Orange color of the walls in the interior. Psychology of color: orange color

An important role in interior design is played by the color scheme. The main color of the room's surroundings can serve several practical functions at once. With its help you can visually change parameters limited space, adjust the quality of visible light. Thus, it is able to directly influence the mood of the owner. To achieve the desired effect, you need to know the basic color combinations. Harmonious shades will create comfortable environment to stay or live in this premises. One of the brightest trends of recent times is called Orange color in the interior. Adapting a positive, but at the same time somewhat aggressive color to the conditions of the room is quite a difficult task. To cope with it, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its physical characteristics and the psychology of its impact on humans.

Characteristics of the palette

Orange is characterized by its assertiveness and defiant appearance. He demands attention and actively influences everyone without exception, even if he does it in different ways. Depending on the purpose of the room (be it a bedroom or a kitchen), its shades should vary. Since priority should be given not so much to creating, but to providing the room with an atmosphere of comfort.

On the color spectrum, orange is the warmest shade, falling between red and yellow flowers. This largely determines its symbolic component, which can be characterized as life-affirming, sensual, and dynamic. The mixing of the meanings of the two surrounding colors here does not seem random; rather, it accumulates their common energy.

Associations with strength, speed, youth, and some spoiledness only complement the image of a charismatic color. They help to cope with negative trends in a person’s life, to cleanse oneself of filth and simply a sad mood. His presence can symbolize imminent changes, the opening of new horizons.

Color Features

These include the following points:

  • Orange color excludes, it is characterized only by warmth;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the human body, stimulating improved functioning of the most important organs (brain, stomach);
  • It has a beneficial effect on mood and creates a feeling of happiness. Giving joy is one of its main functions;
  • The ability to activate a person’s powers and excite his energy was inherited by orange from its red neighbor. At the same time, there is no negative aggression or feeling of anxiety inherent in the color red;
  • Orange color is able to visually expand space and increase the volume of objects;
  • Its effect on surrounding objects can be characterized by a change in the purity of their immediate color. It makes them softer;
  • The presence of orange in the interior is a motivating factor conducive to trusting human communication. His sensuality and emotionality can even go off scale.

The color orange has a whole universe of different shades, depending on the degree of proximity to its red or yellow neighbor in the spectrum. It is also capable of absorbing other colors (pink, gray), while forming completely new tones. For example, light shades include cream, soft peach or light apricot shades.

Bright, even fiery shades include tangerine, coral or amber, which harmonize perfectly with other colors, forming a rich range. Muted ones include those that contain restrained shades of beige and are not provocative in nature (terracotta, ocher). They are often used as the main color when decorating living rooms.

Role in the interior

The choice of this dynamic color is typical for optimists full of health and positivity. Their confidence in their own ability to cope life's difficulties causes admiration. The demonstration of superiority and the warmth emanating from them eloquently indicate the absence of even a hint of a gloomy mood.

Stable associations with the sun, sea sand and oranges simply cannot act otherwise. Sages ancient East they firmly associated it with church bells, which have a beneficial effect on the spiritual side of human life. Sailors and conquerors mountain peaks This color has long been used as a symbol of salvation, visible even from a great distance.

All these properties are also transferred to the creation comfortable interior in the house. Orange shades are used in a variety of styles, suitable for rooms of any purpose. The versatility of color does not make a difference between who exactly lives in a given room - a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. Therefore orange is optimal choice For .

The unique ability of orange color in the interior is also that it brings the surrounding objects closer - be it a furniture set or walls. This necessitates a competent approach to design, since abuse can lead to a visual reduction in space. In addition to bringing them closer, it also visually increases their volume. Carpets in orange shades appear slightly larger than their counterparts in other colors.

In interior design, the most commonly used shades are peach, pumpkin and terracotta, since they are subconsciously perceived better than bright, aggressive tones.

Options for use in home interiors

  1. Combination with . The essence this method is to create a specific impression: in order for orange to appear only barely noticeably, it must be drowned in neutral, restrained colors. These are pastel mint and delicate cream tones that do not allow the active color to run wild. It is intended only to enliven a boring interior, while drowning in the overall light color scheme.

For example, if the home owner purchased a bright orange sofa that attracts too much attention, its flashy upholstery can be partially covered with a light-colored throw. This technique will help neutralize the overly poisonous shade, but will still leave its sunny essence visible.

