How best to furnish a room. Secrets of the "fifth dimension" for small rooms

Don't know how to furnish a small room? I want to neatly and beautifully place everything I need, but at the same time preserve free space. Thoughtful design in fantasy seems charming, but reality often does not live up to expectations. A project on paper also does not always help, because not everyone has artistic abilities, and the services of professionals are expensive. language allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises And extra costs. With its help, you can independently build a visual layout of the room. How? Read the article!

Using the program you can create visual layouts of housing

Residents of communal apartments, dormitories and other dwellings with small rooms often face the problem of furniture placement. It's difficult to include everything you need without overwhelming the space. Take a few notes interesting tips How best to manage a small amount of footage:

1. Bulky wardrobes and chests of drawers, sofas that fill half the room - forget about it! Choose simple, lightweight interior items, which, on the one hand, leave free space, and, on the other, serve practical purposes. A good idea would be transformable furniture that can save such valuable square footage.

Use light furniture

2. Since you will have to place a bed, a TV, and computer desk, do not underestimate the benefits of zoning. Especially if the apartment is for two, everyone will definitely need privacy. To fence off sleeping area You can use elegant screens, and highlight the living room area with a special arrangement of the sofa. Zoning creates a feeling of “your own corner” even in the smallest area.

3. Use little tricks to visually expand a small room. Put up light wallpaper, install large mirrors along the walls, let in more light. All this will create the illusion of free space.

Light wallpaper visually expands the space

Mistakes when arranging a small room

Before decorating and furnishing a small room, you need to plan everything carefully. Why step on your own rake and then agonize over how to correct the situation? Instead of re-painting walls and rearranging furniture, it is better to find out in advance what mistakes are possible and take them into account in your project.

  • Massive elements. It is clear that some pieces of furniture are necessary and will be present in any case, even in the smallest apartment. But you can buy a huge vintage bed, or you can take a compact folding sofa. From a practical point of view, the difference is small: the sofa even has wider applications, but from the point of view of saving space, the difference is colossal! Large furniture, heavy curtains or sprawling half-ceiling chandeliers not only physically “eat up” such important free space, but also visually make the room more cramped and cluttered.

  • Wrong choice of colors. Choosing Decoration Materials It is important to remember that light colors visually make objects appear larger, while dark colors make objects appear smaller. Since we are talking about the design of small rooms, a feeling of spaciousness is necessary; the walls and ceiling should be light. Otherwise, the already cramped room will resemble a closet. For example, a girl’s room can be made soft pink, and in the living room you can take Scandinavian style with white walls. A cramped effect will also be created if more than three colors are used in the decoration or wallpaper with large patterns is used.

  • Problems with lighting. The central light in the form of a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling is not the most the best option, especially for the attic or if you decide to beautifully furnish a small room using zoning. Small recessed lights above each area would be preferable. You can also use sconces and lamps in reading areas.

  • Extra partitions. If you need to divide the space in a room, for example, to isolate a sleeping place from a working place, you should not use solid, dense partitions. An already small room will turn into a group of cells. If you need to somehow isolate the area from the main part, it is better to use stylish screens or light curtains.

How to arrange furniture in a small room

What should you keep in mind when furnishing a room? It is important not to overload the space, while making good use of every meter. Seems complicated? Not at all!

When planning how to arrange a small room, you should not follow the habits of the last century and place furniture around the perimeter. A center that is not occupied with anything does not give freedom, it gives emptiness. Light tables and armchairs can be placed in the middle of the room, allowing owners to walk around the room freely.

Take a closer look at modular furniture, and even better – transformers! It is difficult to come up with a more successful and simple solution for small rooms with limited space. It is very convenient when a bed or table is pulled out or reclined only when required, and the rest of the time it does not take up space in the room.

Make active use of vertical surfaces. Nail shelves to relieve the lower part of the room, remove the TV from the cabinet and hang it on a bracket, even a bicycle can be mounted on a free wall. Instead of wide, bulky cabinets, it makes sense to choose narrow and high ones that reach the ceiling.

Use vertical surfaces wisely

To place furniture comfortably in a small one-room room, use zoning. Select the main parts - kitchen, dining room, bedroom and create small islands for their intended purpose.

DIY small room project

Are you planning to properly furnish a small room? Try to prepare the layout of the room yourself and furnish it to your own taste using convenient program"Interior Design 3D". You will be surprised that the result will be no worse than that of a professional designer, and you won’t have to pay anyone.

