House made of wood concrete block. House made of arbolite (arbolite blocks) - DIY construction, step-by-step instructions

Building a house is a very important step, since everything must be done efficiently and reliably, because the future construction should serve for many years. It is important to think through the details and first of all decide what material the home will be made of. The first to come to mind are popular materials such as brick or wood, but one more option should be noted that will give both of them a head start - this is wood concrete. The material has a lot of advantages, and this article will talk about this in more detail. In order to save money, many build a house from wood concrete with their own hands, and in this case it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists.

What is wood concrete

This may be the first time some of you are learning about the existence of such a building material. But today more and more buildings are made from it. And this should not be surprising, because it has many positive aspects.

Arbolite is a type of lightweight concrete. It has a coarse-grained structure, and 80% of the entire base is wood chips. The composition of wood concrete includes three main components:

  • organic filler (chips, sawdust, shavings);
  • Portland cement;
  • modifying additives.

Modifying additives in the composition improve the technical characteristics of wood concrete. Thanks to them, the material can have the following properties:

  • improved bactericidal qualities;
  • acceleration of the setting process;
  • regulation of wood concrete porosity.

You can purchase the material in specialized stores. It is sold both in blocks and as monolithic panels. It is noteworthy that in order to save money, wood concrete can be made independently, for example, in a garage. All you need is to prepare all the components.

Advantages and disadvantages

By making wood concrete, you actually recycle waste from wood processing organizations. Due to its composition, wood concrete is a fairly light material, so the future construction will not be very heavy. Besides:

  1. The complexity of the entire process of laying walls will be reduced.
  2. The costs of using special equipment will be reduced.
  3. Installation work will be easy to complete.
  4. It is not necessary to make the foundation strong.

A wall made of wood concrete is less subject to deformation processes during shrinkage of the house. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about cracks and other damage appearing later.

It should be noted that positive qualities wood concrete has a mass:

  1. Low thermal conductivity, due to which the material retains warm air well in the room and prevents the penetration of both cold air in winter and warm air in summer.
  2. Increased frost resistance, which makes it possible to build buildings in regions with harsh climates.
  3. Fire resistance, thanks to which the material will not burn, despite the wood content in the composition.
  4. Good adhesion. This property helps to combine wood concrete with any building materials that adhere perfectly to its surface.
  5. Strength and durability. This indicator is one of the main ones, since during the construction of any building everyone wants to achieve exactly this goal. Wood concrete blocks are quite durable, so you can easily build a house of 2-3 floors. By the way, wood concrete will not rot and fungi and various microorganisms will not appear in it.
  6. Porous structure providing excellent sound insulation.
  7. Light weight.
  8. Absolutely environmentally friendly.
  9. Small price.

The material also has its own small disadvantage - low moisture resistance. Wood concrete is hygroscopic and easily absorbs moisture from the environment, so during work it must be isolated from moisture.

Wood concrete does all this ideal option to build your home.

If you want to build a wood concrete house, you need to immediately decide how to do it - build it from blocks or pour a monolithic house from wood concrete . Next comes another choice - buy the material or make it yourself. If you have the means and decide to buy the blocks, just prepare a storage area for them under the shed. Making wood concrete yourself is also welcome; all you need to do is prepare the material in advance.

The basis for wood concrete is wood chips, but they should not be too small - at least 4x5x0.5 cm. This is due to the fact that wood absorbs moisture very quickly. If the chips are small, when mixed with cement they will simply lose their properties.

The preparation of raw materials should take place in the following sequence:

  1. Purchased waste from the sawmill must lie on outdoors for 3–4 months.
  2. After this, they need to be treated with a limestone solution (2.5 kg per 150 liters of water).
  3. The wood chips must be stirred for 3 days.
  4. Wait until the limestone mortar dries.

Additives for wood-concrete mixtures can include:

  • aluminum sulphide;
  • slaked lime;
  • calcium or aluminum chloride.

After all the steps, it’s time to start mixing the wood concrete mortar.

Preparing the mixture

To prepare 1 m 3 of wood concrete solution, you will need the following components:

  • 300 kg of wood chips;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 15–35 kg of chemical additives;
  • 350–400 liters of water.

Kneading is best done in a container with low sides; a large trough would be ideal. Otherwise, you can use a concrete mixer. To make wood concrete blocks, you will need molds. They can be made from wooden planks, covered with plywood or sheets of metal. To make a bottom for them, use linoleum. For the convenience of further work, make handles.

The molds must be moistened with water or lime before pouring. And the bottom, which is made of linoleum, will need to be changed periodically, as it will wear out.

Now you can mix the solution. For this:

  1. Pour sawdust and additive into a trough or concrete mixer.
  2. Cover everything with water and mix well. If you are doing this by hand, use a garden hoe rather than a shovel to mix.
  3. Then add Portland cement and water.
  4. After which everything needs to be thoroughly mixed again.
  5. Treat the made forms with lime.
  6. Pour the mixture into the molds and compact it well.

There is no need to pour the solution flush into the mold. Leave 2-3 cm of space from the edge of the pan. The top of the wood concrete should be covered with a plaster mixture and leveled using a spatula. The block should be kept in the mold for 24 hours so that it sets and becomes stronger. The next day, the blocks need to be removed and placed under a canopy. There they will wait in the wings for 2–3 weeks, only after which they can be used for construction work.

If you plan to make the walls monolithic, gradually filling them, mixing the mortar should occur immediately after the foundation is made and everything is ready for pouring the walls. The technology for mixing the solution is the same.

So, the material for building a house has been prepared, next we will look at how to build a house. If you already have a house plan and drawings, then the first thing you need to do is make a foundation - the basis for the future house.

Foundation arrangement

The main advantage when working with wood concrete is its low weight. Therefore, the foundation for your building can be anything:

  • pile foundation;
  • strip shallow foundation;
  • slab foundation;
  • columnar foundation.

The important fact is that even if the building sags (which cannot be avoided), the walls of your house will not crack. This is possible thanks to the unique properties of wood concrete wall blocks: they have high fracture strength. Thanks to this, you can choose any type of foundation in order to save money and ease the arrangement. Most often, preference is given to bored piles and strip shallow foundations.

Briefly about how to do it strip foundation:

  1. Prepare the foundation, mark the site according to the house plan.
  2. Dig a trench under the foundation.
  3. Compact the bottom by making a 5 cm high cushion of crushed stone or sand and compacting it.
  4. If desired, install reinforced mesh.
  5. Then make the formwork. Make sure that no gaps are formed.
  6. Now you can pour the concrete, compact it and expel the air.
  7. Everything is leveled with a trowel and left until completely dry, which will take 1 month.

