What is the best treadmill for home? How to choose a treadmill for home workouts? About reliable manufacturers

The effectiveness of running has been proven repeatedly. Regular training develops endurance, normalizes the activity of the heart muscle, and helps get rid of extra pounds. ABOUT positive aspects we can talk endlessly, which is why many people want to buy a treadmill for their home. It is important to take into account all the nuances regarding the pricing policy, available functions, weight category, size, etc. Let’s look at the main aspects in order so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

The benefits of running

  • endurance develops;
  • the mood and “fighting spirit” are lifted;
  • is improving general state health;
  • the functioning of the lungs and heart is normalized;
  • is stabilizing arterial pressure;
  • body weight decreases.

Positive features of a treadmill

  1. If you are considering a treadmill with an above-average price policy, you can choose a good device with an incline control for running. This option simulates running over rough terrain. First you move downhill, then uphill.
  2. Even the most economical models can be disassembled and easily folded. For this reason, the track can be purchased by people renting living space. You can easily transport the exercise machine if necessary.
  3. The unit is designed for long-term operation. Each track has a kilometer limit, which is often difficult to exceed even after many years of use. If you add proper care to this aspect, the device will last a long time.
  4. A treadmill helps a person keep his body in good shape, spending a minimum of effort and time. You don't need to follow a strict training program because it's quite easy.
  5. Having a treadmill at home allows you to save money without having to go to the gym. In addition to the exercise machine, it is enough to purchase a pair of dumbbells or a jump rope to keep in shape.
  6. Modern treadmills have many electronic options. You can easily track your blood pressure, heart rate, distance traveled, energy expended, etc.
  7. Many tracks include a ready-made lesson program, which is an undeniable advantage. It is enough to select one of the proposed functions, the device itself will increase/decrease the speed and take breaks.
  8. It’s hard not to highlight the accessibility of the classes. Having a running machine, you can exercise at any time of the day. This move allows you to adjust your daily routine without calculating the time it takes to travel to the gym and back.

Mechanical treadmill (magnetic)

The exercise belt is set in motion thanks to human efforts. When you start running or walking quickly, the track transitions from a standing position to a floating position. When you stop, the blade also stops spinning.


  1. A mechanical treadmill uses no electricity, so you won't have to worry about electricity bills. In this case, you act as an electricity generator.
  2. The main advantage of the absence of a motor in the simulator is a wide range of installation locations. If you live in a private house, you can take the canvas out into the yard or onto the terrace. In this case, you do not need to think about how to stretch the wires to connect the track.
  3. Mechanical exercise machines are distinguished by their low weight category; they are also easy to fold and unfold. If you move, moving the simulator will not be difficult.
  4. One of the important aspects is the price range. Unlike electric analogues, magnetic simulators are 1.5-3 times cheaper. In this case, you choose the speed based on the capabilities of the body.


  1. People with leg diseases are prohibited from exercising on magnetic paths. Otherwise due to strong resistance Varicose veins and other diseases of this kind may develop.
  2. Due to the low pricing policy, the simulator does not have any bells and whistles; everything about it is quite modest. The display only shows the current speed, energy expended, duration of the lesson, and the number of kilometers traveled.

A magnetic treadmill is a mechanical exercise machine. The main difference is the smoothness of the moving canvas. During training, the simulator moves very smoothly, there are no jerks or jolts.

As the name suggests, the blade is driven by a built-in motor. It also adjusts the incline, simulating running uphill. In this case, the angle of inclination varies from 10 to 23 degrees.


  1. The speed is set using the “+/-” buttons, which greatly simplifies working with the simulator. Depending on the individual characteristics, each person will be able to adjust the rhythm to suit themselves. Walking exercise is suitable for some people, others prefer integral (alternating) running, and still others do not like to stop during exercise.
  2. Modern electric tracks include many training programs. You don't have to run at the same speed and look at the point. By setting the appropriate function, the simulator will diversify the training and introduce complex elements (for advanced athletes).
  3. Smooth running is ensured by speed regulators. The main advantage is the ability to control pulse, blood pressure, amount of energy expended and other indicators.
  4. The fabric of the exercise machine may have a shock-absorbing coating. It allows you not only to walk, but also to run along the path. Another nice feature is the choice of track based on the weight of the future owner.


  1. The price range of electric exercise machines is quite wide. However, even the cheapest model will cost more than its mechanical counterparts.
  2. The track must be installed near an outlet, since it is powered by electricity. This may also include an increase in utility bills, since the unit is energy-consuming.

Selecting a Treadmill: Options

As mentioned earlier, the large selection of exercise machines is confusing for users. In order not to get confused in the store, study the parameters that you need to ask the consultant about.


