How to cover an iron roof with fiberglass. Metal roof repair

I, Varzin Leonid Nikolaevich, began my activity as a tinsmith on steel and copper roofs in 1987.
In 1994, our roofing repair and installation company was founded. One of the significant achievements of our organization is obtaining an international patent for an invention in 2004 roofing panels (№2275479)
Over 22 years of work, we have selected a staff of first-class roofers who know their job. And our engineers will help you make the roof in accordance with your financial capabilities. The rise in roofing costs does not affect the quality of work. But it affects long-term operation.
Over the years, we have repaired and installed many roofs. And our customers always receive high-quality and reliable roof over your head.

We are waiting for your proposals for the work.

CEO L.N.Varzin

Any material, no matter how high-quality and durable it is, gradually succumbs to influence over time. external factors and loses its pristine functional characteristics. Metal products are no exception, which may be the reason for carrying out such services as repairs. metal roofing. In Moscow, this service is very relevant, since the capital and its surrounding regions are densely dotted with private houses and cottages that may need professional repair services.

The Delema company specializes in providing services for working with roofing systems various types and is always ready to provide professional assistance. The prices for metal roof repairs will pleasantly surprise you and will allow you to order repair work for your roof today.

As a rule, repairs of metal roofing systems are divided into two types: major and local (spot). The first type involves complete replacement of old roofing elements, dismantling them and installing a new sheet. The second involves carrying out work in certain areas whose condition is the most deteriorated. Major repairs of metal roofing in Moscow are carried out, as a rule, during the reconstruction of the building, as well as during the conversion of the attic.

The company's experienced employees will definitely advise you on all your questions and provide you with all the necessary and useful information.
Our contacts

8 (495) 505 – 00 – 40;
8 (495) 507 – 10 – 08.

Cost of metal roof repairs

Price, rub.)

340 (material)

380 (material)

420 (material)

160 (with material)

600(with material)

380 (material)

760 (material)


Removing old roofing and removing debris

Installation of a steel roof without gutters and slopes

Installation of a double-seam steel roof

Installation of a steel roof with double seam and ridge

Replacement no more than 20%

Replacement of 100% sheathing

Device of descents with new crosses

Installation of a gutter with descents

Comprehensive roof repair from 1100 RUR/m2! Warranty up to 5 years!
Departure, measurement and consultation on repairs - free of charge!

Carrying out this type of repair work is a very labor-intensive process that requires a high degree of training and practical experience from the roof repair worker. In order for your roofing system was repaired to the highest possible quality, then in this case you need to contact the Delema company, where they will provide you highest level service. The prices for metal roof repairs in our company will pleasantly surprise our clients with their affordability, and our highly qualified specialists will carry out even the most complex work in the shortest possible time.

The involvement of highly competent specialists and the use of modern equipment allows us to quickly carry out all work, while the prices for metal roof repairs at Delema are distinguished by their affordability.

The average price for working with the material is 750 rubles per m2. The price may decrease due to large volumes roof, can also increase due to roof junctions.

Our metal roof repair work

When using a metal roof, it is necessary to carry out so-called routine repairs annually, which consists of: partial replacement roofing in individual areas, the area of ​​which does not exceed 10% of the total roof area. Routine repairs include installing patches, sealing cracks, painting the roof, and replacing damaged areas of the roof. Wall gutters and gutters are most susceptible to corrosion, because... they have the least slope.

Before repairs, the roof must be carefully prepared. To do this, first clean the roof of dust, dirt and rusty places, first with a hard, then with a soft broom or brush. Rusty areas are cleaned with steel brushes, dust is swept away and immediately painted over. After this, the roof is inspected to detect cracks and broken places, which often appear during snow shoveling. It is best to do this on a sunny day, when even small holes will be clearly visible.

The inspection is carried out by 2 people - one from the attic (with a long stick), and the second on the roof - with a piece of chalk. Having discovered a hole, the man from the attic marks the location of the hole by knocking with a stick. His partner on the roof, having found the hole, draws a circle around it with chalk. Only after completing the inspection and identifying all the defects do they begin to eliminate them.