Since the wood concrete from which the walls will be built has low moisture resistance, the foundation necessarily needs waterproofing. Firstly, the base must be raised 40–50 cm above ground level or a half-meter brick base must be made. Secondly, the foundation must be lubricated with bitumen and 2-3 layers of waterproofing (for example, roofing felt) laid.

Briefly about how to make a bored pile foundation:

  1. Calculate the future foundation (depth, height above the soil, frequency of piles).
  2. Mark the area based on calculations.
  3. Make holes for the piles.
  4. Make formwork and make a cushion.
  5. Reinforce the future foundation.
  6. Install piles and carry out waterproofing work.
  7. Pour concrete into the wells.

When the selected foundation is ready, you can begin building the walls. If you have already done brickwork, it will be easy for you to work with wood concrete, since the principle of operation is the same. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Masonry starts from the corners. It is necessary to align the corner blocks perfectly evenly, since the evenness and quality of the future wall depends on this. For these purposes, use a building level.
  2. Then a cord or fishing line is stretched between the corners. It should run along the edge and be well stretched. The following blocks will be aligned with it.
  3. After this, the laying of the blocks occurs directly. They need to be adjusted to the level of the fishing line and the same seam should be made, no more than 1 cm.
  4. Having finished the first row, do the second in exactly the same way, only with the link you have chosen.
  5. If the blocks need to be adjusted to size, they can be cut with a stone saw.

To ensure reliable and high-quality masonry, you should consider some points:

  1. In order for a house made of wood concrete to exhibit its thermal properties 100%, the formation of cold bridges must not be allowed. They will contribute to large heat loss. To remove them, when laying, use the method of breaking the seam using a wooden plank. It should have a cross section of 12x12 mm.
  2. Since wood concrete strongly absorbs moisture, before installing the blocks they must be moistened with water. Otherwise, it will absorb water from the cement solution. Another option is to make a thinner solution.
  3. If you need to build a house with non-standard design, the blocks are processed immediately on site using a stone-cutting saw. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time, shaped blocks can be ordered from specialized companies, but this will cost more.

Monolithic walls

If you plan to make monolithic walls, you will need to make mortar before starting work. The technology is similar to conventional concreting. Formwork is installed on the foundation. Its height should be 60 cm maximum. It is important to ensure that it is sufficiently reliable and strong to withstand the load of heavy wood concrete, so it must be well connected and strengthened.

As reinforcement for the rigidity of the wall, you can use wooden frames, which are installed vertically in increments of 120–150 cm. Thanks to the frames, an expansion joint is created, which helps to distribute the load evenly. The boards must be treated with an antiseptic.

It is better to pour concrete in a layer of 50 cm and no more, so that the structure does not fall apart under the weight. Do not fill the solution to the brim. After that, everything is compacted tightly and waited for drying (usually 2-3 days). As soon as the solution has set, the formwork is dismantled and raised higher to pour the next layer of wood concrete. The formwork should be removed carefully. All work is carried out until the required building height is reached.

Finishing arbolite walls

Thanks to the rough surface, arbolite walls have good adhesion (adhesion to any surface). This means that you can plaster the walls right away, without additional preparation of the walls.

As an outdoor facing material You can use any material:

  • siding;
  • lining;
  • brick;
  • wood (block house);
  • facade paint.

Inside, the walls of the house can be decorated with whatever your heart desires. There is only one rule - indoor humidity should not be more than 75%.

When the frame of the future building is made, you should take care of the roof over your head. The main task is to correctly distribute the load throughout the entire structure. To solve it, you can resort to one of two options:

  1. Do concrete screed, which is reinforced over a layer of wood concrete.
  2. Install wooden beam on blocks (mauerlat).

The second option is most often used. The beams must be treated with an antiseptic and installed in increments of 60 cm. The cross-section of the beams is 10×20 cm. To make rafters, boards with a cross-section of 20×5 cm are used. The rafters are covered with waterproofing material.

The ridge is made from timber measuring 5x5 cm. It must be attached to the rafters. For the sheathing, take a 15x3.5 cm board and fasten it in increments of 25–30 cm. All that remains is to lay the roofing material. It can be slate, metal tiles or corrugated sheets.

So, it is quite possible to independently make your own home from wood concrete. Moreover, such a house will be warm and durable.



New, and in this case, forgotten old, wood concrete is returning to the market building materials. As practice has shown, building a house from wood concrete blocks with your own hands is a good prospect for building a strong, warm and reliable private house.

The disadvantages of brick and concrete walls are known to everyone, wooden houses Not everyone can afford it. An alternative to the above is wood concrete. Containing 80-90% wood chips, combined with a cement binder and modified with chemical additives, wood concrete eliminates the shortcomings and enhances the advantages of wood and concrete.

Wood concrete was created and tested in the middle of the last century, and its production is regulated by GOST 19222-84.

Technologies for the construction of private houses from wood concrete

A house can be built in two ways:

  1. Construction from arbolite blocks. In this case, industrially manufactured ready-made wood concrete blocks are used;
  2. Often the decision is made to make wood concrete with your own hands. Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the blocks have gained the strength and hardness necessary for work.

  3. Monolithic construction from wood concrete. The use of this technology involves the formation of permanent formwork and subsequent pouring of wood concrete mortar into it.
  4. To build a house from monolithic wood concrete, you need to study the technology of constructing monolithic walls. The remaining stages will be identical to block construction.

In this article, we will focus on a detailed description of the first option.

How to build a house from wood concrete blocks with your own hands

The main stages of work in the form of successive steps from A to Z.

Stage 1. Design of houses made of wood concrete

The development of the project precedes the start of work due to the need for its coordination and approval by the licensing authorities. In addition to the house plan itself, the cottage project contains information about the materials used, places and methods of connecting to communications, electrical and gas supplies, type of foundation, etc. The project makes it possible to further calculate the amount of material and the load it creates.

For your information, the design of a house made of wood concrete is no different from the design of a house made of foam concrete, and therefore a typical project can be used, taking into account the absence of the reinforcing belts necessary for foam blocks.

Stage 2. Selection of material for construction

Before starting construction work, you need to make sure that the wall material is chosen correctly.

Arbolite certainly has a number of advantages. But! Only if it is of high quality and is used for its intended purpose.

You should know that wood concrete is used in the construction of buildings with a height not exceeding 7 meters. (height of self-supporting wall). This makes it attractive when constructing a 2-3-story private house or cottage with an attic. In combination with columns or other structural elements ( support pillars), taking on part of the load, construction of more floors is allowed.

