Paint the walls in the bathroom with your own hands. What color to paint the bathroom is a rhetorical question that faces everyone who begins a bathroom renovation.

Painting bathroom walls - simple, quick, a budget option. Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to create an elite, expensive interior in this way. There are many variations of surface coloring, most of which are not without some creativity. As a result, you can get original design walls created with your own hands. For the average person, it is difficult to distinguish such design from original projects. Let's look at the numerous ways to use coloring compounds in the bathroom and learn how to choose them correctly for a room with such a difficult microclimate.

Pros and cons of painting a bathroom

Ceramic tiles are considered the traditional coating for bathroom wall surfaces. The material has proven itself really well in the last century and has stood the test of time. However, despite all the variety of colors, patterns and shapes that manufacturers now offer, the tiles are still a little boring. The practice of painting walls began in a number of Western countries, where this fashion came to us from. Paint has a lot of advantages, among which it is worth noting:

  • Purchasing the substance will cost much less than buying tiles. Working with the material is also much easier. It is enough to stock up on brushes and masking tape, which will prevent the composition from smearing on other areas of the wall.
  • Variety of use cases. It is not necessary to paint the entire wall with the same color. You can resort to a series design solutions: creating a gradation of shades, decorative painting, combination with tiles.
  • The hardened layer of paint is easy to clean; simply wiping it with a damp sponge a couple of times a week is enough.

The disadvantages of using paint to cover bathroom walls include:

  • The need for preliminary leveling of the surface. The paint composition will only emphasize the unevenness of the wall, so it will have to be carefully prepared using putty and primer.
  • The paint is not recommended for use in bathrooms where there is no good ventilation. Although moisture-resistant compounds are a step above conventional ones, they are not yet able to withstand moisture in the same way as ceramics. In poorly ventilated rooms, sooner or later the walls will begin to become damp, which will lead to the appearance of fungi and mold.
  • The paint layer is not resistant to mechanical damage, like ceramic tiles. One blow is enough for a piece of coating to crack or even break off.
    It is easy to remove the paint and paint the wall again in a different color. This relative advantage will be highly appreciated by those who prefer to radically change the interior every couple of years.

For many of our compatriots, painted walls evoke strong associations with “official” blue or green, which is so often used to cover entrances. In fact, the range of paint colors is rich and varied.

Choosing paint for walls

First of all, when choosing paint, pay attention to the appearance of the coating. There is a classification of compositions according to this criterion:

  • Matte. Paints with this effect perfectly mask wall defects and add depth to the shade.
  • Glossy. This type has a more presentable appearance, is more resistant to moisture, but at the same time emphasizes the slightest irregularities in the walls.
  • Semi-matte. An intermediate option between gloss and matte surface.
  • Textured. They give the coating a roughness, which looks great in combination with conventional glossy or matte paints. Perfectly disguises unevenness.

However, what is much more significant for the room is not the appearance of the coating, but the composition of the coloring matter. The ability of the paint to withstand regular contact with moisture and elevated temperatures, which is considered the norm for a bathroom, largely depends on this. Depending on the production technology and composition, moisture-resistant paints are classified into the following types:

  • Water-based.
  • Latex based paints.
  • Acrylic.
  • Silicone based.
  • Group of alkyd paints.
  • Chlorinated rubber compounds.
  • Oil paints.

Let's look at the disadvantages and advantages of each type of moisture-resistant paint.

Water emulsion: pros and cons

Water-based paint dries very quickly after application to the surface. The composition is absolutely safe for humans and does not have a sharp, unpleasant odor. It is easy to give water-based paint a special shade by adding a special pigment to the jar. They are sold in any hardware store. The only disadvantages that can be noted are the need to comply certain conditions during the painting process: the room temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees, otherwise the paint will not “set”. Includes:

  • Antiseptic.
  • Thickener.
  • Latex.
  • Filler.

Water-based paints are classified into the following types:

  • Acrylic. In addition to latex, acrylic is also added to the composition, which gave the name to the subgroup of paints. This type is considered the most common among water-based emulsions. Thanks to the combination of latex and acrylic, the surface becomes more resistant to water. When applying two layers, cracks can be masked.
  • Mineral. They are made on the basis of slaked lime or concrete. Typically used for outdoor and interior work with brick or concrete walls, suitable for finishing ceilings. The only shortcomings noted are short term services. Mineral paints are not sensitive to moisture, grease, light or changes temperature regime.
  • Silicate. Produced on the basis of liquid glass. They have high air and vapor permeability. They resist moisture well, but their protective qualities deteriorate if the humidity of the room differs significantly from that of the surface on which the coating was applied. They are among the “long-lived” paints, as their service life reaches 20 years.
  • Silicone. Manufactured on the basis of silicone resins. In terms of cost, they top the “rating” of the most expensive water-based paints. They are a type of vapor-permeable composition, therefore ideal for finishing “raw” walls.

Water-based paints must be thoroughly mixed before use to obtain a uniform color. According to the instructions, they even allow the addition of small portions of water. Tools can be easily washed off after painting, which makes this type of paint even more attractive to the buyer.


If in water-based paints the ingredients are combined using various resins, then in latex paints this role is assigned to the substance of the same name. Latex holds pigments and water together, which evaporates when it dries. At the same time, the particles of the binder combine and form a thin but durable film. Latex paints also do not emit an unpleasant odor, dry within two hours, and allow air to pass through, so there is no need to worry about the formation of bubbles on the surface. They can easily withstand constant contact with moisture and regular washing; have high abrasion resistance and good adhesion to any type of surface. Unfortunately, latex paints are quite expensive and often become a breeding ground for fungi and mold. The last problem is easily solved with the help of an antiseptic primer, which is applied to the wall or ceiling immediately before painting.


This type of paint is made on the basis of acrylic, as is clear from the name. They are highly resistant to moisture and direct influences. sun rays. Even a couple of years after repair, the surface does not fade. However, acrylic paints tend to darken the color after the layer dries. This nuance must be taken into account when choosing the shade of the composition. Unlike oil paints, they do not crack. Acrylic compositions without water have increased strength and are often used for outdoor work.


