Technology for heating drainpipes and gutters using a self-regulating cable. Heating of the roof, gutters, gutters with a self-regulating (heating) cable: we explain all the nuances Diagnostics and maintenance of the gutters heating system

During winter thaws and off-season periods, the operation of drainage systems is at risk. Ice forms in gutters and pipes, which can quickly grow and form entire ice plugs. They slow down the drainage system and sometimes block it completely.

In addition, frozen ice increases the weight of gutters, leading to their collapse and rupture. Such consequences can be avoided with the help of anti-icing systems, the main element of which is a heating cable for gutters and roofs.

Let's start with the main concepts. What is a heating cable? It is a current conductor capable of converting electrical energy into thermal energy. The amount of heat generated depends on the strength of the current and the resistance of the conductive material. If you remember the school physics course, it turns out that any conductor has this ability. But! For an electrical cable, a similar thermal effect is n desirable, therefore, due to the design, they try to reduce it. And for the heating cable it’s the other way around. The more heat it can convert from electricity, the better.

In an anti-icing system, the heating cable performs the most important function of heating the gutter and roof elements, making the formation of ice, icicles and snow canopies impossible.

Electric heating prevents:

  • formation of icicles on gutters and roof edges;
  • blockage of drains with ice;
  • collapse or deformation of gutters under the weight of ice, icicles and snow masses;
  • rupture of pipes under the influence of ice.

Performance characteristics of heating cables

Electric cables for heating drainage systems and roofs operate in difficult conditions– under the influence of moisture, negative temperatures, mechanical loads. Therefore, it is necessary that the cables have the following set of characteristics:

  • the tightness of the shell and resistance to atmospheric moisture;
  • resistance to UV radiation;
  • the ability not to change its properties at high and low (negative) temperatures;
  • high mechanical strength to withstand loads from snow and ice;
  • safety associated with high electrical insulating properties.

Cables are supplied in coils or ready-made heating sections - cut pieces of a fixed length with a coupling and supply wire for connection to the network.

Sections are a more convenient option, which is easier to install. Cable in coils is usually used for drainage and roofing. complex configuration, for which standard sections are not suitable.

Types of heating cables

Anti-icing systems can operate on the basis of two types of heating cables: resistive and self-regulating. Let's look at the features of each of them.

Type #1. Resistive cables

The most common, traditional option, characterized by the same output power along the entire length and the same heat dissipation. To heat drains, resistive cables are used with a heat release of 15-30 W/m and an operating temperature of up to 250°C.

A resistive cable for heating gutters has a constant resistance and heats up equally over its entire surface. The degree of heating depends only on the current strength, without regard to external conditions. And these conditions may differ for different parts of the cable.

For example, one section of the wire may be in the open air, another in a pipe, and a third hidden under foliage or snow. To prevent ice from forming, each of these areas requires a different amount of heat. But a resistive cable cannot self-adjust and change the degree of its heating. Any part of it will have the same power and degree of heating.

Therefore, part of the thermal energy of the cable will be wasted on heating those parts of the pipe and roof that are already in “warm” conditions. Due to this, the electricity consumption of a resistive cable is always relatively high, but partially unproductive.

Depending on the design, resistive cables are divided into 2 types: serial and zone.

Serial cables

The structure of a serial cable is very simple. Inside it, along its entire length, there is a continuous conductor core, covered with insulation on top. The core is a copper wire.

To prevent it from causing negative electromagnetic radiation, a shielding braid is placed over the wire. Additionally, it acts as a grounding connection. The outer layer of a resistive cable is a polymer sheath that serves to prevent short circuits and protect against external conditions.

A feature of a serial cable is that its total resistance is equal to the sum of the resistances of all its pieces. Therefore, when the length of the wire changes, its thermal power also changes.

Since the heat transfer process cannot be adjusted, constant monitoring of the cable is required, including removing accumulated debris. Leaves, branches and other debris can cause the cable to overheat and burn out. It cannot be restored.

Serial cables can be single-core or double-core. A solid conductor has one core. In a two-core wire, there are two wires running in parallel and carrying currents in opposite directions. As a result, electromagnetic radiation is leveled, making two-core cables safer.

Serial resistive cables have the following strengths:

  • affordable price;
  • flexibility, making it possible to place the cable on surfaces of various configurations;
  • simple installation, in which there is no need to use “extra” parts.

Disadvantages include stable heat release, independent of weather conditions, and failure of the entire cable if it crosses itself or overheats at one point.

