-resistant plants: pines, black poplar, field maple, barberry, rugosa rose, etc.
  • Also a very common problem on sloping surfaces is soil washout, spring landslides and drying out of the slopes. Such a lawn is not always up to the task of fixing the soil, as a result of which it often dries out. The solution to this problem is to plant plants with a deep root system, for example, sea buckthorn, spirea, and fieldfare.

  • To prevent soil convergence due to possible water flows, it is necessary to organize a so-called drainage system. To do this, it will be enough to correctly plant plants with fast-growing root systems and grasses, for example, bluegrass, oatmeal, clover, thanks to this, water flows will flow not the way they want, but the way you need. If the angle of inclination of your site becomes more than 30 degrees, then experts advise using a geogrid, which is cellular modules planted with various herbs or small shrubs. It is worth remembering that the plants must be resistant to lack of moisture, since water will drain from the slope very quickly. It would be appropriate to create an irrigation system.
  • By different levels we understand the presence of plants of different tiers: low-growing herbal plants, shrubs and trees themselves. In the case of the last level, it is a little difficult here, since the seedlings need quite a lot of time to turn into more trees. To solve this problem, designers immediately plant mature trees, making it possible to zoning the garden literally within a year.
  • No more than 2/3 should be allocated for planting trees and shrubs. total area summer cottage, since large trees grow throughout their entire life, this means that over time they can create an unwanted shadow for low-growing plants and nearby buildings.
  • Trees should be planted more than 10 meters from the house, and bushes - 5 meters.
  • If you want your garden to develop quickly, then be sure to opt for forsythia and buddleia - they will become powerful in just a year flowering bushes. But, for example, kalmia, wolfberry and rhododendron grow much longer and will need to wait about 5 years for their flowering. A hedge is perfect for dividing a site into zones; it will act as beautiful frame for garden. Perennial flowers, such as geraniums, delphiniums, phlox, are a real salvation for those who want to see their garden bloom every year without planting anything in the spring.

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