How to paint the walls in the bedroom. What color is best to paint the walls in the bedroom: how to prepare walls for painting, how to choose the design and color of paint

When deciding what color to paint the walls in different rooms house or apartment, you need to take into account many nuances and rules. Following the existing recommendations will allow you to get an attractive and harmonious room that will not cause discomfort. When choosing a shade, you should pay attention not only to classic, traditional solutions, but also evaluate the options offered by the teachings of Feng Shui.

All colors are conventionally divided into three categories:

  1. Cold.
  2. This group includes violet, green, blue, blue gamma. Suitable for brightly lit rooms located on the south side. Warm. Includes a yellow, red, orange palette. Are
  3. great solution

for the north side with insufficient natural light. Neutral. Traditional grey, white and black shades.

Each option has a specific impact on the emotional and

mental condition person. Some tones can cause aggression and anxiety, while others, on the contrary, relax, put you in a calm mood, or promote creative and business growth. Secrets of successful choice

When choosing

But even following all the rules and a good imagination will not give a real idea of ​​what the wall will look like in the end. To do this, a test painting of an area of ​​at least 1 m2 is done, completely repeating the technology. Naturally, such an event is not always possible.

Important! Strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions on the label or in a separate brochure is a must.

Perception of color palette

Any professional designer knows that every color on an unconscious level affects emotional perception. A person may feel constantly tired or irritated and blame it on everyday circumstances, although the reason is the wrong color of paint.

It is advisable to take into account the following features of different shades:

  • Red . Has a stimulating effect. In small quantities it can stimulate positive processes, but in excess it causes aggression and irritability. Constant contact with this shade leads to fatigue and psychological devastation.
  • White . A universal color that can make a space more spacious and relieve a feeling of tension, but in large quantities will lead to reverse effect. In addition, it evokes associations with medical institutions.
  • Yellow . A small amount of this color gives confidence and creates a cozy atmosphere, but too much creates an anxious mood and creates mistrust. A similar effect has Orange color.
  • Blue. Promotes peace. The predominance of this shade does not have such a detrimental effect, but it can interfere with getting into a working mood.
  • Green . Creates associations with trees and vegetation. Gives strength, invigorates and helps you focus on the task at hand.
  • Black . The color of rigor and tact is responsible for maintaining solidity, but excess leads to depression.

To avoid making a mistake in your choice, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Everything is good in moderation. This postulate is valid for any palette of colors.
  2. Natural shades are the most correct. You can use it as much as you like and get amazing combinations, but everything you need already exists in nature.
  3. There are a great many professional craftsmen and designers, but everyone has their own idea, so their advice should only be of an auxiliary nature.

When combined different colors A preliminary compatibility assessment is carried out. To do this, you can be guided by individual perception or use special color tables.

Fashionable colors of 2018 and the first half of 2019

To choose the right range of shades, you can use the trend of 2018 and the trend that remains in trend in the first half of 2019.

  • Rose Quartz.

  • Otherwise – rose quartz. This color emphasizes nobility and allows you to tune in to a calm mood. Being universal for all rooms, it is diluted with purple or pearlescent shades.

  • Greenery.

  • Light green color, which is quite a popular solution. It can become a real decoration of any interior; it can be combined with many tones, but it gravitates more towards natural ones.

  • Iced Coffee.

  • Iced coffee is perfect for modern (high-tech) and classic interior styles. Gives a feeling of comfort and style. Diluted with peach dye.

  • Peach Echo.

The soft peach color remains an elegant solution for a sophisticated interior, the furniture of which has been selected with special taste. This wall painting is complemented by dark accents and paintings. It is most successfully used in living rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms.

Painting walls in different rooms

Individual preference is paramount when choosing the right color for the walls in a room, but to achieve optimal results, there are some guidelines to consider.


This room in most apartments and houses is very modest in size, so the optimal color for such a room would be light (beige, ivory, orange) with possible brighter accents. Due to this, the hallway will seem much larger.


If the corridor is narrow, then several shades are used to paint it, which are recommended to be placed in the form of horizontal stripes. An interesting solution would be to create black central or side borders. The main color can be gray, light brown, beige.

The photo shows a corridor in beige shades; this color is considered the most used in such rooms.

Corridors usually do not have enough daylight, so the main palette of paints for walls should be light colors

Living room and hall

Provided that all residents constantly gather in the room, blue, light blue, purple and pink shades are optimal. They are complemented by gold, red and gray colors. For a room used in other situations, a more austere interior with a predominance of cool colors is selected.


Choosing paint for a nursery is more difficult, since you need to take into account the preferences of the child or teenager. Gender also plays a significant role: boys gravitate towards bright and complex color combinations, while girls prefer calm pink and beige shades with rich splashes. Naturally, such an interpretation is often conditional, therefore, taking into account the wishes of the child, the best option is to use natural colors and their shades.

The photo shows a children's room in yellow-green color. This combination is an excellent solution for a child’s room, as it has a positive effect on the still weak visual system, gives energy and at the same time calms the nervous system.

This room should promote relaxation and comfort, so the walls can be painted in shades of yellow, orange and green. It is better to abandon newfangled and experimental solutions that may look good on paper or in pictures on the Internet, but in reality they create an absolutely depressing impression.


If there are pieces of furniture in bright colors, then the walls are painted in a contrasting tone. If the kitchen modules have natural colors in the classical interpretation, similar lighter or darker shades are selected. But to create a modern interior, the walls can be painted in bright colors: red, orange or indigo.


Brown, gray and beige shades are suitable for this room, which can be complemented by black accents. Everything should be in a calm and business-like manner. Modern offices for creative individuals are best painted green, red and blue or combinations thereof.


Bathrooms big size are rare, and many of them include several zones, so individual colors are chosen for each area. Blue, purple, dark blue and light green shades interspersed with red or black are well suited for such a room.

The bathroom is associated with water, so blue and its shades are most often chosen to paint it.

The main thing when choosing the color of a room is to take into account the overall style of the house or apartment.

The influence of shade on the visual size of a room

Each shade affects not only psychological perception, but also visual one. The right color for wall surfaces can expand or narrow a room.