Zone cables

In addition to the usual resistive cable, there is an improved version of it - a zonal (parallel) cable. Its design has two parallel insulated conductors. Around them is a high-resistance heating wire wound in a spiral.

This spiral (usually nichrome) through the contact windows in the insulation is closed alternately to the first and then to the second core. Heat release zones independent from each other are formed. If the cable overheats and burns out at one point, only one zone fails, the rest continue to work.

Since the zonal heating cable for roofing and gutters is a chain of independent heat-generating sections, it is possible to cut it into fragments directly at the installation site. In this case, the length of the cut pieces must be a multiple of the size of the heat-generating zone (0.7-2 m).

Advantages of using a zone cable:

  • affordable price;
  • independent heat release zones, the presence of which allows you not to be afraid of overheating;
  • easy installation.

Disadvantages include stable heat dissipation (as with a serial cable) and the fact that the size of the pieces cut for installation depends on the length of the heating zone.

Type #2. Self-regulating cables

This type of cable has great potential in heating systems for gutters and roofs.

Its structure is more complex than that of its resistive analogue. Inside the element there are two conductive cores (like a two-core resistive cable), connected by a semiconductor layer - a matrix. Next, the layers are arranged as follows: internal photopolymer insulation, shielding shell (foil or wire braid), plastic outer insulation. Two layers of insulation (inside and outside) make the cable resistant to shock loads and increase its dielectric strength.

The main distinguishing detail of a self-regulating cable is a matrix that changes its resistance depending on the ambient temperature. The higher the temperature environment, the greater the resistance of the matrix and the less heating of the cable itself. And vice versa. This is where the effect of self-regulation manifests itself.

The cable automatically and independently regulates power consumption and heating level. In this case, each section of the cable operates autonomously and, independently of other sections, selects the degree of heating for itself.

A cable with a self-regulating effect costs 2-4 times more than a resistive cable. But it also has many advantages, the most notable of which are:

  • changing the degree of heating depending on environmental conditions;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • low power consumption (about 15-20 W/m on average);
  • durability associated with the absence of the risk of overheating and burnouts;
  • easy installation on any roof;
  • possibility of cutting into suitable pieces (from 20 cm long) directly at the installation site.

In addition to the high price, the disadvantages of this option include long heating times, as well as a high starting current at low ambient temperatures.

Anti-icing system design

As already noted, the cable is the main (heating) element of the anti-icing system for gutters and roofs. But not the only one. To assemble a fully functioning system, the following components are used:

  • heating cable;
  • supply wire used to supply voltage (it does not heat up);
  • fasteners;
  • couplings;
  • power unit;
  • thermostat.

The productivity of the heating system largely depends on the thermostat. This device allows you to turn heating sections (cable) on and off, limiting their operation in a pre-fixed range of weather conditions. The thermostat can determine their value using special sensors that are installed in places of greatest accumulation of water.

A conventional thermostat is characterized by the presence of a temperature sensor. As a rule, for small systems, a dual-range thermostat is used with the ability to adjust the cable on and off temperature.

A specialized thermostat, called a weather station, controls the operation of the system more effectively. It contains several sensors that record not only temperature, but also a number of other parameters that affect the formation of ice. For example, air humidity, the presence of residual moisture on pipes and roofing. Weather stations operate in the mode installed programs and allow you to save up to 80% of electricity.

Heating cable installation

To install an anti-icing system, heating cables are laid:

  • at the edge of the roof;
  • in the valleys;
  • along the line of intersection of the roof and adjacent walls;
  • in horizontal gutters;
  • in vertical drainpipes.

Features of cable laying in these areas have their own differences and features.

On the edge of the roof

In this area, the cable is laid like a snake so that it is above the edge outer wall by 30 cm. The height of the snake in this situation is 0.6, 0.9 or 1.2 m.

When installing a cable on a metal tile, a turn of wire is laid at each lower point of the wave. Installation on a metal seam roof requires a different approach. The cable rises along the first seam to the desired height, then descends to the gutter on the other side of the same seam. It passes along the gutter, reaches the next seam and repeats the cycle again.

If there are no gutters on a pitched roof, then significant ice build-ups and icicles can form on its edges. To prevent this from happening, the cable is laid according to one of two possible patterns: a “dripping” loop or a “dripping” edge.

The "drip" loop design assumes that melting water will flow and drip directly from the cable. To do this, the cable is mounted with a snake so that it hangs 5-8 cm from the edge of the roof.

The “dripping” edge scheme is organized according to a similar principle. Only the cable is fixed to the edge of the roof (dripline), laying it traditionally with a snake.

