Grassy earthen roofs. Green roofing: device, pie, landscaping, advantages, cost, components Greenery on the roof

Norwegian roofs with a lawn instead of tiles - the talk of everyone neighboring peoples. Ironic Swedes have long been drawing Norwegians with grass on their heads instead of hair. Charming lawn roofs have now become as symbolic of the country as popular with tourists as fjords, trolls and salmon.

Grass roofs appeared in Norway and the Faroe Islands in ancient times. It was convenient and economical: building material was at hand, special care such roofs did not require, served for a long time, and even helped to camouflage from enemies.

Naturally, those who care about preserving traditions, Norwegians still lay them now - grass roofs can be seen on modern hotels and restaurants, on private houses and bus stops public transport. In some villages, almost half of the roofs sway in the wind like green waves. They say they improve the microclimate, provide reliable heat and waterproofing, and stabilize the temperature in the house.

Many craftsmen do such roofs yourself. The technology is described in detail on the Internet. Several private companies also offer the service in Norway. Although new tools are used when laying grass roofs, the basis is still the original technology and many manual labor Therefore, such roofs are somewhat more expensive than ondulin roofs.

First of all it fits several layers of dry bark. To make it waterproof, it can be soaked in sheep fat or blood. Peat, straw, moss are laid on it...

Many people dream of building a cottage with landscape design on the roof a la the Vikings. They say: “Can you imagine when the roof is Mother Earth, how peacefully you will sleep?”

The fact is that in the Norwegian roof there is a real biocenosis in its harmonious balance. Moreover, the roof simply must be moist; grass (and even bushes and trees) feed on this moisture, along with all the microorganisms of living peaty soil. However, it does not require painstaking care only due to the unique features of the Norwegian climate.

Rising this summer on the famous Prestolen rock, using the roots of trees, like steps, you can unravel the secret of the Norwegian fauna. In order for such a thin layer of soil to bear fruit so abundantly, it requires almost daily watering. The humidity and raininess of the Norwegian climate, as is known, is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Anywhere else on the planet, a grass roof would quickly dry out and be blown away by the wind.

It’s also clear where the rain comes from. The Gulf Stream reaches Norway. The warm vapors, in turn, hit the mountain range, cool and rain (in Bergen, on a generally sunny day, I opened my umbrella five times!). Norway's water cycle is the most intense in the world. This is where they have 80 percent of hydropower and generally a surplus of energy, which they generously share with Europe. And what is especially valuable, unlike oil, it is a renewable, or rather, inexhaustible resource! That's physics.

That's why main characteristic The thing about a Norwegian roof is that, with all its functionality, it is also alive and fertile!

In eastern Norway behind the mountain range, where the climate is drier - and there are an order of magnitude fewer roofs with grass.

Who saw it for the first time Norway has earthen roofs, reminiscent of the famous English lawn. The fact that it needs to be cut, watered and rolled for 500 years is all a fairy tale for naive foreigners. Modern lawns have long been rolled out from rolls reinforced with mesh, planted in squares... After a year, it is no different from 500 years old.

But nowhere does it say about the main thing - about its composition. And the whole secret is in the peaty base of the soil of the British Isles. This is why there is no wind erosion there (like ours), this is why the golf ball rolls like on a billiard table. That is why a horse gallops across it without tearing out the turf with its horseshoes, and that is why only on the grass courts of Wimbledon it is possible to cut the lawn to a height of only 8 millimeters (!) - standard for the legendary Grand Slam tournament.

About the same with grass roofs. Their creation is justified only in the conditions of the Norwegian climate and Norwegian turf. In our case, if a craving for roots has awakened, it is better to cover the roof with wood chips.

For several centuries, roofing in Norway was carried out using natural environmental materials. Green roofs in this country do not surprise anyone and are traditional. Since ancient times, the peoples of Scandinavia have made roofs from peat, turf, birch bark and other natural environmental materials.

The descendants of the Vikings, the Norwegians, highly appreciated this method of roofing and managed to preserve green roofs on their houses to this day. Almost until the beginning of the 19th century, turf was a universal material used to cover roofs in houses of all classes in Norway.

Over time, materials such as tiles, slate and others appear on the market. roofing materials, which gradually began to replace the traditional Norwegian ecological, beautiful and cute grass roofs. The “advance of civilization” began in the cities, but eventually reached the countryside.

Green grass roofs in Norway were saved from complete extinction by enthusiasts.