Which wood concrete is suitable for building a house

To purchase a high-quality block, professionals advise paying attention to the determining factors:

  • price. Homemade wood concrete is much cheaper;
  • fullness and uniformity of the block. The chips should be of more or less the same fraction, densely packed. The looseness of the block indicates its low compressive and bending strength;

Note: the use of sawdust increases the thermal conductivity of the block. Large chips are not completely saturated. As a result, the adhesion of wood to cement is disrupted and the block loses strength.

  • block geometry. GOST allows a deviation from the specified size not exceeding 5-7 mm. The use of a special weight during the manufacturing process allows us to reduce deviations to zero.

Note: the unevenness of the blocks is fraught with an increase in the consumption of masonry mortar by 40%, makes the use of special adhesive mixtures inappropriate, increases the consumption of plaster during finishing, increases the complexity and duration of work.

  • color and impurities. Insertion of impurities or differences in color within the block indicate a violation of the manufacturing and drying processes.
  • certificates that will indicate: cement quality, full chemical composition, test results.

Stage 3. Construction of a foundation for a house made of wood concrete

A distinctive feature of wood concrete is its good bending strength, regardless of the purpose of the block. This gives the block the ability to recover from stress. In practice, this removes restrictions when choosing the type of foundation, which is an integral part of any structure. To a large extent, it is the quality of the foundation that determines the lifespan of the house.

What is the best foundation for a house made of wood concrete?

In practice, any can be used. Most often it is tape or combined.

Foundation technology for an arbolite house:

  1. marking for the foundation;
  2. removing the soil layer to the required depth;
  3. arrangement of sand and crushed stone cushion;
  4. compaction (recommended with watering to achieve greater density);
  5. installation of formwork;
  6. reinforcement;
  7. pouring the foundation.
  8. waterproofing the foundation strip;
  9. backfilling of sand inside the squares formed by the foundation tape followed by compaction;
  10. complete waterproofing of the foundation.

Note: during the pouring process, the channels provided for by the project are left for further installation of communications.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the size of the foundation.

  • depth of placement. Depends on the type of soil, distance to groundwater, number of floors of the building. The dependence of the parameters on the type of soil is shown in the table;

  • foundation thickness. Depends on the total (static and dynamic) load on it.

When calculating static loads, you need to take into account:

  • materials used in construction (their weight and quantity);
  • the presence of a base;
  • wall material;
  • material and number of floors;
  • roofing material used;
  • presence of insulation and its type;
  • number of windows and doors. The total weight of the warm circuit elements. When calculating the weight of the doors, you need to remember that entrance doors usually made of metal, which affects the load they create;
  • material for facade cladding;
  • materials for interior decoration;
  • floor covering and type of floor covering.
  • calculated weight of furniture (195 kg/sq.m. according to SNiP 2.01.07-85).

In addition, dynamic load is taken into account:

  • snow load in the region (see map). For example: the annual snow load for Moscow is 180 kg/sq.m. (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85). By multiplying this number by the roof area we get the total load. The calculations take into account the roof configuration and the resulting result must be multiplied by the coefficient M (0.94).

  • wind load is calculated by the formula = House area * (15 x House height + 40);
  • soil resistance to pressure exerted on it (according to SNiP 2.02.01-83). According to this standard, the resistance must exceed the pressure on it by 30%. The pressure of a building is calculated by dividing the weight of the building by the area of ​​the foundation (sole).

Note: if the soil type is not determined, the minimum resistance value is used for calculations.

Stage 4. Construction of the basement of a house made of wood concrete

The plinth will better protect the wood concrete block from the influence of water. The recommended plinth height is 500-600 mm (depending on the level of precipitation in the region and the availability drainage system around the house). The base is made of brick or concrete.

Stage 5. Construction of walls from wood concrete

Let us immediately note that the construction of arbolite walls is notable for the fact that it is advisable to use cement-sand mortar. The choice is due to the uneven geometry of the block, which makes it economically unprofitable to use special adhesive solutions used for laying cellular concrete, such as Ceresit CT 21. Increased consumption glue mixture will increase the budget for building a house.

Consumption cement-sand mortar 1 m3 per 8-10 m3 of wood concrete blocks. The value is approximate, because the geometry of the blocks is not constant, the discrepancy can be from 5 mm to 1.5 cm in width and height.

What to place wood concrete blocks on?

An alternative to the classic solution can be:

  1. Perlite mortar for laying wood concrete. Its feature is the ability to increase the thermal insulation of masonry. How to make perlite mortar: perlite is added to the classic mortar (cement, sand, water). The ratio is 1 part cement = 3 parts perlite.
  2. Note. Perlite is volatile, which means you need to work with it in the absence of wind.

  3. Sawdust concrete mortar. Recipe: 3 parts of sawdust are filled with a solution of aluminum sulfate (15-25.00 rubles/kg) or calcium chloride (28-30 rubles/kg). When stirring, the sugars contained in the sawdust are neutralized. Then 1 part of cement is added.

Thermal insulating masonry mortar with perlite LM 21-P has good reviews. The Quick-mix mixture has water-retaining ability, so the blocks do not need to be moistened separately. Supplied in 17.5 kg bags, in the form of a dry powder. The solution is easily mixed with water (stir for at least 5 minutes) by hand or with a mixer (mixer). Use the prepared solution within 1-2 hours.

Laying walls from arbolite blocks

The technology for laying wood concrete is identical to laying a brick or foam concrete wall, except that wood concrete strongly absorbs moisture from the solution, which means that the blocks need to be moistened before starting work.

1. Laying the first row of arbolite blocks

The masonry starts from the corner and is laid out in rows, periodically checking the degree of deviation with a level. The blocks are easy to process, so there will be no difficulties with adjusting the size.

The width of the seam depends on the geometry of the block and is 10-30 mm.

The solution is applied to the block of the previous row along the edges of the block. Thus, an air thermal break is obtained, which compensates for the high thermal conductivity of the masonry mortar.

According to reviews on the construction forum, many users use an additional method of insulating masonry, by laying polystyrene foam tape, wooden slats, etc. in the seams. The gasket creates a gap in the mortar joint and thereby eliminates the appearance of cold bridges. How expedient this is, everyone decides for themselves.

Material prepared for the website

The optimal thickness of wood concrete walls is 30 cm, for houses of two floors and above - 40 cm. A simple rule applies - the thicker the wall, the warmer it is. A wood concrete wall thickness of 20 cm is possible if brick cladding or additional insulation is provided from the inside and outside. How thick the wall should be depends on what region the house is in, how it will be heated, and what the construction budget is.

