Beautiful orchids: can you keep them in the bedroom? It is known that even flowers do not always find a “common language”

Orchids - unusually beautiful and popular flowers, and their presence in the interior is a clear indicator of the refined taste of the owners. First of all, they are known as beautiful bloomers ornamental plants and favorite greenhouse flowers. Currently, among you and me there is an incredible number of devoted fans of such an elegant plant.

Of course, not all types of orchids are popular, since they are quite finicky and, although they can live in our climatic conditions, but not for long. Therefore, the species of the genera Dendrobium, Cattleya and Phalaenopsis have gained special love.

Often, there is a misconception that an orchid is comfortable exactly in the place where you have assigned it. And therefore, incorrect placement may turn out to be a “trap” for such delicate flower, if you ignore some useful tips on placing plants in the interior.

Our advice will help you use orchids in the interior so that they become a beautiful addition.

Where and how to place an orchid

The most beautiful orchid is a very light-loving plant, which means that the duration of its flowering directly depends on the required amount of light. Despite this, she still can't stand it bright sun, and it would be correct to place the beauty at the western or eastern window.

In general, an exquisite plant will do well in the center of the room if there is enough lighting and fresh air. So, let's determine the right place for the orchid in your interior.

  • In the center of the living room

An orchid can become the highlight of any interior and, from this point of view, no better place than the heart of the house - the living room. Place the flower pot in a visible place: dining table, figured cabinet, chest of drawers or coffee table. Such an elegant plant will serve as the center of a composition of candles and decorative items - be sure to install this splendor at eye level.

When forming a composition, remember that the objects around the orchid should be secondary. Choose dim figurines and small candles or bowls. Thanks to this, attention will be drawn to your pet.

Successfully arrange the table setting even festive table you can use several identical orchids, you just need to put them one after the other.

  • Oasis in the bathroom

If you are the happy owner of a spacious bathroom with natural light streaming from the window, do not miss the opportunity to please yourself with the pleasant proximity of an orchid.

Place the pots directly on the countertop near the sink; this will please the moisture-loving flower.

But you can add the atmosphere of a Spa salon to your usual body care procedures if one or two exotic flowers decorate the shelf directly next to the bathtub.

  • Bedroom scent

Recently it has become very fashionable to put blooming orchids in the bedroom. After all, the fragility and tenderness of this flower so truthfully conveys the mood of this room. You can add beauty and style by placing orchids on bedside tables.

Place a flower on each side of the bed and its charm will greet you every time you wake up.

  • Dressing table

It is absolutely natural for women of any age to surround themselves with flowers, therefore, an orchid will serve as a kind of inspiration in creating the desired image. Just place it near the mirror or on an ottoman by the dressing table, having previously installed a decorative tray for greater stability.

  • By the window

You will provide the orchid with enough daylight by placing it directly next to the window. Exquisite console stylish chest of drawers or small coffee table on which the flower is placed will emphasize the splendor of the fragrant plant.

  • Special cuisine

When choosing a kitchen as a room for arranging orchids, you can use surfaces such as a dining table, bar counter, or window sill area. A beautiful effect will be created by flowers collected in groups of several plants and placed along the windowsill.


How to choose the color of orchids for the interior

Breeders are still working on creating new, even more elaborate varieties and their colors. And it's getting harder and harder for us to choose desired shade and combine it with the colors of the walls and shades of furniture upholstery. Experts advise trusting their professional instincts and following these principles:

  • One tone darker

The color of the flower can match the main shade of the room, but be a little richer so as not to get lost against its background. If, for example, you paint the walls a shade of lilac, choose a lilac-colored work chair, then the orchid on the table can be bright pink. In combination with white, the office takes on a very stylish look.


  • Harmony

Combine suitable friend friend shades: white orchid on a blue, azure, green, red background of the environment. Purple orchid inflorescences look advantageous against the background of a panel on a sea-green wall.

  • One whole

Sometimes such independent colors of orchids as white, burgundy and yellow look great either collected together in intricate compositions or simply as components of the overall mood. If the walls and facades of the kitchen are snow-white and there is an equally light “airy” island under a weightless ceiling, then a white orchid in the center will be the logical completion of a single space.

How to choose pots and stands for orchids

The orchid family has some peculiarities, since they are epiphytes, which means they have an aerial root system, and in nature they live clinging to the rough surface of trees. To live comfortably at home, they need soil in the form of crushed tree bark and the right container.