  1. The dimensions of the working surface directly depend on your height and weight category. The greater the listed indicators, the wider the running surface should be. It is important to consider that you should not take a track with a “reserve”. You will only waste money without purchasing important additional features in return.
  2. The wider the canvas, the larger the simulator looks (there may be difficulties with its transportation). If we talk about standard sizes, the length of the running belt usually varies between 110-150 cm. The width is about 40-60 cm.
  3. When choosing, pay attention to the platform to which the track is attached. Its height should not be less than 2 cm; a figure higher than this will prevent cracking.
  4. Some tracks have a double-sided fabric. It is very convenient to use, because when you erase the first section, you can turn the track over and run on it as if it were brand new. Manufacturers also produce double-layer tape, which has high shock absorption and strength.


  1. Motor power can be constant or peak. The second option immediately disappears, since the engine regulates only the power that occurs at the peak of training.
  2. If we talk about constant power, it is reflected in the speed and controls it. For home training, you just need to purchase a machine with a capacity of 1-4 horsepower (hp). The higher the indicator, the longer the simulator will last.

Shock absorption coating

  1. When running on hard surfaces, the load on the joints greatly increases. The ankles and knees are most involved. To avoid harming yourself, you need to choose a fabric with complex or medium cushioning.
  2. However, the cost of electric exercise machines of this kind is high. People with a current weight above 80 kg. You can’t do without shock absorption if you plan to run and not walk.

  1. The treadmill must be selected taking into account the weight of the future owner or all the people who plan to exercise on the machine. Pay attention to the frame, it must be strong.
  2. If possible, choose a double-sided (preferably two-layer) fabric with a maximum weight reserve. Of course, you need to be reasonable. If your weight is 80 kg, you will not need a machine with a load of 170 kg. and more.

Pulse meter

  1. The handrails of electric exercise machines are equipped with a heart rate sensor. If your hands sweat a lot, the readings will begin to become distorted. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at another measurement option. In addition, not all people hold on to the handrails during exercise.
  2. Some simulators have a special bracelet that is attached to the wrist. Typically it is made from fabric inside. The material absorbs moisture and allows you to measure your heart rate more accurately.
  3. If you wish, you can purchase a heart rate monitor separately without paying extra money for the built-in function. This option is even more convenient, since measurements can be taken anywhere.

Electric Treadmill Price Range

The cost of an electric exercise machine exceeds the price of a mechanical one. If you don't have extra funds, purchase the second option. In case of electrical appliance study the indicators depending on the classification.

Economy option
Paths of this type are designed for home use. The width of the canvas ranges from 36-42 cm, the speed is 2-14 km/h. Price policy starts from 20,000 rubles, engine power is 1 kW.

Economy Plus option
The price range is higher than the previous one, but the simulator is already equipped with an on-board computer. It includes ready-made programs and allows you to create your own training regimens. The angle of inclination is calculated automatically or adjusted with a button. The price varies from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. The average track width is 45 cm, the motor power is 1.5 kW. Running speed - from 1.5 to 16 km/h.

Option "Economy Amateur"
The exercise machine is designed for use in a small gym, it is also suitable for home use. The speed of the web is slightly higher, it is 1-18 km/h. If we talk about sizes, maximum width- 45 cm, minimum - 40 cm. The engine is more powerful, about 1.4-2 kW. The pricing policy is high, the simulator costs 80,000-120,000 rubles.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the control system (levers, buttons, etc.). At first glance, the interface should not mislead you. It is important to choose a machine that you can handle. Otherwise, you may overpay for functions that will not be used in the future.
  2. Before purchasing a treadmill, consider the area of ​​your home. Select the location where the track is to be installed and take measurements. If you have difficulties with the amount of free space, purchase a compact exercise machine that can be folded. On days off from training, you can put the unit behind a closet or under the bed.
  3. Test not just one, but several treadmill options before purchasing. Evaluate the operation of the engine; there should be no extraneous sounds or excessive noise coming from the engine. Inspect the blade for cracks and defects, check for smooth movement.
  4. Ask the consultant to provide a passport for the selected simulator. Study all the necessary information regarding the maximum load and the amount of horsepower. The information obtained will help you navigate better if the owner weighs more than 80 kg.
  5. Evaluate the number of built-in training programs and the main differences between the selected types of tracks. Some simulators have targeted functions taking into account the age and weight of a person (fat burning, strengthening muscles, developing endurance, etc.).
  6. Find out from your consultant the terms of warranty service. You are directly interested in the period itself (at least 12 months), the duration of repairs in the event of a breakdown, as well as the nuances of returns and exchanges. Leading manufacturers provide service throughout the entire operation.
  7. Find a few options online before heading to the store. Sit on the forums, read reviews. You should not blindly trust sales consultants, since their main task is considered to be “selling” goods in exchange for a percentage of the purchase.
  8. Make a list of requests in advance. Indicate in your notebook exactly what you expect from the track. Mark the maximum price, folding ability, available functions, presence or absence of tilt, heart rate monitor, shock-absorbing coating and other nuances. Only after compiling a list of requirements go shopping.
  9. As mentioned earlier, the size of the treadmill belt is selected taking into account the weight and height of the person exercising. If you are planning to buy a simulator for the whole family, focus on the household members whose performance is the highest.
  10. To feel the difference during testing, first train on the most expensive unit, then go lower. Give the test a minimum of 10 minutes as you won't notice a difference in 30 seconds. If possible, spread the selection over 2-3 days to analyze each type of track.