2. Reinforcement of walls made of wood concrete

Craftsmen advise stiffening a wood concrete wall by reinforcing it. To reinforce wood concrete, polymer (plastic) mesh or metal rods treated with anti-corrosion compounds (for example, UR-108 enamel) are used. Thus, the corners of the building, the junction of walls, window and door openings are strengthened. Unlike aerated concrete and foam concrete, there is no mandatory requirement for masonry reinforcement, but many users reinforce every 3-4 rows of masonry.

3. Laying wood concrete (dressing)

Arbolite blocks are laid in a checkerboard pattern (laying with dressing). This is necessary for reliable adhesion. No more than 3 rows are laid out around the perimeter. Then there is a break for a day. During this time, the solution will dry and you can continue working. That is why external walls are often built together with internal ones.

Advice. Adding additives to the solution that increase the rate of strength gain of cement will increase the speed of work.

The “Shuttle” accelerator, which provides strength gain in 12 hours (consumption of 3 liters per 100 kg of cement, price 75 rubles/100 g) and the “Virtuoso Start” accelerator, which also contains an anti-shrinkage agent, have proven themselves well. Provides 50% strength gain in 3 hours (consumption 1 liter per 100 kg of cement, price 80 rubles/100 g).

4. Lintels over window and door openings

The photo shows step by step how to make a lintel over a window and over a door in a house made of wood concrete. Two options for covering openings.

Installation of jumpers from a metal corner

(the edges of the corner are walled into the walls, blocks are installed inside)

Installation of a channel lintel

(a groove was cut out in the wood concrete blocks for inserting a channel)

5. Installation of an armored belt under the ceiling in a house made of wood concrete

After erecting the wall, before laying the floor (interfloor or attic) on the wood concrete wall, you need to pour a concrete (monolithic) reinforcing belt. Its arrangement will give the wall strength, allow it to more evenly distribute the load and securely secure the Mauerlat.

How to make an armored belt on wood concrete:

  • one outer row is laid out in half a block (you can purchase a narrow block or cut a wall one). This will be the outer part of the formwork;
  • With inside formwork is installed from edged boards, plywood or a narrow wood concrete block is also used;
  • processed reinforcement is placed into the resulting recess (diameter 10 mm, in 6 rows) and filled with concrete (the grade of concrete is the same as that used for the foundation).

To make an armored belt, it is convenient to use a special U-shaped block (tray U-arboblock).

6. Installation of house flooring made of wood concrete

Monolithic reinforced concrete slab, wooden or metal beams.

Advice. Manufacturers of wood concrete blocks recommend producing. To do this, it is not necessary to pour a concrete belt. After all, the ability of wood concrete to “pull” moisture from concrete does not have the best effect on the quality of the pour. Additional supplements will be required. It is also advisable to use wooden floors for installing door and window openings. The craftsmen completely agree with them and recommend using a wooden beam as a lining for the perimeter of the wall under the ceiling.

The Mauerlat is attached to the wood concrete with the obligatory laying of a layer of waterproofing.

7. Installation of communications in a house made of wood concrete

Laying communication systems does not create difficulties. Any holes can be easily made in wood concrete blocks, so there is no need to immediately lay additional channels for sewerage, pipes, heating, etc.

Some people use a hollow block, installing it on an edge.

Stage 6. Construction of a roof for a house made of wood concrete

Can be installed on arbolite walls rafter system any configuration. Choice roofing material also not regulated.

Experts advise using bitumen shingles for roofing works. They explain their choice by saying that bitumen shingles can perceive minor vibrations of wood concrete walls without the appearance of significant defects.

An important nuance when constructing a roof will be compliance with the rule - moving the roof 300-500 away from the wall, which will protect it from direct contact with rain and melt water.

The construction market is saturated with a variety of materials; a wide range of products gives rise to a difficult choice problem. If brick and timber are understandable and familiar to everyone, then newer and more technologically advanced varieties (for example, aerated concrete) cause mistrust. Arbolit is a new (although, in fact, well-forgotten old) product for many, whose advantages and disadvantages are lost behind rumors. Why are houses made of wood concrete good: projects and prices, features of buildings in our article.

Project two-story house from wood concrete Source

A little history

The idea of ​​combining the warmth of wood and the hardness of stone has visited people more than once and was realized in different ways. Since time immemorial, adobe has been known - a brick made from clay and plant additives, straw or reed. In the dry Central Asian climate, houses made of this material stand for centuries, withstanding summer heat and winter frosts.

A successful option that combines both materials was developed in Holland in the 30s of the last century. It quickly spread around the world under the Durisol brand. In the Soviet Union, they tried to produce similar blocks back in the 30-40s, but their quality was low due to technological shortcomings (low-grade cement, incorrect chip format, mismatched equipment).

High-quality domestic material was developed, standardized and certified in the 60s; it was called arbolite (from Latin arbor - tree). Modern factory-produced arbolite blocks, produced in compliance with technology, are effective material with a set of unique properties. The reputation of wood concrete suffers, as a rule, due to the products of folk craftsmen.

Industrial production blocks Source

Composition and technology

Wood concrete, from which houses were built en masse already 60 years ago, belongs to the family of lightweight concrete, which has now won a significant market share from brick. This is a composite (complex in composition) material consisting of the following components:

    Wood chips(crushed pine sawdust, crushed cotton stalks, flax or hemp stalks). The organic part is a filler and occupies 80-90% of the volume. Chips have a specific shape and size, which distinguishes wood concrete from sawdust concrete.

    Cement. Mineral binder. To make the block durable, Portland cement grades M400-500 are used.

    Additives-mineralizers. They neutralize the sugar present in wood and affect the strength of wood concrete (improving the adhesion of wood chips to cement). Calcium chloride, soluble glass, aluminum sulfate are used (the latter is food additive E-520, which is actively used in the confectionery industry and in fish canning factories).

Vibropress at work Source

The production of blocks is carried out on automated lines and is divided into stages:

    Preparations. The wood chips are crushed, soaked and processed chemical composition. If the chips are pre-conditioned for fresh air 4-6 months, no additives needed, sugar breaks down on its own.

    Moldings. The required, precisely adjusted amount of wood chips and cement are mixed and formed into blocks.

    Drying. On a brick press, the blocks are compacted, obtaining their final density and geometry corresponding to GOST.


