Adjusting windows for winter. How to adjust plastic windows yourself

For many modern models plastic windows There is undeniable advantage- possibility of switching to winter and summer mode. This is very useful feature for our latitudes, where temperature changes between seasons are very noticeable. Today we will talk about the features of such windows and how to use them correctly.

Is this function necessary on plastic windows?

With the onset of cold weather, even from the sealed structure of a plastic window you can feel the air blowing. In winter, it is very important to keep the room warm. Therefore, switching the window to winter mode must be done without waiting for frost. But if you do not feel any discomfort or draft from a window in summer mode, then you should not switch it: winter mode can greatly wear out the structure.

Correctly adjusted mode will help you maintain a comfortable indoor climate

In summer, on the contrary, constant ventilation and access of fresh air from outside to the room are required. Switching a plastic window to summer mode ensures the above without letting in dust, dirt and heat from the street, unlike a regular window.

How to determine whether it is possible to change windows to winter/summer

Accessories for PVC windows can be budget, standard and specialized. The cost of such double-glazed windows increases accordingly. When you move into a new building, you will most likely find windows of the first type - budget. Their fittings provide only two positions: open and closed. If you want to install other windows, please note: designs with standard and specialized fittings do not always have the function of switching to winter and summer modes.

Carefully inspect the ends of the window sashes near the locking hardware. In a frame equipped with a winter mode, a trunnion is visible - a protruding mode lever. It can be in the form of a hexagon, asterisk or washer with a horizontal groove for a screwdriver.

An example of a trunnion that allows you to switch the window to winter and summer mode

On some models of trunnion profiles (the eccentric) first extends above the surface, and after adjustment it is pressed back. But on most modern windows eccentrics look like small hexagons with a recess for a key, or like convenient ovals.

In the windows standard size There are 5 eccentrics: three near the handle, at the end of the sashes, and one each near the upper edge, at the top and at the bottom. These trunnions provide pressure on the sash, preventing it from sagging. How larger size windows, the more eccentrics are located around the perimeter. Correct load distribution between the locks ensures maximum tightness in winter and good ventilation in summer.

Hardware conversion technology

This process is quite simple, but do not forget that incorrect translation can damage the fittings and even break them. Therefore, be extremely careful when switching a plastic window to winter mode.

Switching fittings to winter mode

  1. Find all the pins on the window sash. You need to translate each of them.
  2. Take a suitable tool - a screwdriver, hexagon or pliers. Turn each eccentric clockwise to the maximum possible position.
  3. Some types of fittings have a peculiarity: the eccentrics must be pulled towards you before adjustment (like a winding mechanism in wristwatch), and after the fittings are transferred, recess them back. Specify such features when purchasing a window so that you do not have to call specialists at the wrong time.
  4. Check the result of the work done. To do this, you need to close the window and pay attention to how tightly the handle turns. Since in winter mode the fittings press the sash especially tightly, the window handle should also close tightly.

Note! There is a simple way to check the pressing force of the sash. Place a piece of paper between the frame and the sash before closing the window. Then pull the sheet towards you. If it comes out freely, then the window remains in summer mode. If the paper is stuck tightly and breaks when you try to pull it out, congratulations, the procedure for switching to winter mode was a success!

To switch the window to summer mode, you need to turn the locking pin in the opposite direction, counterclockwise.

Switch your windows to seasonal mode once every six months. At the same time, do not forget that metal plates may require adjustment due to frequent use. To protect your windows from damage, regularly clean the sashes and fittings from dirt and lubricate them according to the instructions.

Proper adjustment of a plastic window will prevent you from freezing in winter

Video: how to switch windows to winter mode

We hope our tips will help you do the job correctly and easily. If you have any questions about this topic, please ask them in the comments. Good luck to you!

If desired, preparing plastic windows for the winter can be turned into a whole ritual. Fortunately, the mechanism is quite complex, and a real entertainer has room to turn around. Let's start from the beginning and tell you everything in order. So that every reader understands how to set up plastic windows for the winter. Let's get started.