Step 1. Install the program

Download the distribution package of the “3D Interior Design” editor from the website and wait for the download to complete. Install the program and click on the shortcut that appears on the desktop. A start window will appear where we will work.

Start window of the program

Step 2. Draw a layout of the room

Click on the “Create Project” button. You can start making a studio apartment design project from scratch, or take ready plan premises (relevant for those who have Stalinka or Khrushchev). The program offers a catalog of templates for standard houses. Let's take more difficult option- layout from scratch. To do this, click the “Draw a room” button on the right side of the menu.

Draw the walls of the room. You can arbitrarily move any of the walls to change the length and width of the room. The program also suggests taking ready-made rectangular or square rooms. At the bottom of the screen there is a 3D model of the apartment, you can rotate it, adjusting the view to the desired angle.

Creating a room project

If necessary, draw partitions by selecting the appropriate tool.

Step 3: Set the Environment

Now you need to furnish a small room. Click “Add door” and select one of the options from the program collection: regular and double doors, arches, doors with an arched top. Set the exact size in the Properties tab. Marker yellow color allows you to change the opening direction of the door leaf.

Adding doors and arches

Let's add window openings. Click “Add window” and select one from the list: single, double, triple, balcony block, arched windows. Install the window on the desired wall. In the “Properties” tab, change the height and width of the specified window.

Adding windows to the apartment

To customize the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, select a room in the list on the right and go to the “Properties” tab. Customize finishing materials from the program collection or from those that you download yourself from your computer.

Now let’s arrange the interior items to make it cozy. Go to the furniture catalog and select a sofa, table, wardrobe, TV and others necessary elements. The catalog has categories for each room: for the living room, bedroom, nursery or teenager, bathroom, hallway, etc. You can arbitrarily rotate each object using the yellow marker.

Adding furniture to the project

Step 4. Change the properties of the furniture

It is not necessary to leave the furniture in its original condition. Change the size and materials by going to the “Properties” tab. Simply select an item and change the settings as needed. Enter the height, length, depth values, set the upholstery material and type of wood.

Customizing the furniture material

Step 5. Save the finished project

Examples of photos of arranging a small room

Most Russians inherited from “stagnant times” disproportionate, rectangular, narrow rooms, more reminiscent of solid corridors than a full-fledged room for arranging personal space.

Narrow room

Narrow room createsa lot of difficulties in terms of interior design. Creating a cozy room, no matter how you rearrange the minimum set of furniture, is quite difficult, but, nevertheless, there is always a way out.

Redistribution of space

One of the simplest and quick ways transformation of narrow rooms can be considered the division of one large space into a couple of smaller ones, using plasterboard partitions. The partition itself will not take up much space, and the resulting premises will acquire a more or less regular square-section configuration, especially if it is possible to increase their area by demolishing other walls.

Changing the space with decorative elements

Modern construction industry, latest materials, paints and original design solutions from specialists can radically change the space of a narrow room without the construction of partitions. It has long been known that light, color, well-chosen accessories and furniture can change a space beyond recognition. So, for example, a small bright folding sofa placed across a narrow room zones the space, dividing it into two work areas:

  • By disassembling the sofa, you get a full-fledged bedroom;
  • Having assembled it and placed a couple of small wicker chairs and a small glass one coffee table, you turn the intimate sleeping area into a cozy living room;
  • Behind the back of the sofa, you can easily set up an office or study area for a student by placing a chest of drawers or a regular desk against the back.

In addition, a tall room can also serve as a room divider. bookcase, and an openwork bookcase, one of the two-sided fireplaces or even an LCD TV on the nightstand. Now it’s worth paying attention to how you can change the space with the help of light and colors.

Play of color and light in a narrow room

Attention should be paid to the fact that color palette, correctly selected in each specific case, can visually expand the space. You can't do without brave people here. design solutions. So, for example, the walls of which are painted in light, bright or pastel colors will look more voluminous. Some interior designers use this method: the transverse wall of a narrow room is covered with wallpaper with a geometric pattern located horizontally, and on the longitudinal walls, on the contrary, wallpaper with a vertical pattern is pasted. The main thing here is to choose wallpaper with a similar, same type of pattern, then the unity of the space will be preserved and the appearance of an expanded room will be created.

