What color goes with chocolate in the interior - photo. Chocolate color in the interior: tips, photos Living room design in brown

Using brown as the main color in the living room will allow you to realize any design fantasy or interior direction. This natural color is characterized by excellent compatibility and a variety of shades, each of which looks elegant, cozy and solid.

By the way, it is brown that is better than others in eliminating irritability and promoting relaxation. However, you cannot decorate the living room entirely in this color - you should use the most winning combinations shades.

Brown as a base - choose the tone and companion colors

Classic brown goes best with pastel light shades.

But this color has many shades, and the best ones for decorating a noble living room are:

  • cocoa- can act as a bright accent or a deep rich background;
  • chocolate- great as an accent and goes well with the shade “ivory”;
  • cinnamon- soft, warm, pleasant tone, creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere, amazingly combined with milky, creamy, yellow or red;
  • woody natural tones gain effectiveness in combination with red, yellow and natural positive green.

Don't forget that brown can be light or dark - light shades More often they act as a background (for walls or furniture), and dark ones become perfect accents or are used in cases where it is necessary to set off light decor.

Popular combinations with brown include:

Styles in decorating a brown living room

For a living room decorated in this natural color, you can choose one of the following styles:

  • country;
  • Scandinavian style;
  • Japanese, Chinese ethno;
  • modern classic;
  • high tech.

Brown tones in a Scandinavian style interior

In styles, a light background on the walls predominates (for example,), and the floors and furniture are chosen dark. Discreet items are used as accessories for such a living room, but gilding is also acceptable to add luxury.

Classic style almost always has brown shades

Advice. Are you planning to add brightness? It is worth paying attention to interior accessories in blue, emerald, light green, turquoise and burgundy tones. Even one sofa cushion or pattern on the carpet will be enough to make a brown living room sparkle with freshness.

Mirrors are also useful - surfaces that can add light and increase space.

Modern style is also friendly with brown tones

In such a living room it represents the classics “in reverse”. The walls become a dark and rich background, and for them a bleached floor covering and furniture with light facades are chosen.

Do you think dark brown walls will create a gloomy atmosphere? Then use the principles of zoning, highlighting only one surface. To dilute dark tones, light wall decor is also suitable - for example, the same paintings in wooden frames. Bright accessories will also help create a spectacular interior.

Furniture and accessories for a noble brown living room

The atmosphere of respectability and comfort is perfectly supported by furniture from natural wood. The most spectacular and noble option are whitewashed or chocolate facades (depending on what interior concept you bring to life).

In such a living room, a brown sofa with leather or textile upholstery would be appropriate, but keep in mind that leather is more of a classic, luxurious business style. You are free to choose any furniture that is comfortable for you - portable, transformable or sectional - here a lot depends on the initial dimensions of the room (it is clear that each piece of furniture must match in terms of size).

You can decorate the window opening to match the upholstery, and add heavy chocolate curtains with translucent green or blue tulle. This combination can be duplicated in the upholstery of other pieces of furniture - chairs and armchairs, for example.

Beige sofa in the interior of a brown living room

Advice. If the sofa is chosen to be massive, fundamental, dark, then in order to balance it and deprive the space of heaviness, it is worth including in the room furniture with white or cream upholstery, or multi-colored blankets.

To make the interior of a brown living room lively, dynamic, and positive, accessories must be included in the design. These can be bright paintings in laconic frames, volumetric panels or large photographs, a collection of colorful trinkets or fine antique jewelry.

By the way, brown is chosen as the main color in the living room by unhurried, thorough and measured people who easily and confidently overcome all sorts of life obstacles.

The decoration of the room, based on the dominant beige and brown tones, looks noble, respectable, stable - there is no fuss here. Do you like quiet family evenings or want to surround yourself with aromatic chocolate? Then your choice is a brown living room.

Using brown color in the interior can add warmth to the room and make your home truly cozy - this is what the world's leading designers believe. The variety of its shades is difficult to list. The combination of brown with other shades of the color palette expands the expressive possibilities of designers.

