DIY hanging flowerpots. DIY flower pots – best ideas, master class, photo

Flowers in the house can not only become part of the interior, they can enliven almost any room and change it beyond recognition. For these reasons, and also because of the love of living plants, many homes have real gardens. But it’s one thing when flowers sit in completely different pots that are not in harmony with each other and the surrounding environment, and quite another when they fit perfectly into the interior. There are flowerpots of various sizes and colors on sale in stores, but sometimes you can’t find “the right” option. And in this case the easiest thing to do is flower pots with your own hands.

The most main function flower pot is not an interior decoration, but a protection of the root part of the plant from external influences and creating a certain “island” of soil in which the bush will feel cozy and good. When choosing pots and flowerpots for house plants, you should not focus on their appearance, although this is certainly a very important factor, no matter what. But if caring for plants comes first (after all, they are also living), then it is important to pay attention not only to the appearance of the container, but also to its other features - how suitable is the pot for growing plants in? In order not to make a mistake in choosing, and also to make a suitable and the right pot with your own hands, you need to know what the right pot for the plant should be.

When choosing containers for plants, you need to focus on:

  • shape;
  • size;
  • material of manufacture;
  • practicality;
  • appearance.

Attention! Any pot should not only be beautiful, but also be suitable for the plant being replanted, taking into account all its requirements for growing conditions.

In order to choose the right container, you first need to study the literature regarding the flower being transplanted. Some plants prefer large and spacious pots, while others prefer small and cramped ones. There are variations with wide diameter but low pots, as well as, conversely, narrow and tall ones. All advice regarding containers will be specified in the recommendations for the growing conditions of a particular plant.

The basic requirements for flower pots can be studied in the table below.

Table. Requirements for pots and flowerpots.

There should be a drainage hole in any pot, and it does not matter which plant is being transplanted - a moisture-loving one or one that prefers dryness. In clay pots there is usually only one hole and is located in the middle of the bottom. Plastic ones may have several holes across the entire bottom area. And for some plants, drainage is needed even on the sides of the containers.
Often, when a plant grows out of its pot, the container, after replanting the previous resident, is “inherited” by another, smaller flower. Here, before planting in an old pot, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. It’s bad if the material cannot be thoroughly cleaned of old soil, and doubly bad if a diseased plant lived in it before.
The pot can be of any shape, although it is preferable to choose square or round. As for volume and size, they are selected depending on the plant being planted. Regarding the size, you can focus on the parameters of the root part - it should not be crowded, otherwise the roots will not develop correctly and will no longer fully perform their functions.
In any case, the pot should be as stable as possible. If it accidentally falls, the plant may lose its above-ground part, and then there is a high probability of death of the green pet. Moreover, for plants with a large above-ground part, it is very important to take stable pots and preferably with a wide bottom.
From time immemorial it has been known that the best material To make a pot, use ordinary clay. But any breathable porous material will also work. The roots of the plant must be able to breathe; they also need air. In some cases, you can use metal or plastic pots, but this is not always a good option.

The difference between a flowerpot and a pot

Many people believe that a flowerpot and a pot are the same thing. In fact, these are two different concepts. A flowerpot is a decorative container, usually decorated in every possible way.. And you don’t even have to put soil in it - you can simply place a simple pot of suitable size with soil and a plant inside the flowerpot. Typically, such containers are used only for interior decoration.

As for the pot, it can be either simple and unremarkable or very beautiful. And just inside it is placed the soil for the plant.

Note! The pot must have drainage holes, while the flower pots may not have them.

Unlike a pot, which has special requirements for its manufacturing materials, a flowerpot can be made from anything. The main thing is that the material is non-toxic and does not release substances hazardous to the plant into the air. Flowerpots can even be woven from branches or elements made of paper and fabric can be used to decorate them.

One of the advantages of using pots without drainage is the ability to water flowers without worrying that water will flow onto window sills and furniture after watering. However, it is important not to forget that when irrigating the plants, you need to empty the pots of accumulated water. You need to remove liquid from it 15 minutes after watering. If this measure is neglected, there is a risk of root rotting.

Most often, plant pots are made with your own hands. Let's see how you can make a container using available materials.

Decor flower pots do it yourself - photo

Why make your own pots?

Given the availability of a wide variety of containers for flowers in stores, a reasonable question arises - why bother making them yourself if you can buy them? It's simple. Reasons for making homemade pots:

  • desire to save money;
  • love for handicrafts;
  • the desire to give old things new life;
  • selection of unique interior items;
  • a special style of room for which it is impossible to find a suitable pot.

What can I use?

An ordinary human imagination can answer this question. You can use absolutely everything to create containers for house plants, from cement to ordinary food jars. You can make decorations from paper, eggshells, nut skins. Buttons, glitter, paint and even old fabric will come to the rescue. Here it’s really enough to turn on your imagination and give it free rein, and it will definitely tell you what can be made from the existing “garbage” at home or the remains of art and repair materials.

Of course, if you use the same mayonnaise buckets or other similar containers as pots, then first it is important to prepare it, namely, remove all labels from it, wash off the glue, and do not forget to make drainage holes.

You can also use old things as pots. This includes dishes, a shoe, grandma’s teapot, and even furniture. The main thing is to properly prepare the items so that they do not collapse or lose their appearance under the influence of liquid and soil.