Coloring principles:

  1. It is better to decorate small rooms in calm, light colors, thereby enhancing artificial lighting and visually expanding the area.
  2. To make high ceilings appear lower, you can paint the walls in pastel colors and the ceiling itself in darker colors. This combination will increase the overall space.
  3. Desaturated green and blue visually expand the room.
  4. Relief moldings painted in the same color will help to enlarge the wall.
  5. If the room area is small, you should abandon provocative solutions and a combination of many tones. This completely eliminates the feeling of space due to the inability to concentrate. Also not the best solution There will be artistic painting, especially with large elements.
  6. To make large rooms smaller, orange and red shades are used, and to emphasize their status, deep gray and dark shades are used.

On a note! Since it is impossible to perceive all combinations, it is worth resorting to the use of special graphics programs. Color modeling in them is not always completely reliable, but it allows you to catch a good combination or reject a bad one.

Choosing colors from a feng shui point of view

Feng Shui is a Taoist practice responsible for organizing space. Based on this teaching, each element has its own color:

  • water (north) – black;
  • earth (northeast, southwest, center) – brown;
  • tree (east, southeast) – green;
  • fire (south) – red;
  • metal (west, northwest) – white.

Bagua - map of feng shui zones

According to this eastern practice, common in Asian countries, each color has a specific effect on a person and is used for different rooms:

  • Yellow . Symbolizes the sun, abundance and wealth. Creates a feeling of fun, comfort, strengthens hope and binds a person to home. Not suitable for dark rooms and bathrooms.
  • Red . Responsible for vital energy, therefore it is recommended for the construction of cabinets, but its excess leads to the opposite effect. Suitable for delimiting space and zoning. Should not be used in rest areas, hallways or bedrooms.
  • Blue . A mysterious color that develops a sense of adventure and exploration. Suitable for living room, bedroom and office areas. A bad solution would be for the kitchen, hallway and corridor.
  • Green . The basis of a new life, correct activity, but light shades indicate possible immaturity. Used for children's and teenage rooms, great for purposeful boys and girls.
  • Orange . Can act as an additional color in the living room or short-term recreation area. You should not paint walls in offices and bedrooms with it.
  • Peach. Symbolizes calm and is responsible for romantic appeal. Suitable for a room where a teenager lives, especially a girl. A slightly diluted shade is used to paint the living room and bedroom.
  • White . Symbolizes purity and openness. It is used for walls in the nursery and living room and for highlighting areas in the kitchen.
  • Black . Responsible for strength and solidarity, helps create intrigue. It is recommended to use shades of black that are suitable for certain areas of the walls. Not recommended for children's, teenagers', work or recreation areas.

Due to the fact that the modern interpretation of this practice has undergone changes, many meanings have been completely adapted to current conditions and have lost their original meaning.

Mistakes when choosing a color palette for walls

Mistakes when choosing paint colors that cause psychological discomfort:

  1. The period of illumination is not taken into account. Natural light may vary at different times of the day, so great importance has the presence of artificial light sources.
  2. The overall perception is influenced by all the details, and especially the furniture: a sofa, armchairs, tables, cabinets should match the main tone or contrast.
  3. Feng Shui takes into account the combination of colors, because the practice is based on the endless movement of space. A bad solution would be to use yellow and green, red and black, yellow and blue in the same room.

But most problems arise from the fear of making mistakes. You cannot please everyone or adapt to every opinion and recommendation; it is individuality that creates harmony. An example would be a conditional ban on painting dark colors small rooms: When you choose a specific shade, the results can be amazing.

What color should I paint the walls in the bedroom? This is a question many owners of their apartments and houses ask themselves.
It is known that a person spends almost half of his life at home, which is based on walls. There are simple but effective methods helping to attract good luck and success into your home. This article suggests how to choose the color of the walls for the bedroom so that good energy is created in the house.

A room can have two or three solid walls, but if there are three, then this arrangement is considered unfavorable: there is stagnation of positive energy, which leads to a lack of cosmic energy and an excess of yin energy. Such rooms are stuffy.

Tip: Each wall of the bedroom needs to be given Special attention in a way that inspires and uplifts rather than blocking positive energy and air flow. Otherwise, it can lead to serious health problems.

The ideal option would be a bright bedroom with at least one wall with windows. The color of walls, installed furniture, accessories have a certain role on a person, on his internal state.
Even ancient healers noted that different shades of colors can have both a positive and positive effect on a person’s well-being and mood. bad influence. They have created a whole science - chromotherapy, which allows people to be treated with the influence of different shades.
This science can also be used in the interior; color is energy transmitted in the form of different electromagnetic waves that have a certain effect on people.

Tip: The color scheme of the room may be different, but the interior design does not need to be decorated in only one pure color, but must be selected best combination, in which one color is the main color and the others are additional.

How do bedroom colors affect a person?

Before determining what color the walls in the bedroom should be, it is worth getting acquainted with the influence of primary colors on the well-being of its owner:

  • Red. This is a fairly aggressive color that has a stimulating effect on the nervous system.
    It can only be used as an additional color. Restoring strength in a bedroom where red walls are very problematic, although it is beautiful, as can be seen in the photo.
  • Yellow. Characterizes creative energy, it puts processes in order nervous system. It can be used as the main color when decorating a relaxation room.
  • Blue(see). It has a calming effect, relaxes, and slows down processes in the body. Recommended as an accent color.
  • Orange. Middle between yellow and red colors. Its main shades – apricot or peach – can also be used.
  • Green. This is one of the most harmonious colors for the bedroom, helps to relax, creates harmonization of the body. Used as both primary and secondary color.
  • Pastel shades. They are best suited for bedroom decoration. These include: creamy, beige, light green, ivory, cream colors. You can “revive” them using bright color accents.
  • Black. The predominance of this color as the main color in large quantities has a depressing effect on the body, so it is recommended to use it as accents in the bedroom.
  • Light green, blue. This is a marine color scheme, they go well with brown, orange, and gray colors.

When choosing a color, you need to consider several factors:

  • If the bedroom windows face north, preference should be given to warm colors; if the windows face south, cool colors should be chosen. Light shades go better with dark ones flooring and furniture, and vice versa.
  • Of interest is the option with an accent wall, which is painted in a bright or dark tone, and the rest of the walls in pastels.
  • If a light color is chosen as the main color, then the carpet, curtains, bedspread, pillows, all sorts of accessories and other details can become bright accents.
  • Even images can influence your mood. A bedroom with sharp and harsh patterns will seem uncomfortable, while wavy and smooth lines will have a calming effect.

Geometric shapes can add stability to the interior, flowers and trees promote relaxation, and cheerful animals put you in a good mood.