  1. Cooling the color spectrum. To calm the riot of a bright fiery color, it is enough to remember the restraining influence of blue. The cool palette of shades of the latter is able to neutralize the tangerine madness of the former. It is recommended to use these two colors in equal proportions to balance the impression. You should also pay attention to the harmony of their combination. For example, discreet terracotta will look good with steel (cobalt as an option). A brighter one, carrot or orange, should be combined with cool shades such as turquoise or azure.
  1. Show the courage of your imagination. This refers to the psychological moment. To decorate the room orange You don’t need a lot of intelligence, but using it correctly will make the interior more soulful. For example, saturated should not be used in small space, it is much more suitable for a spacious room. Otherwise, the bright shade will cause anxiety in a person. An important point is also the selection of suitable furniture set. It should create a certain contrast with the extraordinary shade of orange. For this it is recommended to use bright hues.
  1. Create an orange composition. This could be several items in the style of which an orange accent will stand out. It is bold to use a deep shade of rust or tangerine, since its texture will invariably distract all attention to itself. The remaining shades of orange will somewhat succumb to its pressure and emphasize the dominant position.

At the same time, it is important to avoid abuse of color. To do this, the space around the composition should be made as neutral as possible, white, sand or dark gray.

  1. Orange accent on unusual objects. To feel complete, the interior often lacks “fire,” a catchy element. This can be any component of a furniture set - a dressing table or orange ends on all items. Much will depend on the owner himself. Only he knows which object should become central. There are no rules or exceptions here; everything is left up to the person himself. Courage and determination must accompany the right choice.
  1. Decorating small decorative elements with orange. It is the most accurate and careful method. Allows you to quickly organize bright accent in the interior, which can always be removed later. With orange shades this is even more true, since a person’s mood is not constant and can often change. In addition, one should not discount the various fashion trends in design. An example is the use of bright textiles, be it a blanket in the bedroom or a patterned tablecloth in the kitchen. You can also decorate your kitchen utensils in a funky way. There are actually a lot of options here.

Suitable premises

Most designers agree that the use of bright orange shades is appropriate in the kitchen (where it will encourage a friendly conversation), in the nursery (children simply need a symbol of sun and happiness), in the office (it is very important to think positively), and also in the dining room ( because it stimulates the appetite).

On the contrary, you should not use bright colors in relaxation rooms, because then you won’t be able to completely relax, something will distract you. Also, a tangerine shade can negate all the romance of the bedroom.

The use of fiery orange in sunny rooms is strictly contraindicated. And so the hot space will become red hot. This effect must be avoided and neutralized with other shades.

As for stylistics, the most popular here are retro (this style includes the 60s), Mexican style, and country. Orange is also used in more modern, minimalist oriental designs. But such classic styles like an empire style or they try to avoid it, only occasionally combining it with brown.

In the interior of the living room

Its use in the living room is caused primarily by the factor of friendliness, sociability of color. However, you should use pastel shades that do not strain your eyes. The use of orange can make the living room exit to the north side relevant.

Then you just need to use orange inserts to warm it up in this way. These could be orange curtains combined with a bright sofa of the same shade. Or textile accessories on light-colored objects.

There is no point in painting the entire space of the room solid orange. For general harmony for the perception of orange inserts, it is recommended to use a combination with colors such as blue, gray, and snow-white.

Some designers, on the contrary, recommend showing courage in the living room and giving free rein to your imagination. For example, paint the ceiling orange. This guarantees warmth and great mood to all guests. Just remember that peach shades or the same ocher should be preferred to pure orange.

In the interior of the kitchen

Since scientists have long confirmed the beneficial effects of color on the gastrointestinal tract, its use in the kitchen is perhaps the best move.

Warm peach tones will significantly increase your appetite. This can be not only wallpaper or tiles on the walls, but also napkins, kitchen accessories, dishes in a characteristic orange color. If we're talking about about furniture, it is good to combine it with the gloss of the facades.

The main condition for this will be the cleanliness of the selected surface, since dirty orange tiles will negate the entire comfortable effect.

In the bathroom interior

To relax in a warm room, it is enough to use colorful pieces of furniture and a variety of cabinets.

Matching black-gray and orange

Their reflection in the mirror will make the person’s face appear somewhat fresher and younger. The skin color will acquire a beautiful natural shade.

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Orange color in the interior - juicy like an orange, hot like the sun

Proper Use orange in the interior can fill any room with light, warmth, and give you a genuine feeling of cheerfulness, optimism and happiness. In this article I will tell you about what the color orange is combined with in the interior and how to use this tone harmoniously.

Color creates a mood

Orange is one of the most active shades; it combines the energy of good-natured yellow and the strength of red. This color is part of the sunset, a symbol of pleasure, warmth and carefreeness. It is able to create a sunny mood, inspire a festive atmosphere and fill any room with warmth, even one in which the rays heavenly body have never been.