You can use a very popular design technique - a game of contrasts. But here it is important not to “overdo it” when choosing colors, otherwise instead cozy interior The result may be a tasteless, eye-catching room.

Experienced designers in such cases, a combination of dark and light tones of paint is used. Most often, transverse walls are painted with dark colors, and longitudinal walls, respectively, with light colors. Sometimes gradient painting of walls is used. This is when one darker color smoothly transitions into a light range of the same shade, or vice versa, a contrasting one. So, from red you can go to pink or cream, warm lilac will look good with a transition to cold blue or cold pale yellow or golden color.

Trying to transform a narrow room, use the “play of light”. Properly directed rays can expand it, but the direction must be strictly horizontal. Interestingly, light strips located under the ceiling and directed vertically raise the ceiling and create the impression that the room is slightly higher than it actually is. We hope that with the help of our tips you will be able to make your room more comfortable and beautiful.

Narrow room - photo

There are a great many articles about how to make a small room seem larger than it actually is. And, nevertheless, after reading many of them, I also wanted to speak out on this matter.

At the same time, move away from the standard cliché: “10 tips on how to change a room.”

In general, to begin with, it would be nice to decide what we are talking about! What room can be considered small?
Is your room really small, or does it just seem so?

Let's look at an example.
Let's say we have a room with an area of ​​9 sq.m.
Of course, this is very little if we want to place a bedroom or living room in it. It's also a bit cramped for a teenager's room.
But for a kitchen with a small dining area this is quite acceptable. Also, it is quite possible to place an office or even a nursery in it for a child up to school age using proportionate children's furniture.

And if these 9 meters went to the bathroom, then the unfortunate “ ONLY 9 meters"magically transform into chic" A WHOLE 9 meters».

Thus, any room can be small if the desired set of functions that this room should perform is disproportionately large in relation to its area.

In addition, you will have to take into account additional factors: the configuration of the room, which sometimes has higher value than the area, as well as ceiling height and illumination.

Well, last (but not least) is the room’s permeability.

Obviously, in the general case, the bedroom (without additional functions) has less traffic than a kitchen or children's room, for example. But if this room has the only balcony in the apartment, on which things that are very necessary for the household are stored, then its traffic capacity increases significantly.

So, the first thing to do is:

- try to initially distribute the functions and proposed areas in the most logical manner so that they correspond to each other.
- if possible, reduce the number of functions assigned to one small room.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and yet, before shedding tears, trying to “shove in what you can’t fit in,” think: is it possible to make a competent redevelopment of the apartment as a whole in order to logically redistribute the space. Or maybe it’s worth swapping the bedroom with the living room or children’s room? Or will you be able to find a place for a wardrobe not in a tiny bedroom, but in the hallway, or in another room?

If the premises have already been selected and are not subject to change, you should pay attention Special attention arrangement of furniture in it.

In mathematics, “the sum does not change by changing the places of the terms.” But when planning a room, the opposite is true. It’s changing, and how!

The so-called "first impression".
That is, what first catches our eye when we enter the room. What do we see first of all? That's right, the front wall (opposite the entrance) and the “red corner” (diagonally from the door). Accordingly, it is these zones that require special treatment in design.
Do not overload them with bulky objects and things that have lost their aesthetic appeal; be careful with small details (all sorts of open shelves with vases, photos, ducks...)

But on both sides of the entrance there is a “dead zone” (especially from the door hinges). Here you can easily hide both a massive wardrobe and an ugly rack that for some reason you don’t dare send to the landfill.
- Zoning. Another controversial topic for small rooms.

There are many pictures on the Internet, the room is divided into zones using a plasterboard partition, a shelving unit or a sofa placed across the room.

It should be remembered that these solutions are not suitable for small rooms and not only make them even smaller visually, but often make it very difficult to use each of the zones for their intended purpose.

An exception may be a narrow, and at the same time disproportionately long room. But even in this case, you should use only mobile pieces of furniture, low chests of drawers or through shelving that let in light in order to maintain the overall volume.

Also, different ones will look inappropriate in a small volume. architectural excesses. Artificially created niches made of plasterboard, arches, columns, multi-tiered ceilings of strange shapes.