Advice: It is not advisable to use genre pictures in the bedroom, which quickly tire a person.

How to choose a color according to your bedroom interior style

  • The main color is chosen depending on the style of the bedroom:
  • Classic and modern (see). In this case, shades of cream, beige, milky colors, and coffee with milk are suitable. Pastel colors in combination with black, chocolate or intense purple work well.
  • High tech. It is characterized by the presence of glass and mirror shiny surfaces. The walls can be painted white, steel gray, with a black or red accent.

Ethnic style. For this style, colors that are close to natural shades are chosen: soft green, blue, pinkish, light brown. It is possible to combine these shades with imitation animal skin or reptile skin, which is very stylish.

  • Tip: When choosing a background for such a bedroom, you should not purchase wallpaper that has very bright patterns or hieroglyphs. Wall finishing should be as uniform as possible.
    Provence and country. These styles are very close in spirit. In this case, the bedroom design will be cozy and warm.
  • In this case, the shades are predominantly natural: cream, milky, lavender, light green and other colors. Materials must be natural, without imitation.
  • Rococo. It is characterized by nobility and pretentiousness: combinations of beige and dark brown, white and gold, purple and silver look beautiful. Oriental style (see). Differs from many other styles with bright shades of gold, burgundy, yellow, blue colors

Tip: When choosing the color of the walls, you need to take into account that the same shade will look different in the morning and in the evening. Therefore, before painting a wall with your own hands, apply the paint to a small area and observe how the color changes during the day.

Which better color For bedroom walls, watching the video will give you a good idea. This article suggests general recommendations and instructions on which color is best for a certain style of room.
In any case, each person decides for himself whether the walls in the bedroom will be painted in two colors or whether this will require a set of different shades, the main thing is that it satisfies the needs and taste of the owner of the room, and he is satisfied with the price of the work.

How to give your bedroom interior a unique design? Use modern painting materials to decorate the room. Painting the walls in the bedroom using rich colors allows you to effectively emphasize the special artistic style of the room. color palette. For interior work Environmentally friendly compositions are used for painting, so preference is given to water-based paints.

The attractiveness of water-based bedroom paint lies in the high decorative and performance properties of the compositions and the versatility of their use.

You can paint walls made of wood, plasterboard, brick, cement, as well as surfaces treated with plaster and putty.

The peculiarity of water-based paint is that after the coating dries, that is, the water evaporates, a durable polymer film of the desired color remains on the walls. Moreover, the components of the paint are not dissolved in the water base, but are embedded in it in the form of tiny particles, which makes the paint for bedroom walls safe for use.

Advantages of water-based material:

  1. High drying speed - no more than two hours.
  2. No specific smell in the room.
  3. Using color, the composition can be given any shade.
  4. No toxicity or harmful fumes.
  5. Easy to apply and non-flammable material.

Water-dispersed paints withstand ultraviolet radiation well, which is especially important if the bedroom is located on sunny side Houses. You can purchase white water-based paint and a special color scheme. Mixing the coloring components gives the desired color of the composition.

When carrying out interior painting work, you should avoid using alkyd enamels (highly toxic) and oil-based compounds (vapor-proof). The most suitable material for the bedroom is water-based paints on acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone based.

Equipment and materials for work

For high-quality application of paint on the surface of walls, taking into account the economical consumption of the composition, it is convenient to use paint rollers. They paint walls made of any materials well, do not leave streaks and evenly distribute the paint layer over the surface being treated. To paint corners, connecting joints and difficult areas, paint brushes are additionally used.

The following materials and tools are needed for work:

  1. Large rooms are painted with rollers with removable spare parts. The smoother the base, the shorter the pile on the roller.
  2. It is convenient to paint the upper part of the wall with a roller on a long handle, and for uneven surfaces A tool with sheepskin hair is suitable.
  3. The perimeter, corners, joints and complex areas are painted with a brush with thick, long, cone-shaped bristles.
  4. For economical consumption, the paint composition is poured into a tray (tray) with a ribbed surface, the width of which is greater than the width of the roller.
  5. To limit the area of ​​the wall that needs painting, use masking tape.
  6. For preparatory work you will need a primer, putty, a spatula and a container for working with paint (tinting with pigment).

When choosing the base composition for painting, take into account what kind of coating you want to get - glossy or matte. Be sure to take into account the play of light and shadow - it depends on the location of the windows in the bedroom. Light walls go well with dark furniture and textiles, and vice versa.

Wall preparation and painting

The paint should cover the walls in a uniform layer. If there are microcracks, unevenness, or small cracks on the surface, then the flaws will be clearly visible under the decorative coating. To avoid wasting paint compounds, walls need to be prepared for painting.

How to paint the walls in the bedroom:

  1. Remove unnecessary coating, if any, from the surface - wallpaper, glue residues, crumbling plaster, a layer of old paint.
  2. Sweep away the dust and wash the walls, dry the room. If there are defects on the surface, they need to be puttied or plastered.
  3. Cracks and depressions are covered with gypsum-based putty, and the surface is leveled with alabaster plasters.
  4. After drying, the walls are primed 2-3 times. A mixture of latex and synthetic dispersion is suitable for water-based paint.
  5. Antiseptic primers are applied to wooden walls, deep penetration impregnation - on brick and concrete.
  6. The perimeter of the wall is covered with masking tape at the junctions with the floor, ceiling and adjacent wall, if necessary.
  7. Prepare a working solution. After drying, the color of the painted wall will be paler, so the tinted composition is made saturated.
  8. Use a brush to paint corners, joints, and difficult areas, dipping the tool into three-quarters of the pile.
  9. Smooth surfaces are painted with a roller, starting from the top and moving down. The directions of the roller in work are cross-shaped for uniformity of the layer.

Sometimes walls are covered with vinyl or non-woven wallpaper under water-based paint to hide the unevenness of the walls. When painting from scratch, pigment is added to the primer to preparatory stage set the tone for the decorative coating.

When using white water-based paint with color, you should prepare a sufficient amount of coloring composition. If there is not enough solution, it will be impossible to repeat the shade of the prepared mixture - the color of the bedroom walls will not be the same.

Choice of colors

A bedroom is the personal space of the owners of a house or apartment, an intimate room not intended for prying eyes. In it, a person rests and enjoys a comfortable sleep.

