Sleds for fishing in winter - step-by-step instructions, drawings, diagrams and tips. DIY trough sled Homemade sled for winter fishing

Any fishing trip not only brings joy, but also brings a lot of worries into the process. A fisherman on winter fishing needs to take with him quite a lot of different things and equipment: a tent, an ice auger, a fishing box, etc.

It’s simply impossible not to take some of the equipment: without an ice drill, you won’t be able to make a hole, without a box you won’t be able to sit comfortably, there will be nowhere to keep the bait and equipment, and without a tent there will be no warmth and comfort during the fishing process. Therefore, it is necessary to have everything. But moving on ice, and even more so on a snow-covered surface, with such a load is not easy, especially when changing places frequently. It is to facilitate the movement of the fisherman that special sleds are required, designed for winter fishing.

On the frozen reservoir you can always admire sleighs of various designs, both store-bought and homemade.

Sled with metal runners

Such models usually come in two versions: non-collapsible and folding. Previously, only such sleds were used for winter fishing trips. Iron sleds have a very rigid structure and significant load capacity. Things are placed on a cargo area made of wooden slats, plastic or fiberboard.

The disadvantages of such sleds include their difficulty in moving through deep snow: when the thickness of the snow cover is higher than the distance between the base of the skis and the upper plane, the sled is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to pull. The problem is narrow skis that are not able to hold the sled on the snow. Such sleds are convenient and easy to pull on covered with a low layer of snow and clean ice or even on trampled snow.

Plastic sled for fishermen

Such models are made of frost-resistant plastic; they are made in the form of a trough with a ski-shaped front part. For smooth and stable movement along the course, they have stiffening ribs on the bottom that act as runners. Plastic sleds? most best option transport for winter fishing. Having a wide base, such sleds do not fall through and move without difficulty even on recently fallen snow.

Due to the low sides, rubber straps must be used to secure fishing equipment and things, holes for which should be made along the sides with your own hands. The cost of plastic sleds depends on the size and quality of the material. Their dimensions should be selected based on the number of things being transported; usually the size should be selected to suit fishing box.

But the most durable, reliable and comfortable are considered to be hand-made fishing sleds; when making them, the fisherman takes into account all his capabilities and wishes.

Making a sled for winter fishing with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Such homemade vehicles can be made from wood, aluminum, plastic pipes, metal and other available materials.

Homemade fishing sled made of aluminum

To make a lightweight sled, you will need a sheet of aluminum and a profile made of the same material. Their dimensions are selected based on the full capacity of the transported equipment and the size of the fishing box. Such a sled has three main parts: two side walls, bottom and runners. Their production occurs in several stages:

Wooden homemade sleigh

Also, a good sled for winter fishing can be made from wood. Before manufacturing, you will need to carry out the necessary calculations and select the material. It is better to use pine boards; it is easy to process, but other wood species can also be used. Having decided on the material, you can begin making the sleigh parts. You will need:

  • boards;
  • wood glue;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • electric drill and other woodworking tools.

On two boards intended for runners, in the front part, using a compass, draw semicircles and cut them out with a jigsaw.

Drill holes on the runners to strengthen the transverse bars; the parts must be connected using round tenons with glue. After installing the crossbars, it is advisable to strengthen the structure by installing transverse strips on round spikes in the front and rear of the runners. After complete drying adhesive joints trim, where necessary, the protruding tips of the tenons and sand everything with sandpaper.

On the board intended for the seat and installation of the fishing box, it is necessary to cut grooves to connect it with the runners. You will need to glue bars into the back of the skis in those places where the runners will connect to the board for the seat and installation of the box. Starting from the rounded part of the runners from below, an aluminum or steel strip is attached to them with screws.

Before starting assembly, be sure to adjust all finished elements and check the accuracy of the connections. All manufactured parts must be well sanded and coated with waterproof varnish. Assembly should be carried out using self-tapping screws and special waterproof adhesive composition. After finishing the work, install the fishing box on the sled, put the necessary things for fishing and check the product for strength.

For convenient operation of the sled, drill the required number of holes along the edges to attach an elastic band that will hold the load.

How to carry winter gear? Of course, on a sled, on a children’s plastic sled, called “KORYTO” in the fishing community. On store shelves, now not only for children's products, but also for fishermen, there are several standard sizes of such sleds. They can vary in size, shape and bottom profile.

If your company has been going fishing by car for years, then it makes sense to purchase exactly the same type of “troughs”. By folding them like a nesting doll, you can very noticeably minimize their volume by placing them in the trunk or in the cabin. Or even by placing a “trough” on the external trunk or arches.