  • Open planters

By planting an orchid in a wide container, you allow light to easily penetrate to the roots, which is important. In addition, a tall flower can be placed simply on the floor, where it will also look great.

  • Special containers

Orchids can survive a lack of moisture, but they cannot tolerate excess moisture. Special pots for orchids and stands for them are equipped with a water outflow system, in which moisture does not retain.

  • Transparent and clay pots

The tenacious roots of the plant are fixed to the inner walls of ceramic containers, which gives the orchid a feeling of natural living conditions, thanks to the rough, porous surface of the pot. But, as you know, flowers can suffer from lack of light, so even their root system got used to possible danger and absorbs light as intensely as the upper part of the flower.

For this purpose, transparent orchid pots were invented, into which you need to insert a container with a plant. A transparent orchid stand is made of plastic or glass.

Whatever style you choose for your interior: cozy classics, original oriental or artsy French - orchids will fit into any of them. And, although the plant is of exotic origin, we have long loved it. Designers all over the world are using decorative features an amazing flower to highlight the aesthetic taste of connoisseurs of beauty.

The most important factor for choosing a location is compliance with the conditions of detention.

The flower needs a lot of light. But you should not place it on the windowsill, where the sun shines from morning to evening, because for an orchid such a factor is destructive. Diffused light or an artificially shaded sunny side will be optimal.

The east or west side of the house is ideal option. If there is no choice and the plant has to live on the north side, then you should take care of artificial lighting, through which the plant will make up for the lack of light.

ATTENTION: For different varieties, maintenance conditions may differ. Where light-loving Wanda should stand and be comfortable in the apartment, Phalaenopsis will be hot.

It is also necessary to take into account the air temperature around the flower. It varies for each variety, but on average it is necessary to maintain about 25-30 degrees in summer and 20-25 degrees in winter period. It is also important to remember that the difference between day and night temperatures should not exceed 5 degrees.

Air humidity is very important for an orchid. It should be at least 60%, but not exceed the 90% threshold. If such a range cannot be maintained indoors, then it is necessary to recreate it artificially. For example, put expanded clay in a patch under a flowerpot and fill it with water.

Seasonal maintenance rules

Along with the main ones, there are also seasonal ones. An orchid has a period of wintering and summer growth, and therefore the conditions for these seasons differ:

Watch a video about the correct location of orchids in winter and summer time:

Where is the best place to place a plant in the house?

When choosing the optimal location for a given plant, it is necessary to take into account the variety and nuances of the content of a particular flower. Information about this can be obtained from the seller, or read the relevant literature at home. But still, there are certain areas of location where most types of orchids will feel comfortable.


IN lately It has become fashionable to put flower pots in the bedroom. They will look sophisticated on bedside tables. A prerequisite in this case is light. If there are no bedside lamps next to the bedside tables, then it would be better to abandon this idea and choose a place where the orchid can receive the required amount of light.

If available, you can place the flower on an ottoman or nightstand near the dressing table. With correctly installed lamps, the plant will be comfortable, and the composition will look very stylish and elegant.

When installing in the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the location of the stove so that the orchid is not exposed to the harmful effects of hot steam. If the window opens periodically, then you should place the flower away from the windowsill. The best option, which is better, may be a dining table or counter near the window.

Can it be placed on the refrigerator? In the summer, you can use a refrigerator for orchids. There the flower will be protected from direct sun rays, but it’s worth checking the substrate for moisture more often. But in winter it may become too dark for him there, so it would be better to choose a brighter space.

In the bathroom

This flower loves humidity, so if you have a spacious bathroom with a source of natural light, you can place the orchid there too. A countertop near the sink or a shelf next to the bathroom will be the best option.

Where can't you put a flower?

It is advisable to avoid places near heating appliances. Also contraindicated for this plant are window sills, where the window is often opened, hallways directly next to front door(due to drafts). All places where there is no good access to light are not suitable for an orchid., because even its roots participate in photosynthesis.

IMPORTANT: Cold air flowing down the window and accumulating on the windowsill will also have a negative impact on the plant. If the orchid is in such a place, then it should be protected from hypothermia and rotting by insulating the window.

What problems can result from choosing the wrong location?

If the location is chosen incorrectly, the plant will give the appropriate signals - dry out, become covered in mucus, drop buds, etc. In some cases, it will not be possible to save it. For example, an orchid will only need a few minutes of hypothermia to die. But basically, the flower can be saved by taking appropriate measures in a timely manner.