To create a particularly relaxing atmosphere in the room, it is necessary to avoid bright and aggressive colors for painting the walls. Too saturated and variegated colors distract attention and interfere with healthy relaxation.

The most current ideas for painting walls in the bedroom, combined with the interior style:

  • Romantic Provence– translucent ones predominate bright hues, soft pink, white, sky blue, pale lilac and lavender.

  • Multilayer Baroque– a combination of at least three colors of a noble shade is required, a combination of burgundy, gold, walnut, emerald, beige and light green shades.

  • Space hi-tech– use only basic shades, mainly cool ones. Painting the walls in warm gray, neutral cream, or white is suitable.

  • Practical minimalism– it is strictly forbidden to use acidic and neon shades in design. The ideal solution is gray and white, with a possible black accent.

  • Current classics– for rooms in this style they choose the usual cream, brown, beige, milky shades. They blend seamlessly with dark furniture or dark floors.

  • Elegant Empire style– only calm shades are allowed. For painting walls, burgundy, olive, beige, snow-white, brown in combination with ceiling stucco are suitable.

When choosing what color to paint the bedroom, you start from your own preferences. The owner of the room can choose his favorite color, but in a calm pastel version.

Bright accents look natural on the wall at the head of the bed, but they must be combined with bedroom textiles - curtains, bedspreads, pillows, carpets.

Combining incompatible color compositions is only possible for bedrooms in the kitsch style, provided that the design is tasteful.

On video: tips on color schemes and painting walls.

To achieve the desired effect from painting, take into account the dimensions of the bedroom, who it is intended for, what furniture will be in the room and what interior style is implemented. There is a difference in painting bedroom walls for children, newlyweds, bachelors, and teenagers. Useful tips what color to paint the walls in the bedroom:

  • Blue color suits calm people, it is a cool shade, and promotes relaxation.

  • It is pleasant to relax in a bedroom with green walls, especially for those who are engaged in intense mental activity.

  • Purple and red colors are excluded from possible ideas - they irritate, interfere with sleep and bring emotional discomfort.

  • In a children's bedroom, it is appropriate to zone the room and paint the walls in the play corner with brighter colors.

  • Yellow and orange colors are best used in combination with neutral wallpaper.

  • Light warm shades, wallpaper with a small pattern and horizontal stripes visually enlarges the room.

  • The spouses' bedroom is decorated with green and blue shades; combinations of contrasting colors are recommended for bachelors.

Black and brown walls will make the room feel gloomy. If you use them in a bedroom interior, then in combination with light furniture, white and gray contrasting areas.

If the bedroom walls are painted in neutral light shades, the emphasis is placed at the head of the bed, using rich rich colors. A bedroom is a room that should be relaxing and soothing, so the choice of paint for the walls also depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the room. The main condition is to create balance and a unified artistic style of the interior.

Drawing inspiration from the masters (2 videos)

Ideas for painting walls in the bedroom (37 photos)

Wall decoration is an essential stage in the design of a room. Today we will take a closer look at the option of decorating a wall - painting. This is a popular and sought-after way to update and diversify the interior.

Painting walls in the interior gives scope for creativity and imagination. The variety of colors on store shelves allows you to realize design ideas and bring your dream interior to life. Right choice material is important, since the final result will depend on it. To begin the painting process, the materials offered in stores are studied and suitable ones are selected.

Characteristics of paints that are important to know:

  • To paint indoors, you only need interior paints, the packaging of which is marked “for interior use.”
  • How paint interacts with water affects its application. various rooms: rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen) need moisture-resistant paint. For other rooms, where there is no dampness and moisture, you can use non-moisture resistant paints.
  • All coloring materials are also divided into two groups: breathable and non-breathable. Vapor-proof (non-breathable) paints should be chosen only for rooms where you plan to spend little time. The walls in the bedroom, for example, are painted only with vapor-permeable paint. This is the key to healthy circulation and air renewal.
  • Wear resistance. This is an important indicator of paint, which shows the degree of its resistance to abrasion. For example, if you plan to frequently wet-clean walls, then the paint should be wear-resistant.
  • Hiding power, that is, the ability of paint to cover a surface. This directly affects its consumption. The hiding power on the can indicates how much of this paint is needed to cover 1 square meter of surface.


All these parameters must be taken into account when choosing to get the desired result. However, that's not all. The paints themselves are divided into types, all the advantages and disadvantages of which we will now analyze.

Acrylic water-based paint

This dye is one of the most popular and in demand. It is based on polyacrylate resins.

Advantages: excellent coverage, easy to apply, unlimited tinting possibilities. The constant advantage of paint will be its low cost. Does not fade, moisture-resistant, wear-resistant. Has no unpleasant odor and is non-toxic. Also, one of the advantages of the paint is that it is easy to use and is suitable even for those who have not picked up a brush.

Flaws: high consumption. When using this type of paint, it is often necessary to apply more than one or even two layers of paint to achieve the desired result. Minus of paint and what is affected sun rays. Also, this paint does not resist the effects of fungus and mold.

Silicone paint

These paints got their name because of the silicone resins they contain. These coatings belong to a new generation of paints that have the advantages of water-dispersed and silicate paint materials, and the disadvantages are eliminated. Most often used in facade work.

The advantages of silicone paint are that it is vapor permeable and waterproof. It is resistant to sunlight, does not fade, and is not afraid of high temperatures. Resistant to alkali and stains. The scope of application of silicone paint is almost unlimited due to its excellent performance properties, durability and variety of decorative options.

The disadvantages of silicone dyes include high cost. When applied over a large area, this paint is quite expensive. But here it is also taken into account that the durability of this paint, its strength and resistance to damage, will very quickly pay for all investments.

Latex paint

This dye is water-based and contains latex. The paint is known for its high wear resistance.

The advantages of latex paint are moisture resistance and durability. The surface can be exposed wet cleaning without damaging the coating. This paint is universal: it is applicable to concrete, wood and paper. Latex paint coating looks impressive and can decorate the interior. The paint is non-toxic, vapor permeable, has excellent thermal insulation properties, is very economical in consumption and dries quickly.

One of the disadvantages is that the walls need to be perfectly smooth before painting. Latex paint absolutely matches the entire surface of the wall. Also, the paint is not resistant to temperatures below zero. There should not be strong temperature changes in the room where such paint will be painted, otherwise there is no point in using it. The high cost can also be a deterrent, but as with silicone paint, it will be a worthwhile investment in the longevity and durability of the coating.