Silicone-based paints have appeared relatively recently. This group of compounds has a high cost. The price is compensated by the characteristics of the paints and their wide range of applications. They are moisture-resistant, but vapor-permeable, which ensures natural air exchange in the room and prevents the walls from becoming damp. Silicone paints are insensitive to sudden changes in temperature (including frost) and exposure to sunlight. They do not crack or swell with “bubbles” when painted. Silicone paints dry quickly enough, do not emit an unpleasant odor and are completely safe for humans.

Chlorinated rubber paints appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already established themselves as an excellent option for combining low cost and high performance. They are made from a mixture of pigments, a solvent and a white powder called chlorinated rubber (the end product of the reaction between chlorine and rubber). Such compositions are used to cover walls not in bathrooms, but in rooms where swimming pools are located, or in saunas and baths. The fact is that chlorinated rubber paints have no competitors in terms of resistance to moisture. However, the composition is capable of changing consistency after the surface has dried. When the temperature rises to 60 degrees, it softens, and when it drops, it hardens. If the air in the room becomes even hotter, there is a risk of decomposition of the composition with the release of hydrochloric acid vapors.

Chlorinated rubber paints are usually used in the finishing of industrial facilities. During drying of the composition, no chemical reactions occur. Chlorinated rubber simply hardens after the solvent evaporates. The paint's resistance to the latter is very low. Because of this, the first layer may soften after applying the second. Manufacturers often add small pieces of aluminum to the composition, which create the original decorative effect and increase the strength of the coating.


Alkyd paints have high adhesion and are used to coat almost any surface: concrete, wood, metal. In the latter case, the composition prevents the development of corrosion. Paints are made based on alkyd varnish. When dry, they can release toxic substances, so the bathroom needs to be well ventilated. There are two types of alkyd varnishes:

  • Pentaphthalic.
  • Glypthal.

Pentaphthalic varnish is used more often for the production of alkyd paints, since during cold drying it promotes faster hardening of the composition, and the resulting film becomes stronger than a layer with a glypthal base. In other cases, glypthal varnish hardens faster. When choosing an alkyd paint, you should pay attention to its fat content. The density of the composition, the hardness and elasticity of the coating, and the drying speed depend on this indicator.

Features of using oil paints for bathroom decoration

Oil paints are made from drying oil. This variety can be safely called “greetings from the past”, since before the advent of acrylic, alkyd, silicone and latex compositions, it simply had no competitors. Half a century ago oil paints widely used for painting walls both inside and outside. The main disadvantage of the composition is the very long drying time. In a bathroom with high humidity, this process may even take several days.

During drying, the composition emits a sharp, unpleasant odor, so the room will have to be ventilated for a long time. Although oil paints adequately withstand the test of high humidity, they are not recommended for use for finishing a bathroom, since after a year or two the coating will begin to crack and repair work will have to be carried out again.

How to prepare walls for painting

The application of the coloring composition to the wall is preceded by preparatory stage. The surface must be cleaned of the old coating layer, leveled with putty, and plaster, primer and antiseptic must be applied. The complexity of the task directly depends on the type of wall surface. Preparing bare brick is considered the most labor-intensive. We'll have to beat off the leftovers cement mortar and perhaps cover the wall with reinforcing mesh. The easiest way to work is with a plastered surface.

Recommendations and methods for removing old paint from walls

If the wall has already been painted, then it must be completely cleaned of any remaining composition that will create unevenness and roughness on the surface. Nowadays it is easy to purchase a special solvent on the market. Using a brush, spread it evenly over the entire surface and leave for a couple of hours. When the composition penetrates deeply into the paint layer and softens it, you can begin cleaning the wall.

To do this, you will need a regular scraper or spatula. For some types of paint, special solvents are sold that effectively soften only a specific composition. Sometimes, the old layer “eats” into the wall so much that it has to be removed using tools such as a grinder or a soldering iron. In the first case, the entire room will quickly be filled with small particles of paint and plaster, and in the second, toxic substances can be released due to strong heating. For this reason, solvent is considered the safest and most reliable option.

Painting tools: their advantages and disadvantages

The following tools can be used to paint the surface:

  • Brushes of different hardness and width. Suitable for treating small, hard-to-reach areas (the area behind the toilet, shower or bathtub). They may leave unsightly “smears” and smudges, which will disrupt the uniformity of the surface.
  • Rollers. Used to cover large areas. They allow you to quickly treat an area of ​​the wall and at the same time provide a uniform layer. It is better to use foam rollers.
  • Spray guns. This group includes atomizers and atomizers. The tools work on a similar principle: they spray the composition at a certain distance from the surface under air pressure. Gives a uniform coating. The person himself regulates the degree of coloring and the amount of paint that is spent on each square centimeter. To reduce the consumption of the composition, simply increase the distance between the wall and the spray gun. It is recommended to work in a respirator or a special mask.

Most modern version are considered spray guns. They are used not only for painting walls, but also for furniture of complex configurations. If a combination of several colors is used, then use masking tape to delimit individual areas.

Paint application technology

Let's look at the technology of applying paint to a wall using a roller step by step:

  • First, you need to clearly delineate the area to be painted. It is indicated by stripes of paint drawn at a distance of several cm from the border.
  • Now you need to dilute the paint and pour a small portion into a special container (two-section trough) for rollers.
  • Then the roller is moistened with paint, the excess of which is removed by test rolling the tool on a special ribbed surface of the container.
  • Now the paint is applied to the wall with a roller. Movements must be continuous. The tool is moved along the vertical axis: up and down.
  • When the paint on the roller begins to run out, it is repeated over the already treated surface to remove the resulting stains.
  • Now the roller is re-wetted in paint and the whole procedure is repeated again with the adjacent section of the wall.

You should work either in a well-lit room or in daylight. This way you can immediately notice shortcomings and eliminate them in a timely manner. Borders and small details are painted last. For painstaking work, it is better to replace the roller with a brush.

