Choice of profession for those born under the sign of water. Water purification work: what professions will be in demand in the future

Yana Sapegina
Open lesson for preparatory group in swimming. "Nautical professions"

Tasks: Reinforce the idea of professions related to water.

Create play situations in which children can perform a wide range of swimming movements

Cultivate a positive, respectful attitude towards each other, a desire to compete amicably, without offense.

Improving technology swimming sports ways.

Introductory part.

On the land: question children:

Which ones do you know professions related to water? Children's answers

What cargo water transport do you know?

What kind of passenger water transport do you know?

Guys, picture cars moving in water:

Underwater excavator – breaststroke arms

Bucket dredge - dolphin arms

Boat – hands crawl on back

Now let’s go down into the water, today you will be people who work on and under water!

On the water:

Warm-up: 1 exercise – dolphin swimming 2 laps

Exercise 2 – breaststroke 2 laps

Exercise 3 – swimming backstroke 2 laps

Exercise 4 – crawl swimming 2 laps

Main part.

Relay races:

1. Rescuers: on the opposite side of the pool from the children behind the track there are balls (drowning people swimming behind the buoy). The team's task is to save as much as possible more people. Swim there with the crawl and back with the ball on your back.

2. Barge captain: one child (barge) swims arms breaststroke, second (captain) holds him by the legs. The captains' task is to control the barge without causing collisions. Each child on the team must be both a barge and a captain.

3. Diver - construction worker: Each team member swims like a dolphin with a hoop in his hands, on the opposite side of the pool, installs the hoop to ultimately create a tunnel. Swim back with your arms like a dolphin and your legs like a crawl. The teams' task is to build an underwater tunnel.

4. Divers cleaning up bodies of water: Children clean the pond from garbage (collection of drowning toys)

Final part.

A game "raft".

Diving into the water from the side from a sitting position.

The sun's rays penetrated through the glass, into the windows, illuminating even the darkest corners in it. Getting on magic stones and distorting in them, they created a flickering. Near the teacher’s desk, there was a stand with a large scroll with an image attached to it. The office is empty and a little scented with incense while there are no students, so that the aroma dissipates a little and becomes more delicate and acceptable to the olfactory organs.

Seven minutes later, the office was filled with voices of children discussing something near the stand with the image.Mrs. Crean hurried to the door, closing it behind her.

- Hello! I hear you have already started the lecture without me, - Smiling, she walked to her table and pointed the children towards their desks.

- Today, pillows are canceled, since the lecture will be big, and you will need to show not only good memory and attentiveness, but also intelligence. Let's continue..

Today we’ll talk about the five elements (five energies). Yes, in addition to the energies of Qi, Sha, Yin-Yang and others, there are the energies of the five elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. According to Chinese philosophy, these five energies are the fundamental energies of the universe. Therefore, they are present everywhere and in everything. Each of these energies has both Yin and Yang properties. Energies are reborn - one into another, interact.

She smoothly waved her wand in the air.

-The five elements form a circle and have a strict sequence, since each previous element generates the next one after it. These five elements are the embodiments of the phases of Qi. It looks like this, let's see:

Take a look - pointed with a wand at the image.

Fire gives birth to earth, earth gives birth to-> metal, metal -> water, water -> wood, wood -> fire

This is such a vicious circle. So we subdivide thiscircle into cycles:

1. Cycle of generation (creation, compatibility)

2.Destruction cycle

3.Softening cycle

And as you understand, this vicious circle is a generation.

Destruction, represented by a diagram, - pointed her hand towards the stand, where a star appeared inside the circle.

- Yes, it is in the form of a pentagonal star that the cycle of destruction is indicated. It is characterized like this:

Water extinguishes fire -> he melts metal -> metal cuts and destroys wood -> a tree drills its roots into the soil -> the earth absorbs water.

Look what it looks like:

And lastly, the softening cycle. We can see it in the previous cycle, look at the second picture. Those elements that are located between the elements of destruction are their softeners.

That is, this is how it manifests itself:

A tree -> absorbing water does not allow it -> to extinguish the fire, the soil extinguishes the fire -> not allowing it to melt the metal, a tree that has absorbed water -> resists the destruction of metal, fire absorbing a tree -> turning into soil -> softens the conflict of these elements.