I’ll say right away that I wasn’t the first to come up with the idea of ​​using them for fishing. The theme of ordinary children's sleds was developed more. We tried to put them on skis. We glued fiberglass boxes and placed them on fluoroplastic “slides”. But when I first saw children's sleds on the ice, I realized that they surpassed my technical search in all respects.

Why are they so attractive?
Made from frost-resistant and impact-resistant plastic.
Can be stored in any conditions.
Being deformed during storage, they return to their shape after the load is removed.
They do not require special care, are lightweight, and have enough internal volume for winter luggage.
The large support area allows you to transport fairly heavy loads even on loose snow.
They can be used in conjunction with a backpack or fishing box.
And most importantly, they can be somewhat modernized, bringing them even closer to our fishing needs.

He didn’t stupidly copy what he saw, but immediately ran to the store to get them, and when he brought them home, he first of all listened to the malicious ridicule of his family. Like: “Which mermaids are you going to take fishing?” or “You rarely bring so much fish!”

But the plan for tuning them was already ripening in my head, so, having taken out necessary tool, I got down to business. The first is the towing eye. For this, steel wire (better if it is stainless steel) with a diameter of approximately 2.0-3.0 mm is best suited.

For the production of technological loops on the sides after several trial options I took pieces of stainless steel cable with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 mm. The holes for the eye and hinges are perfectly fused with hot heat. gas burner a nail whose diameter is equal to two diameters of the workpiece wire, that is, 4-6 mm.

For fastening tow rope I used a carabiner, so the diameter of the eye ring is arbitrary. To limit movement and not to break the holes in the plastic, I used two lock washers. The wire eyelet is fixed by bending the ends of the workpiece into different sides(type “mustache”).

When making side loops from wire, I proceeded from the dimensions of the elastic shock absorber hook. The stopper for the loop is a flattened small piece of thin-walled metal pipe.

During transportation, the trough is empty, but on the ice there is a folding chair and a backpack. To avoid losing all this along the way, I use elastic shock absorbers.

Today we’ll talk about such equipment as a fishing boat. Not the one that carp anglers use to bring in bait, but the gear that was used by our ancestors for long-distance fishing before the invention of spinning and fly fishing.

The boat, or sleigh, works on the same principle as a water kite. Due to the peculiarities of the shape and fastening of the cord, under the influence of current or wind, it is able to move away from the shore a considerable distance. Use in latest models reverse allows you to change the direction of movement of the water glider to the opposite.

Places of application

And in our time of advanced gear, there are places and conditions in which a boat for fishing can be indispensable. In addition, many anglers simply like this type of fishing, it is sporty, exciting and fills the body with adrenaline when biting and fishing.

Thus, this tackle is used in the following cases:

  • when fishing at a very long distance with surface baits;
  • under the banks with tree branches hanging over them;
  • in overgrown reservoirs with the impossibility of placing spinning baits;
  • when the fisherman likes this method.

The best and easiest way to use boat fishing is in bodies of water with a current, where the force of the water flow presses on the surface.

In still water they fish using the power of the wind, in the calm air glider will not fly, and the aquatic one will not swim. About the design features for different conditions Let's talk below.

How it works?

For an inquisitive mind, it is always important to know not only how a mechanism works, but also why it happens. In the case of a boat, everything can be explained using the example of the oldest such gear.

Reconstruction of a fishing boat

Imagine a piece of log about 40 centimeters long and 10 centimeters in diameter. The ends of this stake were sharpened, and two ropes were attached to them, one 20 centimeters long and the other 40 centimeters long. The rope was tied at this point, often on a ring, and to a working cord with a garland of two or three thin leashes was tied with it. A certain angle of attack was obtained: the current pressed on the log, and the fisherman, loosening or tightening the main line, maneuvered with the distance from the ship to the shore.

After the bite, the fish were brought ashore along with the boat.

Who is being caught and for what?

This gear is used to catch predators and peaceful fish using surface baits, which can be either natural or artificial, for example:

  • chub;
  • asp;
  • pike;
  • perch;
  • carp;
  • grayling.

Depending on the type of fish, the baits with which the boat is equipped are used, these can be:

  • bread crust;
  • artificial fly fly;
  • live insect;
  • live bait;
  • little frog.


Fishing ships are currently manufactured in the form of catamarans of various modifications. In this case, the near plane or float is made low, and the tackle control elements are attached to it.