Sometimes it is enough to simply decorate an old pot that has lost its appearance. You don’t have to do everything from scratch, but just decorate it with something. You can use acrylic paints, twine, natural material, varnished, beads, etc.

Note! You can create flower pots yourself together with your children. This good way attract the child to creativity, helping to develop fine motor skills and giving the opportunity to master various devices used during work.

Making pots ourselves: options and master classes

Of course, fantasy is fantasy, but without the proper skills and understanding of the process of creating hand-made things, it will not be possible to immediately understand how to make this or that option. Based on the examples below, you can come up with your own pot and bring it to life.

Clay pot

Clay - indeed best option to create a pot, however, to make such a container with your own hands, you will have to master the skills of modeling from this material. Typically, to create clay pots you need a pottery wheel and the clay itself. Although you can try to make such a container for a plant using only your hands.

The clay needs to be kneaded well, and then, separating a small piece from it, make a flat cake, getting the bottom for the pot. Carefully make drainage holes in the cake if the container will be used not as a flowerpot, but as a pot. And then you need to make small ropes about 0.5-1 cm thick and a length equal to the diameter of the bottom of the pot with a gradual increase. The first bundle is laid out around the circumference of the future bottom, the second is placed on it, and so on. Once you have a container of the required height, all that remains is to burn it in the oven, and the pot is ready.

Cement pot

This option also involves a kind of modeling, but in a slightly different style. The cement pot will be different good level strength, and is quite simple to do.

Step 1. To make a pot from cement, you need to take old curtains (tulle and curtains), and also prepare cement and a blank for the shape of the pot. This could be, for example, an old plastic bucket or another item.

Step 3. Then you need to soak the tulle in this “cement water”, thoroughly saturating it with the solution.

Step 4. Now you need to take a form for a pot (for example, a bucket), turn it upside down and throw tulle soaked in cement over it. You also need to form beautiful folds of tulle, giving them the same shape on all sides.

Step 5. The corners of the hanging tulle need to be thrown over the edges of the form.

Step 6 The inverted container must be tied from the bottom (or from the top relative to the current position of the container) with a piece of braid.

Step 7 Now you need to coat all the folds and the bottom with the cement mixture, adding a strengthening compound. Can be applied with a gloved hand. After this, the future flowerpot should be left alone for 24 hours to dry.

Step 8 The dried pots need to be painted with the desired color of paint.

Step 9 After the work is completed and the paint has dried, the flowerpot can be used for its intended purpose.

Making a simple and elegant flowerpot

Interestingly, a flowerpot may not always be a container. Sometimes it may just be a stand for a regular pot. Let's see how to make the simplest but most original option.

Step 1. You need to make several slats from a wooden block. In this case - 4 8 cm long, 4 9.4 cm long, 4 12.5 cm long, 4 9 cm long.

Step 2. Now you need to glue square blanks from slats 8 and 9.4 cm long, using 2 pieces of each.

Step 4. Now you need to glue the second square to the legs. You should end up with a design like the one below.

Step 5. After the glue has dried well, the flowerpots can be used for their intended purpose by placing pots in them.

DIY pot decoration

You can decorate a simple and boring flower pot, giving it a completely different look than it had before. To do this you will need tape, twine, newspaper and acrylic paints with varnish.

Step 1. You need to step back about 2 cm from the bottom edge of the pot and wrap the pot with tape. The most important thing is that the adhesive tape fits very tightly at the top.

Step 3. When the paint dries a little (and this is about 30 minutes), the tape needs to be peeled off.

Step 4. Now you need to paint the bottom of the pot with a different color of paint. You don’t have to use tape here, but you need to act carefully so as not to stain the top color.

Step 5. The saucer for the pot needs to be painted the same color as the lower part.

Step 6 After the paint has dried, you need to coat the pot with varnish.

Step 7 You need to apply a thick layer of varnish to the area where the two colors meet, and then, until the varnish has dried, you need to wrap this area with twine and tie it with a bow. After this, the pot must be left to dry completely.

Apply at the junction of flowers thick layer varnish Pots with dough elements

An interesting and original flowerpot can be made by decorating the pot with elements made from dough.

Step 1. First you need to prepare everything you need. This is the flower pot itself, a form for cutting out elements from dough, Moment glue, a toothpick, acrylic paints and a primer mixture. Then you need to knead the dough using 1 cup of regular flour, 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a full glass of salt (necessarily fine), a glass of water. The dough must be kneaded until elastic. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

Step 2. Now you need to roll out the dough and cut out decorative elements from it using a mold. They need to be put in the oven to dry. And then both the elements and the pot need to be covered with soil.

Stages of decorating a pot with twine and buttons Even a simple pattern (and this is ideal for those who do not know how to draw) can transform an ordinary pot. Simple ones look no less stylish geometric patterns, especially when they are done in black and white How to paint flower pots with chalkboard paint Pots covered with fabric look incredibly cozy 5 /5 (9 )

You can create comfort and coziness in the room in various ways, but the simplest and most effective will be the use of colors in the design. Properly selected green spaces and their appropriate location in the room will fill it with the missing warmth and create a pleasant atmosphere.