Brown color in interior design

From the point of view of psychologists, this color has a calming effect, relaxes, and gives a feeling of comfort and security. People surrounded by brown note that in such an environment it is easier for them to make complex, responsible decisions. That is why all shades of brown are chosen by those who are successful, successful people who know well what they need from life and know how to get it.

Tip: If you want to give the room solidity, fill it with homeliness and at the same time create a feeling of “fortress”, make the floors and furniture brown.

Brown is a rich color, it comes in a wide variety of shades and can be either warm or cool.

  • Indoors big size, facing sunny side, you can use dark colors, such as dark chocolate or coffee.
  • If the room is small, light shades of coffee with milk will help expand it.
  • Reddish-orange color options will add optimism and mood, and “milk chocolate” will calm and relax.

Since the color is natural, it looks natural on various textures. The structure of wood, the delicacy of silk, the fleecy of velvet, the gloss of leather, the roughness of stone, the weave of the mat - all these textures will help diversify the decoration of the room, bring freshness and individuality to it. The combination of brown in the interior with other colors is used in various styles - from classic to country. And it always adds a feeling home warmth and security.

In what rooms should I use brown?

In any room of an apartment or house you can use shades of brown, but you must remember that what smaller area rooms - the lighter the color should be.

As a rule, this is the most a large room in the apartment, so brown shades in the living room can be used without restrictions. All that remains is to choose the desired tone and think about the combination with other elements of the decor. Thus, brown furniture against a brown wall background will not be noticeable, especially if their color is similar in tone and saturation.

A bedroom interior in brown will contribute to a peaceful rest and complete relaxation. Looks incredibly elegant small room, entirely finished in different shades of the same color. You can “dilute” it with the white color of the ceiling and bed linen.

The child grows and develops, so the stability that brown brings is not very suitable for a nursery, however, its calming effect can have a positive effect on children with increased activity. In a child’s room, you should use separate brown elements, complementing them with cheerful, active colors.

In the interior of the kitchen, brown color declares the solidity of the owners. It is associated with family traditions. In addition, it is a “tasty” color that promotes pleasure from eating, and at the same time does not provoke overeating.

The larger the area of ​​this room, the more reasons there are to decorate the bathroom interior in brown. Brick, natural stone, terracotta tiles - these materials have a natural brown tone and give the interior an environmental focus. The combination of dark brown wall decoration with white plumbing looks very stylish.

Various shades of brown in the interior

The combination of only brown color in the interior, but in different shades, is often used by designers to create elegant and stylish living spaces. Against such a background, both furniture and decorative accents look advantageous. By using a variety of tones and varying color saturation, you can create visual effects of increasing space, “raise” ceilings, and even out incorrect proportions of rooms.

  • Light brown color is used in interiors where you need to create a feeling of spaciousness, expand the area, add light and “air”.

  • A thicker dark brown color highlights individual elements, places semantic accents, and emphasizes architectural elements. It can also be the main one, for example, when light furniture or plumbing fixtures are placed against a dark background of the walls.

Combination of brown with other colors in the interior

Brown shades go well with the following color groups:

  1. Neutral;
  2. Contrasting;
  3. Accent.

The first group includes colors used in interiors as background colors. This is primarily white, but also gray and beige.

White and brown colors in the interior

The combination of white and brown in the interior is considered classic and fits any style. Moreover, they can have a variety of shades and differ in saturation. So, against the background of thick chocolate, a milky white tone looks great, and a rich creamy tone goes well with a light coffee shade. By combining shades and their saturation, you can get contrasting or calm interiors.

Beige and brown colors in the interior

Brown and beige colors in the interior they are wonderful partners, harmoniously complementing each other and creating comfort. Beige adds tenderness to brutal brown and brightens it. This combination reflects the harmonious combination of masculine and feminine principles, and is especially suitable for decorating bedrooms.

Taupe color in design

Gray color is combined with brown in cases where they want to “lighten” the room without adding other colors to it. Accent elements of the interior receive a particularly bright sound in this version.

The taupe color in the interior can be an excellent backdrop for showcasing the rich brown tone of the furniture, creating a pleasant contrast and at the same time, without boring with a variety of colors.