Paint consumption

Paint consumption will help you purchase the right amount of composition for finishing a specific area. This indicator is always indicated on the jar. As a rule, manufacturers calculate the approximate surface area that can be covered with one layer of the presented paint. These data are considered approximate. The permissible calculation error depends on the wall material, the number of layers of paint, the degree of its dilution, the characteristics of the composition, the application tool and even the environmental conditions in which the painting work will be carried out. The ideal value is considered to be a consumption of 1 liter per 5 sq.m in one layer. To measure the area of ​​a wall, you will need to multiply its height by its width. Don't forget to add borders, fillets or small decorative elements.

Decoration in different styles

Painting the walls in the bathroom is suitable for a ruler modern styles, and for a number of classical and ethnic trends. Silver paint is ideal for high-tech. Traditional for loft brick walls easy to transform with white, blue or soft brown shades. For modernism, you can use a combination of ombre (color gradation) and wavy lines at the transition points of tones. For ethnic trends, painted walls are perfect, the surface of which is additionally decorated with decorative paintings with national motifs. For example, for a bathroom in an Egyptian or African style, characteristic angular patterns are suitable. Moorish or Moroccan interiors are decorated with elegant script made in blue, brown and green colors. For a bathroom in the Russian style, painting is used.

When using paints, much attention is paid to the types of finishing materials that were used to cover the floor and ceiling. They should be combined not only in color, but also in texture. By creating smart combinations, you can emphasize one or another zone in the room or, conversely, disguise a separate area, making it neutral.

Decorative painting methods

In addition to classic solid painting, when working with paint you can use a number of special tools for original techniques:

  • Stencils. Used for applying drawings over a layer of dried paint.
  • The “stardust” effect is achieved by spraying paint of a different color using a hard brush, which is thoroughly wrung out before the procedure. This technique looks beautiful and stylish on dark walls(purple, blue) if light or silver paint is splashed.
  • Aging effect or stippling. Apply to completely dry surfaces. Glaze is applied on top of the paint layer. While the composition has not hardened, it is artistically smeared over the surface using a sponge. As a result, the bottom layer of paint is gradually exposed.
  • Contrasting coloring. To work, you will need paints of different colors and supplies of masking tape. Adhesive tape is used to limit individual areas, which are painted in different shades. The technique is often used to create complex geometric patterns.

August 16, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Painting the walls in the bathroom is one of the simplest (at first glance!) techniques for decorating a room. It is precisely because of this apparent simplicity that inexperienced craftsmen often choose it. But then they are almost guaranteed to encounter difficulties and understand that to achieve a result they need to put in no less effort than when finishing with other materials.

Be that as it may, even a beginner can learn how to paint the walls in the bathroom - and for this in the article I will share own experience, and also give recommendations from other masters.

Materials for work

Moisture-resistant paints

The traditional method of finishing a bathroom is tiling it. However, this technology is very expensive, and also requires certain skills, so beginners often look for something to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tiles.

To finish surfaces that are almost 100% likely to come into contact with moisture, you can use a variety of compositions:

  1. Water-based paint with additives that protect it from erosion. By itself, water-emulsion does not take moisture well, so areas where water is guaranteed to get in should not be finished with such material. But to the question of whether it is possible to paint walls that will not be in direct contact with moisture with water-based pigments, a positive answer can be given.
  2. Oil paint is an option that is practically not used today, but in the past it was one of the main ones. Yes, it is characterized by acceptable moisture resistance, but at the same time it dries slowly, and with temperature changes in the room it is almost guaranteed to begin to peel off from the base.

  1. Alkyd enamel is probably the best choice in situations where the priority is to protect the base from getting wet. After polymerization, the enamel layer becomes almost airtight, and the wall becomes almost completely moisture resistant. But if you need paint without , then alkyd compounds are not suitable here - even a few days after application, a peculiar “aroma” will be felt.
  2. When choosing which paint is best to paint walls in bathrooms, experts most often give preference to acrylic (latex) pigments. In principle, it’s really difficult to find the best option: acrylic and acrylic-latex complex have good coverage and good adhesion to any surface, they are non-toxic and can be easily applied to walls. The moisture resistance of acrylic is quite acceptable: if you do not rub the wall with a sponge and detergent and promptly remove wet stains, the finish will last for many years.

  1. Silicone paint for bathroom walls is another very worthy solution. Silicone compositions are characterized by increased moisture resistance, and if not for the price (it must be admitted that it is considerable), then I would confidently recommend these pigments as a universal solution.

Washable coatings - what are their advantages?

Tiling and painting the walls of a room such as a bathroom perform a common function - in addition to decoration, they also protect load-bearing surfaces from moisture. But in some cases, simple protection is not enough: Where drops of water regularly fall, washable paint is needed.

It is worth drawing a clear line between moisture-resistant and washable pigments:

  1. Moisture resistant is paint that is capable of appearance and other physical and chemical parameters must be maintained for a long time in a room with high humidity. If water periodically gets on it, it’s okay, but regular moistening will cause rapid degradation of the paint layer.

  1. Unlike moisture-resistant paints, washable paints form a dense film on the base, which not only is not afraid of moisture, but also actively resists swelling, abrasion and the effects of chemicals.
  2. In other words, any washable composition is moisture-resistant, but not every moisture-resistant paint can be washed, especially not regularly.

If we talk about choosing a pigment specifically for painting bathroom walls with your own hands, then I would recommend choosing acrylic compositions with increased moisture resistance. Nominally they are not washable, but they withstand various impacts very well. More durable materials will be needed in exceptional cases - for example, when painting a room with an installed open-type shower stall.

Painting technology

Surface preparation

In this section, I will tell you how to paint the walls in the bathroom with your own hands, providing the decorative layer with a sufficient margin of strength and durability. The main difficulty lies in preparing the surfaces, which is why I will pay maximum attention to this.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to paint the walls over old paint. There is no consensus on this matter among the masters, but from my point of view, such a decision is an unjustified risk.

Even if today it seems that the old finishing layer is holding up well and is not going to peel off, then who can guarantee that it will not react with the primer or paint and will not fall off in just two or three months.