When repairing a metal roof, two types of patches are used in certain places: along the width of the picture, when the roofing sheets are worn out on the plane, and intermediate ones - when there is damage in or near the ridges.

To apply the patch, a sheet is prepared with some allowances for the size of the worn areas. Allowances are used for connections. The damaged area is uncovered, a sheet (patch) is placed on this area, connecting it to the old sheet using standing and lying folds. The patches are joined by double rebated seams in valleys and wall gutters. On particularly flat slopes, the patches are connected to the old sheets by soldering the seams.

Before installing the patches, they must be dry-dried, and after final connection with the old sheets, they must be painted over with weather-resistant painting compounds, while simultaneously painting over the joints to prevent corrosion.

If metal roof repairs are carried out in separate patches, then patches for holes from 30 to 200 mm are cut from tarpaulin, thick burlap or fabric. Holes up to 30 mm in size are repaired without patches; they are covered with red lead putty, hot bitumen or roofing mastic. In this case, the roofing sheet 30–40 mm around the hole is first cleaned of dirt, rust and coated twice on the roof and attic side.

If the patches are made from burlap or fabric, then prepare liquid oil paint from grated iron or lead lead on natural drying oil, soak the cut patches well with it, keeping them in the paint for 10–15 minutes. The patches must be completely dry when dipped into the paint. Having taken them out of the paint, squeeze them out of excess paint, apply them to the areas to be repaired, carefully smoothing them with a hard brush or hands. The edges are especially carefully smoothed. After 5–7 days, the glued patches will dry and you can begin painting. You need to paint in dry weather. If the roof has become dusty before painting, sweep it with a soft brush.

Repairs to gutters, eaves, gutters and drainpipes are carried out more often than to the roof itself, because... These elements are often subjected to mechanical stress due to careless snow dumping and ice chipping; moisture lingers longer in these areas of the roof.

If half the roof area has become unusable, then the entire roof is replaced with new sheets.

When partially replacing a metal roof, work on preparing and laying pictures is carried out in the same way as when installing new steel roofs. Well-preserved old sheets removed from the roof are reused for row covering on the southern slope. They are pre-cleaned, cut around the perimeter, dried and painted. Use them for critical parts of the roof, such as valleys, eaves, etc. Not recommended.

Only new sheet steel should be used for them. All folds, both standing and lying, are thoroughly coated with red lead putty before they are compressed.

In order to save steel, roofs with a high degree of wear can be repaired using rolled materials. Before starting work, defects in the sheathing are eliminated, then gutters, slopes and drainage devices are repaired. The torn sections of the roof and swollen areas are attached with nails, and the roof surface is cleaned of debris and rust with metal brushes. Cloths of rolled materials are laid along and across the standing seams of the roof. When covering along standing seams, slats with a triangular cross-section and the same height as the seam are nailed on both sides. Then the surface of the roof and bars is covered with hot bitumen, onto which sheets of roofing material are glued. The work is carried out from the eaves to the ridge so that each subsequent row overlaps the previously laid one by 8 cm. When covering with transverse stripes, the standing seams can be bent to the plane of the roof.

There is another way overhaul metal roofing is the use of the polymer roll-and-fill composition “Polykrov” without removing the old coating. “Polykrov” is an attempt to combine polymer and bulk materials into one composition. “Polikrova” consists of a rolled base reinforced with fiberglass (“Polikrova-AR”), which is glued to the base using mastic (“Polikrova-M”) and covered with several layers of self-leveling coating (“Polikrova-L”). Thanks to the roll base, “Polykrov” can be easily placed on the base and quickly glued to it. And the top self-leveling layers create a seamless film that ennobles appearance roofs. The Polykrov polymer composition has a wide range of colors, but it is better to give preference to silver-colored material, because It reflects light well and creates a feeling of cleanliness for a long time. All mastic materials of the composition (“Polikrov-M” and “Polikrov-L”) are single-component.