If you have a large number of plants or a small amount of space to place them, you can use a wooden stand, which you can purchase in a store or make yourself.


The use of green spaces in residential premises has its roots in ancient times. As soon as a person realized the need to build a place in which he could live for a long time, the path of evolution of the interior within this space began. In addition to the appearance of furniture and things necessary for everyday life, flowers and useful plants. Since there was no medicine as such in ancient times, people were well versed in the healing properties of herbs and flowers and tried to keep them to themselves.

You can select a row useful properties that a person who has green plants in his room receives:

  • normalization psychological state person;
  • indoor air purification;
  • protecting your home from unknown forces.

In addition to the undeniable benefits, having a variety of flowers at home color range decorates the room, makes it brighter, pleasant and cozy. There are no clear limits on how many flowers there can be in a room, but if you want to have them in sufficient quantities, you should take care of the place where they will be located. Since plants have certain needs, it is important to provide them with the necessary amount of light and moisture, otherwise they will not live long.

The most common place where pots are usually displayed is the windowsill, but this is not always convenient, so having specialized stands at home can significantly improve the situation.

Such products can be found in the store or you can make them yourself if you try a little.


Since not everyone can or wants to place flowers on the windowsill, there is a need to select the optimal place for them. At the moment, there is a fairly wide variety of stands that can fit in any room.

Among the most popular options:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • combined;
  • floor;
  • wall-mounted

For indoor plants, any of the above options may be suitable, both in terms of material of manufacture and location. You can make wooden coasters yourself, since only a specialist or a person with experience in such a matter can work with metal.

A DIY wooden flower stand can have a different appearance, which depends on the number of plants that will be placed on it. If there are a lot of pots, then the best option would be a multi-level design. For one or two flowerpots, you should choose something elegant and stylish to decorate the room.

Independent construction of a product may include the use of a wide variety of materials:

  • pieces of plastic;
  • twine;
  • wire of different thicknesses and colors;
  • vine;
  • threads

The stand does not have to be simple; it can be stylishly decorated and complemented with mosaics, decoupage or painted.

Before you start making the product, you should consider the option of the stand, its height, dimensions, sketch out drawings and decide on the final option. In the process of work, certain ideas for decorating an object usually emerge, but sometimes a ready-made form suggests the desired option, so there is no need to rush into it.

If a floor design has been chosen, then it is worth choosing the most suitable option. It could be:

  • ladder;
  • multi-level shelves;
  • apartment flower bed;
  • high stand;
  • low stand.

The floor version is also called jardiniere. It is often used as decorative element. It is not difficult to make such a design, you just need to choose a material that is convenient for the work.

Usually this is chipboard, wood or plastic, from which the stand itself and the base are made, connecting to each other. The stand can have any height, the main thing is that the entire structure is stable, for which the base must be at least 20 cm in diameter.

When creating a jardiniere, it is necessary to provide grooves, thanks to which all the parts will be connected, and for reliable fixation, use specialized glue.

Wall stands are usually created in the form of one or more shelves that connect to each other. This option is used in cases where there is no space on the windowsill or floor for additional objects. More often wall shelves made of metal or wood. The most beautiful techniques are forging and figure cutting on wood. If we talk about more available options, then these include connecting one shelf with sides or several shelves with membranes that will strengthen the structure.

You can also come up with a variety of stands for the window that will make the room more comfortable and beautiful, and also make it possible to place many more flowers in it. When thinking through the design, it is important to provide several important details:

  • free access of light to the room;
  • ease of use of the window sill;
  • comfortable watering and care of flowers;
  • the opportunity to admire the vegetation from anywhere in the room.

Wood, plastic and metal are most often used for window sills. The most beautiful stands are made of metal, with the help of which amazing things are forged.

Wooden and plastic products less attractive, but more practical, because with their help you can make a small but high stand, which will accommodate from 4 to 8 pots. The most popular option is to combine round wooden stands and a metal stand, which ensures the strength of the structure and its neat appearance.

The choice of option depends on the size of the room, the number of colors and the desires of the owner. You can make any stand with your own hands, the main thing is to understand the principles of its manufacture, select the right materials and make a suitable drawing.

When choosing a product for a room, you should also focus on the general style of the room, so that the new object complements it and does not stand out from the already finished concept.

Step by step guide

To make a wooden stand with your own hands, you need knowledge and some experience in working with tools and materials. Even if you are creating such a product for the first time, you should not worry, because any work done from the heart will look interesting, and the knowledge and skills gained will help in the future. So, to build a flower stand, you need to take:

  • wooden boards or plywood, the thickness of which will exceed 1 cm;
  • a large diameter cord or rope that will serve as decoration;
  • a drill with a drill whose diameter matches the thickness of the cord or rope;
  • sandpaper;
  • varnish/paint.

The parts for the future shelf need to be cut into square or rectangular shapes. On each shelf, holes are made along the edges with a drill, departing about 5 cm from the edge. The next step is to measure the required length of the rope. To determine it, you need to multiply the length of the shelf by two and add another 25 cm. For each piece of rope, determine the middle at which the knot is tied.

The ends of the rope are threaded through the first board, aligned in the center and secured with new knots, which are located above the holes. Next, the height of the new shelf is measured and bridles are created to support it. Such a shelf turns out to be suspended; it can be placed both on the wall and under the ceiling.