Vinyl paint

Created on the basis of vinyl compounds and practically forced out of the market acrylic paints.
The advantages of vinyl paint are its low cost. This coating does not turn yellow, its decorating ability is sufficient high level. Resistant to solvents and chemicals. Eco-friendly: approved for painting walls and ceilings in children's rooms.

There are quite a few disadvantages: strong shrinkage when drying, which often requires a second coat of paint. The paint has proven itself to be not very durable. Disadvantages include low vapor permeability.

A dye that is made on the basis of PVA. Suitable for interior decoration. A budget option. A definite plus is the affordable price.

The downside is that for painting indoors, there must be favorable conditions, without temperature changes and with perfectly leveled surfaces. The paint is not wear-resistant, so don't expect miracles from it.

Acrylic latex paint

Contains the qualities of latex dyes. Wear resistance, long-term operation without loss of protective properties and decorative qualities.

Structural paint

The viscosity of this material allows the paint to maintain the relief specified during application.
There are many advantages of the coating: from non-toxicity and odorlessness to the ability to create a unique relief pattern with different degrees roughness on a given surface. The paint is waterproof, washes well, and can mask surface imperfections. Very durable.

The only disadvantage worth mentioning is the fairly high cost.

The quality of the paint and operating conditions are what should worry you when choosing a dye. You should not overpay for the brand or for minor improvements, with the help of which manufacturers often inflate the price. You can always find a quality product that fits your budget. Contact your sales consultant.

Preparing the walls

Preparing the walls is perhaps one of the most important stages. To begin with, it is worth removing all previous coatings. All roughness, cracks and irregularities are carefully rubbed down. A smooth surface is the key to an excellent result after painting. After leveling, the surface must be cleaned of dust. A brush, a soft cloth and a vacuum cleaner - any of these items will do the job.

The next step is primer. This is necessary in order to fill minor surface defects and strengthen the adhesion of the wall and paint. Acrylic primer is very popular. It is great for any surface. For priming walls and interior partition You can use several equipment options: roller, sprayer or wide brush. After the primer is applied, it must be left until completely dry. It will take about 5-6 hours.

After the soil has dried, puttying is performed. To apply the first layer, you should use a starting putty. It exists both in a ready-made version and in the form of a dry mixture. The first layer is applied over the painting mesh, which consists of fiberglass. After the plaster has dried, it is rubbed down using a special device. Then you need to apply a layer finishing putty, which also rubs over after drying.

Acrylic primer not only enhances adhesion, but also has antibacterial properties that prevent fungi and mold from growing on the wall.

Which range to choose

The choice of color has a strong impact on the interior as a whole. Two different shades of the same color can both ruin and decorate a room. When choosing a color scheme, you need to take into account the lighting, the desired color of furniture and textiles, and the mood you want to create in the room.

IN home interior Neutral colors always look win-win: yellow, coffee, apricot. It is quite easy to choose an interior for them and these colors have a beneficial and calming effect on the psyche. Bright wall colors will require more attention and effort to match them with a suitable environment. Designers advise not to use more than five colors in one room.

Trendy colors in the interior

Fashion comes and goes, dictating its own rules, including in the interior. The most important thing is that the environment is ideal for you. Let's look at what colors are relevant today:

  • White color immediately evokes the idea of ​​purity. White is an invariable lifesaver if you need to increase and expand the space. Recommended for small and dark spaces.
  • Black, on the contrary, reduces space. In poor lighting, this color can turn a room into a very dark and gloomy one. Designers advise diluting black with glossy or mirror surfaces.
  • Grey. This color is often associated with the backdrop for very expensive items in interior settings. It should not be made the main color of the room, because it is quite boring in itself. Light gray color with the addition of various color spots in the setting, it will perfectly decorate the interior, give comfort and renewal to the room.
  • The color red is known to stimulate appetite and increase blood pressure. Use with caution in residential areas, especially in children's rooms. If you use it as the main color in a room, it will create an oppressive impression. It is used as an additional accent, especially in cool-colored interiors. This will make the room cozy.
  • Yellow affects intellectual development, so it is suitable for a child's bedroom. This color is also used in rooms located on the north side.
  • Orange color has the ability to harmonize the atmosphere in a room. This color is conducive to communication, so it is perfect, for example, for a living room. You need to act with orange just as carefully as with red. You should not make it the main color in the room, as it can quickly get boring.
  • Brown, especially its light tones, is considered a classic example of color in the interior. Beige, peach, and coffee shades are ideally combined with it. Noble color that creates comfort.
  • Blue color gives a feeling of peace and relaxation. This color reduces appetite and induces a wave of relaxation. Ideal for the bedroom. A light shade of blue can expand the space.
  • The color purple, especially its dark shades, can make you feel tired. Its use in the interior should be approached with caution.
  • Green color is considered beneficial both for the eyes and for mental balance. Green is available in both warm and cold colors. This color is believed to help with concentration, so it is often used for work spaces. Designers often use pistachio and olive colors in their solutions: they are considered successful for the interior. It is not always easy to choose furniture for green walls, so think about everything in advance if you are going to use this color.

Combining colors and methods of applying paint

Combining colors is not as easy as it seems. For bright spots in the interior, you should use a neutral and calm tone. Also, a combination of related colors is always considered successful. Combine different shades of the same color and get a harmonious interior.
Let's consider the main methods of applying paint when combining colors:

Horizontal division

This is a visual division of the wall into two horizontal stripes: it becomes two-colored. The most commonly used proportions are one to one or two to one. The upper stripe is painted in a dark tone, the lower one is made lighter. To clearly separate the stripes, it is permissible to use molding.

Colored inserts

A design with colored inserts may be suitable, for example, for a children's room. The basis is a neutral shade: beige, white. A drawing is made against this background: geometric shapes, which are then painted over. bright colors.


It’s worth mentioning right away that furniture in the interior can also be an accent. If you want to pay attention and focus on the bright design of the walls, then it is better to choose one or two walls and paint them in a rich shade. Leave the rest in neutral colors so as not to overdo it with accents.

Gradient and ombre

The idea of ​​making a gradient on the walls is considered one of the most popular in interior design. This painting method is obtained when different shades of the same color are applied to each wall surface or individual part of it.

The method of painting ombre is that the shade on one wall of the room changes in a horizontal or vertical direction. To get the entire range of shades of one color on the wall, you must first paint the surface in the lightest available shade. Then the wall is divided into quarters and the lowest quarter should be painted in the darkest shade.