Usually, during the operation of edania, only the outer mastic layer of “Polykrova” ages, which is directly exposed to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. The rolled base is not subject to negative influences. Therefore, when repairing a roof made of “Polikrov”, it is enough to update the self-leveling layer (“Polikrov-L”).

When repairing a metal roof with “Polykrov”, in addition to the fact that steel sheets do not need to be removed, there are a number of other advantages:

  • a new roof made of a polymer composition will be superior to the old metal one in many respects;
  • “Polykrov” only slightly increases the weight of the roof;
  • when repairing multi-gable roofs with complex geometry There is almost no cutting waste left, because covering trim can be used to insulate junctions and joints.

The technology for repairing a metal roof using the Polykrov polymer composition is as follows:

  • the standing seams of the old metal roof are tightly bent to the surface of the slope;
  • the metal surface is cleared of debris;
  • strips of burlap or fiberglass 15–20 cm wide are glued over the folded folds with Polikrov-M-140 mastic;
  • a new insulating covering is installed from rolled material “Polikrov-AR-130” or “Polikrov-AR-150”. If the length of the roof slope does not exceed the length of a standard roll (20–22 m), then the covering can be done in one continuous sheet in the direction from the ridge to the eaves overhang. When working on large surfaces, the rolled material should be glued from bottom to top in the direction of the main flow of water (in the direction of folding folds);
  • the roof ridge is glued with an additional strip of “Polikrova-AR-130” or “Polikrova-AR-150”;
  • The entire roof is covered with a protective one-component varnish “Polikrov-L-1”.

“Polykrov” can be used in many regions of the country, because the range of temperatures it can withstand is large – from -60 to +140°C.

“Polykrov” is produced in the form of rolls of 20 m 2 with a width of 90 cm and a thickness of 2 mm. The mass of 1 m2 is equal to 2.5 kg. Mastics are supplied in barrels (up to 200 l) or in cans (20 l each).

The service life of the polymer composition is 25 years. At the same time, the costs of installation and maintenance in comparison with other types of roofing are:

  • bitumen roofing for 6 years - 105 rubles/m2;
  • bitumen-polymer roofing for 12 years - 150 rubles/m2;
  • roofing from "Polykrov" for 21 years - 130 rubles/m2.

Sheet material The roof covering is especially susceptible to corrosion at the joints or between the sheathing bars on the attic side when the temperature and humidity conditions in it are disturbed.

The connecting parts (nails, bolts, wire) are made of non-galvanized steel and at the points of their connection with galvanized sheets of roofing steel, an electric couple is formed, which acts destructively on galvanized steel. In this case, it is recommended to install 1–2 layers of roofing material. The same phenomenon is observed when using non-galvanized clamps when installing galvanized drainpipes.

Repair of drainpipes may involve partial replacement of individual links, elbows, funnels or their complete replacement. When changing individual straight pipe links and elbows, you should first lower the lower part of the pipe barrel by 8–10 mm, having first freed it from the tightening and stirrup. Then the part being replaced is removed, a new one is installed, it is secured at the upper end in the stirrup, and then the lower part of the pipe is lifted and connected to the new one. When completely replacing the drainpipe, installation begins from the bottom.

When painting a repaired roof, work is carried out with swinging brushes on a completely clean and dry base. The applied paint protects the roof from rapid destruction. The quality of any painting depends on compliance with technological requirements when performing work.

Rapid wear of the paint film on the roof occurs from the combined effect of air, water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, dust, sand and smoke. Thus, carbon dioxide in the air, combining with moisture, accelerates the destruction of the paint layer. Hydrogen sulfide in most cases discolors some paints and negatively affects the paint layer. Dust and sand under the influence of wind wear away the paint film over time. Smoke mainly contaminates painted surfaces.

Roof surfaces should be painted smoothly so that they do not retain dust and sand. The formation of bubbles on the paint layer occurs from painting surfaces that are not dry enough, poor cleaning of them from dirt and soot, or applying paint to wet primer and putty. Uneven thickness of the paint layer leads to the formation of cracks, because thin layers dry faster than thick ones.