In valleys and at the intersection of roof and wall

Ice easily forms in valleys and other places at the junction of roof slopes. The cable here is laid in 2 threads, along the joint, 2/3 of its length. Due to this, a frost-free passage is formed through which melt water can flow.

A similar method of constructing a frost-free passage is used at the intersection of the roof and wall. Here the cable is also laid in 2 threads at 2/3 of the height of the slope. The distance from the cable to the wall is 5-8 cm, and the distance between its threads is 10-15 cm.

In gutters

In a horizontal trench, the cable is laid along its entire length in one or more parallel threads. The number of threads depends on the width of the gutter. If in a tray up to 10 cm wide it is enough to put one thread of cable, then in a tray with a width of 10-20 cm there are already two threads. For a wider gutter (more than 20 cm), their number is increased by adding one thread for every next 10 cm of width. Lay the cable so that there is a space of 10-15 cm between the threads.

To secure the cable in the gutters, use mounting tape or special plastic clips. It is also possible to make fasteners in the required quantities yourself - from steel tape, which can easily be shaped into a clamp. Clamps and elements of the mounting tape are secured to the walls of the gutters with self-tapping screws. The resulting holes are sealed with silicone sealant. A distance of 0.3-0.5 m is maintained between fastening elements.

In drainpipes

Ice often forms in drain funnels, blocking the path for melt water to drain from the roof. Therefore, cable laying is mandatory here. One thread of cable is placed in a pipe with a diameter of up to 10 cm, and two threads with a diameter of 10-30 cm. At the entrance to the pipe, the cable is secured to the walls using steel brackets.

In the upper and lower parts of the pipe, enhanced heating is required, which is carried out by laying additional cable strands - in the form of a “dripping” loop or several spiral turns.

If the length of the pipe exceeds 3 meters, a chain or cable with fasteners is used to lower the cable and secure it. The chain (cable) is suspended on a hook screwed into the wooden elements of the roof or a metal rod fixed to the gutter.

The basic principles of installing a heating cable as part of an anti-icing system are discussed in the video:

It turns out that there is nothing complicated in installing a heating cable. Having understood the simple characteristics of cables and the nuances of their installation, you can short term build a reliable anti-icing system.

Consuming very little electricity, this design will help you forget about icicles and ice on the gutters and roof of your house for a long time.

Heating of roofs and gutters necessary for houses located in climatic zones where significant amounts of snow fall. Under its weight, the roof structure may collapse and drainage system. This problem is especially relevant for private houses that have a heated room under the roof. This design leads to active melting of snow in the ridge area and the formation of ice build-ups on the edge of the roof and in the storm drain system.

A similar picture is observed in spring, when daily temperature fluctuations reach tens of degrees. During the day, the snow cap on the roof melts, and in the evening, before it reaches the storm drain, it freezes. This situation is extremely dangerous both for the structure itself and for people who could be seriously injured by a fall. large pieces ice. To prevent destruction roofs and gutters, extend their service life and maintain a presentable appearance, used gutter heating system.

How does it work gutter heating system ?

Principle of operation heating systems drainage is based on the use of thermal energy, which is generated when electricity passes through a flexible cable that has a certain resistance. Heating is installed in places where there is the slightest possibility of ice formation. As a rule, heating elements are laid on the roof, along gutters and risers. Heat helps melt snow and prevents water in the drainage system from freezing when the temperature drops below 0°C.

Heating cable for roofs and gutters used to perform the following tasks:

  • eliminating excess pressure on roofing system snow and ice masses;
  • preventing the possibility of the formation of icicles and blocks of ice on the edges of roof slopes;
  • 24-hour removal of melt water from the roof;
  • preventing the formation of ice jams and congestion in water drainage channels;
  • automatic cleaning of the roof from excess snow without the use of physical effort;
  • extending the service life of the drainage system.

Electric heating of gutters using modern control equipment makes it possible to completely eliminate human participation in the operation of systems. The correct choice of device, its proper installation and configuration contribute to the fact that heating of gutters and drains, roofing and drainage will be carried out efficiently and economically. Considering the cost of electricity, this factor should be taken into account.

Heating system design

Heating of drainpipes is a rather complex technical process. As a rule, installation of the system is carried out by specialists with the necessary knowledge and experience. But if you show patience, accuracy and a thoughtful approach, then you can arrange the heat supply to the drain and roof on our own. To do this you need to familiarize yourself with common device heating systems and with the rules for its installation.