First of all, let's decide on the style.
It’s better to say goodbye to “palace” styles right away. A luxurious Louis XIV bed will lose all its luster if you somehow miraculously managed to stuff it into a 3x3 m cell. And, alas, it will never give you the feeling of a royal bedroom.
Of course, it is most suitable for small spaces minimalism, with its laconic, ergonomic forms.

But not everyone is a fan of this style. In this case, you can turn to the universal and much more cozy style contemporary

or graceful Provence.

For the bravest we can offer eclectic solutions. For example, a grandmother’s table can easily get along with glossy cabinet fronts.

Equally important is the process of selecting certain furniture models that can reduce the congestion of the room.

The general selection principle is simple:
- There shouldn’t be a lot of furniture. Leave only what you need.
Numerous, even small items can create a lot of clutter in any room.
- Massive products should be abandoned in favor of lighter, more elegant models.
- In general, light furniture looks lighter than dark furniture.
- Numerous cabinet drawers of different colors and sizes, and even with any designs, patterns and panels will not add beauty, but will only fragment your small room.
- Built-in or free-standing cabinets, but with smooth, smooth facades, attracting as little attention as possible.
- We choose a bed without a footboard.
- The sofa is simple in shape, low. The upholstery is preferably plain, not bright, not colorful. It is advisable to avoid combining colors and wide wooden armrests.
- Choosing to use non-standard furniture. Products made to order can be adjusted as much as possible in size and shape to the given circumstances.
I will pay special attention to various transformers.
- Folding bed.

- Bed-podium.

- Pull-out beds for children.

- Sofa bed for the living room.

- Table transformer.

- Workplace - secretary.

They will help you save space in your room.
After we have dealt with the furniture, we smoothly move on to color design.
Here, I probably won’t say much new. All articles recommend using white, light shades and cool tones.

And it really works!
White color tends to reflect light particles, so the room seems not only larger, but also higher and lighter.

Light cool tones They visually move the surface away from us and expand the boundaries of the room. While the warm tones of the surface bring closer.

“What should we do now, do everything white, like in a hospital”?
- Well, firstly, the interior will not seem sterile and boring if you use various textures in contrast. Combine brick and shabby wood with lace and silk, and fur with the shine of glass or glossy facades.

- Can be used various shades of neutral tones

- Or add a small amount to the interior contrasting note.

But that's not all!
If you prefer rich colors, you can use any of them. Even black. At the same time, the walls and floor, as well as all large objects in the room should be the same color. Shades, saturation and textures may differ.

You can use this technique, for example, if you need to place a large, solid, dark-colored sofa in a small room that you just can’t refuse.
Since the color of the sofa will be close to the color of the walls, it will no longer look as bulky as before.

Now, what should definitely be avoided when decorating small rooms:
1. Sharp color contrast

2. Abundance of different colors.

They are often advised to be used to expand space.

In principle, this is how it is. Perspective works best in this regard. But most people don’t even realize how difficult it is to choose the right image that suits your interior. One of yours: “ I liked this picture so much" - clearly not enough.
It is necessary to take into account both the plot and color scheme, size and geometry of the panel (square, rectangle (regular or very elongated in length or height), proportionality of the picture, horizon line and the correct angle for viewing.

It may happen that the treasured picture turns out to be alien to your interior.
You can spoil the impression
-wrong angle

- inappropriate image or

- disproportionately close-up.

Of course, the better the room is lit, the more spacious it seems.
That's why:
- Try do not block the flow of light, placing tall cabinets nearby.
- Dense replace curtains with air curtains, translucent curtains.
- If the layout allows, You can hang a mirror opposite the window, which will reflect the flow of light.
- Also, if window slopes wide enough, they can be used too make mirror.

In general, we’ll talk more about mirrors later.

One of the keys to success is uniform lighting.
The only question is how to achieve this.
Usage built-in spotlights on the ceiling is not always justified, and not always appropriate.
Firstly, this is still a type of technical lighting. Without restrictions, it can be used in the hallway, bathroom, dressing room and to illuminate the kitchen front.
Beautiful stylish models Suitable for living rooms in minimalist and high-tech styles.

Secondly, the ceiling will need to be lowered.
The most win-win solution would be to add to the main lamp additional lighting scenarios.
- Sconce, desk lamp, floor lamps.
- Glass cabinet lighting and paintings always create intrigue in the room, and
- LED Strip Light, stretched along the perimeter and hidden behind the ceiling cornice, will not only visually raise the ceiling, but also contribute to a soft, intimate atmosphere.