Correct and durable painting of the roof is carried out in 3, at least 2 times. Before painting, the roof must be carefully prepared.

When painting, the paint is shaded along the slope. First of all, it is necessary to paint the roof slope, and then work from the ridge to the slopes. The paint should be applied to the brush in small quantities and shaded in a thin layer without rough streaks or streaks. Thick layers of paint will crack over time, and water will be retained in the cracks, destroying the roof.

Repairing a metal roof is a complex and time-consuming process that requires some experience, effort and time. The duration and complexity of the work depends on how damaged the roof is and whether there is a need to replace individual sections. First you will have to conduct a thorough inspection of the surface. You should climb onto the roof only in compliance with all insurance rules; it is recommended to do the work together. You cannot walk on metal tiles; special walkways are used for inspection. The same rule applies to textured roofing sheets made of non-ferrous metal, the thickness of which is small. If this condition is violated, large-scale damage to the material is possible.

Repair metal coating roofing is quite complicated and requires a lot of effort.

Replacing roofing sheets

A common type of repair is the complete replacement of roofing sheets. If the number of damaged sheets is very large, it is best to completely dismantle and re-cover the roof. In case of replacement, it is important to take into account what kind of material was used for the coating, to select sheets with identical thickness and shade, the width of one sheet. All damaged parts are carefully removed, the condition of the sheathing, heat insulation and waterproofing membranes is inspected. All materials that show signs of damage must be replaced, wet insulation must be dried or replaced with a new one.

Before installing sheets of material, it must first be cut.

If you decide to completely dismantle the old roofing material, then it is better to give preference to corrugated sheets or metal tiles. Repairing an iron roof begins with cutting out the sheets, after which they are lifted up one by one. Laying should begin from the roof overhangs; each subsequent sheet is laid with an overlap on the already reinforced sheet. The covering is fastened with self-tapping screws to the sheathing; it is recommended to pre-drill the mounting holes. In order not to damage the material during the work, it is recommended to lay a layer of special polymer material under the sheets, repeating the pattern of the metal tile.

Repairing a seam galvanized roof is more difficult. You will have to open the locks first or simply cut them off. To install new sheets, special tools are required that allow the edges of adjacent elements to be bent into special locks. Such work requires experience and time, if there is no confidence in own strength, it is better to immediately invite a specialist or choose a less demanding option. Repairing a copper or aluminum roof requires the participation of a specialist, since you can damage the sheets with your own hands, and their cost is quite high.

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Rolled materials for repairs

To minimize repair costs and speed up the process, you can use special roll materials, great for any type of metal roof. This method is often used for standing seam metal roofs.

The repair process includes the following steps:

Must be carefully inspected additional elements roofs.

  1. An external inspection of the condition of the roof is carried out; all defects must be eliminated and rusted sheets replaced.
  2. Repairs of drains, slopes, gutters are organized, and joints near chimney pipes are inspected.
  3. Torn but intact sections and swollen sheets must be leveled and secured to the sheathing using galvanized nails.
  4. The surface of the roof is cleaned with metal brushes, removing all the resulting dust.
  5. Slats with a triangular cross-section are nailed along the edges, then the surface is covered with hot bitumen.
  6. You need to start laying from the cornice to the ridge; an overlap of 8 cm is required to prevent moisture from flowing under the material.

Manufacturers offer different variants roll coverings, they vary in width and shade, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for the exterior of the house. Laying does not take much time, but the preparation is complex and time-consuming.

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Repair using polymer compositions

For metal roof You can use special polymer compositions; they are laid only after cleaning the old metal coating. Such polymers are composites; they consist of fiberglass, roll coating, and mastic, with which the coating is glued to the base. Such repair of a metal roof allows not only to update the appearance of the roof, but also to strengthen it, increase the resistance of the base to rust, sudden temperature changes, and ultraviolet radiation. Increasingly, polymer composite materials are used for roof restoration if its complete replacement is not possible for a number of reasons.