That's why first of all we need to figure out how to remove paint from the walls. I usually do it like this:

  1. To begin with, I perform mechanical cleaning - I take a spatula and use it to clean off everything that can be cleaned off. I act quite intensively, but carefully: it is advisable not to damage the plaster layer, since the defects will then have to be smoothed out with putty.
  2. As a rule, you can never remove all the paint with a spatula, and you have to decide how to remove the remains. This is where a hair dryer comes to the rescue: I heat up a layer of material, wait until it begins to soften, and remove it using the same spatula.
  3. If not, then to the question of how to remove paint from bathroom walls, there is another answer: chemical removers! I buy a bottle of the product, apply it to the painted area, wait until the components react - and then remove the partially dissolved mass with almost no effort.

  1. Finally, if you plan to cover the bathroom with plasterboard or completely re-plaster, then decide how to remove the paint , You don’t have to be delicate: take a grinder with a brush attachment, turn it on and clean off everything that’s on the walls, including putty and part of the plaster.

There will be a lot of dust and debris, so we wear goggles and a respirator.

  1. To begin with, a rough leveling of the walls is performed - either plastering or finishing moisture-resistant plasterboard. At this stage I try to get perfectly flat planes with minimum quantity defects.
  2. After the plaster has dried, I apply putty with a moisture-resistant compound. You also need to use putty to treat the seams between plasterboard boards and places where the sheathing is attached to the frame.

  1. I must grind the dried putty using abrasive mesh. First, I rub the surface with a coarse abrasive, and then “finish” the surfaces with fine-grain finishing sandpaper. The fewer irregularities there are on the plane, the better the painted wall will look.

When sanding, a large amount of gypsum dust is generated. When mixed with paint, it deteriorates its properties, so I prefer to vacuum the walls to get the best result.

  1. Preparation for painting ends with a primer. For work I use a moisture-resistant acrylic composition, which I apply in at least two layers. So that the acrylic has time to polymerize, I pause for at least 2-3 hours between approaches (the instructions for the primer composition will tell you the exact time).

Finally, we need to think about paint protection for all other surfaces. To do this, cover the floor with newspapers or plastic wrap, and cover the ceiling around the perimeter with masking tape. It is also worth covering pipes and plumbing with polyethylene or thick fabric: no matter how carefully we work, drops will still fly away.

If our design project involves the use of two or more colors, then the boundaries between them should also be marked with masking tape. This, by the way, is a completely reasonable solution from a purely practical point of view: the lower part of the walls is painted with a washable pigment of a darker shade, and the upper part is simply painted with moisture-resistant light paint.

Painting the walls

To paint the walls in the bathroom we will need:

  • a roller with a telescopic handle (the so-called fishing rod);
  • several brushes different shapes for painting in hard-to-reach places;
  • paint tray;
  • gloves;
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • headscarf;
  • rack or trestles - for high rooms;
  • rags and solvent to remove paint drops.

Coloring begins with the preparation of the pigment:

  1. We open the container with paint, and, if this has not been done previously, add color to it. Mix the tinting liquid thoroughly, achieving uniform coloring and matching the color with the reference sample.

You can use pre-tinted paints, but I prefer to work with a white base: there is nothing complicated about adding pigment, but the savings are quite noticeable.

  1. Simultaneously with tinting, we check the container for the presence of insoluble sediment. The thing is that acrylic, latex and other paints, if stored improperly, can delaminate, losing all their positive traits. You can get rid of sediment by filtering the paint through a special filter or just a nylon stocking.
  2. Immediately before work, mix the pigment again to increase homogeneity. Next, pour a small amount of the composition into the tray and get to work.
  3. We take a roller, dip it in paint and roll it several times along the grooved area of ​​the tray to distribute the pigment over the pile.

If we were unable to sand the walls efficiently, and the defects are visible even to the naked eye, then the first layer can be applied with a brush. The consumption will be higher, but more thick layer will hide some of the unevenness.

  1. First, we paint the corners and joints of the walls, and then we begin to gradually process the planes, regularly adding paint to the roller.
  2. We leave the first layer to dry, and after it has dried, we repeat the coloring. We thoroughly rub the pigment over the surface, trying not to leave streaks, but also avoid unpainted areas.

  1. Usually two layers of paint are enough to achieve the desired result. If a light composition with low hiding power is used, then sometimes three or four layers have to be applied to mask the base.

Drying the room

To be applied decorative material does not begin to fall off the base in the first weeks, you need to provide it with optimal polymerization conditions:

  • The first and most important thing is ventilation.. The humidity level in the bathroom is usually higher than in the rest of the apartment, so in such an environment the pigment will take a very long time to dry. The process can be accelerated by ensuring effective removal of moist air either naturally or by force.

  • Next - the absence of drafts. If we cannot fulfill this requirement, then polymerization will proceed unevenly, and stress zones will appear in the paint film, which will sooner or later lead to the formation of cracks.
  • Finally, a constant sufficient temperature is also important. In the bathroom, you need to ensure a temperature regime of +20..+250C with minimal differences - then there will be no peeling or peeling of the paint layer.


Painting the walls in the bathroom is not such a simple undertaking. However, there are chances of success, and considerable ones: just follow my advice, as well as the recommendations given in the video in this article.

It seems to me that this information will be quite enough to achieve a decent result, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments: I hope I can be useful!

The tiled walls in the bathroom set the teeth on edge. Yes, it is convenient and practical, but the atmosphere is far from homely and in winter it is downright cold and uncomfortable in such a room. More and more people are looking for an alternative finishing method. And one of them is painting the walls. But bathroom paint must have certain characteristics. Let's talk further about what paints can be used in the bathroom.

How to paint a bathroom

You can paint the walls in the bathroom in different ways. Some choose combined option finishing - the shower stall or part of the wall near the bathtub is tiled, everything else is painted. In this case, the choice of paints is greater, since many can easily tolerate high humidity, but not all can withstand exposure to hot chlorinated water.

If you categorically do not like tiles, even in limited quantities, you can cheat - decorate the painted walls in the splash zone with glass or transparent polycarbonate sheets.

Many still have concerns about whether it is possible to hang it on a painted wall. The answer is yes, there are no restrictions and there will be no consequences either. Read more about what paints you can use to paint bathroom walls.