The second plane is made larger, and some craftsmen generally make it interchangeable depending on fishing conditions, for example:

  1. A part with a large surface part is better suited for fishing with a boat in a still body of water, using the power of the wind.
  2. The large underwater part is used in weak currents.
  3. In medium and strong currents, the size of the hydrofoil is reduced: the faster the current, the smaller the plane.
  4. For fishing on rifts, where the water glider can overturn, the lower plane is cut out in the shape of a semicircle.

On the near plane there are rings or brackets for attaching the working cord. Usually there are two of them for fishing from one bank or another, depending on the current.

The following rule is observed: if you are standing on the left bank, then attach the working cord to the right ring, if you look at the boat from the side of the fastener, and vice versa.

We remind you that river banks are named by their location relative to the direction of the flow.

Leashes are attached to the working cord with snap hooks or using the loop-to-loop method. The distance from the ship's hull to the first attachment point must be at least two meters. The distance between leashes is usually 1.5 meters with their own length being 350-500 millimeters.

The working line is attached to a large inertial reel with easy movement, for example, the same “Nevskaya”. The diameter of the fishing line depends on the power of the fishing boat and the conditions of use and varies from 0.30 to 0.60 millimeters.

To control the tackle, the reel is mounted on a powerful fishing rod. As it you can use Soviet aluminum forms or products of Chinese comrades under the brand name “Crocodile” or “Alligator”.


The process of fishing on a boat, regardless of fishing conditions, looks like this:

  1. The tackle is placed on the water and waited for it to float away a little under the influence of the current.
  2. Leashes are provided. Their number and the distance between them depends on who you are hunting and what bait you are using.
  3. The ship is equipped, fishing has begun.
  4. By tightening or loosening the fishing line, we bring the glider to the desired fishing distance, where, in our opinion, there are asp, chub, pike or other fish.
  5. At the required distance, depending on the bait used, you can either swim it freely or play along with it in some way.
  6. The bite is determined either visually or felt by hand.


Despite the fact that factory models are already appearing on sale, most fishermen make a fishing boat with their own hands. We will describe the manufacture of the simplest model, in our opinion, the materials for which can be easily purchased in the retail chain.

We will describe a model with average parameters; for fishing in other conditions, the characteristics will need to be changed or additional planes made. The requirements for them were described in the “Design” chapter.

We start making the boat by cutting out the planes. For the sides we use wooden boards, preferably made of hardwood, with a thickness of 12 to 22 millimeters. We draw drawings of the blanks on the board and cut them out along the contour with a jigsaw.

They are trapezoidal in shape with the following dimensions:

  • The large distant plane, also called the leading one, has a height of 120 millimeters, and the bases are 350 and 230 long.
  • The small near trapezoid, or supporting one, is made with a height of 90 millimeters, with base lengths of 300 and 220.

We cut the inclined side edges of the trapezoid obliquely so that they can more easily cut through the wave. After finishing the carpentry work, the planes are ground and impregnated with drying oil. When the drying oil dries, you can paint the sides. To visualize fishing on a boat, parts protruding from the water are painted in White color, you can add stripes of red or yellow. The underwater part is covered with a blue or green color for camouflage.

The planes of the catamaran are connected in several ways:

  • screw studs with nuts;
  • strips of metal;
  • slats on the top of the boat.

The distance between the planes is maintained from one hundred to two hundred millimeters. Two brackets are attached to the supporting plane for fastening the work cord.

Ship under construction

The last thing you need to do is load the planes. To do this, lead or steel plates are attached to them from below. Most of the catamaran, like an iceberg, should be under water, with the exception of models designed for wind pressure.

The ship is ready for launching

Loading must be done so that the structure does not skew to one side. Ideally, the planes should make a right angle with the surface of the water.

Reversible boat

In order to be able to move in different directions, they came up with a device that turns an ordinary ship into a reversible boat. To do this, a special device is attached to the supporting plane or float.

The boat is equipped with a reversing mechanism

The reversing switch consists of the following parts:

  • Base for mounting the mechanism. It could be metal plate, into which a bolt is screwed, which will serve as the axis of the lever.
  • Lever movable on an axis to change direction. It can be made from a strip of metal. The hole in the strip will make it possible to place the lever on the axle and secure it with two nuts.
  • A bracket to protect against line entanglement is placed above the lever. It could be a simple piece of insulated wire.
  • The support for tensioning the elastic is a hook attached at the bottom of the support plane.
  • Rubber band for fixing the lever. Better is an aircraft model or a “whale” one made from a plug.