The goal of Feng Shui is to establish balance between the elements.

Now, regarding which directions, qualities, animals, symbols, emotions, colors and phenomena correspond to each element, write down:

Fire - red, color; south; summer; triangle, horse, candles, activity.

Earth - yellow and color; end of summer; center; square, dragon, crystals, security.

Metal - white, golden; autumn; west; circle, rooster, metal, insight.

Water - black and color; winter; north; wavy shapes, rat, aquarium, peace of mind.

Tree - green color; spring; East; rectangle, tiger, plants, desire for spiritual growth.

These energies are present in every person, they are very important for our health and well-being, so that they are in balance and harmony within ourselves.

From birth we have a certain type of energy, and some energies may be in short supply. Therefore, in the process of life, we strive to make up for that very deficiency. I will tell you about how one or another energy (element) in which it predominates affects a person’s character.

Therefore, we will now determine what energy influenced you at the moment of birth. All you need is a little bit. Chinese wisdom says that every year is marked by the influences of one of the five elements, and a person born in a certain year, to which a certain element (energy) corresponds, will have corresponding qualities in his character. But the main thing is that the elements influence fate, they will tell you what path is intended and where to look for luck. And so, let's determine our element of the year, mark it on parchment.

If the last digit of your year of birth is 0 or 1, then the year is ruled by metal. If the year ends in 2 or 3- element of water, 4 or 5- tree, 6 or 7- fire , 8-9-Earth.Now, you can find out in which direction to look for your luck, - She pointed to the scroll.

· Fire

To attract good luck in life, a person born under this element should develop such innate qualities as: Optimism, romanticism, joy of life, the ability to joke, be creative, self-directed. You need to be able to lead (showing your “energy”, so to speak.) you leader. To be the center of attention, These people should be associated with communication, that is, working in a team, but in no case alone, this does not suit you. That is, you are inherent in such professions as: Leader of any groups, teacher ( lecturer), director, TV presenter, artist, organizer of anything. But you should avoid professions related to WATER energy. But you are also quite hot-tempered and selfish, harsh and aggressive, which you should suppress a little in yourself.. You are quite emotional, you vigorously express your feelings (joy, grief).

· Earth

These people have such qualities as: reliability, constancy, peacefulness, concentration, working alone (a job where you will not be noticeable is suitable here, but a lot will depend on your activities) That is, it will not be you, but someone else who will be the leader different, but your work will be more important than the one who manages everything. The following professions correspond to you: Artist, Musician, Designer, Economics. But more everything related to nature - Biology, Agriculture, gardening, you can grow indoor flowers. As for the character of people, they are the opposite of fire people, so to speak. Calm and stable, even phlegmatic. They are afraid of change, and the slightest change leads to despondency and depression. But they are very generous, reliable and modest.

· Metal

Those who have metal energy are freedom-loving, independent, strong. Fighters from birth, one might say. You are active, but you lack organization and order. Independent. Owning your own business is where you will succeed best of all. Therefore, any type of business is suitable. Professions where a lot depends on you and with increased risk to for example: Rescuers, bodyguards, work in the Ministry of Magic (in the Auror department), as well as doctors. And due to your composure, impartiality, you can become good lawyers, judges, investigators. The mood is changeable, unpredictable, you often change your mind, but you are confident that you are right. Attractive, passionate and emotional.

. Water

People with water energies are soft and have internal flexibility, sensitivity, mobility. Adaptability and the ability to change, that is, not be afraid of change. The ability to sympathize and understand. Sociability. Such qualities will help a person succeed. Any regimes, routines, or monotony are contraindicated. That is, work related to the working day “from start to finish” is not yours. It is important for you to be and feel free. Just like fire people, water people are creative people. A little restless and sensitive. Often they cannot understand themselves. Prone to anxiety. Constant communication and movement are required. You are inherent in such professions as: Travelers, journalists, travel agency workers, translators, show business figures, traveling theater, circus, mail delivery, swimming trainers, sailors.