What paint can be used in the bathroom

Not all paints can be used for wet rooms, and in the case of a bathroom, high cleaning power is still required. The following types are suitable:

Chlorinated rubber paint is often also recommended. Yes, it creates a waterproof coating, as it was developed for swimming pools. But it can only be used at temperatures not exceeding +27°C. It makes sense to use it in areas exposed to water splashes, since after drying the resulting film looks more like rubber than paint and does not allow either water or air to pass through. But there is a high probability that the water will get warmer than necessary. It is not stated how this paint will behave or what it will begin to emit, but it is hardly worth the risk, since its cost is high and the results of application are doubtful.

The combination of tiles and paint in the bathroom is beautiful and practical

As you can see, there is a choice, but ideal option No. Every place has its downsides. In general, any serious manufacturer has bathroom paint, and often more than one. If there is no direct indication that it is intended for the bathroom and kitchen, then it is written “washable” and “waterproof” or “moisture resistant.” When choosing, pay attention to the number of brush passes (should also be written). This figure is measured in thousands and the larger it is, the better. The minimum for walls is 3000 passes, but most good compositions exceed this figure many times over. For example, Livna “PS-285” can withstand 20,000 passes with a soft brush. That is, in terms of characteristics it is close to Tikkurila, but costs several times less.

Latex paint: characteristics

Latex can be natural or synthetic. Latex paints are made on the basis of natural latex - the juice of rubber plants. These particles are dissolved in water and do not form rigid bonds. As the water dries, an elastic, waterproof film forms on the surface. Its advantages are:

  • Easy to apply.
  • Dries quickly.
  • Almost odorless.
  • Abrasion resistant coating.
  • Durable.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Can be tinted with various pigments.

The paint is applied with a roller or brush. For normal staining, it is advisable to apply 2 layers. To reduce paint consumption, it is advisable to pre-prime the surface.

There are also disadvantages:

  • In order for the paint to look good, the walls need to be perfectly prepared - a thin film will highlight all the imperfections.
  • Not suitable for unheated rooms. Lower temperature threshold +10°C.
  • Before painting, the walls must be treated with antifungal compounds.
  • High price.

Mostly, latex bathroom paint is not purchased because of the high price. If you look at the price per liter, it is. But we must take into account that the consumption of this paint is very small, so you will need to buy a small amount. The second point that must be taken into account is that the painted surface does not change its appearance for a long time. Literally nothing has happened to her for years. So “expensive” is relative.

One more thing: if you want to have a “silky” shine on your bathroom walls, you need latex paint. No other product gives this effect.

Acrylate (acrylic or polyacrylic)

Acrylate is one of the types of latex paint. One of the types of synthetic rubbers is used as a base - acrylate, which is why the composition got its name. The properties of acrylic paint for the bathroom can be called optimal:

  • A weak and unstable odor when drying and its complete absence after.
  • Moisture resistance. When water hits a dry surface, nothing happens. Dried acrylic does not dissolve and does not enter into any reactions.
  • Vapor permeability. The dried composition does not interfere with gas exchange.
  • Good adhesion (adhesion to the surface to be painted).
  • Can be used at high and low temperatures. If you are looking waterproof paint for a bath - this a good choice.
  • Does not fade when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  • High abrasion resistance. Anti-vandal coatings are made from acrylic paints.
  • Safety. Does not contain heavy metal salts or organic solvents.
  • No noticeable odor.

If you need a bright and deep color, acrylic paint for the bathroom is your choice. Moreover, this color lasts for a very long period of time. An additional bonus is the versatility of the composition: it can be applied to concrete, metal, glass, stone, plastic, brick, plaster.

Acrylic paint for the bathroom is a wonderful solution to the problem

The disadvantages of acrylic paint are also worth knowing:

  • Long drying time.
  • Low dry residue (about 30%), which means that the film is thin and requires good surface preparation.
  • Only acrylic paint goes on top of acrylic paint. If you want to change it, you will have to completely remove it.

Overall, acrylic bathroom paint is a good choice. Painted bathroom walls will retain their color for a long time.

Silicone water dispersion

Silicone paint, as well as latex and acrylic, are water-based compositions. This means that it is also odorless and applies well. However, it has its own characteristics. Here are its advantages:

  • Good adhesion. Can be applied to concrete, putty, brick, wood, stone, etc.
  • Does not require an ideal surface, hides roughness and small cracks.
  • Can be used at high and low temperatures.
  • The film repels water, but allows steam and gas to pass through. That is, walls or ceilings coated with silicone paint “breathe.”
  • Prevents the development of fungi and microorganisms.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Tolerates exposure to sunlight well.
  • Long service life (up to 25 years).

If you need paint for your bathroom so that the walls and ceiling “breathe”, choose silicone paint. It is good in problem areas where there is mold or mildew.

Silicone bathroom paints are a good choice

There are also disadvantages:

  • Price. Not the cheapest paint. But looking at the service life, you understand that the costs are justified.
  • It is not advisable to use this paint on metal: it is vapor-permeable, which causes the metal to quickly rust. When painting reinforced concrete, measures are required to protect the reinforcement - impregnation with anti-corrosion compounds.

Silicone paint is applied like any water-based paint, with a roller or brush. To reduce the consumption of an expensive composition, it is advisable to pre-prime the surface. The primer should also be silicone based. Work begins at above-zero temperatures (usually above +5°C) and normal humidity. The composition must be applied to clean, dry walls or ceilings.

Alkyd enamel

This type of paint can be used not only for the bathroom, but also for exterior or interior work. The main disadvantage is the strong odor during application and drying, since the solvent is white spirit. Domestic alkyd enamels are often toxic, so you need to work in a ventilated area and, better yet, wear a gas mask. The composition may also include a filler (very finely ground stone chips or sand), a pigment to add color, and may contain antibacterial or antiseptic additives.

Advantages of alkyd enamels:

  • High film strength.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Short drying time.
  • Low price.
  • Good adhesion.
  • Does not turn yellow or crack.
  • Wide temperature range of application.

When choosing, it is better to opt for imported products. The price differs significantly, but so does the quality. The most important thing is that imported alkyd enamel smells much less and is definitely non-toxic.