They organized and led a movement aimed at reviving ancient folk traditions. First, open-air museums, holiday houses in the mountains... and then green roofs made of grass and flowers again became simply popular and fashionable.

Indeed, in addition to the fact that such roofing is simply beautiful and gives aesthetic pleasure, it is quite cheap, durable, stabilizes the temperature in the house, improves the microclimate, providing reliable heat and waterproofing. Therefore, green roofs have become popular again and have become a worthy alternative new building materials.

Decorating a dacha is no less important a task than growing juicy vegetables and fruits, and therefore, working on summer cottage, sometimes it’s worth thinking about the beauty of the landscape and buildings. Today a green roof came into our field of vision, and more details about this design are available now.

Green roof at the dacha - it’s not just a green roof, which is clearly visible from afar, it’s a whole complex of processes, objects, individual actions and stages of creation, which leads to an incredible result. At the same time, if we do everything correctly and in accordance with the latest requirements, then we will not load the floors, spoil the roof, and will not breed fungus and mold on the roof, but only beautiful ones. ornamental plants, which will seriously change the appearance of the dacha and its status.

Greening your roof is a wonderful way to expand usable area plot, but not only, because we can design any building in an original way, carefully and originally fitting it into the landscape and exterior of the territory.

Features and design requirements

As far as you understand, a green roof is a certain weight, and therefore, having decided to organize such decor, we must accurately calculate everything. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the floors, and only based on this, calculate the thickness of the soil and the type of plants for planting. We would like to immediately state that the safest and suitable roof for our project - reinforced concrete, which can withstand, sometimes, up to half a meter of soil in thickness, which means that it will be possible to plant not only decorative flowers, but even bushes and small trees. If the strength of the roof is questionable, then it’s not worth the risk, because you can decorate it with other plants that require much less soil, for example, sedums or.

Any green roof is a multi-layer structure, one might even say that this is an original layer cake, created from a variety of materials to decorate a country house.

Do-it-yourself green roof installation

We will describe the process sequentially and step by step so that absolutely everyone, even a beginner, can understand and assimilate it.

The basis

There can be many options here: and wooden sheathing for installing a green roof, and solid wood material, and even a special frame at an angle if you need to change the format of the roof and its design. But it should be assumed that the substrate or frame must be durable and well protected from atmospheric agents.

Waterproofing layer

Each plant requires timely watering, otherwise you may not end up with a green roof, but, for example, a yellow roof made of dry plants. But water for irrigation has a beneficial effect only on plants, but not on the roofing material. Therefore, we need high-quality waterproofing that will prevent irrigation water from penetrating under the frame, stagnating there and ruining the materials. The water will be stored in cassettes with soil and constantly feed the plants, or you can make a light runoff through waterproofing (which is very correct and according to technology), but then change the watering schedule, make it a little more frequent.

Liquid rubber, polyethylene film or special polymer membranes are tightly placed on the base of our structure and secured.

Plant Root Barrier

The next layer must be placed on waterproofing, otherwise over time the plants will grow and enlarge root system, which will ruin waterproofing layer. Replacing it will not be easy, and therefore it is better to take care of its protection in advance. A polymer film can be used as such a barrier, or when purchasing waterproofing, make sure that it already has a special anti-root layer.

Drainage layer

The drainage layer will ensure retention and drainage of water, that is, regulation of its correct and required amount in cassettes with plants. On a sloping roof, some of the water will drain through a drain, which it is advisable to think through in advance; on a flat surface, it will be necessary to provide for the drainage of water from the waterproofing into storm drains, since stagnation of moisture will not lead to anything good.

Drainage can be made from expanded clay, choosing a medium and large fraction for covering the layer, but you can also purchase geomats - special gratings that resemble washcloths and have good drainage properties.

Filtration layer

The next layer is a special filter, which prevents and completely eliminates clogging of the drainage with various inclusions. For this purpose, a special geolayer is usually used, which prevents mixing of soil and drainage.


A geogrid or cassette is necessary if the roof is uneven and has a certain angle. Naturally, on such a roof the soil will not stay on its own, and even if you manage to lay it somehow, after watering and rain it will slide and ruin everything.

In addition to the fact that a grate or cassette correctly fixed to the roof plane will retain soil, it will also help in design and create an additional aesthetic effect.

Fertile substrate for a green roof

Both the layer and composition of the soil will vary significantly, depending on the choice of plants for formation. For example, if you decide to cover the surface with ground-blooded species, then a layer of soil of only 5-7 cm will be enough, but if the plants are decorative, with a solid root system, then the layer of soil will have to be adjusted to suit them. Therefore, it is very important to think in advance about what exactly you will plant on the roof.