Orange must be used very carefully in the interior, as it is very active and energetic. Orange tones have a special effect on a person: they can free him from feelings of depression and improve digestion. These shades are also tonic.

Orange has a large number of shades, some of them are more energetic, others have a calming and relaxing character, so their purpose is completely different. Tangerine is perfect for a children's room, pumpkin and amber are perfect for the dining room and kitchen. I consider carrot, bronze and coral to be universal, because they can be used almost everywhere.

Features of orange

I want to tell you about some features of orange color in the interior:

  1. It can improve your mood.
  2. It is always warm and has no cold shades.
  3. Orange objects are endowed with the ability to attract the eye.
  4. Thanks to it, creative activity awakens and brain function is stimulated.
  5. We don’t combine it with cold shades, but it gets along just fine with warm shades.
  6. Objects in orange are visually more voluminous than other shades. For example, an orange vase will appear slightly larger than a blue one. This property does not apply to walls.
  7. It has the property of increasing appetite.
  8. Using orange for wall decoration small spaces makes the room visually even smaller.
  9. Orange's neighbors are yellow and red, but its complete opposite is blue.

Colors that harmonize perfectly with orange

Now I will tell you what colors combine most successfully with orange in the interior:

  1. White. This color goes well with orange, highlights and complements it. Cold white next to the orange tone seems less icy in appearance, and the orange becomes even brighter against the background of white. This color, combined with orange, is well suited for a minimalist living room and bathroom.

  1. Green. This color next to orange creates a natural combination that is associated with New Year holidays, a flowering meadow or a basket of fruit. It is advisable to combine orange color with warm green shades.

  1. Cream (beige). By its nature, this shade is very calm. Thanks to this quality, it is able to balance the energy and fieryness of orange. So that you can understand me, I will give the following example: on a white background, tangerine begins to “burn,” but cream, unlike white, calms this flame a little.

  1. Grey. The duet of this shade with tangerine can be considered quite successful. Easy gray shade, like cream, can dim the brightness of orange. Since these colors do not contradict each other, they coexist quite harmoniously.

  1. Blue. Warm shades of this color have a beneficial effect on emotional condition people are a symbol of the sky and sea, and in combination with an orange tone they can create a wonderful duet. When using it in the interior, it is worth considering that prolonged exposure to blue in its pure form can provoke a depressive state.

  1. Blue. What associations do you have with this color in a duet with hot orange? Of course, it resembles the sky on a clear day, and I believe that this combination is more than ideal, since it was intended by nature itself. So why not use it in the interior?

  1. Brown. This color in the interior is suitable for people in need of relaxation and peace. Its combination with orange - a good option, since a warm color will prevent the room from becoming gloomy.

Bold combinations

The orange tone itself is not simple, and choosing the right color for it is not always easy. There are some shades that, when combined with tangerine, are not suitable for everyone.

If you want extravagant combinations to create something special, use orange with:

  1. Black. This combination turns out to be brutal and aggressive, and it is precisely because of this that it is ideal for daring and self-confident people. Such a duet has a positive effect on active and creative individuals, as it is able to inspire and stimulate them. Orange on a black background begins to blind, burn, and pulsate.

This duet is used in modern interiors, but I recommend not using this combination in its pure form in a residential area. It is best to dilute it with the presence of other shades, for example, beige, gray, white, soft pink.

  1. Pink. In general, it is believed that this combination is not the most successful, since these two colors are approximately the same in lightness and together create, at first glance, some kind of intermediate shade. Such a duet does not carry expressiveness, but in the case correct selection shades, you can use it to create a very unusual design.

You can achieve a non-standard effect by using several shades of pink: from the lightest to the loudest. For a more comfortable indoor environment, the pink-orange duet can be diluted with light brown, white, gold, green, blue and, in extreme cases, black.

  1. Chocolate. Despite the good combination of brown and orange shades, chocolate is too dark, especially if it is very close to glossy black. A duet with this color resembles a combination with black, so it is not suitable for everyone. If you are attracted to extravagant combinations, match dark chocolate with flashy orange.

This combination looks strict, but it is persistently used because of its solid appearance. It would be appropriate to add to such an interior light shades, for example, beige and grayish. You should not use black with orange-chocolate colors, as this will cause compatibility problems.

  1. Purple. Some believe that this union is not very successful, but thanks to their bold natures, these two colors are slowly finding their place in children's and living rooms. Such a daring and bold combination of almost opposite shades can stand out very beautifully in the interior.