Choosing a treadmill includes a number of features that must be adhered to without fail. Select suitable options on the Internet, read reviews. Focus on the amount of free money, height and weight of everyone involved. Ask the seller about warranty service, built-in programs, the presence of a blade tilt, engine power, maximum speed. A sensor for measuring heart rate, distance traveled and calories burned is available in almost every exercise machine.

Video: how to choose a treadmill

How can you get your figure in order without wasting a lot of time? One option is to purchase a trainer. You won’t have to spend minutes and hours traveling to the fitness center. This raises the question of which treadmill is best for home use. This is what we will be talking about now. Solving this problem must be approached seriously, because the equipment is not cheap. There are two types of treadmills.


From the name it is already clear that the device is driven by human efforts.

The entire range of exercise machines of this type is equipped with counters: speed, distance, calories burned and heart rate. The user sets the running intensity and training program himself.

The magnetic mechanical track differs from the usual smoothness. Thanks to the application strong magnet she is much taller. When trying to decide which one to use at home, be sure to take into account reviews from owners of the exercise machine. Many of them boil down to the fact that the disadvantage of a mechanical device is the inability to adjust the angle of inclination of the blade. This is the only drawback of this type of equipment.

If we talk about the advantages, they include:

  • low price;
  • small sizes;
  • energy saving.

Mechanical treadmills are designed to minimum loads and do not have a shock absorption system.


This type of simulator has an electric motor. Thanks to it, the canvas is set in motion and its angle of inclination changes (range up to 22 degrees). And if the question suddenly arises about which treadmill for home is better in terms of variety of workouts, then, without hesitation, give preference to a device with a motor.

The equipment has all the counters that mechanical simulators are equipped with. But besides this, the user can choose the program that is suitable for him. For example, you can create a simulation of running on hilly terrain.

Speaking about the advantages of this simulator, we cannot ignore it:

  • high functionality;
  • smooth ride.

And quite a few more important point. Many devices of this type have a security key. It is located on the control panel. During training, the edge of the cord on which it is held is attached to the user's belt. If a person falls, the key is pulled out and the treadmill stops. This way you can avoid injury.

The maximum load, intensity and duration of exercise depend on the engine power.

What does an electric trainer consist of?

IN Lately consumers most often prefer exercise machines with a motor. That's why we'll talk about them in more detail. After all, before deciding which treadmill is best to choose for your home, you should familiarize yourself with its design.

The electric trainer consists of four main parts:

  • electric motor;
  • running belts;
  • control panels;
  • soundboards

The electric motor influences the speed of rotation of the blade; its power determines the maximum weight of a person allowed for exercise on the device.

The canvas is a tape put on a shaft and rotating in a ring. The dimensions of the canvas may be different. The best option- 50 centimeters width and 120 length.

Control Panel. There are various counters on it. One model of equipment may differ from another in that for some the pulse meter is located on the panel itself, while for others it clings to the earlobe. A person purchases the option that suits him best.

When choosing which treadmill is best for your home, don’t forget about the deck. Thanks to it, the impacts of the feet on the canvas are softened, and the load on the spine and joints is reduced.

Selecting a device

At first glance, it seems that purchasing a simulator is easy and simple. But this opinion is deceptive. It is best to go shopping with someone who understands this issue. If you don’t have such a friend, you’ll have to decide for yourself which treadmill is right for you at home. The most important criteria, which you should pay attention to:

  • Determine what size device you need. Taller than a person, the length and width of the canvas are greater. If the exercise machine is purchased for the whole family, then the size of the canvas is selected for the largest one.
  • Decide which features you will need. If you practice from time to time, then a mechanical type device will do. When constantly training on a simulator, give preference to an electric one, with the ability to select programs.
  • Pay attention to engine power. The greater the person’s weight and the desired speed for exercise, the higher the power should be.
  • Don't forget about cushioning and heart rate monitoring.