Standard system heating of gutters consists of the following devices and mechanisms:

  1. Heating part. It represents an electrical cable for gutters, which is used to heat trays, pipes and roofing. Its installation is carried out from the outside and inside these structures so as to initially exclude the very possibility of any mechanical damage and rupture. The wire has sufficient strength and a reliable coating that provides protection from solar radiation, water, heat and cold. When installing heating systems, 2 types of heating elements are used: resistive and self-regulating cable. As a rule, both are used for high-quality and economical heating.

  2. Distribution part. This is a set of power cables, installation and distribution boxes, fastening and fixing devices. The information part is intended for distributing electricity, receiving and transmitting signals from sensors and indicators.
  3. Control system. It consists of a panel, thermostats, indicators, sensors, starting, regulating and protective devices.

The equipment for heating gutters may vary. Its volume and characteristics of the devices depend on the area to be covered and the required power. In addition, the amount of automation may vary due to the choice of type of heating elements.

Selection of heating elements

Cable for heating gutters is the basis of the anti-icing system. The efficiency of the installed system largely depends on the correctness of its choice.

During installation, use heating cable for drain of such a type:

  1. Resistive for gutters. This is a fairly simple and inexpensive product, which is a metal wire enclosed in durable insulation. All its parameters, such as power, heating temperature and resistance, are constant. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time. The advantage is that the resistive wire is easy to install and operate. The disadvantage is that its temperature cannot be changed depending on the specific situation. So, the power of the wire may not be enough for gutter heating in severe frost. But at temperatures close to zero, the heat it produces will be wasted. Resistive wire is used for arranging large areas of roofing and long sections of gutters and pipes.
  2. Self-regulating. This product is highly technologically advanced. The cable consists of a core, which is insulated with two layers of sheath and steel braid. The heating element itself changes power and resistance depending on the ambient temperature.
    and extreme cold resistance is maximum. As the air warms up, it decreases, and the cable heats up less and less. Due to its high cost, self-regulating wire is used to a limited extent. As a rule, it is used to carry out heating of gutters, located in a pipe or in gutters where the movement of snow masses occurs.

When arranging houses, it is recommended to use both types of wire. This way you can achieve high-quality results without significant overpayments. Inexpensive resistive heating cable is used to cover large areas under the roof. As for self-regulating elements, they are attached to the most difficult sections of drains.

Design of roof heating and gutters

Efficiency heating systems directly depends on high-quality design and correctly selected equipment. You shouldn't skimp on it. Even the most modern and expensive devices cost an order of magnitude less than roof and drainage repairs.

Design is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Determining areas that need to be heated. Valleys, roof edges, gutters and pipes must be taken into account. If heating elements are not installed in the pipes, this leads to the formation of ice plugs in them from water melted on the roof. A roof left without heating may simply not withstand the accumulated snow and collapse. It is for these reasons that the issue of heat supply must be approached comprehensively.
  2. Selecting a heating cable. A functional self-regulating wire is placed in gutters and pipes, since in these places there is the greatest likelihood of ice formation. Resistive products are used to heat large areas on the roof.
  3. Selection of control system. Modern devices have wide functionality. They can significantly reduce electricity consumption when weather conditions change. Correct selection sensors and sensors gives the system a command to work only when the need arises.

When the heating zones are determined and the choice of devices, equipment and fixtures is made, the property that will be required for installation is calculated. The result of planning is project documentation, which takes into account all current building codes and security measures.

Installation heating systems roofs

You can install the roof yourself if you have basic knowledge of electrical engineering. A person who can read electrical diagrams will be able to handle the installation without much difficulty. heating systems .

Its installation is carried out as follows:

  1. Heating elements are cut according to the size of the zones for which they are intended. Couplings and adapters are installed in places where necessary. If the drain pipes are of considerable height, then a steel cable is mounted inside them, which will take on the weight of the heating wire.
  2. A heating element unfolds through the drainage system. It is attached to its surface with adhesive aluminum tape. This connection differs not only high strength and reliability, but also productivity in terms of a larger heat supply area. The aluminum tape itself heats up from the wire. At the inlet and outlet of the riser, more rigid fixation with bolts or rivets is used.

  3. Mounting boxes are being installed. Connection and wiring of wires to consumers is carried out. The electrical parameters of each line are checked for integrity, insulation reliability and resistance value.
  4. Sensors, probes, control and measuring instruments. Installs the control unit (cabinet, panel).
  5. A power cable is supplied to supply power to the system. The equipment is connected to electricity. The operation of all systems and mechanisms is checked. Special attention addresses the reliability of the protective devices.

After all instruments and devices are connected and tested, they are configured.