What can you do with a plastic window for the winter?

Here is a list of activities that can be included in:

Setting up plastic window fittings for the winter

Every hardware manufacturer provides for this quality. And Roto, and GU, and maco. The point is that each of the latch heads protruding along the end of the sash can be adjusted to slam the window a little stronger or weaker. Depending on this, the strength of the draft changes. What allows you to have a home in the summer Fresh air without having to open the window. And all this is needed to save accessories. The fewer triggers we have, the longer the plastic window will last. And that's great - right?

But the setup tools are different in each case:

You can see that in each case the head can be adjusted properly. And to make it easier to do this, each element of the locking system is marked with a mark. You can twist the head crazy, but after 360 degrees it will simply return to its place. And thanks to risk, you can always understand what stage we are at. As for the adjustment itself, the position of the head is easy to assess by eye. The closer it is to the influx of the sash, the tighter the window slams. Really simple?

And how. Grab your tool and get started. After each head, try to see if the window still locks, because not all strikers will be happy about trying to press them. One head at a time, where and as much as possible, you need to switch your window to the winter mode of low air transmission. It’s better to do this when it’s already a little colder, because the plastic has a decent coefficient of thermal expansion, which can unexpectedly make its own adjustments in cold weather. That is, the setup operation clearly does not need to be carried out in the sun in forty-degree heat.

Plastic window seals

As a result, the rubber should be covered with a molecular film, which usually lasts for about six months. This completes the setup of plastic windows for the winter in this part. If necessary, change the seal altogether. And we’ve already told you how to do this!

Operating principle of plastic window fittings

We looked at adjustment above, but this is completely different from the principle of operation. So, there are about six counters around the perimeter of the window. The heads go there, locking the plastic window. What should you do if the handle suddenly gets stuck and the sash doesn’t want to close? Instead of gluing the tape, you need to remove every single striker and try to cover the window. Does not work? Then you need to adjust the position of the sash.

To do this, there are two screws on the lower hinge, and another one is located on the upper edge of the sash with the head facing the upper hinge. This helps correct the situation in many cases. First, the bottom loop. You need to remove the decorative cap from it and inspect it properly. The vertical screw can be used to adjust the height of the sash suspension. If it touches the bottom edge of the frame opening, screw it clockwise rather (may vary depending on the design). If the sash touches the top jamb, perform the reverse operations.

If the problem is that the handle does not lock, then start putting the strikers on the frame one at a time. Checking the result. That is, in the complete absence of slats, in any case everything should spin. Otherwise, the problem may be faulty fittings. Do you think nothing can be done? If one of the corner gears breaks, simply remove it. The rest of the hardware will help tide you over until spring or until replacement parts arrive from your installer or other dealer. In any case, you won’t have to freeze, although the draft will increase.

Sometimes only one plate does not lock. If setting the head to the summer position doesn't help, just forget about it. Again, until spring or the arrival of the master. Do not install this particular striker, and let the window rest on the rest. It is clear that this is better than spending money on installing a new plastic window in the middle of winter.

Window fittings in action

Finally, if the scissors are jammed, you can remove this entire corner altogether. Let the sash, when closed, rest on only one lower hinge. You just need to warn household members that they cannot use the window until people from the service arrive. Well, it wouldn’t hurt for the master to know about the modification either. Explain this as an emergency. In which case the court will certainly take into account the circumstances if it comes to that.

According to the instructions above, you can also try to replace the faulty part of the hardware before the thunder strikes. Locating a breakdown is usually easy. To do this, it is enough to remove the sash and perform a series of simple operations. For example, by pressing the safety tab, turn the handle back and forth. In this case, you need to observe which part is sticking. If necessary, disassemble and remove the fittings. We have a whole review about this on our website.