What consumers say about choosing a simulator

Reviews from happy owners of this machine will help you determine which treadmill is best for your home. They know from experience what to look for.

A little more about what you should pay attention to

When deciding which treadmill is best for the home, users are advised to pay attention to the thickness of the fabric. It should be at least two and a half centimeters, and the tape itself should consist of two layers.

It is desirable that the frame be made of special aluminum. Thanks to this, the necessary shock absorption is achieved, and the frame is not subject to corrosion.

Don't forget about additional elements, we are talking about a security key.

Choose a track with double-sided fabric. You will increase the life of the simulator by turning the belt over, thereby saving money.

The simulator should not create a lot of noise and, of course, you should like it.

Pay attention to the movement of the canvas. It should be smooth, without jerking.

Of no small importance is ease of operation. The equipment should be easy to turn on, and programs should be switched without problems.

Which manufacturer is better

So, you have decided to purchase a trainer. We learned how to choose a treadmill for your home. Manufacturers offer the following options for purchase:

  • The most famous equipment in Italy is Torneo. It is characterized high quality, at a price corresponding to it. Engine power is from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of the trainee is no more than one hundred and thirty kilograms, you can change the angle of inclination of the belt, the number of programs from one to eight.
  • The Taiwanese manufacturer boasts the AeroFit exercise machine. The device can be used not only for simple training, but also for medical purposes. The engine has a power of one and a half to five horsepower, the weight of the athlete is no more than two hundred kilograms, the number of programs is about twenty. The angle of inclination can only be changed on expensive models.
  • The trainer made in Germany - Bremshey - has a wide range of functions. The equipment of this brand is used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. Engine power is from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of the trainee is no more than one hundred and fifty kilograms, you can change the angle of inclination of the belt, the number of programs from six to twenty-three. Touch and chest sensors are available.
  • American manufacturers are proud of the Champion simulator. This brand attracts consumers with its thoughtful appearance And big amount training programs. The engine has a power of two to three horsepower, and there are touch and chest sensors. The maximum weight of a trainee is no more than one hundred and forty kilograms.

As you can see, the variety of simulators is great. Which brand of treadmill for home is better is up to you to decide based on the above characteristics. Just remember to test the equipment before purchasing.

Another important criterion

And this, of course, is the cost. It is this measurement that in many cases is the main one when choosing a product. That is why it is worth considering this issue more seriously. Sometimes you can buy an expensive device, but you will find it uncomfortable to exercise on it, while you can train with pleasure on a cheaper one. So, what is the best treadmill for home? Is price a criterion for quality or not?

The most expensive exercise machines include the AeroFit brand. Its cost is around two thousand dollars. Although the product has a high price, there are also disadvantages. It takes up a lot of space, it cannot be folded, and the angle of the canvas will not change. The exception is models costing much higher than indicated.

The most budget option is the product - Torneo. Its cost is about six hundred conventional units. It is functional and inexpensive.

The price of the Bremshey and Champion models varies between one and a half thousand dollars.


The range of exercise equipment is great. Each manufacturer of this equipment tries to create a product that satisfies human needs. It is quite difficult to choose from a large number of models. By following all the recommendations given above, you will do everything right. The question of how to choose the right treadmill for your home will not confuse you.

Are you planning to buy a steel friend for your home workouts? In this case, you will have to work hard to choose the one that suits your needs. the desired model. The fitness industry is ready to offer you more than 100 units on which you can exercise independently in a city apartment.

On the one hand, such a wide choice allows us to hope that among such diversity there will be something for you. On the other hand, it is very easy to get confused and buy something that is not what you need. Therefore, we listen to the advice of professionals on how to choose the right treadmill for your home so that it does not disappoint.


There are only two of them: mechanical or electrical. Let's see which one is better to choose.


The canvas has to be set in motion by the muscles of the legs. On the one hand, this increases the load, which means it’s great for losing weight (you need to expend a lot of energy). But such intensity can negatively affect the condition of the joints.

This problem is solved in magnetic mechanical treadmills. They eliminate jerking and reduce stress on the ankles. So if you have problems with musculoskeletal system, look for such a model.

Network independence, which is ideal option for an apartment. Electricity is not wasted, finances are saved, the cord does not get in the way, and there is no need to place the exercise machine next to an outlet. And even the absence of light cannot interfere with training.

Compact, easy to assemble and disassemble. It is not so dangerous, since there is no risk of losing the set rhythm and falling off the track.