The heating system requires periodic maintenance. This consists of regularly inspecting the heating cable and installation boxes. Detected debris is immediately removed. Loose aluminum strips are replaced with new ones. Before the start of winter, the system is required to be tested for performance. For the purposes of prevention and safety, worn sections of heating elements are renewed. If you follow these rules, then roof and gutter heating system will perform its tasks efficiently for several decades.

During the winter months, large volumes of snow accumulate on the roof. Due to temperature changes and high humidity it thaws, water flows into the drainage system, and an impressive layer of ice forms there. We get unpleasant consequences: ice build-up leads to a narrowing of the clearance in the gutters and blocks the flow of melt water, which is why the drain begins to collapse from the inside, and huge icicles grow along the edge of the roof. In addition, the fastenings of the trays may not hold up, and under the influence of ice weighing tens of kilograms, the trays may fall.

Restoring the drainage system is a rather expensive “pleasure”. To prevent the occurrence of such troubles, it is advisable to equip the roof with a heating system in advance.

Electric heating is needed:

  • Gutters.
  • Joints of individual sections of the roof.
  • Cornices.
  • Pipes and funnels.

In addition, elements of storm drains such as trays and catch basins must be heated.

What does the heating system for trays and gutters consist of?

Design and supply methods thermal equipment may vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer, but basically modern systems Electric heating of gutters always consists of two main components: heating cable And safe automation.

The cost-effectiveness of the design, ease of installation and quality of heating depend on what type of cable you choose: self-regulating or resistive.

Resistive cable is a hermetically insulated conductor with high active resistance. Resistivity of such a cable is constant, and accordingly, the heat dissipation is constant if it is connected to an uninterruptible power supply. The disadvantages of a resistive cable include its inefficiency and the need to have a strictly defined length of the heating section.

Self-regulating cable, unlike resistive ones, is free from these disadvantages. It represents more modern high-tech equipment that ensures stable operation of heating systems. It consists of an outer and insulating shell, a shielding braid and a heating element, which, in addition to conductive cores, includes a semiconductor matrix. It is the latter that the cable owes its self-regulating property, due to which the degree of heating varies depending on the temperature of the pipes. The special design allows you not to be afraid of possible overheating. And, in addition, the cable can be cut into pieces of arbitrary length.

In terms of price-quality ratio, it is most advisable to buy a combined kit for heating gutters. When installing it on heated areas of the roof, inexpensive resistive cables are used, and more expensive self-regulating ones are used on gutters, gutters and other storm drainage elements.

How does installation work?

The installation of a heating system for gutters, gutters and gutters begins with laying cables in horizontal sections of the drain that are prone to the formation of ice, and in places where melt water drains. Then a heating cable for the drains is pulled along the entire length of the drain, which is fixed to the walls with mounting tape. In vertical sections, the cable is attached to a special cable and hangs down.

Before switching on, the cables must be checked for short circuits, which may occur due to installation errors or accidental damage.

Important! It is advisable to install heating systems for gutters and roofs together. With separate installation, cable laying will not only be ineffective, but, in some cases, completely useless. The design of the anti-icing system includes optimally selected heating cable sections, thermostats, sensors and a remote control.

Installation of a heating system for drains

The circuit diagram of the cable heating system for drains consists of a heating section, a control panel complete with a thermostat and an electrical distribution network. When installing a gutter heating system, it is important that the heating cable is located where the water flows. The difficulty of installation is that additional holes in the drainage system are unacceptable. For this reason, the self-regulating cable for heating gutters is fixed inside in a certain way. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring that the outflow of water is carried out at each section of the drainage system.

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  • Automotive Shopping mall"Moscow" on Kashirka;
  • British Petrolium gas station;
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From the article you will learn what cable heating of roofs and gutters using anti-icing systems is, the main components, installation rules, types and structures of cables, laying diagram and principle, how to connect, control and protection equipment, ready-made solutions and much more.

Main tasks of anti-icing systems

Anti-icing systems are a set of devices whose task is to prevent the formation of ice on the eaves, as well as ice plugs in drains for draining water.

Timely and correct installation of roof heating and gutters helps protect building construction from dangerous contact with water, snow accumulations or the formation of icicles.

The main difficulty is the correct arrangement of the system, because the quality of heating and the efficiency of the system as a whole depend on this.

What is a roof and gutter heating system?

An anti-icing system is also called a cable heating system for gutters and roofs.

Its work is based on laying a group of cables that heat up and help melt snow, and also protect against the formation of ice on the roof and in the building's drainpipe.

The peculiarity of the system is the ability to turn it on during the most dangerous periods, when the likelihood of water freezing on the roof is most likely.

