Coating waterproofing Knauf Flachendicht. Coating waterproofing Knauf Flachendicht (Flechendicht)

Coating waterproofing is used to protect internal and external coatings from moisture. The price depends on the base material, type and application.

The most common coating waterproofing materials are bitumen and bitumen-containing compounds. IN Lately materials based on synthetic resins have become widespread. They add special plasticizers and fillers to increase the strength of the material and increase the mobility of the mixture. Cement-based coating waterproofing is popular among consumers.

Advantages of coating waterproofing:

  • forms a dense, monolithic coating that protects well from water;
  • perfectly fills microcracks;
  • easy to apply to any surface.

Before applying coating materials, carefully prepare the workspace - clean it of grease and oil stains and other foreign particles. Level and prime. Apply the prepared mixture in two layers. Lay the tape at the main junction points, let it dry and cover with an additional layer of waterproofing material.

In the Master Tibot online store you can buy a wide range of coating waterproofing at a low price. Delivery of goods is carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region. The exact cost of waterproofing is indicated on our official website. Products are sold wholesale and retail.

Knauf-Vlachendicht waterproofing has good adhesion to rust-covered iron surfaces or slightly damp substrates. Safe for health, odorless and tasteless.

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Product Specifications

Coating waterproofing Flachendicht description KNAUF-Flachendicht, ready-made, is a solvent-free rubber-bitumen emulsion that has good adhesion to almost all substrates. KNAUF-Vlachendicht, ready-made, is a solvent-free rubber-bitumen emulsion that has good adhesion to almost all substrates, such as concrete, lime, cement and gypsum plaster, and gypsum-fiber KNAUF supersheets, brick and stone masonry, asbestos cement, wood, particle boards and fibreboards, polyurethane, polystyrene foam, tiled cladding, metal. KNAUF-Flachendicht is safe for health, odorless and tasteless. Used for: insulation of gypsum bases (building blocks, gypsum boards and gypsum boards for partitions, gypsum plaster etc.); insulate areas exposed to water (bathrooms) before installation facing tiles; general isolation from penetration of moisture and water in basements and foundation treatment; isolation flat roofs, terraces, balconies, etc.; insulation of swimming pools before laying tiles; protection against corrosion of the underbody of cars and metal structures. For interior and exterior use. The application process includes the following stages of work. Surface preparation. Application of the composition. Consumption depends on the structure and hygroscopicity of the base. Minimal amount applied to: plasterboard sheets - 1.0 kg/m2 (for one layer ~350 g/m2); other rigid base - 1.5 -2.4 kg/m2 (for one layer - 500-800 g/m2). Recommendations The substrate must be hard, clean and free of grease. Individual particles such as dust, varnish or solution residues should be removed. Plastic-coated floors must first be checked for adhesion. When applying, the temperature should be from +5°C to +25°C. After drying, KNAUF-Flachendicht is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, weathering and temperature changes from -40°C to +200°C. Knauf-Vlachendicht waterproofing has good adhesion to rust-covered iron surfaces or slightly damp substrates. Safe for health, odorless and tasteless, it can be used in structures for drinking water. Shelf life: About 15 months in a cool, frost-free place, in well-closed packaging

Increased need for weather protection building structures, in particular from concrete, has led to the emergence of numerous types of coating insulation. It is this type of insulation that turns out to be the most productive in cases where it is necessary to protect building structures during construction or carrying out repair work.

Knauf waterproofing, in turn, thanks to its special technical specifications and strict adherence to production technologies and quality control, turns out to be the most attractive to the end consumer. In addition, Knauf waterproofing is used for both internal and external work.

Advantages and disadvantages of Knauf coating waterproofing

The advantages of Knauf coating insulation include:

  • affordable price;
  • elasticity, and, as a result, high reliability;
  • ease of installation;
  • mastic retains its characteristics even at air temperatures below zero Celsius (in other words, such insulation can be laid at a surface temperature of 0 degrees);
  • high class of water resistance;
  • compliance with GOST 30693-2000 (Roofing and waterproofing mastics), as well as international quality standards.

However, bitumen-polymer mastics, and in particular Knauf materials, also have disadvantages:

  • the requirement of the material to adhere to technology during installation (in particular, the mastic must be heated before application to the surface to be treated, or organic solvents are used in the work);
  • poor resistance to impact negative temperatures during operation (even at -10-20 degrees Celsius, the waterproofing layer becomes more fragile, and the slightest mechanical impact can lead to cracks);
  • low durability in the absence protective coatings(only 8-10 years). Even despite the fact that bitumen-polymer mastics usually have an even shorter service life - about six years - the imperfection in this sense of Knauf mastics (especially for our climate) should still be considered a disadvantage.