Although the orchid is considered a capricious plant, it actually does not require much more attention than other flowers. It is called picky mostly because the conditions for keeping domestic varieties differ from the climate in which they are bred. But, in spite of everything, this flower deserves the effort and time that is spent on it.

Orchids on a windowsill or anywhere else are always pleasing to the eye. This beautiful flower, which disposes you with its color, it even helps you deal with the difficulties of life. It is believed that orchids are great gift. But is it capable of bringing negativity? Is it impossible to keep it at home, if you believe many superstitions that you hear? Is it even possible to keep them at home?

It is believed that the orchid is an energy vampire. Is it possible to keep an orchid in the house? According to Feng Shui, an orchid in the bedroom is considered very bad sign, since it can draw strength and energy from other plants and directly from a person. But this is more likely due to the fact that pollen from a flower can cause drowsiness and some lethargy in a person.

Another common sign is the belief that these flowers scare away men and make them weak-willed. Perhaps a very unpleasant fact for those who love these plants and are looking for their mate. Orchids at home increase female attractiveness, give a woman a touch of mystery and charm, increase her energy and attractiveness. But at the same time, they have the same effect on the stronger half. Why can completely unmasculine traits appear in a man? Therefore, if the question arises, where to put the orchid - not in the room where your beloved men sleep.

The best advice is not to place the plant where a man is most often and where he sleeps. This is a female plant, but not a male one. Why can't you keep an orchid in the bedroom? It is believed that the flower is an energy vampire, and its properties intensify at night. Flowers in the bedroom can cause insomnia and headaches. Flowers can interfere and cause discomfort with their strong smell, however, provided that they are in close proximity to you.

Positive signs and superstitions

If you really love these flowers and know their characteristics well, then you are definitely familiar with the positive things that it can bring. Despite everything, the orchid is considered the best of female flowers. It helps a woman realize her potential and increase her attractiveness, and has a good effect on health and mood. An orchid helps drive negative vibrations out of the house, maintain an atmosphere of harmony in the apartment, and brings joy and warmth.

If you place it in the living room, it will help drive away enemies if they come into your home. No wonder the plant, like cats and dogs, senses bad thoughts people and can influence them. If someone you know feels headache or simply feels restless, the reason may be hidden here. The color of your pet is also very important. This can not only affect influence, but also help bring goodness into the home, remove negativity and cope with problems. Feng Shui also assures us of this.

Flowers of red and purple help overcome laziness and strengthen willpower. Yellow brings good luck to the house, improves financial well-being, especially if you place orchids on the windows. Orange replenishes internal forces and improves the flow of energy. White is the color of purity and best suits girls. This color can overcome depression and melancholy. Pink and beige are best used for harmony, they will help you understand yourself, and are also good for fighting depression.

Where to put it

We have already received the answer to the question of whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home. But if you decide not to be separated from your favorite flower, where should you put it? It is best to place plants near windows. This way they will receive enough heat and will always be in the sun. Choosing where to place your orchid is quite important. It depends on whether the flower will grow, whether it will have enough sunlight, whether the soil will not dry out too quickly and other important details.

Can be placed directly on the windowsill. If it is not wide enough or the heat from the radiator hits the flowers during the heating season, this can dry out or lead to burns on the flowers. Therefore, the wider the space near the window, the better. Windows on the east and southeast sides are ideal. Orchids love diffused light. Especially at the beginning and end of the day. Such indoor plants They love a lot of light, but not bright light, and moisture. The best place There will be windows for them, moderate watering as needed. If you follow this correct arrangement, the flower will grow and bloom very often and beautifully.

Since the orchid needs to receive indirect light, they should not be in areas that are too hot or dark. South windows should be avoided, as there is too much sun there and the flower may dry out. On the north side the problem is the opposite, not enough sun, which leads to rot. You can breed different varieties flowers, especially if you have a choice where to put them. In any case, the plant on the window will delight your eyes in any weather.

Choosing a place according to Feng Shui

The influence of orchids is very beneficial, in fact. Since this is a flower that brings harmony and happiness, but only to women, it is best to keep it in the houses where they live.

Feng Shui prohibits keeping orchids in the bedroom, as they can drain energy and cause fatigue, drowsiness, poor concentration and bad dream. Keeping them in a man’s bedroom is strictly contraindicated according to the science of Feng Shui. Flowers can be kept in the living room, hallway, kitchen, guest room. You can grow orchids anywhere in the house, but not in the bedroom. It is also necessary to focus on the color of the plant itself.