It is known that the main cause of damage to roofs, gutters and gutters is ice, which accumulates on the surface and has a destructive effect.

At correct installation The cable system prevents icicles from falling near the house, which makes it possible to classify it as one of the elements of the building’s security system.

In 2004, the Moskomarkhitektura issued a document that provided recommendations for the installation of such systems on the roofs of buildings equipped with internal and external drains. Such recommendations applied to both residential buildings and industrial facilities.

Today, heating of roofs and gutters is in greatest demand in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In these cities, anti-icing systems are installed on several thousand buildings, and this number is only growing.

During the period of installation work, companies that specialize in this work managed to accumulate considerable experience and eliminate serious mistakes that were made previously.

With proper design and compliance with installation rules, the cable heating system eliminates the appearance of ice on the surface and guarantees timely drainage of water through the devices intended for this purpose.

Thanks to this, the service life of the roof increases significantly, and “punching” and deformation of the gutters are eliminated.

In addition, the risk of icicles falling on people passing by buildings is reduced.

Causes of roof icing

Experts identify two reasons for the formation of ice on the roof of structures:

How does ice dam affect the roof and roofing material?

If the angle of the roof is less than 45 degrees, in winter a “cap” of snow mass will form on it.

In some cases, the weight of snow can reach 100 kg per square meter. The load increases even more if the roof has a slope of 30 degrees.

In such cases, the rafters may become deformed under the weight of the snow. To avoid this problem, it is important to periodically clear the roof of snow and remove icicles. Heating the roof and gutters helps solve this issue.

If you save on the anti-icing system, the consequences may be as follows:

  • Roof deformation. During the period of snow melting, the ice crust that forms on the surface is heated from below, moves and damages the roofing material. In the future, corrosion processes begin from these scratches.
  • Damage to the drain. Weather conditions are unpredictable. In nature, there are situations when, after a short thaw, frost comes again. As a result, the water accumulated in the gutters freezes, which leads to deformation or rupture of these systems.
  • Collapse of icicles, melting of snow mass. If heating of the roof and gutters is not provided, the time of fall of the accumulated mass of snow or icicles cannot be predicted. As a result, there is a high risk of injury to passing people, including injuries that are not life-threatening.

What types of roofs are there?

Taking into account the thermal regime, all roofs can be divided into several types:

A heating system for the roof and gutters will get rid of the problem, but its installation is associated with many difficulties, and its operation requires large amounts of electrical energy.

For this reason, it is better to perform the work in several stages. First, the amount of “extraneous” heat is reduced by insulating the upper floors, and then an anti-icing system is installed.

If there are heating systems under the roof, they must be additionally insulated.

Main components of the anti-icing system

The roof and gutter heating device consists of the following elements:

One or more heating cable branches. The installation pattern is determined taking into account the type of roofing structure required, the level of complexity of the surface, and the presence or absence of a water drainage structure.

General installation rules

Before installing the icing system, it is important to formalize the project in advance, and then proceed to installation work.

The documentation must take into account the following points:

  • PUE requirements;
  • Recommendations from the manufacturer of the system and its elements;
  • Resolution on the implementation of fire safety measures;
  • Other documents.

The best results when installing an anti-icing system can be obtained by following following rules:

  • Work on a fine day when no precipitation is expected;
  • The icing system must be installed only at above-zero temperatures;
  • The area intended for laying the heating element must be clean and dry.

Remember that most of the sealants and adhesives that are used during the installation process operate at above-zero temperatures.

The same conditions apply to various models power and heating cables.

During the installation process, consider a number of other recommendations:

  • For maximum efficiency of the anti-icing system, perform work in the warm season.
  • Installation of roof heating and gutters is best done on roofs where an organized drainage system is provided.
  • The purpose of such a system is to prevent melt water from freezing and ensure that accumulated moisture is drained into the drainage system.
  • Before starting work, the roof surface must be cleaned and dried.

The ideal option is when the anti-icing system is designed at the building design stage.

In this case, it is worth considering in advance the route of laying the power cable from the roof structure assembly to the energy distribution point.

If a heating system for the roof and gutters was not provided, horizontal and vertical embedded parts must be installed during the construction process.

When installing an anti-icing circuit, the cable power supply should be covered using rigid boxes or corrugated channels.

Types and structures of heating cables

When arranging circuits, two types of heating products are used, the total power of which is equal to or greater than 20 W per square meter.

Laying, as a rule, is done in an open way, so the cables must have a reliable sheath that protects from UV rays and atmospheric moisture.