Polymer is a thin film produced in rolls; its color palette is very rich. After installation, the roof acquires a stylish and beautiful appearance. Among the advantages of such repairs it is necessary to note:

  1. The old coating does not need to be removed if it is in satisfactory condition.
  2. The roof is strengthened, becomes more durable, and its weight does not increase, since the film weighs extremely little.
  3. The installation is waste-free; all trimmings can be used to seal joints and hard-to-reach places.
  4. For seamed roofs, all seams (seams) are pressed tightly against the surface, i.e., additional protection is provided.
  5. The base mastic protects the roof from corrosion.

The repair process using this material is simple. The mastic is applied first, followed by strips of fiberglass with a width of 15-20 cm. The thinnest polymer film is applied last: the strip is glued to the ridge first, then the roof slopes and valleys are covered. After installation, the surface can be coated with a special protective varnish.

Metal roof repair. Quickly detect roofing problems and fix them promptly as soon as possible. The operation of metal roofing materials is not complete without routine or even major repairs. Restoration work includes installing patches, replacing individual damaged areas, and eliminating cracks. Metal roofing is made from various materials: galvanized iron, copper, aluminum, metal tiles and corrugated sheets. Metal roof repairs are best left to experienced professionals.

Metal roof repair - features of repair work

  • Replacing metal tiles requires strict adherence to the rules of installation technology. Before laying, the surface must be pre-prepared. It is cleaned of dust, dirt, and rust. Before installing the roofing material, cracks and holes in the roof structure are eliminated. Metal roof repairs are carried out after inspection and preparatory work.
  • If the roof is covered with corrugated sheeting, then it is necessary to lay it, strictly following the technology. During routine repairs, it is not at all necessary to completely dismantle the coating. It is quite enough to replace only damaged or deformed sheets.
  • Seam roofing can also be susceptible to leaks, scratches and holes. Our technicians will identify all the reasons for the loss of tightness of element connections and eliminate them. High-quality roofing sealants and mixtures are used in repairs. Our specialists will carry out high-quality repairs any type of roof. You can check the cost of the work by calling the company.

Metal roof repair prices

Metal roof repair, how to place an order

Our company's specialists provide repair services for a wide variety of roofing types. All restoration work comes with a long-term guarantee. The presented photos of the works will allow you to evaluate the skill of our company’s employees.

Although metal roofs are considered very durable, during their operation they will periodically require routine repairs to replace damaged areas of the coating. During this, patches are installed, cracks are eliminated, and painting is carried out.

Types of iron roofing

Metal roofing can be made from galvanized iron, titanium-zinc, aluminum or copper. To protect metal sheets from corrosion, paint, metal oxides or special polymers are applied to them.

How to Prepare a Metal Roof for Repair

Repairing a metal roof is preceded by preparing its surface. The first step is to remove dust, rust and other contaminants: a broom and brush are used for these purposes. Cleaning of rusty areas is carried out with metal brushes, with the obligatory removal of the resulting dust. The surface is also inspected for cracks and holes: usually this is the result of careless handling of a shovel while removing snow from the roof.

It is inconvenient to conduct an inspection alone: ​​it is advisable to enlist the support of at least one assistant. One person is placed in the attic, given a long stick, the second is on top of the roof, carrying chalk. It is much more convenient to detect holes from the inside, which is indicated by an assistant with a stick by knocking on a metal sheet. Sunny days are most suitable for such a procedure, which will make it possible to notice even the smallest holes. The partner on the roof immediately marks the location of the defect with chalk. Upon completion of the inspection of the entire roof area, you can proceed to eliminating the detected flaws.

Methods for repairing an old roof from leaking

Local repair of metal roofing from leaks is carried out using two types of patches: along the width of the picture and intermediate ones. The first method eliminates defects on the plane, the second - in the ridges or near them. As a patch, sheets with the required margin for the size of the wear area are used (allowances are needed for connection). The damaged area is exposed and equipped with a patch, connecting it to the old coating. If flat slopes are being repaired, the connecting sections can be soldered.