. Tree

And finally, people of wood energy are Independent. Artistic. Resistant to external influences and calm. Lovers of new things. Inventive and resourceful. They are looking for unconventional ways. They strive for internal growth and development. Balanced, charming, willing and able to help others, have good taste, love beauty, need aesthetics. You need a profession where you can show your ingenuity, experiment, add new ideas. But for this there is not enough sometimes perseverance. And unfortunately, things may not be completed. That is, you need a profession that requires experimentation and search: Design, Florist, Fashion Designer, Decorator. Everything related to aesthetics is yours.

I looked at the tired students,- Now, please, write down your homework.


1. Tell us about the elements. What they are. What are their inherent qualities, phenomena, colors, emotions, animals and symbols (3 examples each, which are not in the lecture).

2.What do they (the elements) influence and how?

3.Tell about cycles. How they happen.

4. Determine your element and write. Compare with the characteristics and write which traits you have the same. Perhaps you will notice that some trait is present in you from another element. Write that down too.

Additional task (essay and drawing)

1) "Write about yourself and your character. What you would like to add and what you would like to remove. What would you like to become in the future. Are your proposed professions suitable for you"

2) Drawing (how I represent the 5 circulating elements (energies)).

You can make two additional ones and send them on one piece of parchment.

It is very important that a person lives his life correctly. Of course, these are boring words: “correctly”, “as it should”. But it’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as a calling. It’s clear that if this is your calling - to heal people, to teach, to be an artist, an artist. Since childhood, we all dream of a high calling. Children often voice their desire to be someone very important, significant, and useful. But as children, we measure many things by the standards of our parents. On their words, encouraging or, conversely, disparaging certain professions, we build our first estimates of “who to be.” “An astronaut is cool,” or “If you study poorly, you will get revenge,” etc. But some people also work as a janitor, others as a sanitation worker, an orderly, a plumber, a salesperson, a cleaner. Remember the slogan: “All professions are needed - all professions are important.” So it turns out that we need prestigious ones, and not very prestigious ones, and not even prestigious ones at all, but no less important for that.

How to understand your vocation?
By analyzing the bazi map, we can suggest and advise a person in which industry and which job to choose.
After all, you can work as an accountant in a hospital, in a fire department, and in the executive committee. What is different here, what is the difference? A hospital is a resource or wood, a fire department is fire, an executive committee is power or metal.

So it turns out that for choosing a profession You also need to look at the industry, which is selected based on the element that is useful on the map. And profession - according to ten personality types. But you need to take into account that a useful element must be in the map, at least somewhere, or come in the current period.

If the useful element is Fire, then you can choose the following industries: energy, state industry, oil and gas industry, aviation, show business, makeup artistry, photography, computer design, expensive hotel, expensive restaurant, esotericism, chemistry, advertising, TV, electricity, optics, fuel, heating systems, bakery, synthetics, etc.

For Earth we can consider real estate, mining, insurance, massage, the dirty part of construction, warehousing and accounting, notary services, pottery, stone building materials, agriculture, accounting.

Metal can be represented ventilation systems, acupuncture, dentures and dentistry, mechanical engineering, computer hardware, instruments, medical technologies, automobiles and motorcycles (production and sales), repair of machines and machine tools, government services, banks.

If Water is useful, then it can be water delivery, all kinds of sales, swimming pools, fast foods, music, cheap hotels, travel business, fishing, Express delivery, frozen food, beverages, media, transport, logistics, various water industries, freelancing.

For useful tree you can choose from the pulp and paper industry, the furniture industry, the educational sector, interior design, landscape design(together with land), KTM, wood products, textile industry, publishing, libraries, culture, art, social assistance.

Of course, the list of industries is far from complete. And for some industries there are heated debates about which element they should be classified as. Therefore, my examples are not the ultimate truth, this can be discussed.

A choosing a profession according to ten personality types.
Power - administration, management, director, prosecutor, police and similar services, courts
Resources - researcher, writer, teacher, health worker, homemaker
Money - banker, entrepreneur, cashier, collector
Self-expression - artist, seller, sales manager, consumer protection, catering, journalist, lawyer
Brotherhood - media, social professions, foreign languages, communication of any kind, to
Those. we choose from the point of view of style - how it is done.