Alkyd enamel - not bad for everyone, but has a strong “smell”

The disadvantages have mostly already been stated: odor and toxicity, but there are also some unpleasant aspects:

  • A surface coated with alkyd paint does not allow air or steam to pass through, so it must be effective.
  • To prevent fungus from appearing in the bathroom, preliminary protection of the base is necessary.

Alkyd enamel has two forms of release: standard - in cans, and also in aerosols. Aerosols are more universal - they can be applied to any surface, they are also easier to paint hard-to-reach places, but they are more expensive.

Oil paint

Oil paints are made from drying oil or synthetic oils. Compositions based on drying oil are considered the best, but they are more expensive. Minerals ground into flour are added to the base, which are responsible for the color of the coating. These particles are insoluble, and since they are heavier than oils, they settle to the bottom. Therefore, before use and during operation, the paint must be mixed. Advantages of this type of paint:

  • Low price.
  • Waterproof coating.
  • Fits well on a properly prepared surface.
  • Good adhesion.
  • Can be used to color metal and wood.

If you need inexpensive paint for your bathroom, this is your option. One has only to take into account that the service life of such coatings is very short: bubbles quickly form in places of direct contact with water, the paint begins to crack and peel.

Oil paints are the cheapest, but not the best option.

Disadvantages of oil paint:

  • The composition contains organic solvents, so the smell is strong and persistent until drying.
  • Vapors may be toxic.
  • Fewer colors due to the use of only mineral pigments.
  • Long drying time - at least 6 hours. Throughout this time, the paint “smells.”
  • After some time, the paint changes color (a yellow tint is added). It fades quickly in the sun.
  • In humid areas it cracks and peels.

The combination of these qualities leads to the fact that oil paints are used less and less. Even the low price does not help, so you have to update the coating almost every year. In this case, the normal appearance is maintained for a few months. In general, this is the most unsuccessful paint for the bathroom of all those described.

Even after choosing the type of paint you want to use in your bathroom, choosing a specific brand is not easy: there are so many different offers. Therefore, it is easier to navigate if there are recommendations from those who already have some experience in using painted walls in the bathroom. Here are the paints that have good reviews:

  • Caparol Capamix Samtex 20 (latex paint).
  • Livna PS 285. Washable paint for heavily loaded walls (use not in areas exposed to water).
  • Dulux Ultra Resist (acrylic).
  • Benjamin Moor (Benjamin Moore) Kitchen & Bath Satin Finish (acrylic); Aura Interior Matte Finish (silicone).
  • Rainbow Extra (acrylic).
  • Tikkurila (Tikkurila). There are several options: Luya 40 (acrylate for wet rooms), Luya 7 (washable acrylate for areas with high loads), Euro Extra 20 (semi-matte),
  • VGT Kitchen and Bathroom IQ130 (acrylic).

There are many other paints, but these have already been used in bathrooms, so they are already tested. These are mainly acrylic paints; others are apparently used less often, since they are more expensive. All of them provide a matte or semi-matte finish - this is the latest trend in decoration. The advantage of this choice is that surface defects (if any) are not as noticeable as on those painted with glossy and semi-gloss paints.

A few final photos of how you can paint a bathroom - for inspiration.

Beige bathroom paint is a classic choice.

The combination of tiles and painted walls is the most practical option

When choosing luxury porcelain tiles or practical plastic panels for bathroom cladding, we often forget about such material as bathroom paint.

Some people think painting walls is too simple and unpresentable, others doubt its reliability, but making the right choice It is with the help of paint that you can create a unique and stylish interior.

Let's try to figure out what wall covering made of paintwork materials is not afraid of moisture and how to achieve a fantastic effect using a brush and crumpled newspaper.

When do you choose paint as the main material for wall decoration? Usually in two cases: if you need to quickly make the bathroom as comfortable as possible or to save the family budget.

The second option is more common. Indeed, the cost of bathroom paint is low, as is its consumption, so the actual painting costs a relatively small amount.

However, don't forget about preliminary preparation surface - sometimes you need a reliable primer or even plastering of the entire area - in this case the costs increase.

If you have brick walls or need to level out the old coating, you will need plastering. Only an experienced plasterer can independently prepare the solution and level the walls, so surface preparation is often more expensive than the final stage - painting

The ideal option for painting is smooth, pre-plastered walls. Repair work in a small bathroom (standard in panel houses - from 2.2 m²) will take no more than one evening, and the cost of materials together with the tool will be within the amount of 3-4 thousand rubles.

For comparison, inexpensive tiles will cost at least 20 thousand rubles, and if you have insufficient experience in laying tiles, you will need the skills of a professional, and that’s about another 20 thousand rubles.

It turns out that painting the walls yourself is the most profitable and fastest way.

With various combinations you can even small room divided into zones: the wall near the bathtub is lined with white tiles, the rest of the area is covered with bright paint

But remember that for a durable, high-quality finish you need 2-3 layers plus 20-25% of the total, as they say, just in case.

Most often, a specially selected color is used, so it is better to purchase the material with a reserve, otherwise later problems may arise with the selection of a similar color (or there will not be any in the store required material for tinting).

About saving time in the following video:

How to choose paint for the bathroom?

It would seem that it would be easier - I went to the store, bought a couple of cans of paint and started applying it to the walls.

But once you get to the supermarket, you will definitely be faced with the problem of choice, since the market paint and varnish products fantastically varied.

It is necessary to choose a paint that is suitable for finishing the bathroom and at the same time meets personal preferences (in terms of color, saturation texture).

If a bathroom project requires a certain shade, ready-made options are immediately discarded. You should use tinting - a mixture of a white base color with a pigment of the tone that you need. The choice is made according to special layouts, which present dozens of shades of each color

Let's start with the fact that the bathroom differs from other rooms in its high level of humidity, therefore, we will need moisture-resistant material.

The exception is spacious rooms with good ventilation, in which even decorative coverings not intended for bathrooms feel good.

But the area around the bathtub and washbasin will still have to be painted with 2-3 layers of moisture-resistant paint or enamel.

Facade materials will not be useful to you - they are intended for external work (finishing wooden or siding cladding, brick plastering, concrete surfaces). We will need interior paints and varnishes, ideally specially designed for bathrooms and bathrooms.