If you want to make a strong floor stand, then you should prepare a saw or hacksaw, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, wooden blocks 5x5 cm or a piece of branched wood. The height of the stand is selected according to taste and capabilities. The design itself can be double-sided or wall-mounted, when the racks will diverge to the sides, and not go around the support. It will be necessary to attach shelves on which the flower pots will be located on the racks. It is important to place the supports so that the flowers stand on different heights, imitating a natural slide, which looks very impressive and beautiful in the interior.

Having measured the required length of the supports, you need to cut them diagonally in the place where they will be attached to the base. To make the structure more durable, it is better to use a cross member when connecting. All parts can be connected with nails or self-tapping screws. You can use a metal furniture corner.

Once the stand is completely ready, it must be varnished or painted.

Beautiful examples

Making a wooden stand with your own hands will not be too complex process, if you approach the matter correctly. Having chosen a certain version of the product, it is worth asking exactly how best to make it. The moment of manufacturing racks and shelves is fundamental, since this is the basis of the design. To avoid making mistakes, you need to create drawings or look for ready-made sketches. If you have some experience in this direction, then it will be enough to see finished product to understand how to do it.

Can you imagine modern interior without indoor plants? No! Flowers, plants, mini trees, bindweed, cacti - this is not only a design element. It's a sip fresh air, a particle of nature, a source of energy! Such important participants in the arrangement of a room need decent floor stands for flowers.

Any handmade item fills the interior with special warmth and comfort. Flower stands are no exception. A hand-made metal or wooden flower stand fits harmoniously into the overall design of a house or plot of land.

The peculiarity of floor racks is that they are massive and require a large area for their placement. In small apartments they will not be entirely appropriate, but in gardens or houses they will fit perfectly into the interior.

Materials for making flower stands

Like any structure, a flower stand can be prefabricated or one-piece. A prefabricated stand consists of elements that can be assembled and, if desired, disassembled. The advantages of such a thing are obvious - easy to care for, easy to transport. A one-piece stand is more durable and reliable than a prefabricated one, which can lose its stability if the parts are poorly fastened. However, the inability to disassemble a solid stand adds one big disadvantage to it - difficulty in moving.

A popular material for creating indoor plant holders is wood - beech, birch, oak, juniper. This environmentally friendly material, completely safe and very reliable.

Interiors in Scandinavian and modern styles can be decorated with metal flower holders. It is the most durable and durable material, outdoor flower stands are made from it. You can install a heavy container with large flowers on a metal stand; it can withstand colossal loads.

Glass is an unusual, but too fragile and weak material, so it is used framed with metal elements. Glass stands are good in their own way, they look airy and impressive.

Plastic is a modern material. Cheap, light, beautiful, convenient, it loses to other materials due to its fragility and fragility.

Types of floor stands

Flower stands come in a variety of shapes and types. How they will look depends on the gardener’s imagination. The most common options: multi-level shelves, in the form of a ladder, in the form miniature flower bed, different in height and width.

Jardinieres - best option for rooms of any size. Such stands act as a holder for two or more pots, so strong materials (metal, wood, tempered glass, plastic) are chosen to create them.

DIY floor stands

Flower shops offer a huge range of gardening products, including floor stands for flowers and jardinieres. But it can be difficult to choose a design for placing flower pots so that it looks harmonious with the existing design. In addition, a gardener is a creative person and it is more interesting for him to make things with his own hands.

The simplest version of a floor stand is a round shelf on a vertical holder. To make it you will need:

  • Material that can be processed (wood, chipboard);
  • Drill;
  • Edge, iron and PVA glue;
  • Screwdriver.

There are three parts: base, leg and shelf. For the stability of the structure, the base must have a diameter of at least 20 cm. The leg is inserted into the grooves of the base, and the shelf is attached. Special glue is applied to the joints of the parts. Finally, the stand is polished and varnished. The flower stand is ready!

Tabletop flower stands

cute table stands widely used in apartments with limited free space. They are placed on tables, cabinets, shelves near a source of daylight. They also come in a wide range of forms.

The compactness and small dimensions of such racks provide more scope for creativity. They are made mainly from wood, plastic, twisted metal profiles, chipboard, and also woven from any flexible material that is at hand (wicker, rattan, bamboo).

Making such a stand with your own hands

You can make a simple and elegant flower stand with your own hands at home; it will take just over 30 minutes. To work, you will need parts from a laminated board in the same quantity as you need to make shelves for pots, the size of the plates for the shelves is 100 x 150 mm, two long plates measuring 50 x 700 mm and one element 150 x 300 mm. To give a future stance beautiful view, you need to glue it with an edge using an iron and PVA glue.

To connect the parts together, you will need tools - a drill, a screwdriver, confirmations. Next, the shelves are mounted on a long holder plate and the entire structure is installed on the base. The result is a tabletop, attractive flower stand with four, six or eight shelves (depending on the wishes of the gardener) for flower pots.

Metal flower stands

Forged products look solid and perfectly complement the interior, adding charm and nobility. To create forged decorative items, square rods and strips are used. Distinctive feature they have smooth, clear edges. The decorative elements are very massive, strict and suitable for classic interior with a claim to luxury.