The mechanism works as follows:

  1. The work cord is attached to a movable arm.
  2. When tensioned, the cord presses the lever to one side, and the elastic pulls it in the opposite direction.
  3. When the cord tension is released, the elastic will return the lever to a position perpendicular to the planes.
  4. A sharp jerk of the cord will throw the lever in the opposite direction, and the direction of movement will change.

To make the mechanism obedient, you need to carefully select the elastic band and its tension under the resistance of the water, so that the reverse does not work spontaneously.

Almost every subglacier has a sled for winter fishing. At first glance, everything is simple - I bought a plastic trough at a fishing store, tied a string, loaded my belongings and off to the ice. But the operating experience of experienced fishermen suggests that even in this moment there are certain nuances, taking into account which significantly facilitates and makes the movement of a fisherman on ice with things more convenient.


Standard fishing sleds are designed to move a fisherman's winter gear across the ice. This is a fishing box, an ice auger (pick), a tent and other equipment. You can hide from the cold wind behind a fishing sled or use it (upside down) as a table in a tent. The caught fish is thrown at them. The following requirements apply to fishing sleds:

  • A light weight;
  • Good glide;
  • Rollover resistance;
  • Capacity, and the sled must fit into the trunk of a car;
  • Ease of moving with them;
  • Resistant to damage.

Previously, when there were no polymer materials, winter roads used ordinary sleds or homemade ones from boxes and skis. Plastic drag sleds made of solid polyethylene meet all these requirements. In addition, they are cheap, durable, and available for purchase in all fishing stores.

Plastic drags

A fishing sled is a trough-shaped container with sides. Thanks to this, they are roomy, the sides do not allow things to fall from them. The corrugated surface of the bottom in the form of runners glides well over snow and ice. Polyethylene is durable, allowing the use of plastic fishing sleds to transport heavy loads over long distances at high speeds (for example, on a snowmobile).

On sale you can find sleds for winter fishing from various manufacturers, Chinese ones are cheaper, European ones are more expensive. The price also depends on the quality of the material. Cheap Chinese fishing sleds are thin and wear out when used on a snowmobile or after long treks. Thick-walled ones are more expensive, more durable, but heavier.

When choosing a winter fishing sled, you should pay attention to the size and height of the sides. Wide ones roll over less, but they can cause problems when moving along narrow paths in the forest. You need to choose the golden mean. Experienced fishermen advise Special attention pay attention to the height of the sides - it should be at least 20 centimeters.

Finalization of drags

After purchasing a winter sled for fishing, you need to modify it yourself. Improvements increase performance characteristics. Fishing baskets from the store are just a plastic trough. At a minimum, you need to tie a rope to them for transportation. In the simplest version, two holes are drilled in the front part through which a cord is passed and tied. Correct fastening– two-point, and the holes should be located on both sides at an equal distance from the extreme corners. When pulled, the rope should form isosceles triangle, otherwise during transportation they will not go straight, but will be pulled to the left or right. Experienced fishermen advise fastening the cord (strap) not at the points of the front part, but along the sides at several identical fastening points. This is relevant when transporting heavy loads (especially for snowmobiles).

Plastic sleds for fishing are often placed additional systems straps and tie downs to secure the load. The simplest option is to use special elastic braces passed through special fasteners or holes in the sides. How more load– the more solid these fastenings and ropes should be.

To protect against rubbing, home-made reinforcements are installed on the bottom of the sled for winter fishing, for example, overlays on the linoleum joint. Convenient, practical and reliable.

To protect equipment from precipitation, an awning is made of nylon fabric, with a tightening elastic band around the perimeter. When arriving at the place, you can turn them over, put them on your shoulders using special belts and sit with your back to the wind - some kind of shelter, after all. Do-it-yourself plastic fishing sleds are useful and necessary equipment for a fisherman.

Other types

Fishing drags can be various designs. For special connoisseurs, we present other possible designs of this device.

Inflatable sleds for winter fishing made of rubber or PVC can probably come in handy in some cases. Main value– small size for transportation. Disadvantages - you need to pump it up when arriving at the place. Naturally, they are short-lived and easily damaged by hummocks or elements of equipment.

On skids

Fishing sleds on runners in various designs are the grandfathers of modern plastic drags; even now they can sometimes be found on reservoirs in winter. A variety of metal, wooden, and children's structures can also be used as drag nets for winter fishing. Often fishermen make them themselves. The simplest option- a box with runners made from old skis attached to it.