In addition to its direct function
- reflect your person,
There may be several more roles for him in the interior:
- Mirrors reflect light, positively affecting illumination.
- The magic of reflections allows increase space .
- They themselves can serve decorative element .

Therefore, when hanging a mirror in one place or another, first decide which of these functions is a priority.
1. In the first case, the mirror is hung so that it is as convenient for you to use it as possible. If we are talking about a large mirror, there must be an approach to it in order to see yourself in full height. In this case, the light should fall from the side or from above, but not from behind.

And this will happen if you hang a mirror on the wall opposite the window.
2. But the window will be reflected in the mirror, this will give you a beautiful perspective and a well-lit room.

For this purpose, if for some reason you don’t really like mirrors, you can use glass or glossy surfaces, metal or mirror mosaics instead.
Also, instead of one large mirror You can hang several small ones at a sufficient height. They'll also reflect light, but you won't have to bump into your full-length image all the time (for those who don't like that)
3. If the task is to increase space with the help of mirrors, think about what and how your mirrors reflect. It is unlikely that an empty reflection will help solve the problem bare wall V narrow corridor, or a mess piled up in the corner.

4. When you hang mirrors solely “for beauty,” then you need to choose a place for them as if we were hanging a picture or other element of wall decor. Considering composition, style, shape and color.
- But you shouldn’t hang different-sized and multi-colored pictures and other decorations all over the walls and free corners.
- Also, you shouldn’t hang open shelves with books and various “stuff” everywhere.
In the end, I wanted to summarize all of the above and focus on the main points.

- Properly distribute the area of ​​the apartment.
- Do not overload small rooms with unnecessary functions.
- Try to find the most rational arrangement option.
- Avoid “extra” architectural elements.
- Choose the appropriate style.
- Reduce the amount of furniture.
- Avoid bulky models.
- Use custom furniture made to your measurements and various transformers.
- You should not split up the room with different sizes of furniture, facades of different colors and shapes, numerous shelves, paintings, etc.
- Make a choice in favor of homogeneous surfaces without drawings or patterns.
- Avoid sharp contrasts and colors.
- Try to select all the finishing elements in one color scheme, the difference can only be in shades and textures.
- Give preference white color, light shades and cool tones.
- Try to fill the room with light.
- Organize uniform lighting and different lighting scenarios.
- Use different design techniques, aimed at visually expanding the space: photo wallpaper with perspective, mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces.
I will be glad if my article helps you.

There are small rooms in almost every home. They are always associated with cramped spaces, discomfort, and lack of free space. If this is one of many rooms, then this is not so bad (although it can be used effectively), but what should the owners of, for example, one-room apartments, for whom one room serves as a bedroom, living room and dining room, do? In this case, a properly created interior will help. There are plenty of ideas on how to decorate small rooms; you just need to use your imagination a little and transform yourself into a designer, at least for a little while.

Color design of the room

Dark tones visually reduce space, light colors increase it. It is this rule that should be taken as a starting point when choosing a color scheme. Professionals recommend that owners of small rooms avoid using too bright colors. large quantities. Not only will it look too rough, but it will also visually reduce the size of the room. Staying in a colorful room for a long time can cause headache. It is best to opt for light colors, for example, beige, white, light green, gray, light blue.

It is recommended to choose wallpaper with a small pattern; a large pattern looks more appropriate in huge halls than in a small room. You can play on the contrast of the ceiling, walls and floor. The latter should be much darker, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. small size presupposes observance of monochrome. If possible, you should select furniture of the same color; minor variations in shades are allowed. This will visually increase the space.

Choosing curtains for a room

Curtains also play a big role in the arrangement small rooms. Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing light, flowing curtains light shades, which would not burden the space and would not attract unnecessary attention. Curtains should match the walls, they can even be made in the same color scheme. Fabrics should be airy, you can give preference to gauze tulle. To visually enlarge the windows, you should hang curtains along the edges. Curtains should be long short options not even worth considering.

How to properly use free space?

Before arranging small rooms, you should determine what should be in them and for what purposes they are designed. A small room does not tolerate disorder; scattered things immediately create a feeling of cramped space and discomfort, so every dress, every cup, figurine, book, etc. should know its place. All free space should be used to the maximum. For example, why buy a chest of drawers, a bookcase and a shelf if all this can be replaced with a functional wall? This way, space will be saved, and the room will become much neater and more spacious.

Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing multifunctional furniture. Many designers recommend purchasing a bed that transforms into a wall for one-room apartments, but not everyone can afford such a purchase. But even people with an average income can afford to buy a sofa bed, on which two people can sleep at night, and during the day it takes on a neat appearance and is ready to receive guests. In addition, you can fold bed linen and pillows inside. Thus, not only free space is saved, but also money. Instead of large table It is advisable to purchase a folding coffee table or one that is attached to the wall and lowered if necessary.

Visual enlargement of the room

Repair in a small room involves installing large mirrors, reflective surfaces. Such accessories visually expand the room and make it brighter. Therefore, professionals recommend installing mirrors opposite the windows. When buying a cabinet, you should give preference to models with glass doors. Chairs with transparent legs, a glass tabletop, and furniture made of transparent plastic will help create the illusion of lightness.

Room zoning

Many people are interested in how to arrange a small apartment to achieve its multifunctionality. Only correct zoning will help here. For example, one room can be divided into sleeping and workplace, the space can even be limited by screens or curtains. In this case, it is allowed to use different colors, light sources - should create the illusion of two different rooms. Furniture should be arranged in such a way that it does not disturb anyone. The freer the floor, the more spacious the room seems.

Lightening rules

Before arranging small rooms, you should worry about lighting, artificial or natural. A bright room visually seems much more spacious than a dark one. If there big window, then it should not be covered with curtains; on the contrary, it should attract attention. should be used if the room is not located on sunny side. It is best to choose a transparent chandelier, small in size.

For small rooms you should buy dwarf furniture. Bulky chairs are discarded immediately; Manufacturers now produce many comfortable chairs in small sizes. You can buy a corner sofa: it is larger in size, but takes up much less space compared to a regular one.

How to arrange a small bathroom?

Arranging a small room is much more difficult than a large one, because everything needs to be placed and at the same time leave free space. For a small bathroom, it is worth purchasing shallow cabinets and pencil cases, because more bulky designs will take up a lot of space. The urinal and bidet will have to be abandoned. You also need to choose between a shower and a bath. The first option is more practical and compact. If you want to occasionally pamper yourself by soaking in the foam, you can purchase a corner bathtub with a curtain.

In this room you can also make room for a home library by filling a wall with floor-to-ceiling shelving. In addition, the lower shelves can be used to store other things. If the office is used to receive business partners, then you need to take care of compact and comfortable chairs, if space allows, then you can buy a small sofa and a table for drinks.

By following easy-to-follow rules, you can even turn a small room into a functional, bright and spacious living room, bedroom, bathroom or office.

When developing the interior of a small room, they mainly adhere to two tasks: rationally use every centimeter or even millimeter of the available space and make it beautiful and harmonious. To accomplish these tasks there are many ready-made ideas, tested on thousands of rooms. We will talk about them.

General principles and ideas

Regardless of the purpose of a small room, there is general principles their design. This is far from dogma, but by adhering to these rules, it is easy to independently create a harmonious interior of a small room, and without compromising functionality and convenience.

Styles for small spaces

The very first thing you need to decide on is the style. This makes it much easier to develop a design, select finishing materials, furniture, and accessories. Small rooms should not be cluttered with objects; they should not contain many accessories. The more free space remains, the more spacious the room appears. Therefore, not all styles are suitable. The following will look good:

All of them are characterized by smoothly painted walls, clear lines, and a minimum of details. All this will play into the hands of small room. Read more about almost all of these styles.

Color selection

It has long been known that light colors visually enlarge rooms. Light - not necessarily white, although white and its shades are used very often. They make the interior lighter and weightless, especially in combination with light floors and ceilings.

If you decide to color your walls, you need to remember the rule of three. In relation to color design, its essence is that to create a harmonious interior there must be three colors. The first one is basic, there can be many of them. Two additional ones may be in very small quantities. If we talk about design in small rooms, the walls are painted in the base color and they should be light. Furniture - either a base color (maybe a very close shade) or one of the additional ones. Accessories and textiles - additional colors.

If you look closely at the photos that you find most attractive, you will find that they have three colors. It may look good and more saturated different colors furnishings, but only a good designer can put everything together correctly.

How to choose a trio of colors? There are tables of combined colors that designers use, but you can be guided by your own taste or look at the photo. The most attractive combination can be implemented in your room.