More pliable material - rod round section. Products made from it are elegant, attractive, with an abundance of curved elements. Such decorative elements visually look airy, light, and add romanticism to the interior.

Flower stands made of metal with an abundance of twisted elements look especially interesting. Bicycles, sleds, cars, carriages in the form of a reduced copy - this is only a small part of what can be made from metal rods and adapted as a flower stand.

DIY metal stand

Making metal flower stands with your own hands is not easy. You will need professional tools for working with metal - a welding machine, an angle grinder, metal profiles 8-10 mm. Without the appropriate skills and equipment, it is better not to create a flower stand yourself. It is enough to make a sketch and take it to the master.

A stand in the shape of a cat is popular among gardeners. To create it, take two profiles of the same length and make several cuts at the bend point. Thanks to the cuts, the profile bends easily. Bent metal profiles are the paws of a cat, using welding machine they are welded to the third tube - the back. The muzzle is represented by two flat metal triangles welded at a common vertex. Next, a short piece of profile is used to make the cat's whiskers, welding them to the triangle cheeks. Ears, tail, claws are done in the same way. A holder in the form of a lattice for several flower pots is attached to the back. It turns out an original, positive cat-stand. Large flowers on a cat stand, with leaves and stems tending downwards, will look especially good.

An attentive owner always wants to improve his home, add comfort, light, prosperity, and “zest.” Houseplants are perfect for these purposes. Only in a house where there are flowers does a good aura and positive mood reign. In order for flowers to be grateful, healthy and delightful with their beauty, they need to be placed in beautiful flower stands.

Photo ideas for original homemade flower stands

To save space and provide greater functionality, use flower stands. This solution will fit perfectly into any stylistic solution and will allow you to place more plants with minimal use of space. There are several options that you can do yourself. You just need to put in a little effort and desire.

DIY product

In the photo of the flower stand you can see the differences between the products. Models of the same type will be a great addition to the apartment. Other options are suitable for the home, because they will take up a lot of space.

Don't forget about the appearance of the product. You should decide on a specific model and prepare the appropriate materials. There are different types of products:

  • wall products;
  • floor stands for flowers that perform different functional loads. Despite the size of the room, such a product will harmoniously fit into the overall atmosphere.

Their differences are in maintaining different types plants. You should decide in advance which plants you want to place on a particular stand.

The first type can be divided into stationary and mobile; they have wheels for movement.

Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. You should choose the option that is suitable for a particular plant.

The advantage of the mobile type is the ability to move the plant, uniform distribution sun rays, air, which has a beneficial effect on their growth.

The advantage of the stationary type is that it can withstand heavy loads. Therefore, more pots can be placed on the stand. Often used high stands, which occupies the entire section of a wall, or a window, for example.

Additionally, you can use light bulbs that will distribute the light evenly. Pallets will help make the cleaning process easier.

Floor type

A wide range allows you to choose the option you need. The design allows you to easily fit all the plants, taking into account their individual characteristics.

It is important to know how to make a flower stand with your own hands, where to start. First you need to develop a specific model, drawing. After this, you will decide what type you need, the size, and the plants that can fit on such a product.

It is believed that the minimum permissible height between tiers is 40 cm. After all, regardless of the size of the plants, care should be taken to ensure the supply of fresh air and the required amount of light. At this distance it is convenient to water, care for and clean them.

One of the most simple options A flower stand made of metal is considered. In order to make the product, you will need pipes or metal profiles. The main thing is that the product fits in your home.

The main elements are connected using fasteners standard type. Often the top is made of wood. To embellish the final result, you should apply paint. A single-color coating will complement the interior and help the stand last longer.

For the Provence style, a wooden flower stand is considered the most optimal. Another style is vintage design. It is important to pay special attention to the legs, because their service life and functional load depend on the quality of their manufacture.

The most common is the curved shape, which is characteristic feature vintage style. At the final stage, the product can be painted in white tone, rub with sandpaper. Thus, you will artificially age the item. Decoupage involves the use of patterns and pictures depending on your wishes.


It is worth noting that flower stands are often made from scrap materials. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the free space.

With minimal square meters should be a tall, compact design. Having supplemented it additional elements, it is turned into an excellent decorative item.


Plant stands are often used for houses and apartments. Especially valuable are those products that are made by hand. They differ in type, material of manufacture, color.

Consider the basic parameters, surface features and plants for a harmonious combination of the product and the style direction of your home.

For self-fake, use the advice of designers, do not forget about preparatory stage work. You need to do some planning and create a drawing.

The most optimal model is considered to be one where plants are placed in a checkerboard pattern. This arrangement will provide the necessary amount of air and light for the plants. Caring for them and cleaning is greatly simplified.

Photo of DIY flower stands

Indoor flowers in flowerpots are a wonderful way to decorate an apartment or house, making the room more lively and cozy.

In this article we offer you interesting ideas how to make beautiful hanging flower pots using a variety of materials, such as wood, leather, twine and other available materials.

Also 5 step-by-step master classes with diagrams and photos on how to weave flower pots quickly and easily with your own hands and create a truly beautiful decor interior

Leather hanging flower pots are easy to make and look very original. Add a little style to your home interior along with this wonderful leather planter. It can definitely become the highlight that makes the interior unique.