The disadvantage is that such a model provides too little information. It provides basic sensors for measuring heart rate, indicating the distance traveled and calories burned. This is where its functionality ends.


  1. Equipped with an electric motor - it consumes a lot of electricity.
  2. It does not require additional effort to move the blade - this work is performed by the motor.
  3. This allows you to concentrate on proper running technique.
  4. Aimed at growing and improving your physical performance.
  5. Develops much greater speed than mechanical counterparts.
  6. Equipped with a built-in computer with programs, which increases the effectiveness of training.
  7. Not all models fold as easily as mechanical ones, and therefore require space.
  8. Quite expensive.

So, when choosing a simulator for your home, first of all consider the dimensions of your apartment. If there is room, buy an electric one; if there is not enough space, buy a mechanical one. The latter option should also be preferred in case of energy saving.

If you need a walking unit, consider the following points:

  • on a mechanical walkway, you will have to put in a lot of effort to ensure that walking sets the track in motion, but you can choose your own pace and not be afraid of falling;
  • the electric one has special modes for walking at the appropriate speed, but you need to adapt to it, and you won’t be able to go slower.

Considering the features of these two types, you can easily choose which one is the best option for you.

You can consider an alternative to the treadmill as a walking trainer.

Manufacturing companies

You will also be faced with the question of which company is better to choose. Each manufacturer has successful models and not so good ones. The names of some companies have been known for a long time. They have a good reputation, and the simulators are of high quality.

Criterias of choice

To choose a treadmill for home workouts, you will have to at least superficially become familiar with its structure. Because the quality of training and the service life of the simulator will depend on the components.

  • Electrical engine

The electric motor is the main component of the treadmill. The more reliable and powerful it is, the longer the simulator will last. When choosing, look at what the peak and continuous power are. These parameters are indicated in the technical data sheet. The tallest will be the best. If possible, choose a unit with an engine power of two horsepower or more.

  • Support surface (deck, running surface)

It can be of different thickness. If you plan to train intensively or your weight is more than 80 kg, it should be at least 3 cm. Choose the width of the fabric based on your own dimensions and the width of your steps. Keep in mind that your feet should not touch the stop while running.

  • Frame

The frame holds the entire structure. It can be made from various materials. Cheap exercise machines are equipped with metal ones, while expensive ones are equipped with aluminum ones. IN latest version you get better shock absorption when running. Aluminum is not as susceptible to corrosion as metal, so it is more durable and much lighter.

  • Suspensions with shock absorption

The shock absorption system absorbs shock when your foot lands. It plays an important role in training and prevents injuries. The better the suspension system, the less harm to the musculoskeletal system. IN modern models the shock absorption is located under the deck, in outdated ones - on the frame. Choose the first option - it is much preferable.

  • Racks

The main purpose of the stands is to support your hands. But, as practice shows, it is not advisable to use them, as this contributes to the curvature of the spine. Some models have built-in sensors for measuring heart rate - trainers do not recommend choosing this option.

  • Built-in computer, control panel

The on-board computer allows you to select training programs, as well as set your own, change the inclination of the canvas and the speed of movement. The panels are equipped with color displays that display many parameters.

The control system should be understandable even to a novice runner. Ask your consultant to introduce you to available programs. In advanced models, in addition to information about heart rate, training time and distance traveled, there are ready-made interval and fat-burning programs. Interactive settings that take into account weight and age will be very useful.

Choose a simulator according to the parameters indicated above, and then the ideal weight loss tool will appear in your home. No breakdowns, malfunctions, or expensive repairs if you understand these technical specifications even before purchasing.

You can find out more about other weight loss exercise machines.

And finally - a few useful tips, what else to pay attention to.

  1. Find out if there are any maximum weight restrictions.
  2. Before purchasing, measure the space in the apartment where the walkway will be installed.
  3. Test the trainer in action before you buy it. Listen to the engine to make sure it is not too noisy. Feel the smoothness of the movement and whether the blade stops too abruptly. You shouldn't feel any jerking while jogging.
  4. Find out the terms of warranty service. The warranty must be at least one year. Well-established manufacturers of sports equipment carry out repairs throughout the entire service life.

To correctly choose a good home treadmill, you will have to sift through a lot of sources and study a lot of information - first theoretical. And only after understanding all the nuances of how this model differs from another and why this manufacturer is better than that, you can go to the store.

Do not hesitate to ask questions to sales consultants so that there are no doubts left. After all, you will have to spend a lot of money - so try to ensure that it is not thrown away.

We invite you to consider other equally effective cardio equipment:

Running or treadmill. What's better?