It will be best if you grow an orchid yourself, then it will definitely love you and bring you a lot of pleasure and joy. No matter where the orchids stand, you must remember that it is in your power to receive only benefit and good luck from flowers.

Video “About the location of the orchid in the apartment”

From this video you will learn how to choose the right place for an orchid in an apartment.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to keep orchids at home, the signs differ. It is difficult to find a domestic flower about which there would be so many conflicting superstitions.

In the article:

Orchid - the oldest flower

The orchid is a very beautiful flower that is loved by many. The first mention of this plant dates back to the 7th century BC, but some experts who study plants are confident that the orchid has been known to man much longer. This is one of the most ancient flowers that for a long time was considered a symbol of purity, purity, perfection, divine beauty and harmony.

People of the past considered the orchid to be a flower of the chosen ones among people who had some kind of talent - creative or oratorical, as well as attractive appearance. It was given to beloved girls, expressing their respect and admiration for the object of admiration, showing the purity of their thoughts.

As one of the most ancient flowers, there are many superstitions about the orchid. Some of them are based on the difficulties of artificial cultivation of this plant, and some - on personal experience our ancestors, who is worth believing.

Orchid in the house - bad omens

Most of the signs endow orchids with properties that should absolutely not be allowed to be kept in the house. It is believed that such plants draw vital energy from people who live with it under the same roof. Even the teachings of Feng Shui do not argue with this, which is favorable to most plants and encourages a large number of flowers in the house. This is due to the fact that the pollen of some types of orchids lulls you to sleep.

There is also an opinion that the orchid is muzhegon, but this is not entirely correct. Indeed, this is a female plant that benefits only the fair sex, enhancing femininity, attractiveness and other inherent qualities. The orchid has a negative effect on a man, making him pampered and even effeminate. Therefore, it is not recommended to place them in rooms where married couples, men and even little boys live.

Bad omens about orchids in the house do not prohibit their cultivation, but they do impose a number of restrictions. As a vampire, like most house flowers, they are active at night, so avoid placing orchids in bedrooms. In addition, you should make sure that the men in your family have as little contact as possible with this plant. Put it away where they spend the least amount of time, such as the kitchen. This is a plant for women, and men’s offices and rooms are not decorated with it.

Signs and superstitions about orchids of a positive nature

As mentioned above, there is nothing against breeding, but subject to the above precautions. Then they will not have any negative meaning and will serve as a real talisman for any woman, helping to develop talents and engage in creativity. Only in order for the plant to treat you well, you should properly care for it and prevent diseases and wilting of the orchid.

An orchid can prolong and even restore youth, health and good mood women. It gives attractiveness and enhances all feminine qualities and character traits. With the help of this home flower, you can expel negativity from your home and attract positive energy into it. At the same time, pay attention to color, because specimens of different colors have different effects.

This plant can also be your protector. If you have a guest who is planning evil against you, the orchid will definitely drive him away, causing you to feel unwell and want to urgently leave your apartment. Secret and obvious enemies who had to face an orchid protecting its owner experience headaches, various anxiety states and other disorders.

Signs about the color of an orchid

Representatives of the teachings of Feng Shui believe that this is different and can have absolutely different meanings, based on the color of its flowers.

Red and purple orchids will help overcome laziness. They are perfect for girls on a diet, quitting smoking or starting to lead healthy image life. Such a plant will help you with the help of your willpower. Red flowers will help you do what you have always put off until tomorrow or were planning to start next Monday.

Yellow orchids bring material wealth and help to reach the top of the career ladder. The same applies to orange flowers. They encourage activity and an active lifestyle. Great for people who feel that they vital energy exhausted, suffer from laziness or the inability to begin implementing their ideas. They are great for supporting creative people and helping them find inspiration.

White and pink flowers help to find inner harmony for those who have no idea what it is. They are definitely needed for girls who see the world in black colors and suffer from depression or melancholy. In addition, pink will help you gain charm and inner attractiveness.

The most popular and widespread exotic plant today is orchid Phalaenopsis. We choose it for its elegant appearance; who doesn’t want to have beautiful, sophisticated flowers on the windowsill.

Phalaenopsis got its name for its resemblance to a butterfly; translated from Greek it means “Like a butterfly.”

If you dream of an elegant plant with big flowers on a strong stem up to 90 cm in length, then stop your search at Phalaenopsis. There are many hybrids in different shades, including pink, white, red, purple, blue and yellow, with a variety of flower markings.