Remember that fertilizing such soil is necessary, especially since some of the fertilizer will simply be washed away during watering and precipitation. This does not mean that fertilizing will need to be applied more often or in large quantities, you just should not forget about their timeliness.

Creating a green roof on video

Before installing the structure, you will definitely need to create a consistent work plan and then strictly follow it. In addition, make a general estimate so that you don’t lose sight of purchasing the essentials and don’t spend extra money.

Every person can make a green roof with their own hands., and we are completely confident in this. You just have to have the desire, use your imagination, work consistently and in compliance with installation technology, so that the landscaping turns out to be of high quality and durable.

At a time when convenience and practicality are paramount, and everyone new house similar to the previous one, you want to use any means to distinguish your home from the general mass of buildings of the same type. Everyone has more than enough non-standard ideas, but, using fashionable innovations, we increasingly forget that the most unusual and useful beauty is created by nature itself. Why bother with roof decoration? After all, you can take it and green it.

From the history of “living” roofs

Despite the fact that landscape design as such appeared relatively recently, the grass roof has already managed to shelter more than one generation of Norwegian families. If roofing with greenery is a new thing for post-Soviet countries, thoughtful Norwegians have long noticed that grass is the most inexpensive, durable and practically maintenance-free material.

At the end of the twentieth century, lawn roofs migrated to Kazakhstan, and from there they gradually spread to other countries. The number of fans of green roofs is also increasing in our latitudes. Therefore, we propose to consider in detail the grass roof: the pros and cons of its use.

Weighty "pros"

You can hardly argue with the decorative properties of a grass roof: by choosing suitable vegetation, you can change the style of the house beyond recognition, recreate the brightest fairy tale plot (from a gnome’s house to a royal castle with beautiful bright colors). By the way, for this it is not even necessary to make the roof of a residential building green; you can decorate a gazebo or bathhouse.

The greenery on the roof fits so organically into the surrounding nature that the feeling of harmony will certainly be transmitted to the owners of the house.

Are you stressed? Are there power lines near your place of residence? Then a house with a grass roof will be just a godsend, because under the living cover a special microclimate is created that can once and for all make you stress-resistant and neutralize negative electromagnetic influences.

A lawn on the roof will protect the roof from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and all kinds of mechanical damage.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home is another important ability of a green roof. In winter, it will not let the cold into the room, and in summer it will withstand the most burning Sun rays and will keep the house pleasantly cool.

Few "against"

It will not be possible to decorate a dilapidated house with lush turf due to the considerable weight of the turf. Therefore, it is possible to install grass on the roof only if the walls are thick and the roof is strong.

The grass roof itself is a reliable structure. But if it is laid incorrectly, even an experienced builder will hardly be able to handle the repair.

How to make a grass roof?

If the roof is flat and has a small area, greening it yourself will not be difficult. A grass roof most often consists of three layers: a waterproofing film, turf and the vegetation itself.

And laying greenery on the roof takes place in several stages.

First, a durable waterproofing film is laid. It should be 5 cm larger than the roof on each side, so that after rain its edges can be folded back and accumulated water can be drained.

Then the film is covered with a layer of fine gravel (about 1 cm).

After this, it’s time to lay the soil on the roof. Can be cooked special composition With mineral fertilizers for better grass growth.

On last stage Grass is planted in the prepared soil.

A beautiful grass roof can be made with your own hands in just a day. But this is not all of its advantages. It requires virtually no maintenance. It is enough to water the grass with a hose on particularly dry days, then it will delight both the eye and the soul for a long time.

Choosing plants for the roof

Weeding a roof is not for the faint of heart, so you need to choose plants that weeds won’t get along with. The grass should be thick and short, covering the entire roof.

You can add bright colors by placing petunias or nasturtiums among the green cover. Sedum, blue fescue, and periwinkle are suitable for the roof.

A green roof is easy to maintain, practical and beautiful accessory for any home.

Products in our catalog:

Today, the installation of green roofs in Europe is modern direction in urban construction. This is even encouraged by the authorities.

In Russia, this invention of mankind appeared quite recently.

Such turf roofs are especially relevant in huge cities, where it is almost impossible to create a garden in the middle of the city, and the land there is “golden”.