Types of waterproofing Knauf

Above we looked at Knauf bitumen-polymer mastics. They can be used for both interior and exterior work.

IN indoors(for example, for waterproofing basements), you can use Knauf rubber-bitumen emulsions, popularly known as “liquid rubber”, which have proven themselves well in both private and industrial construction. A high level of adhesion to concrete, cement, gypsum, gypsum fiber and drywall and the absence of solvents hazardous to humans are the main advantages “ liquid rubber" In some cases, Knauf rubber-bitumen waterproofing can be used for external work, however, only at positive air temperatures.

Areas of use

  • protective treatment of foundations during construction;
  • general waterproofing of basements;
  • waterproofing of flat and pitched roofs;
  • waterproofing of terraces, balconies;
  • waterproofing of swimming pools and other artificial reservoirs;
  • corrosion protection of metal building structures;
  • protection of building structures indoors high humidity (protective layer placed under facing materials).

Work technology

Before applying Knauf waterproofing, no matter what type you choose, you must carefully prepare the surface. First of all, it is necessary to clean it from dirt, oil stains, fungi and corrosion. If the room is dusty, it is also advisable to remove the dust. It is important to level the surface before applying waterproofing (seal cracks, cut down protruding reinforcement, smooth out uneven surfaces), and treat it with a primer.

Coating insulation materials Knauf is applied in several layers (usually two layers), with a layer thickness of two to four mm. To save performance characteristics waterproofing layer, it is advisable to protect it from mechanical influences with a layer of finishing materials.

Waterproofing characteristics

Total thickness of the waterproofing layer:

  • wet ~ 1.1 mm
  • after drying ~ 0.8 mm

Drying time (at +20°C and 50% air humidity):

  • at least 3 hours between coats
  • at least 12 hours before laying tiles

Heat resistance after drying: from –20°С to +80°С

Packaging and storage: Packing in buckets on a pallet. Bucket 5 kg, on a pallet - 100 buckets. Shelf life in a dry, cool place, at positive temperatures in unopened packaging is about 18 months.

Consumption of materials:

Consumption per 1 m2 of each insulating layer:

  • For smooth substrates: g/m2 350-500
  • For rough, porous substrates: g/m2 450-700

Total consumption per 1 m2 of base surface:

  • For smooth substrates g/m2 700-1000
  • For rough, porous substrates g/m2 900-1400

With the vigorous development of the construction industry, the requirements for materials are quite naturally increasing. Building, structure or separate room are characterized by a great variety of parameters, among which durability, reliability, and strength are in first place. In addition, the main financial law is still in force, which in an extremely simplified version sounds like “pay less, buy more.” And “more” in this case does not refer to quantity, but rather to quality.

No one disputes that the saying “The miser pays twice” is still relevant. And if they offer to buy a panacea for two rubles, everyone will have well-founded suspicions. But a reasonable combination of cost and quality is exactly what most people are looking for. ordinary people, and large entrepreneurs.

There is a significant turnover of capital in construction, this is a huge amount of money, which, quite naturally, no one wants to lose by paying for exorbitantly expensive or, conversely, cheap and absolutely low-quality material. With regard to problems with protecting a room or building from moisture, Knauf coating waterproofing will help - this is a manufacturer that promises reasonable price a certain level of quality.

Determine the method of protection

Water or moisture is the main detractor, and its influence significantly reduces the service life of the room, as well as its other equally important characteristics. Coating waterproofing is one of the ways to protect against them, allowing you to extend the service life, reduce the risk of various breakdowns and troubles and reduce the number of repairs.

Knauf coating waterproofing is a type of repair (or construction) work. It allows you to reduce the risk of destruction and defective surfaces from exposure to water and moisture using Knauf brand materials. This applies to the covering of swimming pools, roofing or foundations, as well as various elements of the building that are not protected from moisture.

In general, there are quite a lot of waterproofing methods, but due to the optimal price-quality ratio, the choice, as a rule, falls on the coating method.

The injection type is good for everything except the price. Working with insulating substances requires highly qualified craftsmen (it is almost impossible to do this with your own hands), as well as special tools and significant investments. Of course, the result in the end is amazing, but the investment must also be at a decent level, and not every customer can provide this, while there are more affordable materials, albeit not so modern.