Usually the degree of vapor permeability is indicated right on the can, which equates the paints to natural, “breathable” materials.

If you prefer environmentally friendly products, pay attention to the special “green” series jars. When producing safe paint, such harmful substances as lead, phenols, mercury, zinc white or cadmium compounds

Splashes of water and foam on the walls of the bathroom leave marks, so they will have to be washed constantly, which means the paint must be wear-resistant and not washed off by light detergents (for example, laundry soap).

The requirements for paints and varnishes intended for finishing the floor, ceiling or walls are also different, so on the can we need we look for the inscription “for walls”.

Types of paints for bathroom walls

What is better: to use inexpensive traditional paints and varnishes or to give preference to new, more practical materials?

Enamel compositions

  • polyurethane;
  • melamine;
  • alkyd;
  • nitroenamel;
  • perchlorovinyl, etc.

The most popular are alkyd varieties, in which the main binding component is alkyd resin. This type differs in the drying process.

Typically, paint dries as the solvent evaporates, but alkyd enamel instead oxidizes by reacting with air.

Drying occurs quite quickly, but the finished coating does not allow steam to pass through.

Paintwork materials are sold in standard containers (metal and plastic jars) and after opening they are immediately ready for use. The shelf life of the material is 1 year from the date of manufacture. Advantage - suitable for painting any surfaces, including metal. For dilution you will need a special solution.

In order for the paint to adhere well, adhesion and roughness are necessary, that is, absolute smoothness is excluded.

Adhesive paints

As the name suggests, it is based on glue. Additional components are casein, water, starch, technical alcohol, cellulose ethers.

Adhesive paint is not sold ready-made; you need to dilute it yourself. At three various containers chalk, coloring pigment and glue itself are diluted according to a special scheme.

Then all three solutions are mixed and a fairly thick paint is obtained. The master’s main concern is to correctly maintain the proportions and ensure that the dye is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the material.

If you have enough time to experiment, instead of lengthy preparation of the adhesive solution, you can find the shade of your dreams by experimenting with the base and several types of dry dye

As you can see, using adhesive composition complicates the repair process from the very beginning. Only an experienced master can prepare the correct solution.

A mixture that is too thick will begin to crumble, while a liquid mixture will cause “bald patches”, and the adhesive base will not last long in the bathroom.

It is better to give up experimenting with glue and choose modern, practical paints and varnishes that do not require special preparation.

This is material familiar from childhood. Back in the middle of the last century, there was no alternative to oil-based compounds, so they were used everywhere: for painting windows, floors, walls, facades, etc.

We had to wait until the surface finally “set” and the unpleasant specific smell disappeared. Over time, the paint wore off and the process had to be repeated.

Nowadays, when they are mainly used for interior decoration water-dispersion paints, oil analogues are intended for exterior work or painting materials such as metal or wood

One of the main components is drying oil, which is also used to dilute slightly thickened compositions.

The coloring pigments included in the composition dissolve in the oil base. The advantages of paint are sufficient strength (this applies to wall materials).

Therefore, it can easily be used in bathrooms, but it is not the best option due to the smell and long drying time. And you won’t be able to get a soft matte surface with an oil base.

Therefore, we move on to the last, most successful category for our repair.

Water-based types of paints

There are many types based on water emulsion, but three are most often used:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • latex

The first one can be washed with plain water, and the surface formed by the other two types is durable and moisture-resistant. It is silicone or latex paint that is recommended for use in bathrooms.

Sample paintwork on water based– washable paint for interior work brand “Tex” (St. Petersburg), withstands daily wet cleaning, therefore suitable for finishing a bathroom. The cost of a can (0.9 kg) is 150 rubles

Using water emulsion is a pleasure - it is not diluted with water, so washing it off your hands or clothes is also not difficult.

Dries quickly due to water evaporating after application. It does not have a specific odor inherent in all other analogues. Absolutely safe for others, even those who suffer from allergic diseases.

One of the main technical advantages– suitable for most surfaces, excluding metal (forms rust).

This means that the same water-based paint You can treat plastered walls, wooden elements, concrete surface, brickwork, and, if necessary, ceramics or plastic.

One of the advantages of finishing the interior with paint lies in the convenience and speed of application. If after 2-3 years you get tired of the blue bathroom, during the day you can turn it into red, yellow or white - at your discretion

If you want your walls to be matte rather than shiny, choose water-based acrylic material.

Thanks to acrylic, the film that evenly covers the surface of the wall becomes durable. It repels moisture and allows steam to pass through, and is abrasion resistant, which is useful for frequent cleaning.

The emulsified solution is equally good for both smooth surfaces and textured plaster.

Silicone analogues of the latest generation have similar properties, and also create a water-repellent, waterproof layer.

DIY painting instructions

Let's assume that we have already chosen the paint. All that remains is to prepare a simple tool:

  • roller (fur or foam);
  • several brushes of different widths with securely fastened bristles;
  • masking tape - to protect surfaces not intended for painting;
  • a cuvette that saves paint and allows you to remove excess material;
  • spatula - for occasional cleaning.

A spatula will not be needed if the walls are initially ready to be painted. This means that they must be plastered, perfectly smooth, without traces of old paint or glue, without cracks or depressions

It is better to remove shelves, mirrors, hangers, hooks and other devices from the walls that interfere with the uniform application of paint.

Some experts insist on observing the temperature regime. Optimal indicators are from +10ºС to +20ºС. It is also important to adjust the humidity, which should be within 50-70%.

To increase this indicator in winter, use humidifiers, and if they are not available, use buckets of hot water.


  • Prime the clean surface with a special solution. There are many types of universal-type interior primers, but it is better to choose one labeled “for paint.”
  • After the primer has completely dried, we begin to apply paint in the corners with a brush, starting from the light source (window or wall lamp). We also use a brush to paint skirting boards, narrow parts, and interior elements (for example, panels).
  • We paint wide surfaces last, using a roller. To ensure quality work, follow the movements - from top to bottom, then from left to right, then from top to bottom again. The technique is quite simple.

Don’t forget about the subtleties of painting: remove excess paint on a ditch or a special mesh so that there are no streaks or smudges.