Refinishing a plastic window for the winter

Just five years ago, low-e glass was a novelty, but today it sells for about the same price as regular glass. It is clear that it would be wise to buy a new double-glazed window (or modify the old one - for those who know how to do this). As a result, heat leakage is reduced by approximately 30%. This is even better than finding a three-chamber double-glazed window. Checked! In addition, low-e glass will reflect some of the sun's energy into the street in the summer.

But that's not all. To prevent things from happening like those people who couldn’t close the frame, it is recommended to install. This is such a smart contraption that can automatically ventilate the room. Even when everyone is sleeping. And if something happens, you can manually seal it tightly so that it doesn’t get smart. As a result, the family is guaranteed to get rid of all worries. And if you like it, install such valves wherever possible. This will help keep the air at home fresh, clean, and in a fully automatic mode. This means you won't have to worry about anything.

We believe that we have talked enough about how to set up plastic windows for the winter. So let’s wrap it up – see you soon!

IN summer season With its hot days and warm nights, rarely will anyone think about whether the sashes fit tightly to the window frame. But with the onset of cold weather, even the smallest cracks begin to blow unbearably. What to do? Call specialists who will help return heat to the house or save money by fixing the problem yourself? If you have the desire and some free time, you can choose the second option. Of course, if you know how to properly adjust windows for the winter.

Diagnosing the problem

Make sure your windows actually need adjusting. The following “symptoms” are direct indications for further manipulation:

  • the sash sags and clings to the frame;
  • the sash does not fit tightly enough to the frame, and there is blowing from the gap;
  • the fittings have become loose;
  • turning the knob is difficult.

Eliminating sash sagging

After opening the window sash, remove the decorative trim from the hinges. You will see adjustment elements on the hinges that need to be tightened using a hex key (you can get creative and get by with an ordinary screwdriver). Tighten carefully, constantly checking the position of the sash - as soon as it is in the desired position, stop and return the linings to their place.

Ensure a tight fit of the sash

To eliminate a draft that occurs due to a sash that does not fit tightly to the window, it may be necessary to replace the seal. Open the sash and look carefully at the tape. If everything is in order with the seal, then it is necessary to adjust the pressure of the fittings for the cold season. Especially so that the consumer knows how to independently adjust windows for the winter, manufacturers window fittings provided in their products the possibility of changing the position of metal trunnions from “summer” to “winter”.

The trunnion has a hole for a hexagon. Take a closer look and you will see a special mark on the trunnion, which determines the existing position of the sash. If the point is shifted towards the street, it means the window is operating in summer mode. To switch to " winter time» move the position of the mark towards the room. As the weather warms up, be sure to reverse the process. Otherwise, your window seal won't last long.

Adjusting a loose handle

When preparing windows for winter, attention should be paid not only to the sashes and seals, but also to the handles. During operation, this element of the hardware may become loose or, conversely, you will notice that you have to apply a noticeable force to turn it. In this case, you need to adjust or replace the handle. To do this, turn the plate located at its base and unscrew the screws. Change old pen to a new one. If you want the handle to last longer, treat it with a special lubricant from time to time.

Do you continue to doubt your abilities or just don’t want to waste time learning how to adjust plastic windows for the winter? Then contact us. The PLASTOK company is always ready to help and professionally eliminate problems that arise with PVC windows under the terms of warranty and post-warranty service. Our specialists will do everything competently and quickly!

Installation of improved plastic window blocks involves their further maintenance. This is especially clear in the off-season, during the transition from winter to summer. Good adjustment of these structures will avoid a lot of problematic issues. How to do it yourself is described below.

Why adjustment is needed

Regulation is a procedure that will be required immediately after installing a new double-glazed window and during its operation. Essentially, the adjustment is preventive maintenance, which allows you to determine readiness window designs to changing weather conditions during the transition to the cold season.