To the second group includes juicy, saturated, but not too bright colors.

Purple and brown colors in the interior

Brown and purple In the interior, when combined, they can give the room elegance and add a touch of royal luxury.

Green and brown colors in the interior

The combination of green and brown colors in eco-style interiors has already become a classic, and is especially widely used for decorating living rooms. Moreover, green can be either more active in this pair and act as an accent color, or vice versa, soft and background in relation to bright brown.

Green and brown colors used in the same interior have great expressive capabilities, due to the difference in shades and saturation. This pair can be used in any style, and, in addition, it has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

The third group includes bright colors, traditionally considered accent colors, for example, orange, bright blue or turquoise.

Orange and brown color in design

By combining orange and brown in the interior, you can achieve a feeling of freshness and bring a “piece of sun” even into the darkest room.

The interior in blue and brown colors can be decorated in both classic and nautical style, and carries both the calm and reliability of the Earth, and the mobility and changeability of the air, adding expression.

Turquoise and brown colors in marine-themed interiors have long become classics. They add romance even when there is no direct reference to the “marine” theme in the design.

Additionally, turquoise and brown are often used in modern styles- in this case turquoise can be used in accessories, decor or appliances, and brown in covering floors, walls, furniture or decorating windows and doors.

Brown-pink color in the interior

The use of brown and pink flowers in the interior of a children's room, but in fact this combination will be very favorable for nervous system child.

Brown-blue color in the interior

Brown and brown also go well together. blue colors, interiors in which the main goal is to create a calm, cooling atmosphere are often decorated using this color pair.

In addition, we cannot ignore the so-called “mixed” colors, which allow you to add paint directly to the main tone.

Yellow-brown color in the interior

A light yellow-brown color in the interior of a small darkened room will expand it and fill it with sunlight.

Red-brown color in the interior

The red-brown color in the interior of any room will add stability and solidity, as it will be associated with brickwork- a symbol of the reliability of home walls. It will make even the most solid and traditional modern interior.

When drawing up a design project for an apartment, some colors are completely unfairly forgotten. Brown is one of them. Probably, many homeowners simply do not realize how rich the palette of this shade is. If you look at numerous photos of a brown living room, then there is not a trace of a gloomy and dark color scheme on them.

It is replaced by noble woody, deep chocolate and other pleasant undertones. All that remains is to choose a base color and base the concept of the original room on it.

What is the appeal of brown colors?

The interior of a brown living room will appeal to those who prefer a leisurely and calm pastime. With the help of this color you can create a peaceful atmosphere of a cozy nest or convey the strict working atmosphere of an office.

Brown and all its shades acquire such properties because:

  • pleasing to the eye;
  • do not cause irritation, but at the same time serve as a bright accent;
  • often found in nature, so they allow you to create a natural design.

In such colors it is difficult to imagine a children's room or a studio apartment where people often gather fun companies for friendly gatherings.

But if your goal is to recreate a classic or modern interior for warm family communication, then brown color will help in this endeavor.

Who would suit a living room in brown tones?

It is believed that woody and cinnamon shades are chosen by calm people, prone to a melancholic mood, seeking refuge from the bustle of the world around them. It is also preferred by adherents of everything natural and natural.

Residents of large cities will feel especially comfortable in a brown living room. It’s as if she will create an impenetrable cocoon that will protect you from the abundance of noise and color effects of the metropolis.

Brown is neutral color scheme, it symbolizes stability and stability. Therefore, it is often used to decorate business interiors, creating a serious mood. In the living room, he will maintain a calm atmosphere in which any conversations will be productive, decisions will be balanced and constructive.

How to correctly use shades of brown in combination with other colors?

Brown living room interiors will be gloomy and boring if they are not diluted with contrasting inserts or supported with friendly colors. When drawing up a design project, do not forget to take a closer look at such tones as:

  • pale blue;
  • peach;
  • matte green (graded from emerald to the color of withered grass);
  • beige;
  • sand.

All shades recommended for combination are found in nature, so they harmonize well with each other and with the main color of the interior. Don't forget about white surfaces, but they don't always have to dominate.