But few people think about the specifics of caring for it. Many were already burned in the first stages of cultivation, and the orchid died.

Let's look in detail at how to properly grow an orchid at home. So that she delights with her lush flowering every day. When choosing Phalaenopsis in a flower shop, pay attention to the color of the root system; if it is green, without dry or rotten roots, then do not hesitate to take this specimen.

For flawless development at home, lighting is necessary, temperature regime, watering, fertilizing and replanting.

Orchid care - lighting

Orchid tropical plant so she needs bright, but not straight sunlight. If you leave plants in the sun for a long time, they can get burned.

The preferred place for it would be a window with some shade. It requires taking into account that the plant reaches for the light, and therefore it must be regularly rotated 180 degrees.


The ideal temperature in summer will be about +20-25 degrees. The permissible temperature drop is up to +4 – 5 degrees. If you want flowering to occur faster, lower the temperature by 5 degrees at night. Or slightly reduce watering in July and June.


The orchid loves a humid environment, it should be at least 30%. During the growing season, water abundantly, also spray once a day with warm, settled water, and ideally distilled.

To provide sufficient moisture to the plant, use two pots, the first transparent in which the flower was sold, the second special with a recess for drainage, it is better to take expanded clay or small pebbles. Just pour drainage into the bottom, place a flower in it in a transparent pot, and water it generously.

This way the root system will not rot, but excess moisture will flow into the tray with expanded clay.

A transparent pot will also provide control over the root system. IN winter time it is necessary to reduce watering. And when spraying, avoid getting water on flowers and leaves - this can lead to their rotting.

Conditions of care

The orchid flower is not whimsical and gets along well indoors, but still for better growth and abundant flowering she needs feeding. In stores, buy liquid fertilizer that dissolves in water, and dilute it as written in the instructions.

It is important to know that you cannot feed the plant if the soil is dry. Water first and only then fertilize. After flowering, cut the stem to the second lower bud, and treat the cut area with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can also remove the old shoot completely.


When the bush is deformed or you see dried and rotten roots, you need to do a mandatory replanting. To do this you will need a new substrate, a new pot and sharp scissors.

Remove the bush from the old pot, clean the root system of excess soil and dried roots, rinse in warm water and place until completely dry soft cloth. Then take a pot, place the plant in it and fill it with soil, carefully aerial roots you can't fall asleep.

To ensure proper care, take care of the correct high-quality soil for orchids; it should consist of pine bark, coal and moss.

In the photo below, see the transplantation of a young Phalaenopsis orchid into a larger pot. I won’t describe it too much, and everything can be seen in the photographs.

Orchid seedlings that need to be transplanted into a larger container.

This plant is 6 months old, which already requires replanting. Through drainage holes The photo shows how the roots of the plant are intertwined.

Tools and everything necessary for transplantation.

Carefully pull the orchid out of the pot. For your attention are the white, healthy roots of the plant with green tips. The upper leaves of orchid seedlings are much larger than the lower ones, which confirms proper care throughout the growing season.

You cannot use the “old” substrate, the earthen mixture, even if it seems to you that it is still very good. Gently clear away any old moss from the roots.

This great chance carefully examine the entire root system. Pay special attention to the roots located in the center of the pot. Brown and soft roots need to be removed! I hope you won’t find them, and if you do, it will be in small quantities.

In our case, pieces of lightweight polystyrene foam that was neutral to the roots of the plant were used as drainage.

Expanded clay is often used as drainage to protect against harmful chemicals contained in these pebbles of artificial origin, the entire plant and the root system in particular suffer.

The photo shows how the roots have grown through the foam. It's okay, just be careful. Break it open and free the roots.

We remove all diseased and broken roots just above the rot and damage.

A pot in which an orchid grew.

A new pot, one size larger, which is ideal for young seedlings.

This is what it should look like.
We pack the roots into the substrate. Given that loving care According to Phalaenopsis, the orchid adapts to any density, but the denser the roots are, the longer the moisture will be retained, which means the less watering the plant will require.

And now the same thing, only in finished form.

Especially for scrupulous flower growers or happy owners of a large number different types orchids, it is recommended to leave a tag in the pot. On it you can indicate the name, date of transplantation, whether the flower bloomed or not, and any other information needed in the future.

Place the transplanted Phalaenopsis orchid in a more shaded area for a few days, and then return it to normal germination conditions.

These are basically all the basic requirements for the best growth and development of your exotic green friend.

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