Blocks, panels and slabs are made from wood concrete (another name for wood concrete). According to the state standard, wood concrete products do not require additional insulation. Products vary in density (percentage of sawdust), they are classified according to their purpose:

    Structural. Used for the construction of external walls.

    Thermal insulation. For interior walls.

Based on their dimensions, blocks are divided into: wide, medium, narrow and connecting. In addition, the elements are marked from 5 to 50 (strength indicator).

Wood concrete house - fast, cheap, energy efficient Source


Arbolite blocks are applicable in all climatic zones(arbolite buildings are found not only in middle lane, but also in Antarctica, at the Molodezhnaya polar station). Such multi-purpose use was made possible thanks to the combination of technical characteristics of the material:

    Light weight. The density of structural blocks is 500-850 kg/m 3, heat-insulating blocks - up to 500 kg/m 3.

    Low thermal conductivity. In terms of parameter (0.11 W/(m*K)) it surpasses wood. A wall with a thickness of 0.3 m corresponds to 0.6-0.7 m of brick in terms of its ability to retain heat.

    Environmental friendliness and biostability Wood concrete is safe for human health; the material does not rot, fungus and mice do not grow in it.

    Fire resistance. The material can withstand an open flame at a temperature of 1000°C for up to an hour and a half, then it begins to smolder.

    Sound insulation and vapor permeability The block structure absorbs sounds and supports natural ventilation and humidity control, which ensures a comfortable microclimate in the house.

Comparative characteristics of popular building materials Source

Homemade mistakes

The technological chain for the production of wood concrete is described in one phrase: a mixture of concrete and wood chips is placed in molds and dried without additional heating (firing). External simplicity is deceptive. The absence of obvious technological problems encourages home craftsmen to independently produce wood concrete blocks. Having decided to save money, a garage manufacturer is guided by the following misconceptions:

    Any wood chips will do (even sawdust from a sawmill).

    The brand of cement has a slight effect on the strength of the product.

    The mixture is concrete, so you can stir it in an ordinary household mixer and neglect the mineralizer.

    You can do without a press or assemble it yourself.

    The form is easy to construct from plywood or foam concrete. Since the mixture is thick, the formwork can be removed immediately, and the blocks will dry under a shed or in a barn.

Problem areas in masonry made from artisanal wood concrete Source

The output is a fragile product that crumbles along the edges and has incorrect proportions (not according to GOST). Handicraft production that throws thousands of cubic meters of low-quality blocks onto the market discredits industrially produced material. Until the buyer sees real, strong and smooth products, he will consider wood concrete to be a worthless material.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of wood concrete blocks from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

Thanks to technical specifications material, building a house from wood concrete blocks is becoming more and more in demand. Houses made of wood concrete blocks have a number of advantages:

    Low cost. Wood concrete is cheaper than most building materials (the cost is comparable to foam concrete), which makes it possible to inexpensively build a house from wood concrete; the average price can be around 2.5 million rubles for housing for a family of 4-6 people.

    Light weight. Speeds up work and allows the use of a lightweight foundation.

    Strength. Good performance impact and bending strength (not prone to cracking, unlike cellular concrete).

Arbolite surface has high adhesion Source

    Easy machining. The blocks are easy to saw, drill and hold fasteners.

    High adhesion. High-quality adhesion of the wall surface to concrete and plaster (without additional reinforcement).

    Frost resistance. For facing blocks, 50 freeze-thaw cycles are guaranteed.

    Shrinkage. Minimum, 0.4% (for wood up to 10%).

Building a house from wood concrete has the following nuances:

    You can use adhesive for cellular concrete, which eliminates cold bridges from the walls.

    The plaster is applied to a dense and uniform surface without a mesh.

    There is no need to install forced ventilation.

External cladding hides a boring wood concrete facade Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from wood concrete blocks. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

When designing a house made of wood concrete, you need to remember the disadvantages:

    Hygroscopicity. The problem with many cellular concretes. But if a foam concrete block that has absorbed moisture can crack, then an arbolite block swells, remaining intact. The disadvantage is eliminated by plastering.

    Blowing. It can be removed with rough plaster.

    Appearance. The facade looks unpresentable, which, however, can be easily corrected with decorative exterior decoration.

Features of using technology

Housing built from arbolite blocks combines the strength of brick and the comfort of a wooden building; There are also some disadvantages, which are quite easy to eliminate.

Video description

What advantages and disadvantages this material has, as well as detailed characteristics, are discussed in this video. Let us dispel all fears and misconceptions. What is an arbolite block, what is it made of and what is it for?

1. Design

Any project created for the construction of a house made of wood or stone is suitable for construction from wood concrete. When adapting a project, the following stages of work must be worked out:

    Geodetic research. An important parameter is the depth of groundwater. High level water is the reason for raising the foundation or changing its type.

    Floors. The strength of wood concrete allows it to withstand both wooden beams, and reinforced concrete (prefabricated monolithic) floors.

    Waterproofing. She needs to be given enough attention; it is possible to use vapor barrier materials or hydrophobic paint.

    Insulation. Your estimate will cost you no money on solid thermal insulation; the material is exceptionally frost-resistant.

    Finishing. Since wood concrete holds fasteners well, for finishing you can use not only plaster, but also a block house, lining, and facing bricks.

Country house made of wood concrete, lined with brick Source

2. Foundation

Most often, for houses made of wood concrete, which has a low specific gravity, a lightweight foundation is chosen, usually a shallow strip foundation. This allows you to reduce costs (a conventional foundation accounts for 25-30% of all construction costs). High groundwater They are forced to replace the foundation (with a columnar one) or build a basement.

3. Walls

The use of large arbolite blocks facilitates and speeds up construction; The masonry scheme is no different. It is convenient to use a special adhesive for cellular concrete as a mortar for masonry. The seam will not serve as a “cold bridge”, as it will be thin (for masonry 1.8-2 m high, the seam thickness is 1-1.5 cm).

The masonry technology involves wetting the blocks with water or treating them with moisture-retaining impregnation. This prevents moisture from being excessively absorbed into the blocks and deteriorating the quality of the masonry mortar.

Construction of the first floor Source

4. Partitions, door and window openings

Use for internal partitions narrow blocks will save money without compromising the heat and sound insulation of the rooms. There are no problems when creating openings; blocks are easy to saw hand saw and quickly - with a chainsaw.

5. Roof

The wood concrete frame confidently withstands heavy roofing; You can put slate on the roof or decorate it with natural ceramic tiles. Experts recommend designing wide roof overhangs that can protect wood concrete walls from slanting rain.