One of the main advantages of such windows is their tightness, which prevents drafts and helps maintain a normal microclimate in the room, namely stable temperature and humidity. During long-term use of the window or at the time of its installation, the tightness is at a minimum level. This is due to many reasons. A window unit that is already in use is prone to breakdowns that reduce the level of tightness. This leads to the formation of an unstable microclimatic environment.

Timely adjustment helps achieve the following goals.

  1. Formation of a normal indoor climate, that is, maintaining a constant temperature.
  2. Avoiding cold air masses entering winter period due to the presence of through gaps in the structure.
  3. Maintaining a stable level of air humidity.
  4. Saving financial resources, which would go to pay for heat supply and electricity services.
  5. Timely adjustment extends the life of the structure.

Adjustment will be required in the following cases:

  • when a completely new window structure is installed;
  • if, as a result of improper installation, the window installation was carried out with violations, which resulted in vertical deviations, which in turn led to subsidence window frame and the formation of cracks in the structure;
  • if the window structure has been in use for more than 2 years and has not undergone any technical inspections and has not been subject to repairs;
  • when the sash of the structure sags, when opening or closing the window causes the sash to touch the frame or parts of the fittings;
  • when installing windows in new buildings. This situation is characterized by further subsidence of the building, so window adjustment is simply necessary;
  • as a result of inattention to the maintenance of the structure, as a result of which its operation was carried out with violations that caused the emergence of problematic issues;
  • if the rubber seal does not fit tightly enough to the window frame.

There are currently two adjustment methods. This DIY repair designs and installation certain parameters windows, or involving qualified specialists with extensive experience in this process. In any case, adjustment is necessary. Thanks to modern technological developments, you can adjust the window yourself. This does not require special knowledge and skills, you just need to follow the advice of the experts.

Regulation for winter: instructions

Self-regulation is a very pressing issue. The fact is that involving specialists in the process requires additional financial expenses, which not all residents can afford. Therefore, most people try to learn how to cope with this action on their own.

Modern window units are generally considered to be complex mechanical structures that require careful attention and care. Particularly close attention should be paid to them on the eve of the winter period and the onset of cold weather. Designs must be prepared in advance for this season. Otherwise, the owner of the structure will receive many problems and difficulties, which, in the conditions negative temperatures it will be difficult to fix.

Old versions of windows also needed to be repaired before the onset of winter frosts. additional processing. This is sealing cracks and joints. In the case of their plastic counterparts, everything is much simpler; to prepare the room for the cold period, you will simply need to adjust the double-glazed window so that the doors of the structure fit tightly to the frame and prevent cold air masses from entering the room.

The biggest problem with improper adjustment or lack thereof is the appearance of drafts. Streams of cold air appear due to the fact that the sash does not fit tightly to the frame, creating cracks at the joints.

In order to prepare window unit By winter, you will need a 6-sided wrench and quite a bit of free time. At the end of the sash there is a locking element, or the so-called clamp. It consists of a pin that is placed on a rectangular platform and can be moved up or down. In anticipation of winter frosts and snowfalls, the axle should be moved towards the street. In this position, the window sash is pressed more tightly against the frame due to the action of the clamp. As a result: the tightness of the structure increases, hypothetical gaps between the window sash and the frame cannot appear, and a relatively stable microclimatic environment is established in the room.

To tighten the trunnion to the required position, you need to turn the 6-point wrench several times in a counterclockwise position. Turning around under the influence of physical activity, the trunnion will move to the required position and be established at the desired level. As soon as all the eccentrics are placed in the required position, the process of preparing the plastic window for winter can be considered complete.
By the way, it wouldn’t be superfluous to check the condition of the fittings. If the fastenings are loose, there will be a higher chance of gaps forming between the sash and the frame of the structure, even after moving the trunnion into position. You should make sure that all the fittings are in good working order, and if this is not the case, you should tighten the fasteners to an acceptable value or replace the components of the window mechanism.

Important! To correctly adjust window structures during the winter-summer period on your own, the only technical support you will need is a 4 or 5 mm hex wrench, depending on the type of structure.