Before installation, the patches are coated with drying oil, and after installation they are painted with a weather-resistant composition. In the same way, it is necessary to treat the connecting areas to avoid rusting. If the hole size does not exceed 200 mm, tarpaulin, burlap or thick fabric is used to make a patch. To seal a small hole up to 30 mm, use hot bitumen, red lead putty or special mastic. It is necessary to clean an area of ​​30-40 mm around the defect, followed by double-sided coating.

Patches made of fabric and burlap are soaked in liquid oil paint, which contains natural drying oil with crushed lead or iron lead. The fabric must be well dried before impregnation. Impregnation time – 10-15 minutes. Next, the patch is wrung out and laid over the hole: smoothing and fixing is carried out with a stiff brush. Close attention is paid to the edges of the patch. The patches usually take about a week to dry, after which the entire roof surface can be painted. Repairs to gutters, overhangs, gutters and eaves are carried out much more frequently due to the greater vulnerability of these areas during snow and ice removal.

If defects account for most of the entire roof area, then it must be completely replaced. This procedure has the same algorithm of actions as laying new material. The dismantled sheets can be processed south side stingrays, having previously cleaned, trimmed and covered them with paint or drying oil. To design a valley, eaves overhang or other critical area of ​​the roof, it is recommended to use only new metal sheets. Before crimping, all folds are treated with red lead putty.

Use for repair of rolled materials

A cheaper option for repairing a metal roof is to use roll materials.

In this case, observe the following procedure:

  1. Sheathing repair.
  2. Restoration of drainage elements, gutters and slopes.
  3. Fixing swollen and torn fragments with nails.
  4. Cleaning the roof with a wire brush.
  5. Laying rolled material in the longitudinal and transverse direction to the standing folds.
  6. Padding on both sides of triangular slats of the same height with folds.
  7. Laying hot bitumen and gluing roofing felt.

The procedure is carried out from the cornice to the ridge: each next row should have an overlap of 8 cm on the previous one. To make it easier to lay the transverse strips, the standing seams are folded toward the roof plane.

Using "Polykrov"

Major renovation iron roof can be done using polymer coating: In this case, it is not necessary to remove the old finish.

“Polykrova” contains polymer and bulk components:

  • Reinforced fiberglass fabric on a roll basis "Polikrov - AR".
  • Mastic “Polikrov – M”, for fixing the material to the base.
  • Self-leveling coating “Polikrov-L”, laid in several layers.

The roll base is quite easy to lay and glue, and the self-leveling base contributes to the appearance of a monolithic film. “Polykrov” is offered for sale in a rich variety of colors. The most popular color is silver: its reflective characteristics ensure that the coating remains clean and new for a long time after installation. During operation, the lower rolled base of “Polikrova” is reliably protected by a top layer, which can be updated if necessary.

TO strengths the following can be attributed:

  • Possibility of laying on the previous coating.
  • After repair, the parameters of the updated roof increase noticeably.
  • Laying does not lead to significant weighting of the roof.
  • An almost waste-free method (the residues are used to insulate the abutments and joints).

Algorithm for laying the polymer roll composition “Polykrov”:

  1. Bending folds.
  2. Cleaning the base from debris.
  3. Applying mastic for gluing fiberglass or burlap. The width of the stripes is 15-20 cm.
  4. Installation insulating material and "Polykrova".
  5. To finish the ridge, use strips “Polikrov-AR-130” or “Polikrov-AR-150”.
  6. The roof surface is varnished with “Polikrov-L-1”.

If the roof can be covered with one strip (20-22 m), a continuous installation from the ridge to the overhang is chosen for the covering. Repair of an old roof of a large area begins from the bottom.

  • Operating temperature range – from -60 to +140 degrees.
  • The rolls contain 20 m2 of material, with a width of 90 cm and a thickness of 2 mm.
  • Mastic is packaged in barrels or cans of 20-200 liters.
  • Service life – 25 years.

The most vulnerable areas of a metal roof are the joints. If there are violations of the temperature and humidity conditions, then these can also include the gaps between the sheathing bars, along the attic side. This is explained by the fact that non-galvanized steel nails, bolts and other fasteners at the points of connection with galvanized sheets form a destructive electrical couple. To prevent such phenomena, it is recommended to use roofing felt pads.