For example, a tree is useful. Choosing the wood industry.
And the tree is represented in the map by the personality type of wealth, then this could be the profession of a cashier.

Or you need fire and wood. At a film studio, draw cartoons as a real-life option.

Man needs water and metal. He works as a train driver.
And another person with healthy water and a tree, but with big amount metal in the map, could not work as a machinist for a long time, although he received a specialized education (for the sake of the family dynasty). And he went into trade, where he turned out to be successful.

Of course there are:
- social type
- academic type
- domineering type
- money type
- creative type
This type is determined by which element is most abundant in the map, regardless of its usefulness. And you need to pay attention to this too.

As you know, the pillar of the hour in the bazi chart characterizes a person’s relationship with children. It is also an indicator of relationships with subordinates, with those younger than you. These are also the innermost thoughts of a person, what he strives for. And the hour pillar shows the work and fruits of human activity. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to look at what we have in an hour, and how it can be realized in life.

Realize your desires, live in harmony with yourself. Don't be afraid of changes and unexpected turns of fate. Because a certain potential inherent in the bazi chart, under the influence of the incoming energies of the current years, receives confirmation or, conversely, can be temporarily blocked.
So it turns out that we get an education in one area, but either we don’t intend to work there, or it doesn’t work out. And we choose something different.

It happens that a person is born with a clear destiny. If you look at his bazi chart, he has a clearly defined structure. And he often knows from childhood who he will be - and becomes him. And there are people who themselves don’t know what they want, what they can, what they can do. They jump from one place to another, often change jobs, and look for it in different areas. Here you can guess for a very long time and not guess right. In such cases, analysis of the bazi map is especially necessary in order to significantly narrow down the search and not waste time and energy on a fruitless search for oneself and one’s place in life.

I have already written that each Zodiac Sign has an exalted Planet that helps to come to maximum success- it literally lifts a person up, takes him to the top, adds strength, reveals best qualities a person, turns on an additional source of energy, opens a “second wind” and pulls a person “out of the swamp”.

According to this concept, every person has those professions that will reveal his best qualities and help him achieve Success.

For ARIES- these are all leadership positions - bosses, directors, organizers, managers, leaders of organizations. They need to engage in public activities, to be always visible. For example, the profession of politician is suitable for this. Either everything creative professions- actors, directors, artists, poets, singers. It's good for them to be on stage. The profession of a show business “star” is absolutely good option. You can also engage in gold (processing, trading, jewelry making).

TAURUS- suitable professions related to:

  • home, family (housewives, housekeepers, family business)
  • care (nurses, social workers)
  • children (pediatricians, educators, nannies, governesses, orphanage workers, child psychologists)
  • household services (dry cleaning, laundries, baths)
  • food (growing, production, processing, trade, waiters, cooks)
  • past (archaeologists, historians)

TWINS— will be successful in the profession of accountant, economist, statistician, mathematician, geneticist, analyst, investigator, administrator, editor, proofreader, restorer, scientific researcher and scientist.

For CANCER- It is good to choose the profession of a deputy, a higher school teacher, a philosopher. Work in the legislative branch, the profession of a lawyer, lawyer, judge is welcome. Professions related to foreigners and abroad (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, travelers, travel agencies) are also an excellent option. All religious activities are also suitable - priests, preachers, missionaries.

A LION- can choose all professions related to:

  • with risk (EMERCOM, FSB, stuntmen, racing drivers)
  • with the crisis (crisis managers, insurance, intensive care, pathologists, oncologists)
  • with super energy (hypnologists, magicians, bioenergetics, healers, radiologists, laser therapy, yoga, qigong, nuclear industry)
  • with a lot of money (bankers, very big business)
  • with underground services (metro, mines, geology, seismology, speleology)
  • with management of very large masses of people (large industries)

VIRGO- suitable professions that involve working with words, information, speech, communication - writers, poets, media, journalists, reporters, announcers, advertisers, editors, commentators, critics, proofreaders, translators, linguists, philologists, librarians, teachers high school, informational and help services. They are recommended to work where short and frequent trips are expected - drivers, guides, transport business, transportation, business trips. Trade, network marketing, intermediary activities are also their options. You can work with your hands, engage in any craft.