A treadmill is a machine that can be used to do a lot of useful things. By using a treadmill correctly, you can increase the endurance of the entire body and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Also, the use of this cardio machine has a positive effect on the condition of the central nervous system. The consequence of this “passive mental training” is good tolerance of hard mental work and preservation (or correction) of the figure.

The treadmill has several advantages over just running.

  1. You can practice in any weather without leaving your home. For those who just like to run in nature, this is not really necessary. But for those who don’t want to attract other people’s attention and get up an hour earlier to run, a home exercise machine is a must.
  2. You can adjust the load. For those who need to reset excess weight and strengthen the body, you need to run long distances. These problems can be solved without a home exercise machine. But for those who need to correct the shape of their legs and buttocks, a treadmill will come in handy. Turning the intensity adjustment lever on the “track” is much easier than putting weights on your legs.
  3. For those who are used to speeding up recovery through running morale, running at home will also be much more enjoyable.

Running outdoors is definitely more enjoyable. But, unfortunately, the city, in addition to fresh air, is also full of unpleasant phenomena. Suddenly it started to rain, which for some reason was not warned about on the radio. A curiosity that you can accidentally witness. And there are a lot of other undesirable phenomena that will not only interfere with active recreation, but will also tire the tired psyche even more.

Average prices of treadmills

Along with its advantages over street running, the “track” also has some nuances. The first nuance is its cost. The cheapest treadmill costs approximately 6.5 thousand rubles. The most expensive is over 600 thousand.

The cheapest is mechanical, folding, with a liquid crystal display, which records speed, running time, distance, heart rate and the number of calories burned during the workout. The most expensive treadmill is electric. In addition to a computer and high-quality material, this simulator has technical advantages

in front of his inferior brother. The engine power is 5 horsepower, and the maximum weight of a person who has the right to run on it without fear is 182 kg.

The best treadmill for home

It is very difficult and incorrect to single out one single track. If you really need a recommendation, check out the treadmill ratings below. The second nuance of a treadmill is its dimensions. The average length of treadmills is 1.5–2 m, and the width is 0.5 m. The exercise machine takes up a decent area and is not suitable for small apartments

. Anyone who is not concerned about the issue of living space, but does not have the means to purchase the most expensive “path”, needs to choose the “path” correctly - taking into account its dimensions and needs. Choosing a specific simulator among inexpensive ones is not entirely simple. The best treadmill for your home is one that not only fits well with your decor and has Beautiful design

, but also meets your goals technically.

Treadmill rating Currently, the main manufacturers of fitness equipment are Italy and America. The companies "Matrix", "Torneo", "Unix" and "Horizon Fitness" are very popular. They make exercise equipment best quality

House Fit, Torneo, Horizon Fitness and Matrix treadmills are high quality and durable. That's why they became brands. When choosing a “path” for your home, it is advisable to stick to the brand. In general, when choosing an individual exercise machine, you need to focus not only on its brand.

The bestseller is the Horizon Adventure CL treadmill, it belongs to the leading brands. Its cost is from 64 to 72 thousand rubles. The power of the "track" is 2.7 liters. With. For large individuals it will not be the best option, but for athletes and amateurs weighing up to 90 kg, this is what you need.

In second place in terms of sales is the EVO Fitness Jet treadmill. This model is great home option. It is not suitable for long and frequent use in the gym. Power 2.25 hp Withstands up to 130 kg. It costs much less - 36 thousand rubles.

Another exception is the Swedish "track" Applegate T30. It surpasses the previous one in functionality, although it is also intended for home use, but it has a more powerful motor, which at its peak produces 3.6 hp. With. In addition, it is quieter in operation and quality materials assemblies. That's why it costs more - 40 thousand rubles.

Unix ST treadmill - has a less powerful 1.4 hp motor. There is no tilt adjustment, like the previous models above, but the build quality is consistent. Price: from 24 thousand rubles.

MATRIX T1X is a professional model, which, despite the fact that it costs several times more (600 thousand rubles) than its cheaper comrades, sold less well, but still with success. The whole secret of success is the Matrix brand and “eternal” assembly materials, which are intended for intensive use in fitness centers.

You need to try any product to feel its quality. But at present this need not be done - insofar as online stores practically solve this problem for customers. It is enough to use the links of the most popular online stores - https://nutrafit.ru/, www.domsporta.com. Shopping centers online they have a wide range of sports goods, including a large selection of treadmills. On these sites it is quite easy to find a simulator that will satisfy any needs.

Treadmills and ellipsoids of these sports services are the main attributes of most sports complexes. That is why the online stores Nutrafit.ru and DomSport are leaders in the sale of sports equipment.

All characteristics of each simulator are described on the electronic pages. You just need to choose your favorite brand, price, and choose a machine that suits your goals and physical parameters.