How to Paint a Metal Roof

Painting is the final stage of repairing an iron roof. The paint layer is damaged by water, hydrogen sulfide, air, carbon dioxide, sand, dust and smoke. To minimize their influence as much as possible, painting must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. When applying, it is important to achieve evenness and smoothness of the layers, which will prevent the accumulation of various contaminants.

If the application is uneven, cracks usually appear: water flowing into them will begin to quickly destroy the roofing material. For reliability, it is recommended to apply the paint in 2-3 layers. Of particular importance is proper preparation base, which must be completely clean and dry. Concerning temperature regime, then most roof paints are designed to work at above-zero temperatures.

If done correctly, a repaired metal roof can last a long time. If the slightest defect is detected, it is advisable to eliminate it immediately, otherwise the problem will worsen over time.

Repairing a metal roof from leaking, repairing an old iron roof

Repairing a metal roof from leaking, repairing an old iron roof

How to properly repair a metal roof: what is needed for this

The operation of a metal roof, despite its durability, cannot be done without routine maintenance, which consists of replacing it in areas whose area is no more than 10% of the entire roof. Maintenance metal roofing includes installing patches, repairing cracks, painting the roof, and replacing damaged areas.

What is a metal roof: types of coatings

Protection against corrosion and rust metal sheets carried out by covering them with paint, oxides of the metals themselves, or special polymer compounds.

Preparing a metal surface for repair work

Before repairs, the roof must be prepared. First you need to clean it from dust, rust and other dirt, using first a hard, then a soft broom and brush. To clean rusty areas, you will need metal brushes. After eliminating the rust, the dust from it is immediately swept away and the area is painted. Then a visual inspection of the roof is done to identify cracks and holes formed when clearing snow and ice with shovels.

At least two people must participate in the inspection. One conducts it in the attic, armed with a long stick, the other on the roof, taking with him a piece of chalk. When a hole is discovered from the attic, a person knocks on the roof with a stick, and his partner from above marks this place with chalk. After identifying all defects, you can begin to eliminate them immediately.

It is important! It is advisable to inspect the roof on a clear sunny day with good visibility, in which case even the smallest crack or hole will not be hidden from your gaze.

Partial repair or complete replacement of roofing materials

To repair a metal roof, patches are used, which come in two types: along the width of the picture for defects on the plane of the sheet, and intermediate ones, which are used to repair damage in or near the ridges. To patch, take a sheet with the necessary allowances for the amount of worn areas. Allowances are required for connections. The area with the defect is uncovered and a patch is placed on it, connecting it to the old coating. On gentle slopes, soldering of seams is used to connect patches to sheets.

Before installing the patch, drying oil is applied, and after the connection, weather-resistant painting compounds are applied, simultaneously painting the joints to avoid corrosion. Patches for small holes ranging in size from 30 to 200 mm are made from tarpaulin, burlap or thick fabric. Small holes up to 30 mm are not patched; they are covered with hot bitumen, red lead putty or special mastic. The roofing sheet around the 30-40 mm hole is cleaned and coated on both sides - from the attic and from the roof.

For patches made of fabric and burlap, impregnation with liquid oil paint on natural drying oil made from grated lead or red lead is required. The patches are dipped into the paint completely dry and left for 10–15 minutes. Then they are wrung out and placed on the hole, carefully smoothing and pressing with your hand or a hard brush. The edges must be smoothed especially carefully. After 5–7 days, when the patches are completely dry, you can begin painting. This is done in dry weather. Before painting, the dust collected during this time must be removed with a brush.

Chutes, trays, drainpipes, eaves overhangs are repaired more often, since these are the roof elements that are most vulnerable when clearing snow and ice.

If the defects make up 50% of the area, then the metal sheets are replaced over the entire surface. Complete replacement metal roofing is done in the same way as laying a new one. The removed sheets can be reused on the southern slope. They are cleaned, trimmed, coated with drying oil and paint. They are not suitable for the most critical places. For valleys, eaves overhangs and other vulnerable elements, only new steel sheets are used. All folds are covered with red lead putty before crimping.