Ceiling decoration

Most often the ceiling is made white. Not necessarily snow-white; often some shades and tones are used. What you shouldn’t do is paint the ceiling dark or bright color. This can only be used in a very high room with excellent lighting, and it is better if the ceiling is glossy. Dark colors make the room look much lower. If you need to remove the “well effect”, this is good way. In other cases, it is better not to experiment, although with the right lighting it may not be bad, but this also requires considerable design experience.

Dark ceiling - a controversial decision

In rooms with low ceilings There are several ways to visually make them taller through the play of color and light. The first is to make the walls a tone lighter. In this case, the boundary between the walls and ceiling is lost, which is perceived by us as a higher room.

Second way - glossy ceiling. The surface reflects the surrounding environment, which again deceives our vision. From modern technologies only gives this effect stretch ceiling, but the choice of shades and degrees of gloss and reflection is wide. You just have to be careful with the gloss. It reflects everything. And what lies on the cabinets too. Therefore, such a room should be in perfect order.

The third is lighting around the perimeter or directed from the walls to the center. This option is usually implemented on two-level or multi-level ceilings. This step in itself also seems to lift the ceiling upward, and with the lighting effect it is even intensified. Just when thinking about it, don’t create too many rooms for little ones. complex structures. They are good for spacious rooms, not for small rooms.

All these methods can be combined, which is often done. It is important not to overplay.

Floor decoration

The choice of color - light or dark - largely depends on the style, but there are also those in which both options are acceptable. What then to choose? Focus on own desires. If you want a sense of stability in your room, a dark floor is more suitable. If lightness is required, your choice is a light floor.

The dark floor “grounds” the interior, but gives a feeling of stability

With the help of floor design you can also achieve visual increase premises, however, a floor made of boards, laminate or parquet is suitable for this. Traditionally, they are laid parallel to the rays of light emanating from the window. To achieve the effect we need, we need to lay the coating at an angle relative to the front door. This breaks up the perspective and makes the room appear larger. Yes, this method of installation is more complicated, and when using it there is more waste - not all trimmings can be installed, but the effect is good.


Small spaces require functional and comfortable furniture, while laconic forms with clear lines look better. Styles also push us towards such a choice - they all require strict, simple lines.

When planning, select the environment so that the horizontal surfaces are on different levels. This makes the interior more dynamic. If you set everything to the same level, it will be too monotonous and flat.

Another recommendation is not to overload the space. In small rooms you need to put the necessary things. It is advisable to avoid a large number of massive objects. If this suits your idea, place the furniture on metal legs. They seem to lift the object above the floor, creating interesting effects.

Furniture that changes its shape or purpose allows you to increase functionality when using a small space. It is also called “transformers”. Everyone knows the sofa bed, chair bed well. They have been used for a long time, they only change appearance and the mechanisms become more convenient. There is also a bed-wardrobe (the sleeping place rises and hides in the body) and a considerable number of similar things (a transforming sofa in the photo below).

There are very interesting and functional furniture options. These are so-called transformers - objects that can change their shape and sometimes even their purpose.

The application of these rules is not mandatory, but it will allow you to develop a beautiful and harmonious design small room.

Interior ideas for small rooms for different purposes

Now let’s look specifically at how all of the above is implemented in the design of premises for various purposes. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the design of a living room, a nursery and a bedroom.

The only room in the apartment

In a one-room apartment, the room should be super functional. After all, it is used both as a living room and as a bedroom. First of all, you should think about the sleeping area. There are several solutions. The most obvious and common is to install a folding sofa. There are different designs, but the essence does not change. The only drawback of this solution is that it is not a bed and sleeping on the sofa is not entirely comfortable. However, this is the most common option.

A sofa bed is often placed in a small room

This option is acceptable if one person lives in an apartment. If there are two people, this is no longer very convenient: someone wants to sleep, someone else can’t sleep. In this case, they try to fence off part of the room with a translucent partition and place a bed behind it. The remaining part is furnished as a mini-living room.

The partition can be made of any material. The only condition: if it fences off an area near a window, it must let in enough light. In the photo above, the room is divided by a translucent glass wall. With obvious separation, the space does not become fragmented. It remains intact. Another option is to mark the area with a plasterboard openwork partition or make a partition in the form of shelves.