6. Insulation

Arbolite walls do not need insulation, but heat can be lost in other ways. To identify weak points, conduct a heat audit of the house. The most likely heat losses are through the following parts of the structure:

    Floor. Due to its proximity to the ground, 50-60% more heat is lost through the floor than through the walls. For thermal insulation, mineral wool or expanded clay are mainly used.

Thermal imaging diagnostics is an effective way to check the thermal insulation of a country house Source

    Ceiling and roof. The ceiling is insulated if the attic space is non-residential. Otherwise, the roof is insulated.

    Window. The cracks are filled with silicone sealants, sealants or polyurethane foam.

Subtleties of design

A country house built from wood concrete looks like wood or stone thanks to its finishing. The choice of material is more a matter of aesthetic preference than functionality.

Video description

About choosing wood concrete in the following video:

Exterior finishing

The main method of finishing wood concrete is plastering. It is important to remember that the consumption of plaster will be 1.5-2 times more than for a concrete wall. However, even without a reinforcing mesh, the finishing layer will be strong and even. For finishing it is permissible to use the following types of plaster:

    Cement. The standard block will be protected by a 20 mm finishing layer.

    Decorative. Latex, lime and acrylic options are used.

    Limestone. Needs additional processing (primer and putty).

So that the walls can breathe, when using cladding, a ventilation gap is arranged (most often wooden sheathing). The following is used as cladding:

    Block house, lining or imitation timber. Externally, the housing will not differ from a wooden building.

    Vinyl siding . Offers a huge number of options, is non-flammable, practical and easy to attach directly to the wall.

    Facing brick. An ideal opportunity to turn your home into a brick house.

House made of wood concrete, external decoration with elements of half-timbered style Source

Interior decoration

Some of the most common methods of interior finishing of arbolite walls:

    Plastering and cladding plasterboard sheets (on the frame). Both options allow you to later paint the walls or cover them with wallpaper.

    Clapboard finishing. A sheathing is installed for it, playing the role of a ventilation gap and helping to hide communications.

Design styles

House designs made from arbolite blocks successfully reproduce the characteristic features of popular architectural styles, often improving the comfort of a residential building.

1. Chalet

Traditionally, chalet houses are made of two floors, with the first floor being built from stone and the second from wood to convey the spirit of a mountain hut. A feature of original chalets is often the high humidity of the basement. Features of building a chalet from wood concrete:

    Ground independence. Wood concrete chalets can be built on problematic soils, unlike stone chalets.

Chalet style house. Stone plinth or stone finish? Source

    Facing. For the first floor, basement panels with stone relief are used, for the second floor - a block house or wooden lining. In both cases, installation is carried out on the lathing. A person who has not taken part in construction work is unlikely to determine with certainty what the house is built from.

    Microclimate. It will be equally comfortable on both floors.

2. Minimalism

Buildings in the minimalist style are traditionally built from lightweight concrete or brick, constructed using a monolithic method. They are characterized by strict geometry and a minimum of decorative elements. Design choice in interior design are subdued colors and finishes with a smooth texture (plaster or tiles predominate)

An arbolite house, the design of which embodies this style, has additional advantages:

    A house made of wood concrete does not require an expensive slab or buried foundation, like a building made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

Arbolite wall covered with glass wallpaper Source

    Arbolite walls after finishing will look the same as concrete (brick) ones, but unlike them they are able to breathe.

    If the project includes French (panoramic) windows, a house made of wood concrete will have much less heat loss than its concrete or brick counterpart.

3. Loft

The loft arose when savvy city dwellers began to inhabit empty industrial buildings with spacious rooms and huge windows. What was previously considered a disadvantage - open communications and rough finishing (or better yet, its absence) suddenly became a sign of chic and belonging to the elite.

“Real” lofts in industrial buildings are not very practical, so they have become widespread country houses made of concrete or brick, which were specially designed for this brutal style. Arbolite blocks are no less durable, and their thermal insulation qualities are much (2-3 times) superior to traditional stone materials. It is worth taking a closer look at wood concrete if the loft project includes large windows and siding; heat loss will be minimal, and finishing will be easy and quick.

Heat loss from large windows is compensated by walls made of wood concrete Source

4. Traditional (ethnic) style

For the construction and decoration of houses in ethno-style, they try to use natural materials, avoiding the use of brick, tile, glass or chrome elements (forged are allowed). Such houses in Asian or folk European (the same chalet) style are environmentally friendly, but often cold and often weakly built. Arbolite houses can give a head start in terms of weight, comfort, fire safety and energy saving.

Video description

How to build a house from wood concrete? What type of foundation does a house made of wood concrete blocks require? How much does a turnkey wood concrete house cost?

5. Rustic

The style is characterized by deliberately rough, minimal processing of stone and wood. The same materials are used for interior decor; the interior is enlivened by natural fabrics, pottery and animal skins, designed to highlight the natural beauty of nature. The advantages of wood concrete are immediately visible:

    Compared to an arbolite building, a stone house is too heavy for problematic soil, and a wooden house is powerless in the face of fire.

    In a climate characterized by long wet periods (long autumn and spring rains), owners of a wood-concrete house do not have to worry about the appearance of mold and rot.

It is difficult to distinguish an arbolite house with a block house finish from a wooden one Source

Projects and prices of wood concrete houses

Many construction companies have own production arbolite blocks, which allows them to offer houses at reasonable prices. The customer can choose a standard (ready-made) project and modify it, or order an individual project with full development. A turnkey house made of arbolite blocks is available in several configurations:

    Economy. The foundation is being laid, the walls and roof are being erected. The option will cost from 11,500 rubles/m2.

    Standard. In addition to the frame and roof, the customer can count on the installation of windows and doors, as well as insulation of floors. From 12500 rub./m2.

    Optimal. In addition to the previous work, facade (exterior) finishing is carried out, the roof and attic are insulated. From 14,500 rub./m2.

    Premium. A full range of construction and finishing works, wiring of communications and other activities stipulated by the contract. From 17,000 rub./m2.

Let's look at some projects of houses made of arbolite blocks:

Project country cottage from wood concrete on a turn-key basis Source

Houses made of arbolite blocks, the price of which allows you to keep the budget within reasonable limits, are also pleasing with the construction time: a house with an area of ​​100 m2 is completed in 2.5-3.5 months (depending on the complexity of the project). Average prices for projects in the Moscow region:

    Houses with area up to 100 m 2: 1,470 - 1,860 thousand rubles.

    From 100 to 200 m2: 2,350 - 3,470 thousand rubles.