Repair of metal roofing with rolled materials

To reduce the cost of repairing a metal roof with a lot of wear and tear, you can use rolled materials. Repair work are carried out in the following sequence:

  • defects in the sheathing are eliminated;
  • drainage devices, gutters and slopes are repaired;
  • swollen and torn areas are secured with nails;
  • the surface is cleaned using metal brushes;
  • then the rolled materials are laid along and across the standing seams;
  • slats are nailed on both sides, having a triangular cross-section and the same height as the rebate;
  • The surface is covered with hot bitumen, and roofing felt is glued onto it.

The work is carried out from the eaves to the ridge with an overlap of each subsequent row of 8 cm. When laying transverse strips, the standing seams can be bent towards the plane of the roof.

Repair using "Polykrov" - a polymer roll-on-fill composition

During major roof repairs, a polymer composition is also used without removing the outdated coating. “Polykrov” is a combination of polymer and bulk materials in one composition. Comprises:

  • reinforced fiberglass, rolled base "Polikrov-AR";
  • “Polikrova-M” mastic, which glues the material to the base;
  • self-leveling coating “Polikrova-L”, which is applied in several layers.

The roll base is easy to lay and quickly glued, and the self-leveling layers form a seamless film. The polymer composition "Polykrov" is available in a wide range color scheme. Silver color, according to many, is the best, since its reflective ability creates a feeling of cleanliness and newness of the roof for a long time after repair.

It is important to know! When using a building with such a coating negative impact Only the top layer lends itself, the rolled base does not age, so during subsequent repairs only the self-leveling layer is renewed.

Advantages of using "Polykrov":

  • no need to remove old coating;
  • the parameters of a roof made of a polymer composition are superior to those of the old metal one;
  • slight increase in roof weight;
  • there is no waste left, since the trimmings are used to insulate abutments and joints.

Technology of application of the polymer roll composition “Polykrov”:

  • the folds of the old metal covering are tightly bent to the slope;
  • all debris is removed from the surface;
  • mastic is applied to glue strips of fiberglass or burlap 15–20 cm wide;
  • the insulating coating and “Polykrov” are being laid;
  • the strip “Polikrov-AR-130” or “Polikrov-AR-150” is glued to the roof ridge;
  • The roof surface is coated with “Polikrov-L-1” varnish.

When the length of the slope does not exceed the length of the roll, which is 20–22 m, the covering is made with a continuous sheet from the ridge to the eaves overhang. On large areas, roll material must be glued from bottom to top.

  • withstands temperatures from -60 to +140 °C;
  • Available in rolls of 20 m2, width 90 cm, material thickness 2 mm;
  • mastic is sold in barrels or cans of 200 and 20 liters, respectively;
  • service life up to 25 years.

This is important to know! The most vulnerable places in a metal-coated roof are at the joints, as well as between the sheathing bars on the attic side when the temperature and humidity conditions are violated. Since nails, wire, bolts and other fasteners are made of non-galvanized steel, when connected to galvanized steel, electrical steam is generated that destroys the galvanized steel. In this case, a one- or two-layer roofing material will help.

Painting a metal roof: technological requirements

The paint film is destroyed by exposure to water, hydrogen sulfide, air, carbon dioxide, sand, dust and smoke. In order for their impact to be minimal, when dyeing it is necessary to comply with the technological requirements for dyeing. The painting should be even and smooth so that dust and sand do not linger on it. An uneven thickness of paint layer promotes the formation of cracks in which water will accumulate and destroy the roof. Durable coloring is achieved by applying 2-3 layers to a previously prepared base.

The metal roof itself is reliable and durable. Its functionality and service life depend on how high-quality and technologically the repair is performed. Therefore, it is very important to have metal roof repair work performed by professionals.

Metal roof repair - sequence and methods of work

To repair metal roofs, roll materials and the polymer roll-and-fill composition “Polykrov” are often used. Stages of repair work.

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