LIBRA- it is recommended that an official work in the civil service, in the administrative, supreme and executive powers. And also the profession of an orthopedist, chiropractor, dentist. You can also choose a job related to the cold - the profession of a polar explorer, the production and repair of refrigerators, cryotherapy. Any work that involves strict adherence to certain principles, orders, and instructions is suitable for Libra.

SCORPIO— it will be useful to work with Internet projects, programming, electronics, electricity. All new, revolutionary, non-standard, non-traditional, reform activities will bring success. You can also choose the profession of a pilot, astronomer, astrologer, or inventor. It is recommended to work with friends, in public organizations and interest clubs.

SAGITTARIUS- can choose to work as a diplomat, mediator, translator, comedian, or chess player.

For CAPRICORN- the professions of an athlete, military man, firefighter, and security guard are suitable. You can work in a circus as a gymnast, trainer, or fire show performer. All working specialties - metallurgist, turner, mechanic, blacksmith, carpenter, joiner - are also your option. You can also consider the profession of a businessman, leader, pioneer, where good business acumen is required.

AQUARIUS— it is recommended to choose the profession of a psychologist, artist, photographer, musician, composer, opera singer, chemist, pharmacist, narcologist, anesthesiologist, somnologist, science fiction writer and storyteller. All secret activities (intelligence, espionage) and work in closed institutions (hospitals, sanatoriums, prisons, monasteries) are suitable. Working in cinema is also a very good option. All professions related to water - sailors, submariners, river workers, divers.

FISH- will be successful in all professions related to beauty and fashion - hairdressers, stylists, designers, fashion designers, models, cosmetologists, seamstresses, embroiderers. It is favorable to work in the entertainment and pleasure industry - clubs, bars, discos, restaurants, cafes. Everything related to art - dance, theater, ballet, painting, sculpture, museums, exhibitions, art history. Work in the confectionery industry, with gourmet and high-end expensive products, honey and beekeeping are also a great option. You can also consider work directly related to material means, money - bankers, economists. Professions related to partnerships - registry offices, dating services, marriage agencies, matchmaker work. The work of a farmer or business executive is also suitable.

By choosing professions that correspond to the exalted Planet of your Zodiac Sign, you will be able to achieve Success in it, and also receive a powerful influx of additional energy, reveal your best human qualities and improve your whole life in general.

All information about recommended professions is general character for all Zodiac Signs. But each person’s Horoscope has its own characteristics. If you want to learn about individual favorable professions that are suitable for you personally, you can order yours, thanks to which you will learn:

What kind of work are you inclined to do - mental or physical?
Where is it easier for you to work - in a team or individually?
Are you a leader or a follower?
Which job suits you best - managerial, subordinate or consulting?
Professions in which you can achieve high social status
Professions by purpose
Professions that can generate income
What hinders and what helps to make money
Talismans for success in career and money (day of the week, color, stone, metal, lucky number, animals, plants, elements)
Favorable cities and countries for a successful career and financial well-being

I wish you all Success, Fulfillment and Prosperity!


Hydrogeologists search for groundwater and study it. Currently, when surface water supplies are polluted, the problem of drinking water quality becomes urgent. So the profession of hydrogeologist is in demand more than ever.

Hydrogeology(from the Greek “hidro” - water, “geo” - earth and “logos” - teaching) is the science of groundwater, its origin, conditions of occurrence, laws of motion, physical and chemical properties, interaction with rocks, connections with atmospheric and surface waters, their economic significance. Hydrogeologists search for groundwater and study it. Currently, when surface water supplies are polluted, the problem of drinking water quality becomes urgent. So the profession of hydrogeologist is in demand more than ever. The areas of application of the knowledge of hydrogeologists are inexhaustible: this is the seabed, practically unstudied and undeveloped; subsoil depths containing various types of groundwater; other planets; prediction of earthquakes by changes in the properties and behavior of water; land reclamation and river transfer from north to south; meeting the urgent and constantly growing needs of the national economy for water. And everywhere hydrogeologists must give their conclusions and forecast for the future. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The main tasks of a hydrogeologist: searching for water sources, assessing their volumes, industrial significance, and depth aquifers, study chemical composition water, determining the level of ground and underground waters, protecting deposits from groundwater- mines, so that water does not flood underground tunnels and people working there, and wells. The hydrogeologist also solves the technological problem of pumping out these waters and draws up hydrogeological maps of the area.