Penetrating waterproofing is characterized by the use of insulating substances only when working inside a building. Prices for materials are affordable, however, this method cannot be called universal - it has quite a lot of limiting conditions.

Thus, what remains is coating-type waterproofing, which combines both available materials, and convenience, and an affordable price.

Special cases of waterproofing work

Waterproofing bathrooms and floors in general

In modern multi-storey buildings, this procedure is extremely important, since spending money on waterproofing works It’s much more profitable than paying for repairs to dissatisfied neighbors living on the floor below in the event of a leak. However, no matter how excited the apartment owners are about this new, practical idea, experts do not recommend taking on such an important task on their own.

Pool waterproofing

Perhaps, the construction of not a single pool could be done without this procedure, because water still destroys concrete over time, penetrating into its pores and thereby undermining the strong structure of the base. Moreover, protection from water, both external and inside pool bowl.

Foundation waterproofing

One of the fundamental types of work is waterproofing the foundation, since the reliability and durability of the entire structure depends on it. From ancient times to the present day, bitumen has been used to impart waterproof properties to the foundation - construction material coating method of waterproofing. However, in practice, penetrating technology is more popular.

Waterproofing Knauf Flachendicht

This material is universal in scope of use:

  • Treatment of gypsum bases.
  • Application in bathrooms.
  • As pre-treatment before laying tiles.
  • Waterproofing of swimming pools (installed under the tiles).
  • Waterproofing of balconies, roofs and roofs.
  • Protection from moisture of cars.
  • Use as an anti-corrosion material.

Waterproofing Knauf Flechendicht has high level adhesion, which allows you to not be limited to application to surfaces like brick and concrete. However, before using a coating material in combination with plastic, a preliminary check should be carried out.

The main thing to remember before using Knauf Flechendicht products is the importance preparatory work. This stage is important for almost all types of waterproofing, since debris and dust that have accumulated and are not removed can prevent the coating from performing its functions. It will lose its position in reliability and durability and, perhaps, after some time it will require repairs, or even complete replacement waterproofing layer.

The surface must be cleaned and degreased before applying the coating material. You can go over the base with a vacuum cleaner or wet rag so that not the slightest particle of dust remains, only then wait until it dries completely.

Stages of work

What’s important is that Knauf Flachendicht does not require mixing, diluting or any other preparation. The material that is in the package can already be used for work, you just need to first calculate how much of it will be needed to process a certain area.

Unlike other products, Knauf must be applied in a couple of layers, no less, and if the working surface is a porous material, then as many as three. During the process, you should remember that each layer must dry thoroughly before applying the next, and this takes at least a day. At low temperatures and high humidity, this period increases accordingly.

If you plan to waterproof Knauf Flachendicht, you can forget about purchasing any special tools - a regular roller or paint brush will suffice. As for the technology of work, you should first treat the corners between the floor and the wall, and only then distribute the mixture along the entire perimeter.

When tiles are laid on top of the Knauf waterproofing material, either specialized tile adhesives or ordinary construction adhesives - waterproof, sold in powder - are suitable for use. Dispersed adhesives are not suitable as they will cause unnecessary difficulties in facing work.

In addition, there is a special temperature condition for surface treatment with this material: a range from five to twenty-five degrees Celsius. After the procedure is completed (the coating has completely dried), a stable waterproof membrane is formed that is not susceptible to the destructive effects of UV radiation, is resistant to weather conditions, humidity and can withstand temperature changes from 20 to 150 degrees above zero.

Waterproofing "Knauf Flachendicht" is a ready-to-use acrylic solution on water based. The composition is used to carry out repair work in rooms that are frequently exposed to high humidity.

The dispersion of the German company Knauf does not pose a threat to human health. These are harmless and environmentally friendly products.

The composition from the Knauf company under the Flachendicht trademark is used to solve the following problems:

    Application of a special insulating layer on the surface, which tend to strongly absorb moisture: plasterboard elements, plaster, various masonry materials.

    Blocking water in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools and showers.

    Additional protection for porous building materials: cement-sand, concrete, lime and brick.

    Stopping moisture access to wood products.

    Creating a waterproof layer before laying tiles or facing walls with natural stone.

    Getting rid of excess “liquid” when installing heated floors.

The advantages of Flachendicht include the following factors:

    The solution protects perfectly any base from negative impact water.