Green roofs not only delight the eyes of metropolitan residents, but also significantly cleanse the air of gases and impurities. Residents of the upper floors will also experience all the delights of such a wonder. After all, in summer the turf layer will not allow the roof to heat up, and in winter it will not allow it to freeze.

In the summer, in the sun, the roofs of skyscrapers simply melt, not only heating the air even more, but also evaporating harmful substances from their surface.

Such a roof will protect both the roof and the residents from this. And plants will enrich the air with oxygen, taking away carbon dioxide.

A green roof can regulate the flow of rain. It takes on all the water, restraining the flow rate. By passing storm water through itself, it purifies it. Which improves the environmental situation. Having such a covering on the roof of their house, many residents can plant vegetable gardens there, thereby keeping themselves busy with useful work and providing their family with vegetables.

Also, roofs with green roofs are great places to create mini recreation areas where residents of the house can have a picnic and not waste time in traffic jams to go out of town.

3 types of green roof:

The main selection criterion for landscaping is slope. It should not be more than 40 degrees. The type of landscaping is also selected based on the degree of slope. And the shape of the slope can be any - single-slope, gable, or another shape.

And for a roof with a slope of less than 40 degrees, you can install special gratings and then the roof will not slide.

All green roofing is divided into 3 groups.

Each group differs from the other in the degree of load on the frame of the building where the roof will be installed; possible functions; installation technology. Thus, green roofing can be intensive, or intensively simple, or extensive.

  • Intensive- makes it possible to create parks and gardens on your territory with the help of ornamental plants.

The created landscape can be made on several levels.

Of course, such a volume of everything has a very large weight, which creates a high load on the building frame. Also, such a roof surface will require careful maintenance. Even a special irrigation system is being created.

It is better to carry out installation where it has already been planned and included in the calculations of loads on the building still under construction.

Or you can lay out the roof of a building that has been in use for a long time, if when calculating the load it turns out that the roof will not cause harm to the building frame.

Roofing pie - longitudinal section

  • Extensive— the soil of such a roof is covered with grass, mosses, and unpretentious plants.

This is a landscaping system that is as close as possible to wild conditions.

Some plants can be used in roof design, but they are not planted in the soil, but in special containers with soil. These containers are placed throughout the coverage area according to the designer’s idea. This type puts minimal pressure on the building frame.

As has already been said, no maintenance is required, and therefore everything will take less cost, effort and finances.

  • Intensive simple roofing– this type has absorbed part of the functionality of the extensive type and part of the functionality of the intensive type.

The thickness and weight are much less than that of the extensive one, so trees and shrubs are also not provided for on it, but you can walk on the lawn calmly and relax, placing everything you need on the green cover.

Caring for such a cover is also minimal - water at the grass growth stage, clear weeds and periodically trim the lawn.

How to create a green roof with your own hands:

Before directly laying (a special inversion roof), it is necessary to carry out preparatory work on the roof of the house.

Installation of a parapet is required, the height of which must be at least 1-2 meters.

Installation of the roof itself occurs in the form of laying its layers:

  1. The first layer is considered to be the surface of the roof itself - these are mainly reinforced concrete slabs.
  2. There must be waterproofing. For this they use special materials in rolls to perform this function. Particular attention should be paid to areas adjacent to the wall, parapet, and water drains. If the slope is flat, then at this stage an artificial slope of 3-5% should be created.
  3. The next layer is thermal insulation. Materials are used that do not rot and cannot be deformed over time. It could be basalt wool, and foam glass, and extruded polystyrene foam.
  4. Next, drainage is distributed over the surface of the insulation, which is covered with geotextile. Drainage takes away from plant roots excess water, and geotextiles serve as a filter for this water - it prevents soil particles from leaving the top layer.
  5. And the soil mixture is poured on top of this entire structure.

A green roof has its disadvantages:

  • Fairly high cost;
  • Complex and labor-intensive installation of the coating;
  • This coating is not suitable for every roof, as it provides high pressure on the frame.

Should Special attention pay attention to the choice of waterproofing materials. They must be resistant to mechanical stress, since if trees grow on the roof, their roots can damage the fragile waterproofing.

Roofing should be laid only by specialists and only in compliance with all installation technology.

Since installing such a roof is expensive, the price of apartments in a building or an entire house also increases.

After all, they are not only aesthetically beautiful, but they also have a longer service life than ordinary ones.