There is no need to make volumetric accents; just a couple of paintings, upholstery of a chair or a rug on the floor are enough to properly dilute the brown wall or furniture.

How to choose the right shade of the main color

Brown in most of its shades is a dense color. By painting one of the surfaces in the room with it, you can visually change the size of the room, hiding the imperfections of the layout. More bright hues allow you to “increase” the height of the ceiling and “push apart” the walls, moving them deeper, expanding the space.

If you like rich shades, the living room in brown tones should stand out as one dark wall. At most, this color can be repeated in a smaller insert on the opposite surface. Want more brown? Then let it be present in materials of different textures: tapestry, panels, parquet board, upholstery, mat on the table.

The smaller the living room, the more contrasting light (for example, blue) colors should be in the design. And, conversely, in a spacious room, not only the wallpaper, but also furniture and decorative elements can be brown.

Dark wood colors will fit well in a bright room, but a living room with north-facing windows will need to add some warmth. For it, fabrics, furniture and materials with sandy, light yellowish, brown tones with a tint of reddish or orange are purchased.

The palette is not limited to brown and earthy shades. Manufacturers of paints and wallpaper can offer coffee, cinnamon, chocolate, nut, and terracotta colors.

For those who are not ready to radically play with dark surfaces, whitewashed panels, laminate or dark wallpaper with a small silver pattern (floral print, monograms, geometric pattern).

Proven color duets and trios

The design of a brown living room is, first of all, the right balance of colors. For classic interior A combination with green shades from the palette is suitable. Herbaceous, dim tones are good accents that look decent in textiles (heavy curtains, a vase with decorative branches, sofa cushions).

Furniture should be dark, solid and massive. To prevent it from seeming too bulky, choose specimens with rounded shapes and elements. Best material for upholstery - leather.

Upholstered furniture is diluted with a chest of drawers, a table and other wooden objects. A wall, shelving or dining group will also support the right mood.

An elegant, romantic or festive style is achieved by combining brown with beige or white. In this case, it is assumed that there is one contrasting wall that allocates space for a TV and equipment, a seating or storage area.

The remaining surfaces should be light. It is allowed to use boiling white paints, shades of beige, ivory and pale sand.

The combination of brown and blue is chosen by bold people. The color of the sky or sea ​​wave manifests itself in textiles, accessories and can be duplicated on the opposite wall.

If a soft blue shade is chosen, then it can be made the dominant color in the composition. Azure and sapphire paints should be present in doses, for example, in a painting and a couple of small figurines, sofa cushions and a rug.

Yellow, sand, terracotta and orange-brown color nuances are placed in a brown living room in combination with white splashes. A room designed in such shades will give peace and tranquility, even if filled with glossy surfaces.

Furniture for a brown living room

There is no living room without a large sofa or a spacious sofa and armchairs. You definitely need to find a place in it for coffee table or table for eating. It is worth considering alternative light sources - floor lamps or sconces, which will create an additional bright accent on dark surfaces.

A cabinet, shelving unit or large wall is selected depending on the area of ​​the room and the design style. Sometimes a few shelves on the wall are enough to fill the volume of the living room. IN general atmosphere Family photos, sketches in simple frames, and a mirror fit well. It is worth providing a place for living plants.

WITH brown you can experiment endlessly to create a unique and deep interior, in which the idea and good taste of the apartment owner are clearly visible.

Photo of a brown living room

The choice of brown color for the living room is a classic option for organizing the interior, widespread due to the wide color palette shades that bring peace and tranquility to your home.

The surrounding atmosphere in brown tones allows you to create comfortable conditions for life and recreation. It is important to choose the right decoration for the walls and ceiling, in harmony with the color of the furniture, as well as decorative accessories in the form of bright accents; we will consider how to do this below.

Since ancient times, brown color has been associated with natural soil, wood, and fallen leaves. It is thanks to the proximity to natural environment habitat, it gives a feeling of stability, well-being, fertility.

As experts note, brown tone has a warming effect. It can relieve tension and stress, relax after a hard day at work, and help you forget about fatigue.