The next step is to mix a dark shade with a small amount of light and paint the part of the surface above the dark piece. In this case, you need to step a little onto the dark surface. In the very center, the most saturated and bright color is usually used, smoothly smoothing it towards the light part, which is located at the top.

Horizontal and vertical stripes

This design move can be performed in a variety of ways. If the house has low ceilings, then this can be corrected with the help of narrow vertical stripes. This visually elongates the walls and increases the height. To expand the space, you can paint a wide horizontal stripe on the wall. It is usually decorated with various interior items: lamps and paintings.


This method involves covering the wall surface with various images of figures. To greatly simplify the work, use a stencil, which you can make yourself or buy a ready-made version at a hardware store.

Geometric shapes

To create the desired style in an apartment, you need to apply geometric shapes to the walls. Diamonds, polka dots, squares are a few examples for decoration. This method of painting walls requires a considerable amount of patience, because applying the design by hand will take a lot of time and effort.

The textured method of painting is to result in a surface with a unique structure. This can be achieved most different ways. The stores now have all the materials needed to implement this idea. This method perfectly masks surface unevenness.

This finishing method is suitable even for beginners. The wall should be painted with thick paint, which will not dry immediately, but will give time to create unique drawing on her. To do this, immediately after painting, take a crumpled piece of paper or a polyethylene bag and blot the entire painted wall, each time stepping on the previous print.

To implement this idea, we will need a regular sponge or soft bristle brush. Regular water-based paint will do just fine. To apply a design, take a sponge, dip it in paint, and then lightly press it against the surface of the wall. The entire area is processed in this way. This method of decoration visually increases the area of ​​the room.

Modern wall painting ideas

It is often mistakenly believed that wallpaper looks much better than painted walls. This is wrong! And here are examples of home decor using paint, which are in no way inferior to wallpaper. Future design is limited only by imagination. Modern materials can help make your dream come true. Let's consider the designers' recommendations for decorating walls:

Living room

The living room in every home serves a different function. This is the most representative place in the house, but it is used differently everywhere. In one house this room is a hall and a meeting place for the whole family and guests, in another it is a quiet and secluded place for reading. It is important to decide on the functional load of this room, because its color scheme depends on this!

If you love bright and saturated colors, but are afraid to use them, then there is a solution. Choose the same colors, but in more muted shades. Brown, pink, orange, light green, blue, gray, black and purple dilutes well with white. This is a color that is used both in decoration and in furniture solutions. White neutralizes dark and rich shades. The living room is the place where you can bring any idea to life!

The photo shows a children's room in yellow-green color. This combination is an excellent solution for a child’s room, as it has a positive effect on the still weak visual system, gives energy and at the same time calms the nervous system.

The walls in the bedroom are most often painted with water-based paint. It is vapor permeable and safe. With equal success, you can trust her to paint wooden, brick and concrete wall. The bedroom is intended for rest and relaxation, so the colors should be chosen accordingly. Let's look at the most popular interior styles that are found in bedrooms:

Romantic ProvenceHere, delicate and transparent shades most often prevail: light pink, lavender, soft blue, white and light lilac.
Baroque multi-layeredAt least three aristocratic shades of these colors are mixed here: noble emerald, soft green, gold, beige, walnut, black and burgundy.
High techIn such interiors, only basic colors are used in cool tones: gray, light beige, white, cream.
MinimalismMinimum colors, preference for black, white and gray colors.
Elegant classicClassic neutral shades are used for wall decor: beige, brown, light cream and milky colors. Painted walls go well with furniture and flooring in dark shades. All colors are used in the bedroom, only in a calm version.


People spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Here they cook, eat, socialize. The color scheme of the kitchen is very important, as it can directly affect the mood in the morning. The paint for this room should be moisture-resistant and washable.

Bright yellow shades will always lift your spirits. Green color is suitable for those who constantly adhere to a diet: it has a positive effect and calms the appetite. Light and beige shades are ideal if you want an elegant, classic kitchen. Red color is bold and bright solution, but requires careful handling, as it greatly affects appetite.

Provided that all residents constantly gather in the room, blue, light blue, purple and pink shades are optimal. They are complemented by gold, red and gray colors. For a room used in other situations, a more austere interior with a predominance of cool colors is selected.

Paint for a children's room needs to be environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable and washable. Children often draw on the walls and need a special coating from which they can quickly wipe off their mischief.

A suitable option for a nursery: paint it one base color, and then add bright accents yourself. These include bright stickers, cartoon characters drawn with felt-tip pens and paints, fictional characters - whatever your imagination can do!

Preferred colors for a children's room: yellow, orange, blue, green, light blue, soft pink.

Individual preference is paramount when choosing the right color for the walls in a room, but to achieve optimal results, there are some guidelines to consider.

The corridor is the first thing a person sees when entering a house. It affects the impression of family members living here. When choosing decor for the hallway, it is important to take into account its dimensions: for small and narrow rooms, construction is undesirable frame structures and the use of dark colors. The paint should be easy to clean and wet clean.

Wear resistance is another condition when choosing a coloring material for the corridor. It is worth considering that light colors will be too soiled in this place.

Bathroom and toilet

Thanks to water-based paints that are not afraid of water, painting walls in bathrooms has begun to replace decorating with tiles. Here you can not be shy and fully express your design idea! Bright, muted, dark and light - a variety of colors and textures are used in bathrooms.

The main thing to consider is that the paint should not be afraid of water, be resistant to stains and durable. Walls decorated with tiles and painted are often combined.

  • After the paint package is opened, the dye is stirred to obtain a uniform color.
  • Painting takes place in a room where the temperature is not lower than 5 and not higher than 20 degrees Celsius. Humidity is also important to obtain the desired result. If the air is dry, it is better to turn on a humidifier or use a spray.
  • Drafts are excluded!
  • If there is mold or mildew on the walls, then before painting, the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  • Working brushes, as well as rollers, must be thoroughly washed of paint and dried.

To summarize, I would like to note that if you carefully follow the technology and use suitable materials and dyes, the result of coloring will delight you for years!

Painting the walls in the interior makes the room not only attractive, but also creative with the help of a wide range of decorative techniques. Wall design ideas are not limited to plain painting, structural paint and other options original decor will create a beautiful interior.