When choosing a running machine, you need to look at the power of the motor and the main parts - the deck and running belt. For simple moderate-intensity running, these details are not very important, but those who are purchasing a treadmill for serious purposes should consider these factors.

The deck should be thick enough. The depreciation of the simulator and the strength of its base depend on this part. It is also very desirable that the deck be saturated with lubricant so that it is subject to wear as little as possible.

The running belt (belt) must be made of two layers. Single layer tape – more Low quality; it will last very little with regular and long-term training.

You also need to know the shock absorption level of the treadmill. Trainers with a high degree of shock absorption are good for those who are rehabilitating their legs after injuries. For individuals with full legs, this “convenience” is not at all necessary. Excessive shock absorption does not provide sufficient stress to the joints and muscles, which only prevents you from achieving serious goals.

Exercises for figure correction

Individuals interested in body shaping do not need to take special medications or use anti-cellulite creams and ointments. Working out on a treadmill is hard enough. But you don’t need to start exhausting training for wear and tear right away.

The first week is “introductory”; the individual exercises for 6 days in a row; every workout until you feel slightly tired. Then - one day of rest.

The second week is “almost hard.” This week you need to exercise for 5 days in a row, trying to run a little more every day.

After these two weeks - two days of rest. Then run once a day, three days a week. Each time the trainee runs twice the distance that he ran on the last day of the second week, and the third time he runs until he is completely exhausted. Rest between sets – 3.5 – 5 minutes.

There is no need to try to exhaust yourself by running several times a day. This method, if it helps to remove extra pounds, will be not only the disappeared fat, but also muscle tissue. A loss muscle tissue is accompanied by a sharp increase in metabolism and has a negative effect on the body. Other authors

A modern treadmill is a very valuable and convenient exercise machine for developing endurance and walking and running skills. This simulator is simply irreplaceable when you need to thoroughly and consistently train the heart muscle and develop. With the help of a treadmill, you can easily prepare for running competitions and passing the GTO standards. The topic of the article is how to choose a treadmill.

Benefits of a Treadmill

The main advantages of exercising on a treadmill over regular walking or running are: outdoors boil down to two very significant points.

All-weather. You can exercise on a treadmill at any time of the day and at any time of the year. This means complete independence from outdoor lighting and the vagaries of the weather.

Fine-tuning and complete load control. You can very finely tune the most important parameters of walking or running: speed, inclination angle, training method. It is almost impossible to do this at a street distance with the same accuracy.

So, first, let's do a short review of treadmills in general. And below there will be specific advice from a trainer on choosing a treadmill. The main thing is that the treadmill should be practical and not look like a spacecraft from science fiction films!

What types of treadmills are there?

Mechanical and electrical

Treadmills are either mechanical or electric.

Mechanical ones do not have an electric motor. And therefore such a path is deprived of many useful functions like quick incline changes, built-in programs, fine-tuning speed, etc. The belt of such a treadmill is driven by human efforts. And to be honest, I find it difficult to understand people who choose this type of exercise machine. He has only one advantage - low price. Mechanical treadmills are also thought to place too much stress on the joints of the legs, causing them to wear out faster. And I have not come across models of such tracks in which it would be possible to change the angle of inclination (and this is critical).

To be fair, there is one important point worth mentioning. When exercising on a mechanical treadmill, you must independently control the speed of movement. This is a special type of training that allows you to learn to maintain the desired speed through conscious effort. This skill can be very useful if you are participating in competitions that require tactical running skills. But it would be better to develop it directly at a distance.

Electric treadmills have an electric motor that ensures uniform movement of the belt and constant speed. The presence of an electric motor allows you to set the desired speed on the track. By controlling the speed, you can very flexibly change the load profile right during the training process, simply by pressing the desired keys (faster, slower).

Motor power

The power of the electric motor also matters if the track is electric. The more powerful the engine, the more expensive the track. But it’s also much more convenient to practice on it. This treadmill supports many more functions and does not require pauses in use. Check the power!

Folding and non-folding, track dimensions

If you use professional treadmills in a fitness club, this question does not arise. But if the simulator needs to be installed at home, its size and ability to fold up, occupying a smaller area, are important.

Folding tracks are good precisely because they take up three times the space when folded less space than in the working position. And this convenience is worth paying extra for.

What weight is the treadmill designed for?

As a rule, the documents for the treadmill indicate the maximum load on the belt - the maximum weight of a person. Take this point into account so that the track will serve you for a long time and without breakdowns.

Running belt (dimensions, etc.)