Applied problems of hydrogeology are associated with the use of groundwater for various purposes, the main one among which is the task of domestic and drinking water supply. In addition, groundwater - carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and others - can have a healing effect on the human body. Water is also a source of chemical raw materials, which means that table salt, metals, uranium, bromine, iodine, etc. can be extracted from it on an industrial scale. Groundwater is also widely used for heat and power purposes. On the other hand, there is also a harmful effect of groundwater associated with flooding of buildings, waterlogging, activation of quicksand processes, etc. All these and many other problems are solved by hydrogeologists.

Pros and cons of the profession

Advantages of the profession: there is creativity in the activities of hydrogeologists, hydrogeologists conduct searches mineral waters and are engaged in the operation of wells at famous resorts and sanatoriums in our country.
Disadvantages of the profession: frequent business trips, work in field conditions and the associated lack of everyday amenities and the difficulties of camp life. Working in a small team requires the ability to be tolerant of other people.

Place of work

Geological exploration expeditions;
. geophysical and drilling parties;
. research and design organizations

Important qualities

. ability to analyze
. good imagination
. surround vision
. ability to draw
. physical endurance
Contraindications: inability to work with a map (topographic cretinism). Medical limitations: physical disabilities that limit movement, poor vision, tendency to catch colds

Where do they teach

The profession has the qualifications of a technician (secondary specialized education) and an engineer (higher education). Secondary specialized education can be obtained at all geological exploration colleges in the country, for example, at the St. Petersburg College of Geodesy and Cartography. (Kazanskaya St., 3. Tel. 444-24-78, 444-18-34)

Best Highest educational establishments, training hydrogeologists:
Specialty: Search and exploration of groundwater and engineering-geological surveys
. Moscow State University. Geological Faculty. Leninskie Gory, Tel. 939-29-51
. Moscow State Geological Exploration Academy. Miklouho-Maclay St., 23. Tel. 433-55-77
. Moscow State University of Environmental Management. St. Pryanishnikova, 19. Tel. 976-11-23, 976-14-36
. Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
. St. Petersburg State University. Universitetskaya embankment, 7/9. Tel.328-20-00
. St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University). V.O., 21st line, Tel. 328-82-01, 321-40-81
. North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk
. Siberian Federal University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk
. North Caucasus State Technical University, Stavropol Territory, Stavropol
. Astrakhan State University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Astrakhan Region, Astrakhan
. Belgorod State University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Belgorod Region, Belgorod
. Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk
. South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) Rostov region, Novocherkassk
. Ural State Mining University, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg
. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk Region, Tomsk
. Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen region, Tyumen
. Chita State University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Transbaikal region, Chita
. Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Moscow
. St. Petersburg State Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov, St. Petersburg
. Grozny State Petroleum Institute named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikova, Chechen Republic, Grozny
. Moscow State Open University, Moscow


The salary of a hydrogeologist depends on professional level, the position held and consists, as a rule, of a fixed salary and bonuses to it: regional coefficient, field allowance, coefficient for work in high mountains, arid areas, etc. difficult conditions.
On average, the salary of an ordinary specialist ranges from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

Career steps and prospects
The concept of career growth in hydrogeology implies successful expeditions that resulted in the discovery of groundwater. You can also build a career in the field of science. Hydrogeologists occupy the following positions by staff: senior technician, hydrogeological engineer, head of a detachment, party, expedition, head of a laboratory, head of a department, sector in design and research organizations. An indicator of a successful career is research work and the defense of a dissertation.

Famous hydrogeologists

Karpinsky A.P.

The profession of a hydrogeologist has its roots going back centuries, when at the dawn of civilization people became interested in the underground waters of springs, springs, hot and mineral springs. In order to build wells, conduits, and mineral water galleries, you need to know the conditions of occurrence, distribution and movement of groundwater. People who knew how to find and extract water have always enjoyed special honor and respect.

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