Interesting option - Finnish sled For fishing. Neither are runners with pads, upon which a person stands with one foot and pushes the structure forward with the other foot. In front there is a stool with a compartment for equipment. They are suitable for long treks with little equipment. You can sit on a stool while fishing. A storage box can be mounted in the back. Collapsible Finnish fishing sleds can be easily folded for transportation in a car, and on a pond the structure turns over, protecting the fisherman from the wind. Folding Finnish sleigh For fishing they are used by fishermen in Scandinavia, but in our country plastic drag nets are more common. For long trips it is easier to use a backpack and skis.

A real, experienced fisherman always has additional equipment. For winter fishing, it is advisable to have a tent, ice auger, fishing rod, box, and so on. In this case, a lot depends on the fishing conditions of a particular region. If a body of water is somewhere nearby, then special problems does not arise. In such conditions, you can hide from bad weather at any time and return to take what you accidentally left at home.

If it takes a long time to get to a reservoir, then you need to have a device that could facilitate the process of movement.

The fact is that moving in winter, especially with all the equipment, is very difficult. Not only does clothing restrict movement, but you also need to carry equipment. But if you have a sled for fishing in winter, then this problem can be solved. In addition, if you approach this problem correctly, the sled can have more advanced functionality. For example, a sled can serve as a stool or a tent.

There are a huge number of different designs of sleds specifically for fishing. Sleds on metal runners are widely popular. Sleds can be either folding or solid. Unfortunately, such sleds move well on ice, but on snow, and even with a load, this is a problem. Alternatively, instead of runners, you can use children's skis, then there will be no problems with moving on the snow.

In this regard, many anglers began to switch to plastic structures with wide runners that do not fall through the snow. At the same time, such structures have low sides, which can be considered a disadvantage, since the load has to be secured additionally. Despite this, this factor suits many winter fishing enthusiasts.

How to make a fishing sled with your own hands

Anyone can assemble such a structure. The main thing is to decide what kind of sleds you need and with which ones. functionality. If you need a sled to deliver fishing equipment to a fishing spot, then it can be made from wood, plastic, aluminum or iron. It all depends on the capabilities of the fisherman and the purpose of the sled.

Metal sleds can be made either collapsible or non-collapsible. More recently, other designs simply did not exist. The metal construction is rigid and solid foundation, on top of which there is a platform of wooden boards or from plywood. This is the so-called cargo area, which is used for transporting cargo. Their only drawback is the difficulty of operating in snowy areas. Due to the fact that the runners are narrow, they sink in the snow and a person needs to expend a lot of effort to move them, and even when loaded.

Similar plastic sleds are made in the form of a trough. They have good performance characteristics. They move without problems both on ice and snow. In this case, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the structure and workmanship. Although many argue that such a design is not difficult to make on your own.

Wooden sleds are very popular. This is the most affordable and easily processed material, and structures made from it will last long years. The main thing is to have the following tools and materials on hand:

  • pine boards;
  • wood glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • electric drill, etc.

Manufacturing technology

  1. You need to take two boards from which two runners will be made. The appropriate shape should be drawn on them and cut out with a jigsaw.
  2. The runners need to be fastened together. For this, cross bars of the appropriate size are used. The connection may consist of glue and round tenons.
  3. To strengthen the structure, additional transverse strips are attached to the front and back of the runners, mounted with glue and spikes.
  4. For a more aesthetic appearance, all excess is cut off and cleaned well.
  5. The board, which will serve as a cargo platform in the future, is prepared for subsequent fastening by cutting out all the necessary grooves and drilling the corresponding holes.
  6. An additional bar for fastening is attached to the back of the 2 runners.
  7. The places where the runners are rounded are reinforced with strips of aluminum or iron. This is necessary so that various obstacles do not damage the runners of the sled.
  8. Before final assembly It is better to check all the parts for proper size. At the same time, you need to make sure that all elements are sanded and coated with waterproof varnish.

After the sled is assembled, it should be tested for strength by placing on it all the equipment that is used in winter fishing. Only after this does it make sense to take them with you.

Factory-made fishing sled

For those who do not want to spend their time making sleds, there is the opportunity to purchase ready-made ones at a retail outlet.

  • This is a light and, at the same time, durable sled, weighing 10.4 kg.
  • They are roomy and have dimensions: 165x81x43 cm.
  • Relatively high sides.
  • Transports well on icy surfaces.