To achieve a rich color, you will need to apply 2-3 layers of paint, each subsequent repetition should be done after the previous layer has completely dried

Drying time is indicated in the instructions: from 3 to 6 hours. Usually the first layer dries 2-3 hours before the rest.

Some tips from professionals - representatives of Tikkurila:

Decorative techniques for exclusive design

When talking about decorating walls or ceilings in a bathroom with paint, we often forget about decorative techniques that take the interior to a completely different plane.

Even the use of two contrasting shades (black-white, red-white, orange-green) makes the environment stylish, and this without the use of special textured paints or plasters

In addition to traditional design techniques using a regular paint brush (checkerboard pattern, stripes, stencil designs), you can use the following techniques:

  • Stamping. We cover the first layer of paint with a second, darker one, but instead of a roller we use a sponge (just apply it to the wall).
  • Stuffing an abstract design with randomly folded crumpled paper or textiles. Craft paper gives a clearer image, while fabric gives a blurry image.
  • Rubbing not yet dry paint through a sheet of newspaper, etc.

Thanks to their excellent wear resistance, decorative coatings last at least 10 years, so in the immediate future after finishing, even cosmetic repairs will not be required

If you want to achieve a more complex effect, purchase decorative paints, capable of creating an imitation of velvet, velor, gold brocade or stone.

The unusual characteristics of the material arise due to special additives - mineral and artificial fillers.

Using mother-of-pearl, silky or granite paint, you can achieve an interior in any style - from sophisticated classics to modest minimalism

As you can see, decorating a bathroom with paint is a creative and very interesting activity, also inexpensive and suitable even for a novice painter.

The bathroom, like all other rooms in the house, is decorated in different styles and with different materials. And Venetian plaster, and tiles, and mosaics, and wood - everything is used.

But we will focus on How to paint a bathroom, and whether it is worth doing. Although let us immediately note that it is worth it if:

  1. Do you want to realize your bold, unique idea;
  2. The bathroom is spacious enough to prevent moisture from accumulating;
  3. The room provides high-quality ventilation;
  4. Needs to be updated in a rented apartment;
  5. It is also necessary to paint the bathroom when urgent but budgetary repairs are required.


It is better to use paint to decorate certain areas of the room that are not in contact with water.

With proper selection and application, the coating will be durable.

However, in such places glass panels can be attached over the paint.

Be that as it may, painting the walls in the bathroom, a procedure familiar in Soviet apartments, has now entered a different stage.

This is not a cheap look, but a design job modern materials. Although this activity is not difficult in its own way, it requires careful preparation.

Painted walls in the bathroom have both positive and negative sides.


  1. Economical coating method;
  2. A less labor-intensive option than tiling, but with a properly prepared surface to be painted;
  3. Does not require special qualifications;
  4. Provides a wide selection of color compositions and patterns.


  1. Easily damaged by hard objects, as a result of which moisture can penetrate under the paint layer;
  2. Painting bathroom walls is not recommended in places where moisture accumulates or in small, poorly ventilated rooms;
  3. A qualified approach to surface preparation is required;
  4. Gentle but frequent maintenance of the painted surface is required;
  5. Less durable than tiles.


After taking water procedures, it is necessary to wipe the moisture from the walls, turn on forced ventilation or leave the door open.

Selection of colors

Before you paint the walls in the bathroom, you should decide on the characteristics of the materials you choose.

Firstly, they must have antibacterial protection. One way or another, moisture will accumulate on the wall, and this is a favorable environment for microorganisms and fungi.

In places that are least accessible for cleaning, they will penetrate the paint structure, which will lead to damage to this area.

Secondly, the following paints are used for wet rooms:

  1. Alkyd enamel is a universal paint often used for exterior work.
    It has moisture-proof properties, dries quickly, forms a thin layer and spreads well over the surface without leaving streaks, giving an acceptable decorative appearance.
  2. Oil-based – takes more than a day to dry. Widely used in Soviet times. Now it is already relevant, since alkyd enamel has taken its place.
    Painting a bathroom with this paint is acceptable if you have no other means available;
  3. Water-based - has a slight odor and dries quickly;
  4. Chlorinated rubber – weather-resistant and moisture-proof. Used for swimming pools;
  5. Latex – highly wear-resistant in wet environments. Allows you to achieve matte finish, stains from dried water drops are less noticeable on it.
    Recommended for interior spaces with only artificial lighting.

Thirdly, you still need to choose what color to paint the bathroom. At your request, all of the listed paints can be tinted in any shade.

The use of light colors will visually expand the room. It is worth choosing them to match the plumbing fixtures or furniture.

For large bathrooms, you can resort to contrasting designs.


On darker paints, residue from steam and drips is more noticeable.

Preparing for painting

Painting bathroom walls requires careful preparation. The walls must be level and have a smooth surface.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Remove old paint and other coverings.
    For this, the following are used: an angle grinder with a flexible rubber base for sandpaper, sandpaper, a spatula, a scraper, special solvents such as “B-51”, etc.;
  2. Rinse with warm water;
  3. Smooth out any resulting chips and defects with waterproof acrylic putty;
  4. Sand the walls with fine sandpaper;
  5. Wipe with a damp soft cloth to remove sanding dust.
  6. If necessary, treat areas affected by fungus and mold. To do this, use copper sulfate, bleach, and special antiseptic compounds;
  7. Preparing a bathroom wall for painting requires priming. As a rule, you need to apply at least 2-3 layers.
    It is recommended to use a primer that contains latex and also has antibacterial properties;
  8. If necessary or as an experiment, a fiberglass canvas can be applied after the first coat of primer.
    This will give additional texture and strength to the coating.

Now the bathroom is ready for painting!


Even processed concrete walls capable of absorbing moisture.

Using electrical equipment in damp room, strictly follow safety precautions.


Painting a bathroom yourself is creative and interesting. It is carried out in only two stages.


Surface painting.


Before painting the bathroom, it is necessary to ensure good air exchange in the room.

Otherwise, condensation will remain even after cleaning.

painting a bathroom is a fairly simple type of finishing, and if you have high-quality building materials and tools, it’s reliable and convenient. But it is very important to prepare the surface first.

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