If you want to transform your apartment with the help of an orange-purple duet, you need to know one important thing - the colors must be from the same palette, namely, have similar (preferably the same) characteristics:

  • dimness/brightness;
  • simplicity/complexity;
  • blur/saturation;
  • cleanliness / dustiness, etc.

If you want to use these colors as base colors, you will have to remember these rules:

  • choose purple and orange from the same palette (that is, with the same characteristics);
  • The more saturated the colors, the more aggressive the interior of the room will be perceived, so do not forget to add some light color.

Remember the rule, if you decide to make these two colors the main ones for the interior: try to distribute them in such a way that the orange is diluted with purple correct proportion. To do this, complement orange walls with purple decor and vice versa.

The purple-orange union can be diluted with neutral colors:

  • cream;
  • grey;
  • white;
  • khaki;
  • sand.

And of course, light cool shades:

  • light lilac;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • lemon yellow;
  • cool green shades;
  • aquamarine.

I do not recommend using shades of red, as well as terracotta, coral, burgundy and peach. You should also avoid other shades that contain a high proportion of red, pink and orange.

Decor - completion of the orange interior

If your room lacks warm tangerine shades, and there is no money for repairs, this is not a reason to be upset. Nothing prevents you from adding orange accents to the interior of the room with the help of accessories.

Let's see how this can be done:

  1. Buy new curtains. A plain orange fabric or orange patterns on a neutral canvas will help transform your room. For the kitchen/bathroom you can choose luscious blinds.

  1. Choose the right one interesting decor . Various figurines, paintings, vases and other small accessories may be suitable for this.

  1. Buy new textiles. It is not necessary to purchase a new sofa for this; you can replace the upholstery on the old one. The easiest way is to buy bright orange blankets, throw them on a chair/bed/sofa and choose suitable pillows.

  1. Experiment with lighting. You don't need instructions for this. And now I’m not talking about spotlights, but about sconces or floor lamps, by replacing which you can see the room in a new light.

  1. Buy an artificial fireplace(of course, if funds allow). The fire in the fireplace will be a great source of orange color.


Now you know everything about using orange in the interior of an apartment or private house. Use this warm and energetic shade indoors at least minimum quantity and you won't regret it.

Watch the video in this article if you want to see a lot of interesting things in the interior. If you have questions on the topic, leave your comment below.

As mentioned earlier, colors have three characteristics - one of the pair.
soft - bright
light - rich

Today we will focus on the distinction warm And cold colors

First let's deal with chromatic flowers

For clarity, look at the color wheel again:

As you remember, all chromatic colors can be composed of three primary colors - red , yellow And blue .

Red And yellow psychologically perceived by us as warm colors because they are associated with fire and the sun.

Blue psychologically perceived by us as a cold color because it is associated with water and ice.

Accordingly, those colors in which red and yellow predominate are considered warm (orange , red , yellow), the same ones in which it predominates Blue colour (blue , blue, lilac), are considered cold .

Those colors that contain equal amounts of warm and cool colors ( green= yellow+blue, violet= blue+red) are usually considered neutral.

Now let's return to the fact that all secondary and tertiary colors consist of two chromatic colors in different proportions (when adding a third, a gray tint appears, but we won't go into that for now). The color that predominates usually determines color, tone (overtone).
However, in color design, another color that is part of the shade is also important. This color is called halftone (undertone) . Halftones make colors within the same hue “warm” and “cool.” . For example, warm red and cool red. Cold halftones - blue. Warm undertones - yellow and red. Orange does not have cold undertones - it is the only absolutely warm color.

Here are examples of warm and cool shades of the same color:

The first column is warm halftones, the second is cold halftones

Usually, when talking about a combination of colors, colors with the same undertone are combined. In the theory of color types under cold and warm colors This refers to colors with cold and warm undertones.

General rules for combining colors depending on the undertone:
Colors with the same undertone go well together. Colors with different undertones do not combine well, however, in clothes they can sometimes be combined in small quantities to create accents.

1 picture - cool purple (halftone blue) + cool green (halftone blue) - harmonious
2 picture - cool purple (halftone blue)+ warm green (halftone yellow) - disharmony

In nature, colors are usually combined with one halftone

Cold halftones : cold blue, light blue, cold bright red, burgundy, cold green, light gray.

Warm undertones : warm yellow, yellow-orange, red clay, warm green, olive, marsh

Now, as for achromatic colors :

Clean black, white And grey are considered cool colors - they harmonize well with them.

Medium gray can sometimes act as a neutral color, due to the fact that it is a combination of two opposite colors.

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