Pros and cons of painted walls

At first glance, this is the simplest type of wall decoration; the market offers a wide selection of types of interior paints that do not have an unpleasant odor and dry quickly. There are features to consider when painting walls.


  • large selection, use of colors;
  • no harmful fumes when interior paint dries;
  • You can paint the walls yourself;
  • simple decoration can be made using a template and a texture roller.


  • The preparation of the walls causes great difficulty;
  • emphasizes the unevenness of the wall;
  • When repainting, the previous layer will need to be removed.

The photo shows a gray bedroom with a brick wall and smooth putty walls, bright accent The interior features red decor.

Types of paint

Alkyd paints

  • Alkyd resin paint, used for painting wood and metal, plaster. After drying, they do not harm health, do not allow moisture to pass through and do not change color.
  • Oil paint takes a long time to dry due to its oil base on drying oil, and is used for outdoor work due to harmful fumes. Over time, yellowness in color appears.
  • Enamel has a distinct gloss due to the varnish base, and is used for painting any surfaces indoors and outdoors. Protects against corrosion and is resistant to light and humid environments.

Emulsion paints

They are economical to apply, can be used on top of other types of paints, and do not have an unpleasant odor.

  • Acrylic is applied to well-dried walls, suitable for painting walls in rooms with low humidity. It can be easily tinted and retains its color even under the sun. Does not allow steam and moisture to pass through, and is resistant to mechanical stress better than others.
  • Latex is resistant to washing and rubbing, dries quickly, hides small cracks, used for painting wallpaper, plaster, brick. May change color when exposed to sunlight.
  • Water-based Over time, it loses its brightness due to color washing off, is suitable for creating relief and texture, has high strength and hides small cracks, reinforcing them.
  • Silicone based on silicone resins has high plasticity, forms a waterproof film, hides small cracks, and can be applied to any surface. Compatible with others emulsion paints and prevents the development of bacteria.

Textured paint

It looks unusual compared to ordinary painted walls, and is suitable for interior decoration and creating a unique interior. It comes on a mineral, silicone, acrylic basis.

Apply with a sponge using a blotting motion, if the area to be painted is small, with a textured hard roller with teeth, a glue comb, or a metal spatula. The relief is created by filler particles.

Combination with other materials

In the interior, 2-3 types of wall decoration are often used to diversify the design.

They are combined in the case of finishing the ceiling with wallpaper and the walls with paint, creating an accent on a painted wall, a combination of bottom - paint, top - wallpaper. There are also special paintable wallpapers that can be repainted several times.

Used in the kitchen, hallway and toilet. The walls are exposed to moisture, so photo wallpaper is used for decoration.

In the photo there is a bedroom interior with photo wallpaper and neutral walls, the podium serves as a closet.

The plaster can be painted on top of the bark beetle, which will give relief to the walls, or combined with painted adjacent walls in the interior of the toilet, kitchen and hallway.

A wooden wall made of beams or laminate is combined with plain wall painting in the interior of an attic, living room, or country house.

Suitable for decorating a fireplace wall in the interior of a living room, country-style kitchen or chalet, where the apron is made of piece stone and the rest of the walls are painted in a single color or a transitional color. Brick and painting are suitable for finishing a kitchen in Provence or loft style.

Brick and paint

The brick can be white or red, and the paint can match the brick, or differ in color.

On the picture

3D panels are suitable for simple, but unusual design interior Plain walls with voluminous panels are suitable for discreet and stylish design, and two-tone painted walls with colored panels look good in a nursery or in an abstract interior.

Design options

Plain walls are chosen for discreet interiors, such walls serve as a neutral canvas for expressing style in pieces of furniture and accessories.

Painting in two different colors

Painting walls with two different colors serves as a rational technique to visually enlarge a room, change the perception of the geometry of asymmetrical walls, or simply focus on one wall. One wall can be painted with two different colors.

Painting in different colors (more than two)

Painting with several colors in the same range or a combination of contrasting colors will become an independent decoration in the interior. This could be stripes, vertical or horizontal separation of walls, or painting all 4 walls in different colors. Within one room, it is better to make one color the main one, and leave the remaining 2-3 colors as auxiliary ones.

In the photo, one of the walls is painted in three colors with uneven stripes using a geometric technique using masking tape.


You can make your own designs using stencils and templates by cutting them out of paper and attaching them to the wall. You can also draw boundaries for the design using masking tape glued to the dried base color.

Striped design

Stripes of paint stretch or expand walls and change the perception of a room depending on the location, color and frequency of the stripes.

Patterns and ornaments

Suitable for a child’s room, you can draw a house, a fence, trees, ethno ornaments, monograms on the walls of the child’s bedroom interior.


They can be organized or chaotic, created with a brush on wet walls.

Cracks or craquelure effect

They are created using acrylic painting and craquelure varnish; the more varnish, the deeper the cracks. When applying, the roller must be held vertically so that the cracks are uniform.

In the photo, the accent wall of the bedroom is made using the technique of cracked paint with a backing that matches the tone of the walls.

Under the brick

Imitation of brick can be done using plaster on a lined wall and drawn seams along wet material. After the plaster has dried, apply 2 layers of paint.

Painting with squares

Can be done using templates or masking tape. Squares can be plain or colored, different sizes and positions on the wall.

Texture design

It is created by painting walls with textured paint, which contains acrylic particles and starch. It comes in dry and liquid states, and can also be tinted. Apply with a regular or textured roller. For interior design, special textured paint for interior work is suitable.

Gradient and ombre

Suitable for visual increase ceiling, if the dark color near the floor fades into white. A gradient or smooth transition of color can be horizontal or vertical, with a transition to the adjacent wall. It is created with 2 or more colors, where at the junction of the colors, using a dry roller or brush, the dark color is stretched onto the light area in one direction.

The photo shows a partition wall painted using the ombre technique with a smooth, smoky transition of gray to white closer to the ceiling.

Using a textured roller or sponge

Effects using textured roller or sponges are made on a uniformly painted wall, creating the effect of watercolor, bark beetle, waves, cracks, velor or mosaic.


Artistic painting using ethnic techniques, depicting a view of nature, animals and reproductions will become an individual feature of the interior with wall painting.

Design with moldings or panels

Creates the effect of niches or furniture facades, adding volume. Molding can be colored or white, made of wood, duropolymer, or gypsum.

Wall painting color


Often used independently in Scandinavian and other modern interiors, it is also a companion for bright, warm and cool colors.