During operation, heating elements should not touch materials containing bitumen - euroroofing felt, flexible tiles and other coatings. If the installation is carried out according to bitumen roofing, the cable sheath must be made using photopolymer.

A big plus is the presence of an armored braid that will protect the product from mechanical damage.

On sale you can find power cables that are made in the form of a spring and prevent rupture due to expansion or physical influence.

Resistive cable - types and structure

When installing an anti-icing system, two types of resistive cables can be used - single and two-core.

In general, the product consists of a metal conductor that generates heat, shielded braiding, insulation, and an outer PVC sheath.

Let's take a closer look at the types:

Resistive cables allow you to save on heating the roof and gutters at the stage of purchasing the material. As for installation, it is more expensive because it requires a longer length. The number of fasteners also increases.

The disadvantage of resistive cables is that they have a fixed length of sections, while the main elements of the roof, gutters and gutters are made of different lengths.

The problem can be solved in only one way - by selecting products with different resistances. In addition, the operating conditions of different sections of the cable may vary, which is why roof heating is not always effective.

Self-regulating cable - types, structure and typical layout diagrams

Unlike a resistive product, a self-regulating cable adjusts the resistance in each section or along the entire length. If desired, it can be cut into pieces of suitable length.

Structurally, the self-regulating cable is an electric-type tape heater, inside of which parallel conductors are located.

The latter are separated using a semiconductor-type heat-releasing polymer matrix.

In turn, the conductive material of the central part plays the role of a heating element, which allows you to cut the cable in any necessary place.

As a result, the appearance of cold areas is eliminated and heat production is regulated taking into account the characteristics of the environment.

In fact, each section of a self-regulating product quickly adapts to external conditions.

This type of cable can be of two types - with or without copper braiding. Otherwise, the structural elements are identical:

  • Copper conductors;
  • Self-regulating matrix;
  • Polyolefin shell;
  • The outer shell is polyolefin type.

As noted above, resistive cable costs less, but energy costs are higher.

At the same time, the use of a self-regulating “competitor” allows you to reduce costs, which is explained by proper adjustment to weather conditions.

Due to the design features, such a cable can heat up differently on different areas of the roof - in the shade or on the illuminated side.

The ability to cut anywhere eliminates a lot of excess.

Most popular brands:

  • 30KSTM2-T;
  • Freezstop-15;
  • Freezstop-25K;
  • Defrost Pipe 20;
  • Defrost Pipe 40;
  • 31FSR-CT and others.

More about self-regulating cables.

Definition of heating zones

When determining working areas and places for laying cables for heating gutters and roofs, the efficiency of drainage of melted water is taken into account.

To achieve the greatest efficiency, the cable is laid in drainpipes, gutters and other places where the risk of ice formation is high.

The total length of the de-icing system is determined by adding up the main roof elements that require heating.

On a steep slope, when there is a risk of snow and ice falling off, it is necessary to install a snow retention system.

In such situations, it is worth laying the cable in the area between protective device and the edge of the roof. The height of the snake is selected taking into account the width of the cornice.

If there is no risk of collapse, you can only heat the gutters and gutters. Depending on the diameter of the latter, the power and quantity of self-regulating cable are selected.

Scheme and features of laying heating cables

The choice of scheme for laying roof heating elements and gutters is made taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, as well as its configuration.

The greater the slope and simpler form, those less meters products will be required for surface arrangement.

Principles of laying and fixing a heating cable

Anti-icing systems, as a rule, are concentrated in areas of the greatest accumulation of winter precipitation and ice formation.

These include:

IN pitched roof You can do without heating the eaves. If the angle of inclination is more than 45 degrees, the snow mass will be removed without additional help. In this case, the heating cable should only be laid in the elements of the drainage system.

If ice forms near the attic windows, the heating filament is laid near them towards the drain.

If the building does not have a drainage system, the heating the line goes along the drip and at least part of the slope.

Here it is necessary to mount a device for retaining snow above the cable installation site and install a drip line on the eaves.

The fastening of the elements of the anti-icing system deserves special attention. Here you should adhere to the following rules:

Installation of an icing system for flat roofs

On flat roof The heating cable is laid around the perimeter of the water drain line.

In addition, the heating circuit must be inserted into the internal drain funnel by about 40 cm or more (for an internal drain). If the trays are external, a dripping loop is made.

Where the roof touches the parapet, installation is carried out near a receiving tray with a power of 60-80 W per “square” with exit to the tray and placement in a pipe for water drainage.

Connecting the power cable

The anti-icing system is connected using a power cable to a single-phase or three-phase network.