    More than 200 m2: 3,980 - 6,295 thousand rubles.


By many parameters Vacation home made of wood concrete can be a profitable solution for those who are thinking about their own family nest. Thanks to the huge selection of modern finishing materials (plaster, plinth panels, liquid wallpaper), a house made of wood concrete will not lose in appearance to its brick, wood and concrete counterparts. The multiple win will be its unrivaled ability to retain heat.

The variety of building materials on the market today is quite large. Many of them are already quite familiar to the mass consumer, but new ones are constantly appearing, which most buyers have not yet really become familiar with. All this can cause certain difficulties when choosing a suitable option for building a house, not only for ordinary people, so far only taking a closer look at what is on sale, but also among construction professionals. Wood concrete can be classified as such a new material, but still the definition of “forgotten old” is more suitable for it. After all, it first appeared in the 60s of the last century, and even during the times of the USSR its production was established, which was somewhat covered up later. Now wood concrete is gaining new popularity.

Arbolite belongs to composite building materials. Once upon a time it was already in quite high demand in residential construction. Many houses were built on its basis, including as an experiment in the Arctic. Then the material was undeservedly forgotten and only now has become in demand again.

It is lightweight concrete filled with wood chips from coniferous and hardwood species. It also contains a number of quite peaceful additives and additives that improve performance material, but not affecting its environmental friendliness.

Block wood concrete

Wood concrete is produced mainly in the form of blocks, which facilitate the process of building houses, but it can also be produced for pouring formwork. There are such varieties of this material as:

  • structural;
  • thermal insulation.

Arbolite blocks are used mainly for low-rise construction. The material is used to construct buildings for a wide variety of economic purposes.

Attention! This material also has some limitations in its use - these are rooms with high humidity, as well as those in which there is a possibility of the presence of aggressive gases.

Due to the high wood content in the composition and the safety of the additives used, this material is characterized by fairly high environmental qualities. They are quite comparable to the characteristics of natural wood. Arbolite has other significant advantages, without having any significant disadvantages.

Pros and cons of houses made of wood concrete

Wood concrete can contain varying amounts of wood chips, reaching up to 90 percent of the total volume. It is permissible to contain a certain amount of sawdust, which should not exceed a certain indicator according to the standards, otherwise the strength of the wood concrete blocks is significantly reduced. If wood chips predominate in the composition of the material, then its structure looks almost like natural wood.

Wood concrete composition

Houses built on wood concrete are warm and comfortable to live in. This material has many other advantages. Its main advantages include the following properties:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • excellent thermal conductivity;
  • good sound absorption;
  • excellent fire resistance;
  • ease of processing;
  • ease of use.

Despite the high content of wood chips, the material is not flammable due to the additives added to its composition. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the fire safety of a house made on the basis of wood concrete. It is practically not subject to shrinkage, as a result of which finishing work can begin immediately after the walls are erected. The material holds its shape well and is resistant to various mechanical impacts. Reacts well to temperature changes. It is practically not susceptible to rotting, and is not afraid of rodents or insect pests.

The material is environmentally friendly, so it is in demand among buyers

Blocks made from this material, compared to traditional concrete ones, have significantly more a light weight, which simplifies construction work without requiring the use of heavy equipment when building houses. In addition, they place less load on the foundation, which means lower construction costs. In addition, wood concrete is quite easy to process - you can use a regular hacksaw to cut blocks. It’s enough just to make any holes in them, hammer in nails, screw in self-tapping screws or bolts. Surfaces made of this material do not require any special fastening.

With all the advantages of this material, it was not possible to avoid a small number of inherent disadvantages. They are not so significant, but still present. These include several disadvantages such as:

  • excessive sensitivity to moisture;
  • quite high cost of material;
  • some external unattractiveness of the outer surface if it is not additionally finished, which, however, can be completely solved with the help of cladding;

When buying wood concrete, check the batch for quality
  • sometimes encountered asymmetry of blocks and deviations in their sizes, as well as the predominance of sawdust instead of wood chips in the composition, obtained as a result of violations of technology or the production cycle.

Advice. To avoid purchasing low-quality wood concrete blocks, you should immediately check the material during purchase. Most defects are visible to the naked eye. This applies to deviations in size and to the use of sawdust in the production of blocks instead of wood chips. In addition, it is better to purchase materials from trusted manufacturers, for whom reputation is more important than selling products of dubious quality by any means.

What are the reviews of this material from the owners of wood concrete houses?

Reviews from people who chose wood concrete to build a house are mostly positive. This applies to both wood concrete blocks and casting material, which is used in monolithic construction. Those who are dissatisfied with the chosen option are much smaller. And such dissatisfaction is more likely associated with the purchase of poor quality products than directly with the properties of this material.

Most owners of houses based on wood concrete emphasize the following advantages of this material:

  • building a house, including exterior finishing, does not take too long;
  • during the construction of the building there were no complaints about the material from the workers;

You can build a house from wood concrete without using heavy equipment
  • arbolite blocks are very easy to saw or drill, and all fastenings adhere perfectly to walls made of this material;
  • In the house itself, heat is retained simply perfectly; even if the electricity is turned off for a while, the rooms remain at a comfortable temperature for a long time.

Monolithic house made of wood concrete: how to build it yourself?

People who want to make their home as durable as possible often choose monolithic construction. A building constructed using this technology is characterized by increased reliability and durability. And using wood concrete as a building material allows you to make your home environmentally friendly, safe and comfortable to stay in.

At the initial stage of building a house, you first need to determine for yourself what you would like to see it like and how it will look externally. Then, based on this, you need to prepare a project. If you plan to make a basement, then the foundation must be monolithic. Otherwise, you can get by with a simple strip foundation or even a foundation on screw piles, which is due to light weight wood concrete is quite acceptable.

Construction of a house from wood concrete

When building a house from wood concrete using monolithic technology, additional structures will be required - formwork and scaffolding. The formwork itself can be removable. But non-removable ones are often used, which makes the building even more durable. In addition, you will need to use certain equipment to carry out work on pouring formwork at height.

When building a monolithic house with your own hands, you need to follow some simple tips:

  1. If there is a plinth, it is built 50 cm above the level of the blind area, which avoids moisture getting on the surface of the wood concrete and its further destruction. It is better to choose brick as the main material for building a basement.
  2. After pouring the foundation, formwork is installed, which can be made of boards, plywood, or sheets of metal. And to give the structure additional strength, a frame made of reinforcement is installed inside the formwork.
  3. The mass of wood concrete is poured into the formwork no more than 30 cm, after which it must be compacted.
  4. After 3-4 days, when the solution has hardened, the formwork can be dismantled and moved higher to continue work. If permanent formwork is used, then the steps are almost the same, but the process goes much faster.
  5. The optimal thickness of the wall is at least 60 cm, and the boards for formwork and foundation are about 5 cm.