Master class: leather hanging planter

Required materials:

  • Distilled (purified) water
  • Tracing paper (21x28 cm) and 4 pieces of strong rope (or leather laces), each approximately 90-120 cm in length
  • Leather dye (optional) and gloves
  • Leather (square size 30x30 cm)
  • Packing tape, a pencil and a utility knife
  • Computer and printer (to print the template) and template
  • Sponge for wetting and staining

Step by step diagram:

Step 1: Preparation and Placement

Print the factory hanger template on tracing paper. Place the template down on the wrong side of the leather and select perfect place placement (not too close to the sides, and to avoid any defects in the skin).

Step 3: Soften the skin

Dip the sponge into purified water and then apply the moisture evenly to the skin. Repeat this step at least three times until the skin looks like it can't take in any more water. This will soften the skin and make it easier for us to weave the flowerpots.

Step 4: Transferring the Template

Now place the template on the previously selected location and tape it to the sides so that it does not move to the sides. Using a simple pencil, draw the lines printed on the tracing paper, pressing the pencil with medium force. Be careful and don't miss any line.

Step 5: Cutting

Now remove the template from the leather to see how the design has been transferred to the surface of the leather. Using a utility knife, make cuts along the lines.

For convenience, you can first cut a circle along the outer contour. The cuts should be clearly along the drawn lines.

Step 6. Coloring

Note: This step is optional and depends on the color you want and the materials you have on hand. In our case, we painted the leather dark brown.

After the skin has dried from moisture (at least one hour), apply the desired dye. Apply the paint using a sponge (wearing gloves) until the desired effect is achieved.

As the leather dries, pull it back a little at a time to create a voluminous shape. You will start to see the skin deforming, continue pulling and stretching it to create the shape of the pot for the pot as it should be when finished.

Step 8: Hanging

  • After that, how the skin dries completely, and the shape of the planter is formed, punch four holes in the top to thread the ropes through.
  • You should place them evenly, at the same distance from each other, so that the hanging flower pot does not tilt in one direction.
  • Take four ropes (regular or leather) and tie a knot on each of them, tightening it tightly at the end.

Step 9: Decoration and installation

Add tassels, beads, rivets- everything you need to achieve the desired style in the end. At the top hanging cords, gather all four of them together and tie them into a knot.

You can use this knot to hook onto a ceiling hook and/or ring. See if the length of the pendant suits you; if necessary, tie the knot at a different level.

Hanging planter made from straws

This pot will suit the interior with an innovative touch. Transform and complement your home decor with these neon straws and thread stands. Moreover, even 15 minutes will be enough for you!

Required materials:

  • Neon threads
  • neon straws (8 pieces per pot)
  • flower pots for indoor flowers (we used white ones made of melamine)
  • house plants (succulents)
  • scissors

How to weave - instructions:

Step 1: Cutting the threads

Cut eight pieces of neon cord, each 90-150 cm long, depending on how close to the ceiling you want to place the pots.

Step 2: Making a Knot

Take the newly cut strands together and tie a knot at one end, creating a tassel from the small excess cord at one end.

Step 3: Divide the threads into sections

Lay out the rope into four sections (like a cross shape). That is, two ropes in each section.

Step 4: Cutting the Straws

  1. Cut off the small part of the straws that is separated by the spring. Then cut it in half. Take eight of these small pieces and thread a thread into each of them.
  2. Push the straws towards the center(knot) and make a knot on every two threads (in sections). This is what it will look like:
  3. Arrange the threads again in a cross shape, two threads per section. Only now, to form a section, take one thread at a time from the previously adjacent sections.
  4. Cut the straws into pieces (16 total needed), each of which should be the size of a part of a straw, which is separated by a spring.
  5. In each of Thread 8 pieces of straws and make knots on the threads from one section.
  6. Similarly, arrange 2 threads in a cross shape, one from adjacent sections.

Add the third and final set of straws to the threads and tie adjacent threads (similar to the previous set).

Step 5: Hanging

All that remains is to hang the flowerpot and insert a flowerpot with indoor flowers. Make several pieces, then together they will create a beautiful composition.

And neon straws will also glow a little at night, which will look very original.

Macrame flower pots

The macrame technique probably has the most variations in making pots. They can be either very simple, which can be done in literally 10-15 minutes with your own hands, or complex with many hours of work. Practice weaving first on easy ones, hone your skills, and then improve.

Master class: Do-it-yourself macrame weaving

Macrame is back in fashion again, as is handicrafts in general. In this master class you will learn how to make a hanging plant pot with your own hands using this technique. There is nothing complicated, just follow the instructions and you will succeed!

Required materials:

  • 3 cords 2.5 m long and 0.5 cm thick
  • Metal ring with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm
  • Hook (on the wall, slot) to hold the macrame while working
  • Scissors and colored rope
  • Glass pot in the shape of a ball with a diameter of 20 cm
  • Drainage stones and soil
  • Houseplants that climb (eg Stephanotis)
  • Decorative moss (optional)

Step by step instructions:

Step 1: Thread the ropes into the ring

Pull all three ropes through the metal ring until the ring is in the middle of the ropes. Thus, you now have six ropes to work with, each 1.25 m long.