Choosing a roofing material is a responsible decision, and there is no place for trifles. And if the roof is made of metal tiles or you, as they say, don’t have a good heart, and your soul demands something unusual and extraordinary, it’s worth paying attention to the so-called " ". And FORUMHOUSE users will help you find out all its secrets.

"Green roof" is...

“Green roofing” is most widespread in the Scandinavian countries, and its history goes back more than one century. What is a “green roof”, and why, despite the fact that the most modern roofing materials are available to us, is it still in demand?

Forum user Novel(nickname on the forum roofing systems )


– Essentially speaking, a “green roof” is a set of measures and solutions that allow you to recreate a piece of nature or decorative garden on the roof of your house.


– “Green roof” is the roof of a building on which a layer of fertile soil is placed in which flowers, vegetables, grass, etc. are planted. The roof turns into a vegetable garden, garden, meadow area, clearing for relaxation. It’s a nice place to have a picnic, sunbathe, relax in the shade of tree foliage, enjoy the smell of flowers, practically without looking up from your workplace and without leaving the building.

And the idea of ​​green roofs is becoming increasingly popular.

Green spaces help reduce the flow of water flowing from roofs during heavy rains. Water lingers in the soil for several hours and does not pour out in a violent stream from the gutters: a layer of soil 5-10 cm thick absorbs 75% of rainfall. And the vegetation of “green roofs” cleanses rainwater from harmful impurities contained in it.


– A turf roof complements the protection of the house from precipitation, wind and cold. After all, grass retains snow cover, and snow is a heat insulator. And the grass overwinters normally, just like on a lawn. Only the lawn is heated from the heat and, in turn, your home.

Excursion into history

Before moving on to the “green roof” installation technology, let’s remember how such roofs were created in those days when modern building materials hasn't happened yet.


– “Green roof” came to us from Scandinavia, where from the 18th century to this day it has served to the local population as a roof covering. And earlier, when there was only stone and houses were built from logs, birch bark was used for waterproofing, because... it does not rot or decompose. It was laid over the floors, then drainage was paved with stones of various fractions, then a layer of turf and grass was laid.


– For example, grass roofing has been used since ancient times in Norway. Such birch bark roofs stood for 50 years or more without repair.

Norwegian houses have a roof slope of 22 or 27 degrees - these are “earth pile corners”, flat enough so that the earth no longer crumbles.

An article about how it is customary to build houses in Norway is available .

But it turns out that such roofs are not only used in Norway.


– In Central Asia, in villages, grass soil still replaces the roof on many roofs. It retains heat well in winter, and in summer it is cool in adobe or adobe houses under such a roof.

In addition, on the roof of the building, in addition to the standard lawn, you can arrange a rock garden with a mini fountain, a flower bed, a garden with dwarf trees and shrubs, or you can simply plant any plants.

"Green roof". Modern approach

A “green roof” is not only an aesthetic design, but also a thermostat that prevents buildings from overheating in the summer and acts as insulation for the upper part of the building in the winter. A waterproofing roof covering serves under a layer of soil several times longer than with an open type of roof.


– Waterproofing under a “green roof” is carried out mainly by roofing waterproofing membranes. And before the professional roof drainage system was developed, it was done using bulk fillers, but the weight of the roof was 1 sq. m. m was colossal.

Now the main weight of the roof is the soil layer, all other materials weigh less than a kilogram per square meter. The main advantages of a “green roof” include the following factors:

  • A “green roof” is an excellent thermostat, which means we save on roof insulation.
  • A “green roof” means protection from ultraviolet radiation and extending the service life of waterproofing.
  • Modern drainage systems under the ground accumulate water inside the “green roof” pie, which reduces the number of waterings of such a roof.
  • Modern geomats will allow you to create any hills and slopes when designing landscape design, and the area of ​​the “green roof” compensates for the territory occupied by nature for the construction of a house.
  • The quality of the materials used in the construction of the “green roof” will allow it not to be repaired for approximately 50 years.

And the process of installing such a roof can be divided into several important stages:

  • The basis for the “green roof” is monolithic ceiling with a sufficient margin of safety. Mineral wool slabs are laid on top of it.

The base for a “green roof” must be strong enough, since the weight of such a roof starts from 250 kg per square meter. In addition, the area of ​​the roof saturated with moisture becomes even heavier.

  • The insulation is laid in two layers with overlap, but given that the soil layer is also insulation, mineral wool slabs can be reduced in cross-section. Alternatively, the bottom layer is 50 mm, the top layer is 40 mm.