Summer adjustment: instructions

The performance of such devices is established through various adjustments. But among them, it is worth highlighting the winter-summer mode, the principle of which is to change the level of pressure on the window sashes.

There is a locking pin located on the window fittings, which is a kind of regulator of the tightness of the joint between the sash and the frame of the structure. Using a hex key with a diameter of 4 or 5 mm, the trunnion moves along a rectangular groove, weakening or strengthening the tightness of the valves. The greater the density of the joint between the sashes and the frame, the less volume of cold air from the street will enter the room.

Important! After the end of the cold weather, it is necessary to prepare the window for the onset of warm weather. temperature conditions. This is absolutely necessary.

If you do not pay attention to the adjustment, in the future you may encounter problems associated with a decrease in performance characteristics designs. At high temperature the seal has the ability to expand, and if there is not enough space for it, it will simply dry out, which will lead to a weakening of the density of the sashes and frame and rapid wear of the rubber. In summer this will not be noticeable, but in winter drafts will make themselves felt.

In some versions of window fittings, the role of the trunnion is played by rollers, which, under the influence of physical effort and a hex key, will be moved to the required position.
This work is actually not as serious and scary as it initially seems. The most important thing in self-adjustment- instructions that need to be studied. And, before performing any actions to install winter or summer mode, you need to look at the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding this issue.

It is useful to watch a video on this topic:

High-quality installation of windows made of metal-plastic and proper care will help you not to think about replacing or repairing them for a long time, even up to 50 years. The only thing that may be required from time to time or when winter and summer change is the adjustment of plastic windows and doors. For this purpose, you can invite a specialist, or you can do it yourself.

What should you pay attention to?

To understand when and what needs to be adjusted in your plastic windows or they need to be repaired, pay attention to the following:

  • whether the fittings function correctly, whether the opening and closing process occurs well;
  • do the doors touch the frame?
  • is there a draft that may occur after the seal has lost its quality characteristics or worn out;
  • whether the handles function well, whether they are loose or not tightened too much.

If you notice such moments during the operation of your plastic windows, then most likely they will have to be adjusted. The same applies to plastic doors. They also need to be monitored and their work adjusted. When winter and summer change, compression of the metal fittings and hinges may occur, and the operation of the mechanisms undergoes some changes. You can adjust this with the participation of a specialist or with your own hands.

Sometimes problems can arise even immediately after installation if it was done incorrectly or completely poorly. Other problems may arise when using plastic windows and doors after some time.

If you immediately notice shortcomings in the operation of the fittings of plastic double-glazed windows, then it is better to take advantage of the company’s guarantee and call a specialist. After all, repairs or adjustments due to poor-quality installation or defects in the fittings themselves cannot be done independently.

The window pressure needs adjustment if:

  • the sashes are not pressed very tightly;
  • often requires wedging;
  • the closing process is quite labor-intensive;
  • The doors sag somewhat.

What you may need for work:

  • hex wrench;
  • two types of screwdrivers;
  • machine oil or WD-40 aerosol;
  • pliers.

Adjusting the sashes relative to the frame

When you begin to notice that the plastic windows no longer fit tightly with the sashes to the frame and it is difficult to close the window, then do not rush to call a specialist, but try to fix the problem with a hex key. It must be turned in one of the directions: up-down, left-right.

Sometimes it is necessary to adjust plastic windows or doors when shrinking a house. You can notice changes by the location of the eccentrics. These are special fittings that are located around the perimeter of the structure. When the handles are turned, these elements begin to move, moving beyond special platforms. There are marks on them, and if they are directed indoors, then the pressure is probably weak. If the eccentric mark is directed outward, towards the street, then the pressure is strong.

In the case where the clamping mechanism is located next to the hinges, you can make adjustments using a hex wrench or just a screwdriver. This will depend on the type of fittings that are installed on the structure. By rotating the tool counterclockwise, you will reduce the tension on the flaps.