If you still want more privacy, there is an option with sliding partitions that work like doors in wardrobes.

They can move apart different sides(photo on the right) or fold to one side. If such a partition is made mirrored, it will also visually expand the space.

Is there some more non-standard options installing a bed in the only living room. For example, if the ceilings allow, you can move the sleeping place under the ceiling. To do this, they build a solid structure in the form of a cabinet or podium, and make a bed on the “roof”.

There is another option with that podium. Make a work or living area on it, and hide a pull-out bed under the flooring. It is difficult to imagine a more rational use of space.

The bed “slides” under the podium

You can also play with the design of the bed. They can come down from the ceiling or be disguised as a closet. Such beds are already on sale and are called “wardrobe beds.”

Folding bed-wardrobe

In general, there are enough solutions. The interior of a small room in a one-room apartment can be both beautiful and functional.

Small bedroom

Even if you don't have studio apartment, a small bedroom is far from uncommon. For many, its area does not exceed 10 sq.m. In this case, only necessary items are left from the environment. A bed is a must bedside tables. Everything else - if the interior of a small room is not too overloaded.

Small bedroom - nothing more

Without a closet in the bedroom it is very inconvenient, but a massive object takes up too much space. It can be replaced by a wardrobe or wardrobe. In fact, they differ in size and content. The dressing room must be at least 1.2 m deep (to allow entry). In long and narrow bedrooms with front door On the short side, you can fence off a place right at the entrance. This makes the room more regular in shape - closer to a square, and such rooms are perceived as more spacious.

If the entrance to the bedroom is on long wall, you can use one of the corners or the end wall as a dressing room. It all depends on the specific layout. If there is the slightest opportunity, select such a place. You'll just be amazed at how many things there are proper organization can fit in there.

One of the more traditional options is to fill the wall opposite the bed with furniture. But it will have to be made to order - across the entire wall. So the bedroom will have modern look. You choose the design style of this “wall” based on the overall style.

Another idea for arranging a small bedroom is to build the head of the bed into the furniture wall. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this is wrong, but from the point of view of rationality, it is an excellent option.

It’s difficult to come up with anything else in such a highly specialized room. The main task is to choose the right color scheme.

Children's room

The concept of “children’s room” is quite loose. This is a room for children of preschool and school age, right up to teenagers. As you understand, the design and content are significantly different, but the ideas are similar.

The main way to save space is to do bunk bed. In this case, there can be one sleeping place - upstairs, and a workplace is equipped on the “ground floor”. This is an option that will suit both toddlers and older children. The sizes of the beds are also not very different: children grow up too quickly, so they mostly buy teenage beds right away, adding a “childish” ambience with the help of bedspreads, pictures and other accessories.

Beds are “built-in” into the furniture wall
Reliable option. Fits well into the interior of a small room and saves space. Desk below, bed on top.

If you are afraid of heights, you can make a different type of bed - with a pull-out second bed. Also a good option.

If you don’t need a second bed, you can make drawers for toys or things under the bed. In the interior of a small room, everything is subordinated to the task of optimally using all available space, while freeing up as much free space as possible.

Optimal use of free space is the main motto of the design of small rooms

For older children, almost the same techniques are used, only in a different design.

When designing the interior of a small children's room, use the above rules: three colors, multi-level surfaces, no unnecessary details.

Small living room

No matter how much you would like to stick wallpaper with a large pattern in a small living room, you shouldn’t do this. Unless in fragments or on one wall, using , otherwise they will “eat up” the space and a “box” effect will appear. You will almost physically feel how the walls are pressing on you. The best choice- plain walls in pastel colors.

One wall is decorated with wood or stone - one of fashion trends recently

The texture may be different. It could be decorative textured plaster, wallpaper with an embossed pattern or fiberglass with a paintable texture. It is very fashionable now to decorate one of the walls with wood or stone (stone-look tiles or flagstone). All of these are ways to diversify a not too large set of furniture that is usually found in a small living room. Most often this is a sofa, two armchairs, a coffee table and a TV. It doesn’t seem like a very large set, but there are a lot of variations. Firstly, there is furniture different forms, styles and colors. And the number of combinations is very large. Some of them are in the photo gallery.

A fireplace in the living room is the dream of many Interesting design one of the walls, an unusual carpet on the floor and the interior “played” Wooden domed ceiling - very unusual To save space, the doors can be sliding for this room.

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