Step 2: Making a Knot

  1. Of all tie a knot with six ropes right next to the ring. Make it as tight as possible; to do this, after forming the knot, pull each rope separately.
  2. Hang the ring on a hook (if there is no hook, then use a separate small rope to tie it to a cabinet handle or something like that, the main thing is to secure it). This will allow you to use both hands while working.

Step 3: Divide the cords into groups

  • Separate the cords into three groups, two in each. Tie a knot in each pair 45cm below the ring. You will have three knots at the same level, make sure they are tight.
  • Take one rope from two adjacent pairs and tie them together approximately 12 cm below the previous node.

Repeat the previous step with the remaining ropes so that they are all tied together. This will create a zigzag pattern between the cords.

Step 4: End Node

  1. Approximately 12 -15 cm below the second set of knots, gather all six ropes together to make one large end knot. Pull each cord individually to make the knot as tight as possible.
  2. Look what you need to leave the length and cut the ropes to the required size.
  3. Wrap colorful threads around the rope in several places, creating blocks several centimeters long. This stage is decorative and is performed at will. Now the macrame pendant is ready and you can place the pot in it.

Step 5: Planting indoor flowers

To the bottom glass pot Place drainage stones to create a layer approximately 2.5 cm high. Fill the rest of the bowl with soil.

  1. Remove the plant from the temporary pot and place it in a glass container. Apply water and press down on the soil to compact it. You can place decorative moss on top of the soil., optional.
  2. Place the glass bowl with the flower over the lowest node and spread the ropes to the sides to secure well.
  3. Straighten the plant if it gets tangled in the strings. Hang it and admire the beauty of the plant and your own product.

Macrame patterns for flowerpots

Here are a few more patterns for those who want to master macrame weaving. They are very simple - suitable even for beginners. We look at the photo and repeat. Clothesline or thin twine are perfect materials. The minimum consumption for a hanging planter is 10 meters of rope.

Wooden flower pots

Wood also provides a fairly wide range of actions, various shapes and colors. Choose what you like best and create.

Master class: hanging wooden planter

This hanging planter will wonderfully complement your home interior. It’s quick and easy to do, and it won’t cost you a lot of money on materials either. The optimal solution for an apartment.

Required materials:

  • Wooden plate and saw
  • House plants and flowerpots
  • Rope and metal ring
  • Drill and sandpaper
  • Paint and brush

Step-by-step manufacturing scheme:

Step 1: Making Wooden Squares

Think about how many tiers your flower stand will have ( there are 4 here, but you can do more or less ). Select the houseplants you want to place there.

Based on all this, cut out the required number of squares from the wooden plate.

  1. To do this, turn the pot upside down and place it on a plate, circle it and leave it on the sides approximately 5 cm each, thus determining the size of the square.
  2. Using a saw make squares.

Step 2: Making holes for the pots

  1. You already have a circle drawn on the tree from the top of the pot, now you need to draw another one in the middle so that their centers coincide, but the diameter of the new one is about 1-2 cm smaller.
  2. This value depends on how quickly the pot you will place in the stand increases towards the top, and also you want so that the wooden square is almost at the very top, or in the center of the pot.
  3. You can take another pot that is the same size as the stencil and trace it.

  • Use a jigsaw to cut out this new circle. For convenience, you can first make a hole with a drill and, starting from there, work with a jigsaw.
  • The pots should now fit inside the squares.

Step 3: Hanging Holes

At the corners of the squares you need to make holes for the rope so that they can be hung. To do this use drill with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

Step 4: Paint the tree

Using sandpaper, remove roughness and unevenness that formed after sawing and drilling. Now the wood can be painted or simply treated with an antiseptic. In this case, dark brown paint was used.

Step 5: Paint the pots

Pots can also be painted, if desired. Casual strokes of white paint look good on plain clay pots. You can skip this step.

Step 6: Putting it all together

In order to fasten the wooden squares together, we will need a thick rope: cut 4 ropes of 180 cm each (for the given number of tiers). Stretch one rope into each corner hole of one of the squares and tie a knot at the end, this will be the lower part of the structure.

Tie one more on each rope knot at 25-30 cm higher than the previous one and thread the ropes into the holes of the next square. Check that everything is level and the second tier is clearly horizontal above the first, adjust the knots if necessary. The second tier is ready. Repeat these steps with the remaining tiers.

Step 7: Plant the Plants

A practical advantage of such a hanging stand is that water that may flow down after watering from the top plant will drip onto the bottom one. So a stand for the pot is needed only on the lowest tier (if you use it outdoors, you can do without stands at all).

You can also place coffee filters or similar water-absorbing materials in the bottom of the pots, this way the water can drain out but the soil won't fall out through the hole.

TIP: To prevent the bottom pot from falling off the stand if someone accidentally snags the string, superglue it to the pot.

Step 8: Transplant the plants into prepared pots.

If you glue the base of the lower pot before inserting it into the wooden square, it will look like the photo below. If you want the bottom pot to be inserted into the tree in the same way as the others, then first replant the plants, insert the pots into the holes in the tree, and only then glue the stand to the bottom one.

Step 9: Hanging

  1. To hang this structure, thread the ropes through a metal ring and tie a knot, or bend them over and tie another thin rope around them.
  2. Adjust the rope so that all tiers are horizontal and level.