This is a very light sled, weighing 3.6 kg, which is easy to transport by hand. They are made of polyethylene, which is not afraid subzero temperatures. Thanks to the presence of wide skids, as well as a low center of gravity, they are stable under all operating conditions.

Some anglers use baby sleds for their fishing needs. If they are available, there is no need to specially make or buy sleds. Unfortunately, in the presence of noticeable snow cover, problems arise with their operation. In addition, these sleds are not intended for fishing and you will have to come up with additional elements.

This is the most simple design, which are very easy to transport as they take up very little space. Unfortunately, such sleds do not fit many accessories necessary for winter fishing. In addition, inflatable parts are not particularly reliable.

Such sleds have a number of advantages. Firstly, they are quite spacious, and secondly, they will pass over any surface without any problems, due to the wide contact plane. The main material is plastic, which is not afraid of frost. They are easy to move on ice or snow using a regular rope. These sleds have high sides, which securely holds the load inside the structure.

Due to the use of lightweight material, the sled itself is not heavy, which means it is easy to use. There are structures that are attached to the snowmobile. This is especially true when there is a long hike ahead. Naturally, such conditions require more spacious sleds, up to 2 meters long.

How to make a drag sled with your own hands

Dragging sleds are not at all difficult to make with your own hands. For this you can use any available material, from wood to metal. The simplest design is wooden. This is what is being done for wooden frame, consisting of two runners and two bars connecting these runners. A sheet of plywood is attached to the beams on top or ordinary boards are stuffed. A metal handle or hitch must then be attached to the structure so that the sled can be moved by the snowmobile. If you use metal instead of wood, the structure will be much stronger, considering that you will have to move quite far.

In this case, special attention should be paid to the strength of the coupling mechanism. To make it, you can use two pieces of pipe, one of the ends of which should be attached directly to the frame of the sled.

Option for attaching to sleds

  • Holes are made around the entire perimeter of the sled.
  • Metal cables with a special fastening should be inserted into each of the holes. Moreover, rubber bands must also be used for fastening, which always guarantee reliable fastening of the entire contents of the sled.
  • For ease of use, you will need a rope, which is attached to special bolts attached to the sled frame. The rope can be folded in four, and its length can reach about 20 meters.

Finnish fishermen widely use such sleds, while domestic fishermen do not really recognize them. The design consists of a chair, which is located on runners. Its advantage is that you can sit on it both while driving and while fishing. They are very convenient for moving fishing equipment.

DIY Finnish sleigh for fishing

First you need to provide yourself with tools and materials:

  • Prepare sheet steel.
  • Wooden blocks made of pine or other wood.
  • A metal rod with threads on both sides.
  • Metal linings.
  • Tires.
  • Bolts.
  • Screws.

Assembling the sled contains the following steps:

  1. The steel leaves bend on both sides.
  2. In front of the resulting runners, two holes are made for a metal rod.
  3. At the back, where the angler will stand with his feet, rubber pads are mounted. They will prevent slipping under the influence of snow.
  4. The dimensions of the structure must be proportional. The upper bar, in size, should be shorter than the distance between the runners.
  5. At a distance of 1 meter from the curved edge, weld on both sides along the strip. To do this, you need to use beveled beams with self-tapping screws.
  6. Horizontal posts should be welded to the rod, in the center of the metal sheets.
  7. It is better to make the seat and back wooden. If you use your imagination and ingenuity, you can create a real masterpiece for winter fishing.

If you have a snowmobile, then you also need a sled. Many fishermen have become convinced that a sled is a useful thing. The main thing is to determine which design is more suitable for specific fishing conditions. It can be a drag sleigh or a classic sleigh with two runners.

As mentioned above, such sleds can be made at home. By the way, if you try, you can make a snowmobile. There are a lot of interesting and simple designs on the Internet that can be easily replicated at home.

Purchased sleds, as a rule, require some modifications, although not significant:

  • To inner surface If the sleds are not covered in ice, they should be treated with a silicone-based lubricant or a special ski wax.
  • For driving in the dark, reflective elements should be attached to the sides of the sled.
  • It wouldn’t hurt to attach a folding chair to such a sled to make fishing more convenient.


Each angler, depending on his capabilities, determines what he needs for fishing. Some fishermen give preference to purchased mechanisms and devices, due to their capabilities, while others, also due to their capabilities and skills, try to do something with their own hands. Sleds are no exception here, since they useful thing Anyway. If you have a long journey ahead, then carrying everything on your shoulders is extremely difficult and difficult. Therefore, sleds can alleviate such a difficult task for the winter fisherman.

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