    The dispersion dries quickly, already through 3 After an hour the next layer can be applied. In order to tile the treated surface, you need to wait just 12 hours.

    The composition has good adhesion with any material to which it is applied. It is immediately ready for use. It does not need to be diluted with expensive solvents, only with water to achieve a more liquid consistency.

    Apply to surface using a brush or roller, while the Knauf waterproofing does not drain from the tools. Small cracks (up to 2 mm) on the surface can be leveled using Flachendicht.

    The product is well tolerated temperature changes from - 20 °C to + 80 °C.

    The solution has a low consumption rate. On smooth surfaces the composition will require only 350 -500 g/m2, and for more porous and rough materials you need 455 -700 g/m2.

This is a universal dispersion for construction work. It can be used as a waterproofing undiluted, or as a primer if diluted with water in the proportion 1 :4 .

It is forbidden use the solution to treat objects with standing water: wells or swimming pools. Waterproofing not suitable in places where there is constant contact with moisture.

Coating waterproofing has outstanding characteristics that distinguish Knauf products from competitors' products in better side. Detailed parameters of “Flächendicht” are shown in the table:

The high quality of the dispersion is confirmed by a certificate of conformity, which can be found on the official website: documents.

Flow rate per 1 m²

According to the manufacturer, one package of Knauf dispersion weighs 5 kg is enough for processing 3,5 -5,5 m² area.

On a smooth plane, for each layer you will need from 350 g/m² up to 500 g/m² solution. In general, for complete processing you need to spend from 700 g/m² up to 1000 g/m² waterproofing.

If the surface is rough and very porous, then the consumption per layer will be from 455 g/m² up to 700 g/m². All for processing rough material will leave 900 g/m² up to 1400 g/m².

The parameters are shown more clearly in the table:

Instructions for use

When using Knauf products, you must adhere to the following rules:

    The surface to be treated must be cleaned, dried and degreased.

    Small cracks and seams should be filled with putty before treatment.

For gypsum surfaces you need to use putty " Knauf-Fugen Hydro" For cement - " Knauf Multi Finish».

Smooth substrates are pre-treated with a special substance - primer " Knauf-Tiefengrund" Porous surfaces that strongly absorb the solution should be coated with a special primer " Knauf-Mittelgrund", diluted in proportion 1 :5 .

For the same purpose, use the Flachendicht solution itself, mixed with water in the proportion 1 :4 .

Before waterproofing treatment on surfaces and indoors shouldn't be moisture. Before use, the dispersion must be mixed thoroughly.

Forbidden dilute the waterproofing with solvents based on acetone, alcohol and ether.

Application of waterproofing compound

The composition is applied to the base in 2 layer with a wide brush or roller. The surface for waterproofing must first dry after puttying. There are other recommendations:

    You need to apply the solution uniform movements, observing the consumption norms for 1 m².

    Density of one layer must comply with the standard (no more 1,10 mm).

    Joints between floor and wall treated with a solution and a tape is attached to the “raw” layer “ Knauf-Vlachendichtband", and then smooth out the remaining composition with a spatula.

    If using self-adhesive tape, then it is laid on the dried first layer before applying the second.

    Pipes in the floor are being processed similar to other surfaces, but sealing collars are used.

    First layer of waterproofing Apply without gaps to the entire base. The second or third is “smeared” only after the first has completely dried.

    Minimum drying time amounts to 3 hours. With high humidity or low temperatures, the period increases significantly.

Tiling is allowed after 12 hours after treating the base with the solution. It is better to fix the tiles with waterproof glue " Knauf-Flex" Do not use adhesives containing solvents.

Immediately after working with the solution, all tools (spatulas, brushes, rollers) must be rinsed with warm water.

Storage conditions for the Flachendicht dispersion

"Flechendicht" from the company "Knauf" must be stored in a dry room. It is not advisable to allow direct contact sunlight onto the container with the solution. Optimal temperature storage: from + 5 °C to + 30 °C.

Solution should not be near heating devices. Freezing of waterproofing is not allowed. When transporting, you must comply temperature regime and prevent the dispersion from being left in the cold for a long time.

Shelf life unopened - 12 months.

This perfect solution for production finishing works in rooms with excess moisture. You can work with the solution yourself without the involvement of professionals.

The waterproofing is completely ready for use, you just need to apply it correctly to the surface, observing the material consumption standards, and take the time to dry.

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