Recommended for people who periodically experience anxiety and are afraid of changes in life. A brown interior will certainly give you self-confidence, self-respect, and will encourage guests to enjoy pleasant, confidential communication.

Living room in brown tones: all the pros and cons

Rich brown color or light brown shades in the furnishings and decoration of the living room have many advantages, some of which are the following:

  • A rich range of colors makes it possible to experiment with different design styles. By combining the main color with additional shades, you can create interesting individual ideas of traditional classic or modern design in the style of minimalism and country.
  • A brown living room with natural wood furniture looks elegant and presentable. This style of premises looks noble and is suitable for people who value quality, good quality and durability.
  • The beneficial effects of the brown palette on the human body will have a positive effect on your well-being and relieve stress and tension. Unlike a bright, active color, brown will not make you feel aggressive or tired.
  • Brown color is quite practical and not easily soiled, so there is no need to expend additional effort on cleaning.
  • This color visually adds warmth, which is important for rooms whose windows face the shaded side. A light brown tone will visually expand the space, add airiness, light and harmony to the home.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the use of dark chocolate tones in a small room can lead to the effect of gloom and limited space. The living room will become dull and uninteresting; to avoid this, you need to dilute the atmosphere with appropriate satellite colors, as read below.

Advice! For small rooms, rich dark brown is best paired with white. Contrasting interaction will balance the composition and visually enlarge the room. It would be appropriate to have light or cream-colored furniture or throws on the sofa and armchairs.

Adding secondary colors: various combination options

When drawing up a future renovation project, it is recommended to sketch out a sketch of the living room in pencil, with an approximate arrangement of furniture.

Then choose the main predominant color of surface finishing and furniture - light or dark brown, select the degree of saturation for it, from a shade of burnt coffee to light.

After this, you need to find a suitable complementary color. Let's look at which options work best with each other.

1. Brown + beige. A classic combination, laconic and simple, requiring symmetry in the composition. To achieve a balance of both colors, choose their percentage.

If beige predominates as the main color in the decoration of walls and ceilings, the floor should be darkened with darker shades of brown. This also applies to furniture; it should not be lost in the general plan.

2. Brown + white. Relevant for a small living room to increase space. Availability white will balance the room in height, it is advisable to distribute it at the top and brown at the bottom. This ratio will create a homely family atmosphere full of comfort and tranquility.

3. Brown + grey. Two neutral colors of a dark tonality can suppress each other, so you need to make one of them three tones lighter. Using bright accents or colorful furniture will make up for the lack of energy, activity and liveliness that is missing in a taupe living room.

4. Brown + green. A universal option for active, interesting people, close to a natural, natural combination by analogy with nature. A compatible color with any brown palette is apple green, muted greens or olive.

How to tastefully choose furniture for a brown living room?

The use of natural wood for furniture in light or dark colors emphasizes the nobility and luxury of the chosen interior.

Looks attractive leather sofa chocolate color in the living room.

A soft pouf or cream armchair will emphasize the dignity of the sofa and help avoid bulkiness. For cabinets, walls and large items, it is better to choose light and cream colors so as not to overload the decor.

Choosing curtains for the living room

Curtains and curtains can liven up a calm, neutral environment if you choose bright colors and balance them with the rest. decorative elements in the living room.

It is important to correctly determine the texture of the fabric, the shape of the curtains and the shade that best suits the setting. If you decide to make the curtains dark and heavy, be sure to hang snow-white tulle, and also highlight the area next to the window with bright decor, such as a painting or a framed photo.

Brown living room appliances: what to look for when choosing?

A stylish interior implies the presence in the living room modern technology, the color of which should fit into the overall decor, combined with the overall picture of the room.

It is better to choose light or cream surfaces of devices. In other cases, it will be appropriate to decorate bright accents the space around her.

The brown color scheme is ideal for the living room, creating a unique home in room. It will add a special atmosphere of coziness and comfort to the room, smooth out misunderstandings in the family, and set the mood for further action. In combination with another color, you can create original images design design. Make any of your interior fantasies come true and enjoy cozy, quiet family evenings.

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