Does not draw attention to itself, acts as a background for furniture, is used in classical and modern design. Combines with white, gold and black paint.

The photo shows a kitchen interior with a white matte set and beige walls, where the light laminate matches the paint tone.


Brown in the shade of coffee, chocolate, with the texture of wood is combined with other natural colors and stone in the interior.


Green in shades of ocher and pistachio color is calming, suitable for the bedroom and living room. Light green and herbal are bright colors, suitable for children's and kitchens. Combines with raspberry, brown, yellow, white.


It is the background for loft style and modern interiors, combined with red, black and white, carrot-orange.


Ideal for a bedroom, children's room in classic and nautical style. It is also a common bathroom wall color.

The photo shows a gray-blue interior with plain walls and classic shelves. A green accent brightens up the living room.


Suitable for southern rooms with plenty of summer sunlight, combined with green, white, blue and red.


Yellow for sunny interiors or rooms with poor lighting, combined with orange, green, white.


Creates a Provencal atmosphere in the kitchen, is suitable for any room and combines with natural pastel colors.


As a magical amethyst, it attracts attention to the interior; it is used in spacious rooms or combined with white painted walls.


As the most active and energy-independent color, it does not need to be supplemented, but if the apartment is small, then it is better to combine red with gold, beige, and white. Looks good against his background white furniture or headset.

The photo shows a two-tone paint job with an accent red tomato-colored wall, which has shelves and a chest of drawers made of natural wood.


Like yellow, it adds color to the interior and combines with all shades of green, black, and gray. Used for balcony, bathroom, hallway.


Pink in pale shades is used for the interior of a bedroom, children's room, stripes and designs are painted with it using a stencil. Combines with pale blue, white, black, lemon.


In the interior it often acts as an outline or as a pattern, a companion color, independently used in large rooms and acts as a backdrop for light furnishings.

Features of painting walls of different materials

Wooden walls

Painted wooden walls not only look aesthetically attractive, but also extend the life of the wood. WITH interior doors or wooden walls, before painting, you need to remove the old coating and treat it with stain. After drying, apply 1-2 layers of alkyd or acrylic paint.

The photo shows a wooden panel painted pale yellow in a classic bedroom interior with a gray baseboard and light floor.

Brick walls

Before painting, they clean and wash with water; after a week, all the moisture will be released and it will be possible to prime the surface and paint the brick with interior acrylic or alkyd paint. You can age the brick or create smudges. You can use a contrasting color for the seam.

Concrete walls

Before painting, you need to clean it, make the surface smooth and free of cracks, prime it, let it dry and apply epoxy or latex. A repeat layer must be applied to the entire surface of the wall at once to avoid changes in shade.


Paintable wallpaper is convenient in that it can be repainted without driving pigment into the walls. Such wallpaper can also be removed without sanding or cleaning the surface. Wallpaper paint is water-based without solvents. Textured wallpaper makes work easier and hides uneven walls.


Drywall on a wall or ceiling is painted after filling the joints and all the drywall, as well as sanding and priming. They use acrylic or silicone paint, which are plastic and create a protective film.


Painting on plaster takes place on a clean, dry surface. If chips are noticed during the preparation of the wall, they need to be cleaned and sealed. Painted with a roller in 2 layers with maximum filling of pores.

Photos in the interior of the rooms


The kitchen, as a room where you need to wipe the walls, needs water-based painting acrylic or latex paints. For the kitchen interior, neutral colors, contrasting or matching the furniture, are suitable.


A children's room can have the walls painted with special paints marked, they have water base and dry quickly. There are also paints with silver ions, which do not absorb moisture and allow you to paint over regular watercolors. Colorful stencil designs, stripes, patterns, letters and numbers are all suitable. The interior can be easily replaced by painting the walls a new color.

Living room

The living room as a platform for creativity can combine stone finishing and painted walls, several colors and different design. Water-soluble, textured painting or a combination of colors in the interior are suitable.

The photo shows the interior of the living room with wooden ceiling and plain light walls in a country style with an emphasis on furniture from different categories and color palettes.


The bedroom is distinguished by a calm atmosphere and a cozy interior, so you need to choose neutral, natural colors. In the interior, it is better to avoid bright colors or use them as an accent on the wall at the head of the bed. Stencil design, textured painting, stripes and ornaments are suitable.

Bathroom and toilet

The bathroom and toilet, as wet rooms, should be painted with acrylic, latex, or silicone paint. Painting with oil-based materials is not recommended due to the long drying time and harmful odor. You need to paint those areas that are not exposed to water; the area near the sink and bathtub should be tiled.

Traditionally, a combination of blue and white, white and orange or yellow is used in the interior. For the toilet, painting can be combined with vinyl or photo wallpaper.

Balcony or loggia

The balcony or loggia must be protected with paint from corrosion and fungus. For interior open balcony or a loggia that is separated from the apartment, only paint for exterior use is suitable. For wooden lining Water-based paints are suitable; varnish paints are suitable for brick or plastic.

It is often stuffy on the balcony, so a cool color palette is suitable, white and orange are also used. When painting, it is important to choose a sunny day with no rain forecast.


The hallway or corridor can be painted using the ombre technique with a transition from orange to white ceiling. Water-based paints are used light shades, combination with decorative stone or textured plaster. A narrow corridor can be expanded with 2-3 horizontal stripes.

Design styles


The style uses single or two-tone wall painting, combining white with another color. The children's interior uses bright details in stripes and patterns on the wall. The emphasis is on practicality, so an unobtrusive palette and combinations are used.


Minimalism is observed in monochromatic painting, a combination of gray or pale blue with white, and decor with wide stripes. Sometimes contrasting molding or textured paint is used in the interior.


The interior is not limited to a specific color palette; design is used more often only on accent wall. Brickwork can also be painted using ombre technology.


In the interior it is expressed in a neutral light background with golden, white monograms, in blue or black patterns, which are emphasized by tassels and fringe on velvet curtains of emerald or ruby ​​color.


Provence or French summer gloss of the interior is recognizable in pink, mint or blue walls, olive shade curtains and textiles. The walls in the interior can be painted plain or striped. To create individuality you can do artistic painting on the wall in the form of an open window onto the summer Provençal fields.

The photo shows a turquoise bedroom in the Provence style with plain painted walls, classic furniture and floral textiles.


The interior uses a combination of natural timber or stone with brown, mustard, white paint with a whitewash texture.

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