This stand is good, just don’t forget that flowers need enough light.

A hanging stand is a wonderful solution for those who love flowers, but do not have enough space to display them.

Pot made of copper pipes

The manufacturing principle is similar to that described in the previous master class, only here copper tubes are used (and they are folded into a slightly different pattern). Of course, these materials will be more expensive than straws, and cutting them is not so fast, but in general there is no difficulty, and it turns out beautifully and with high quality.

TIP: If desired, the copper tubes can be replaced with plastic cocktail straws

Required materials:

  • 2 m copper tube approximately 3 mm in diameter
  • Mini pipe cutter
  • Strong thread or fishing line
  • Leather string (length depends on how high you want to hang the pot)
  • small pot
  • Plant

Step by step weaving:

Step 1: Cutting the tubes

You need to cut the tube into the following pieces: 20 pieces 4 cm long and 5 pieces 24 cm long. Cut the long pieces first, and then the small ones, it will be more convenient. Use a measuring tape for measurements.

Step 2: Start folding the tubes

Tie a knot at one end of the fishing line, and thread the other through 5 small pieces of tube so that you get a pentagon (that is, you need to pass the fishing line through the first piece of tube twice).

Step 3: Continue making pentagons from small tubes

  • Thread the line through 4 tubes of the same size, and then through the tube of the previously formed pentagon. Now the fishing line is in the tube connecting the pentagons, and you need to bring it through the upper tubes of the newly obtained pentagon to its left edge.
  • Don't worry if they don't look perfect, everything will straighten out when you hang and place the pot.
  • Then do the same in the same way 2 more pentagons, there should be 4 pieces in total, and they should be located as in the photo below.
  • Now bring the line through the tubes to the bottom of the outer pentagon and put the tube on it. Next, thread the line through one edge of the other outermost pentagon.

This is what you should get:

Pass the line through 2 more tubes, and then through the edge of the pentagon, as in the photo below. It should look like something like a flower, or rather like this:

Step 4: String Long Tubes

  1. Bring the line to one of the highest points of the structure (between the two upper tubes of one of the pentagons). Now the fishing line needs to be threaded through a long tube.
  2. Thread the line through another long tube, and then direct it to the next highest point of the pentagon structure (any one, not necessarily the adjacent one).

  1. Thread the wire through the 2 small tubes to reach the next highest point. Now pass through another long tube, the line will come out to the junction of the long tubes, return the line back down through one of the previous two long tubes. Attach the fourth tube in the same way.
  2. Now all you have to do is attach the last tube, but first place the pot in the middle of the structure, otherwise later it will not fit between the tubes.
  3. Now attach the last tube. This is what you should get:

Step 5: Attach the leather lace

Cut about 30cm of leather cord and attach it to the junction point of the long tubes. You can tie a knot, but here, for aesthetics, we used hot glue to secure the neatly folded end of the cord. This is what it looks like:

To prevent the gluing area from being visible, cut another small piece of cord, secure it with hot glue, and wrap it around the cord by which we will hang it.

Trim excess fishing line and cord. And the last step: plant your favorite indoor plants!

Where to hang the pots

Moreover, in the summer, plants can be placed both inside and outside the house, but since it’s cold now, we’ll focus on indoor ones. You can green any room in your apartment, kitchen or hallway, the main thing is to take into account the needs of the plants and the right amount of light. In fact, each version of a hanging planter can be placed in any room of the apartment, so it is only your design decision.

Of course, you can just put a flower pot on the windowsill or bedside table, and it will already look good. But if you try a little more, you can decorate the appearance of the pots and make more optimal use of the apartment space, at the same time arranging the plants and not taking up extra space with them (with hanging flowerpots).

Above the workplace

Here, a hanging planter will not take up much space, especially since we always try to place the work table closer to the window, which will really appeal to indoor plants.

In the bedroom

Placing plants in the bedroom is not only beautiful, but also very useful. They enrich the room with oxygen. How nice it is to wake up among greenery. Try hanging a pot of plants in your bedroom.

In the kitchen

This ideal option, you will never snag or overturn a flowerpot. The flowerpot looks very homey in the kitchen!

On the balcony or in the chill-out area

If the area of ​​your apartment allows, then with the help of hanging flower pots, you can green up an entire room and make a mini-garden. But if there is not enough square footage, we can arrange comfort zone relaxing on the balcony.

Pot ideas from scrap materials

If you show your imagination, you can make a hanging plant pot from absolutely any available materials. Starting from old cans, bottles to unnecessary towels and T-shirts.

From beads

If you have old beads lying around and you don’t know what to do with them, then here’s one option to solve the problem - decorate the pots.

From baskets and pots

Such pots can be used for a single pot or for several at once. Such wicker baskets will probably be found in many homes. They often lie idle, and in vain they will make an excellent hanging for flowers.

Flowerpots in high-tech style

Modern pendants made of concrete or brass will fit into the modern style of the apartment.

From bottles

Probably the cheapest of all methods, but it looks no worse than the others. We collect empty plastic and glass bottles and make original flower pots.

From moss and shells

Many people at home have shells brought from the seas, and if you drill a small hole and plant small succulents there, you can create a mini-pots. The main thing is in quantity, 3-8 pieces will create an excellent hanging garden.

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