Building a house from wood concrete is not the most difficult task. The main thing is to carry out the work in stages and use high-quality material for construction.

Do-it-yourself wood concrete house: video

A do-it-yourself wood concrete house is considered one of the best solutions. This material is in no way inferior in its characteristics to popular aerated concrete, brick or wood. Arbolite can be made independently at home, which allows you to save a decent amount without buying ready-made blocks.

What is wood concrete?

Arbolite is one of the varieties of lightweight concrete. This material consists of 80% wood chips. The main components of wood concrete are called:

  • organic fillers– various wastes from the woodworking industry;
  • various modifying additives(to regulate porosity, protect against pests, accelerate the setting process);
  • Portland cement and water.

Pros and cons of wood concrete

When building walls from arbolite blocks, there are a lot of advantages:

  • due to the light weight of the blocks, the process of building a house will not lead to additional difficulties;
  • construction costs are reduced because there is no need to hire specialized equipment;
  • there is no need to build a strong foundation;
  • manages to get rid of waste from sawmills and other woodworking enterprises;
  • a house made of wood concrete is not subject to deformation processes, so cracks are unlikely to appear on it;
  • the material has low thermal conductivity, which allows you to save on heating your home in the future;
  • increased frost resistance, which allows you to effectively operate the house in harsh climates;
  • fire resistance. Achieved by the presence of mineral fillers and special additives;
  • excellent adhesion properties, which facilitates the finishing of wood concrete;
  • excellent strength indicators, which is combined with the durability of wood concrete blocks;
  • wood concrete is environmentally friendly, does not harm humans and the environment;
  • relatively low price.

The disadvantages of such blocks include their ability to absorb moisture, which is usually solved by including them in the wall structure insulating materials. Wood concrete is attractive to rodents. They can not only destroy walls, but also make their homes in them. Therefore, such houses must have a powerful and high base, and during plastering it is recommended to use a chain-link mesh.

How to make wood concrete at home?

To make blocks from wood waste from a sawmill, you need to purchase suitable raw materials at any sawmill. Minimum size chips should be 4x5x0.5 cm. The prepared raw materials are left under a canopy for a period of two to three months. After this, it is treated with slaked lime, which is prepared at the rate of a kilogram of powder per 60 liters of water. The resulting mixture is stirred every two days until it is completely dry.

After finishing preparatory work You can start mixing the solution. To obtain one cube of the mixture, you must use the following components:

  • 300 kg of wood filler;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 400 l of water;
  • 30 kg of various additives.

You can prepare the solution using a regular concrete mixer. The resulting mixture is poured into pre-prepared molds. They can be made from ordinary boards covered with moisture-resistant plywood. Linoleum can be laid on the bottom of the molds. It is filled with solution, leaving a gap of several centimeters on top.

The mixture must be compacted, which allows you to get rid of voids. The block is kept in this form for 24 hours, after which it is removed and left under a canopy for several weeks to gain strength.

What wood concrete is used to build houses?

Before building a wood concrete house, you need to choose the right main material, which must have the following characteristics:

  • homogeneous structure. The block must contain particles of the same size, which are distributed throughout the entire volume;
  • correct geometry. Regulatory documents for wood concrete, deviations of 5-7 mm are allowed;
  • no impurities. The presence of any color inhomogeneities on the surface indicates a violation of the technology;
  • availability of quality certificates. Such blocks will work efficiently over a long period of time.

Characteristics of wood concrete

Detailed instructions for building a house from arbolite blocks

To build a house from wood concrete with your own hands, you must strictly adhere to generally accepted technology.

Pouring the foundation

Arbolite blocks are very light, so there is no need to build a strong foundation for them. It can have almost any design and configuration. If a strip foundation is selected, the following sequence of work should be followed:

  • the external contours of the foundation are marked on the surface;
  • carry out excavation of soil to the designed depth;
  • a sand and gravel cushion is placed at the bottom of the trench, which is subsequently compacted;
  • install formwork;
  • install fittings;
  • concrete is poured;
  • after a few days the formwork is removed;
  • the surface of the foundation is treated with bitumen and several layers of roofing material are laid;
  • carry out backfilling.

Construction of the plinth and masonry of wood concrete walls

For arbolite blocks, the base can be constructed from several rows of bricks. The recommended height of this part of the house is 500 mm.

The technology for laying walls made of wood concrete is no different from the construction method load-bearing structures from any other blocks. Installation of the material begins from the edge of the base, with mandatory bandaging of the seams. The position of each element is carefully checked using a level. Wood concrete is laid using conventional cement-sand mortar.

After installing every three rows, take a break for a day. This time is enough for the solution to set.

Reinforcement of masonry from arbolite blocks

It is not necessary to reinforce wood concrete, but such a solution will help increase the rigidity of the walls. To perform this operation, use a plastic mesh or ordinary steel rods. It is recommended to lay the reinforcement in the corners of the house, where the walls meet.

Reinforcement of wood concrete masonry

Installation of jumpers

For installing jumpers over window and doorways use one of the solutions:

  • use of a metal corner. Its edges are walled up in the walls, after which blocks are inserted inside;
  • use of channels. Grooves are made in the blocks and then laid on the lintel.

Installation of flooring in a house made of wood concrete

To construct the floor, you can use wooden or metal beams, reinforced concrete slabs. It is not necessary to pour an armored belt under this design.

Rules for finishing a house

Finishing a house made of wood concrete can be carried out immediately after the completion of the main construction work. Walls made from this material must be protected from external influence because they are able to absorb moisture.

For exterior finishing, plaster, brick, siding, and lining are used. Inside the house it is allowed to use any materials at the discretion of the owner.

The main mistakes when building houses from wood concrete

When building a house from wood concrete blocks with your own hands, you can make the following mistakes:

  • involving non-professionals in the construction process. Failure to comply with technology leads to irreparable errors;
  • use of low-quality blocks. Over time, they collapse, making normal operation of the house impossible;
  • incorrect block geometry. Leads to overconsumption of solution and deterioration appearance building;
  • the presence of a plinth made of cellular concrete. Leads to moisture penetration into the walls, which impairs their performance;
  • lack of armored belt in front of the ceiling. The presence of this element eliminates uneven load on wall structures.

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