Sometimes the problem does not need adjustment, but is eliminated after changing the seal.

Debugging loops

Most often, ventilation of rooms in summer and even in winter occurs by placing the sash in a certain position, since the presence of vents in plastic structures not always provided.

If you have been set the size of the gap for ventilation in winter or summer, but it does not suit you, then you can change it yourself.

The adjustment should begin with the loop next to which the ventilation area is located. Using a hex key, adjust the position, then open for ventilation and in this position adjust the second hinge.

Debugging handles

Many plastic structures already have a special lock that prevents the sash from opening. But if the handle is not fixed well enough, it may interfere quality work designs. To fix the handle, you should lift it slightly. plastic plate around it and turn it to the side. Under it you will see bolts with which you can fix the handle by simply tightening them.

If the handle does not move very well and cracks, then ordinary machine oil will help you, and lubricate the mechanism with it.

Even if everything works quite well, it is advisable to check the mechanism yourself at least once a year - either in winter or summer. During adjustment, you will need to lubricate all moving and sliding parts with oil.

Now you can easily start adjusting plastic windows and doors for winter and summer with your own hands.

Seasonal debugging

Depending on the time of year, the pressure is adjusted. If in winter it should be made denser in order to retain heat in the room and save fuel, then in summer it is necessary to loosen it somewhat so that air can pass even in closed room, and the fittings did not show severe wear. After all, it is more difficult to repair hinges and other mechanisms than to prevent it.

Simple and effective way to understand how correctly the pressing of the sashes is adjusted is to insert a sheet of paper between them and pull. If it comes out easily, then the pressure is very weak. If it breaks, then everything is done correctly.


The appearance of gaps between the sashes may occur due to wear of the sealing rubber. But most often the reason is simpler - seasonal fluctuations in thermal conditions, when sharp temperature changes occur from winter to summer. In order to fix this problem, plastic windows and doors should be adjusted for winter and summer. You can do this yourself, without even resorting to the help of specialists. It is only necessary to debug the window fittings so that everything works clearly and efficiently.

  1. We find eccentrics on the sashes. These are metal cylinders that are located in plugs. There are special grooves in the frame where the hooks should go in order to press the sashes. You can adjust their position using eccentrics.
  2. To adjust, turn the eccentric using pliers or a screwdriver.
  3. If you cannot adjust them, then the position can be changed using hooks. This can be done easily with a hex wrench.
  4. When the clamp is set, we move on to debugging the canopies. We remove the plastic plug; there are bolts under it. We turn them with a hexagon in the direction you need: clockwise the pressure will be strengthened, and vice versa. It is better to adjust with the window closed.
  5. The upper part has a different mechanism, and it is better to adjust it in position open window. The mechanism has a special lock, which must be pressed. After pressing, you must turn the handle to the ventilation position. When the sash is removed, you can get to the element you need - the head. Use it to change the pressure.

Finally, you need to lubricate the sliding and rotating elements of the mechanism with oil. This will serve as good protection against wear and will extend the service life for a long time.

Debugging and repair of plastic doors

Debugging the plastic clamp door leaf and hinges occurs in almost the same way as window panels. But the process will be somewhat more scrupulous, since you need to compare the pressing force along the entire perimeter of the canvas.

You can do the following: in the closed position, draw along the perimeter of the canvas with a pencil and compare the dimensions of the drawn line. It should approximately be in the range of 7-9 mm and not vary with a difference of more than 1 mm. Otherwise, adjustment should be made metal-plastic doors as well as window mechanisms.

If, when installed in the middle of the door leaf, the pressure against the wall was stronger, then the shape of your door will look like a barrel. This means that the adjustment will not give the desired result. The same situation will happen with the door if the pressure against the walls was stronger from above or below.

It is sometimes possible to solve this problem by replacing the sealing rubber with another one. But still, if you find such flaws in the installation, then do not rush to make the adjustment yourself, but contact those who installed the doors for you.

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