Pay attention to the size of the running belt (length and width working area). A path that is too narrow or too short will make the exercise uncomfortable. Considering that treadmill workouts usually take tens of minutes, this is a very important point. Optimal sizes running belt: width - more than 45-50 cm, length - more than 1 meter.

Changing the inclination angle

The path should allow you to change the angle of inclination to noticeable amounts. Ideally up to 15-25 degrees. This allows you to simulate walking or running uphill. Incline angle is a very important training parameter for a treadmill (see below).

Shock absorption properties

The fabric of high-quality treadmills has good shock-absorbing properties. This is necessary to reduce traumatic and wear loads on the knee, ankle and hip joints.

Inexpensive mechanical and electrical tracks are usually not equipped with a normal shock absorber. However, this can be partially compensated for by training in quality running shoes and correct technique running.

Control Panel

This is a special electronic scoreboard with a built-in computer, showing the main parameters of the workout: speed, distance traveled, inclination angle of the track, pulse, number of calories burned, etc.

High-quality tracks allow you to quickly control all these parameters by simply touching the screen or the corresponding keys.

From additional options the control panel can be equipped with an mp3 player with headphones, a fan, convenient shelves for a water container and personal belongings, a telephone, etc. This is especially true if you train for a long time. After all, you can do a lot of useful things in the process: listen to an audiobook, watch a movie, even make the necessary calls or send SMS.

Built-in programs and operating modes, functions, etc.

Most treadmills come with built-in software. These are preset options that turn on automatically as soon as you launch the desired program. This is very handy tool training that does not require additional effort from you to change the angle of inclination and speed. On the other hand, programs are just a standard set of functions designed for the “average” person. Such built-in algorithms have nothing to do with the correct training program. After all, a high-quality training program implies all sorts of fluctuations in load levels, their change from session to session.

If the topic of embedded programs is interesting to you, let me know in the comments. I'll try to write a separate post about them.

Special treadmills

There are models specifically designed for specific types of CrossFit-style training. For example, this one.

This simulator allows you to simulate pushing a heavy object. This allows you to develop very high efforts and train strength and endurance of the whole body.

In principle, no one bothers you to do the same on the most ordinary treadmill. Except it's not so convenient.

First of all, decide on the price of the issue. Buying an inexpensive treadmill may not be the best option better idea, since you most likely won’t be using it for long. Perhaps much the best solution For the benefit of the matter, there will be a regular visit to the nearest fitness club, where large and high-quality treadmills and other valuable cardio equipment (exercise bikes, ellipses) are usually installed. Here you can not only work out on the track, but also work out all the necessary muscles. That is, conduct a full training session.

If you are buying a treadmill for home, pay attention to the following. The main parameters from the coach’s point of view are:


Must be able to run at speeds of up to 20-25 km per hour. This is very fast run. And you don’t always need to run like this. Average, to an ordinary person you need a speed from 5 km/h (walking) to 14 km/h (quite fast running). But such an opportunity is very desirable. Then your treadmill training program will be as flexible as possible.

The track should be able to change the speed by a small amount, say 100m per hour. This way you can walk on the treadmill at speeds of 5 km/h, 5.1 km/h, 5.2 km/h, etc. This is very convenient for gradually increasing the load and creating the necessary fluctuations in load for weekly and other training cycles.

Changing the inclination angle

This is a very important parameter that allows you to change the load when walking or running. The treadmill you choose should have the ability to change this angle. Ideally, by pressing keys directly during training, without leaving the canvas. It is recommended to have a track on which the angle of inclination can be increased from 0 to 15-25 degrees. Then you will have every opportunity for quality training.

Safety system

This is an emergency stop key for the treadmill in case of a fall or feeling unwell. Or it could be a special cable fastened to your clothing. If you start to drift, the cable will tighten and the track will quickly stop.


Must be comfortable. But you don’t need to hold on to them all the time, much less hang on them while walking or running. Handrails are needed for convenience and safety when starting and finishing walking.

Some treadmill models are equipped with special sensors that show your heart rate. However, the accuracy of these sensors, even among expensive models, leaves much to be desired. As a rule, such sensors do not display heart rate values ​​close to reality immediately, but after 1-2 minutes of continuous contact with your palms. To accurately monitor your heart rate, it is better to use more accurate devices.


It is desirable that the display displays: speed, incline, training time. These are the most important parameters. Having built-in programs for quality classes is not necessary. Displaying calories burned and other non-essential parameters is not required at all.

Additional bells and whistles :)

All kinds of expanders, springs, rotating handles, built-in pool or vacuum chamber- Not needed! All these are the machinations of evil and greedy marketers :), which have nothing to do with health and efficiency.

Ask any questions you have in the comments. Be healthy!

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