Funny Child:

– In cold climates, care must be taken not to ensure that there is as much insulation, for example, EPS (if it is an inversion roof), as possible, but to ensure that there is not too much of it. If you overdo it, the thin soil layer on the roof may become too cold and the plants will freeze.

For middle zone above a heated room optimal thickness EPPS - 100 mm.

  • Waterproofing is performed with a PVC roofing membrane.

One of the important components of a “green roof” is reinforced roofing PVC membrane. A roofing membrane is a waterproofing coating designed to waterproof flat roofs. Compared to euroroofing felt, it has a O greater resource for durability and reliability, and that is why it is recommended for use in green roofing systems, which are not available for planned and current repairs roofs.

  • The drainage and storage system reduces the number of waterings by half.

The first drainages were bulk materials: gravel, expanded clay, separated by geotextiles as a filter, which, in turn, increased the thickness of the pie and many times increased the weight of the roof per 1 sq.m.


– Materials such as geomats for strengthening slopes, and geogrids, which are used to fill soil and create slopes, hills and other quirks of landscape design, would also be useful in a “green roof.”

Find out how to do it drainage system on the site you can .

Next on finished roof plants are planted. Earth layer thickness should be at least 100 mm, but in general itdetermined by power load-bearing structures buildings and the characteristics of the plant root system.


– For roof landscaping, there are a large number of ground covers - so-called carpet plants. These are sedums various colors and sizes. Unlike standard lawns, they require virtually no maintenance.

You can also create a simplified roofing “pie”.

  • 1st layer – euroruberoid.
  • 2nd layer - waterproofing made of geotextile.
  • 3rd layer - coarse sand.

And then light and nutritious soil is laid.

But the following points should be taken into account:

1. The slope of the roof slope for moisture drainage should be 20-28 degrees, then there will be no need to install drainage. If the soil layer is about 20 cm, then the load on the roof will be about 7-15 kg per sq.m. Along the edge you will have to secure a side that holds the soil.

2. The most unpretentious and winter-hardy plants are selected. They will not require additional watering or any care at all. The roof may not need to be repaired for 2-3 seasons.

Roof plants such as dandelion, mantle, knotweed, plantain, and wormwood are remarkable in their natural simplicity. They match natural style and are most suitable for our climatic conditions.

Also, to complete the picture, the experience of constructing such a roof according to the recipe of our northern neighbors is interesting.


– In Norway, they take the same soil that was removed during foundation work. They don’t sow anything, and what’s around grows on the roof. And in order to obtain stable turf, a layer of soil of at least 10 cm is required.

But even centuries-old experience should not be blindly copied, because It is necessary to take into account the specifics of our climatic conditions.

Funny Child:

– In Norway, the climate is warm, humid and foggy, due to the proximity of the Gulf Stream, and it has very little in common with ours in Moscow. And the classic Norwegian roof consists of several layers of birch bark, collected at a certain period (immediately after the end of sap flow) and only from quality trees no more than 40 years old. And this is not counting the many tons of soil that need to be thrown up.

You can often hear the opinion that “green roofing” is a very expensive solution and it has a lot of limitations.


– At one time I considered a “green roof” as an option for a future home. And that’s why I read a lot about her. But in the end I refused due to, as it seems to me, many restrictions. For example:

  • The large weight of the roof leads to an increase in the cost of the rafter system.
  • The roof slope cannot be made steep, and because of this it is impossible to use the attic.

This means that you will have to increase either the area or the height of the house.

  • The roof requires annual maintenance.


– Regarding the weight of the roof: at this stage the main weight is a minimum 100 mm layer of wet soil and plants, the weight of waterproofing and drainage with a filter of 0.5 kg per square meter. That is, the entire structure weighs half a kilogram before filling with soil, and bulk heavy drainage is no longer used for landscaping the roof.

The roof slope can be absolutely anything; even a vertical surface can be landscaped. For getting pitched roof, we use the same technology, only we add a special geomat and an anti-erosion mat.


– Maintaining such a roof is more of a hobby or pleasure. By the way, due to the presence of a water-collecting storage drainage, you can water a “green roof” three times less often than a regular flower bed, and in order not to care for the plants, you can plant such ground cover as the so-called carpet plants; they, like moss, do not require care, and if put drip irrigation, then this is absolutely beautiful.

Users of our forum will tell you how to plant grass on the roof yourself. All information about “green roofing” can be obtained. From this video you will learn how to choose modern roofing materials. And this video clearly tells about the so-called "hedge".

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