When connected to a 380V network, phase imbalance in the range of 10-15% is possible. To avoid the problem, it is advisable to use anti-icing systems with a total power of up to 6 kW.

If this parameter is higher, the connection is made evenly to the three phases of a 3-phase circuit.

When choosing a cable cross-section, you should focus on the power consumption and the total length of the heating section. In turn, the power depends on the resistance of the branches and the length of the heating line.

During the installation process, it is important to take into account the PUE regulations. The power and heating cables must be combined in a junction box, instead of which a heat-shrink sleeve can be used. The latter guarantees tightness at the joints.

Installation of an internal drainage heating system

Deserves special attention internal drain, heating of which is carried out according to a separate circuit.

The structure includes a funnel roof, waterproofing, thermal insulation and mounting tape.

The system elements also include a temperature sensor, heating section, distribution box, power cable, casing, clamp and rivet.

If the roof has flat design, and drainage funnels are built-in type, the heating cable is laid along the water collection path, as well as in areas near the funnels.

After this, it is discharged into a funnel and into a pipe until it exits into the heated room.

If the product does not go through warm area, the heating cable is lowered to the foundation of the structure or to the level of the blind area. If there is a drainage system, installation is carried out to the freezing depth.

Anti-icing system control and protection

The purpose of the control system is to create conditions for automatic or semi-automatic operation of heating the roof and gutters, and the protection system - for quick fix emergency situations (short circuits, leaks or overloads) in the circuit.

Let's consider these points in more detail.

Control equipment

The task of the control equipment is to activate the heating cables, as well as turn off the power when the operating temperatures are exceeded.

Today two types of equipment are used:

The first option is more affordable, but in regions with high humidity there may be a greater error and the appearance of ice on the roof surface.

In this regard, the weather station is better sensitive and responds more accurately to changes in humidity. In addition, the greater accuracy of the weather station allows you to save money on electricity.

If low humidity prevails in the region and the installation requires a low-power anti-icing system, a thermostat will suffice.

Interestingly, self-regulating cables are able to operate without automatic control, thanks to the ability to independently regulate their power taking into account the outside temperature and the presence of precipitation.

But it is better to use special thermostats.

Here you can use the following devices:

Of the weather stations, IS-11 performed well, which is characterized by increased efficiency and does not require cleaning during operation.

Protection equipment

The control and protection panel for the heating system of the roof and gutters includes the following elements:

  • Input circuit breaker;
  • Thermostat (weather station) protection circuit breaker;
  • Magnetic switch;
  • RCD (30 mA);
  • Heating circuit protection circuit breaker;
  • Alarm.

In more complex systems a number of additional devices can be mounted, namely a relay providing a time delay, a current transformer, controllers, a soft starter and other systems.

The protection equipment must guarantee:

  • Protection of the supply circuit (single-phase or three-phase) from short circuit in the heating line, power cable or in any of the equipment elements;
  • Overload current protection;
  • Shutdown of the system or one of its sections when a leakage current exceeds 30 mA.

In the first two cases, the protection function is taken over by the RCD, and in the last one, the RCD takes over. You can combine two devices in one - .

Material calculation example

To present the level of costs for installing an anti-icing system, we provide an approximate calculation of materials.

Let's imagine that the hanging gutter is 12 cm wide and semicircular in shape. Its length is 20 meters, and along the edges of the gutter there are a pair of drainpipes with a height of 14 meters and a diameter of 10 cm.

In the calculation process, it is taken into account that the installation is carried out in three lines:

As a result, installation of the system requires:

The total power of the anti-icing system (at a supply voltage of 220 V) is 2.9 kW.

The next stage is the choice of protective automation. Here you will need a single-phase RCD with 30 mA leakage and 25A rated current, as well as a single-phase circuit breaker with 16 A.

Fastening is carried out in pipes and gutter using special clamps. The calculation is carried out taking into account 3-4 fastenings per meter of gutter or pipe.

The total length of the mentioned elements is multiplied by 4 and the total number of fasteners is obtained.

For our case, this is 14 m + 14 m + 20 m = 48 m. We multiply the final number by 4 and get 192 fastenings.

You will also need a cable to secure the cable in the water drains. Here the formula is as follows - (Hcable+1 m)*2 = (14+1)*2 = 30 m.

As a result, the additional equipment you will need is:

  • Cable in a plastic sheath - 30 m;
  • Cable clamp - 2 units;
  • Number of clamps - (14 m+14 m)*4 = 112 units.

Features of cable fastening depending on the type of roof are listed below.

How much electricity is consumed?

One of the key factors when choosing an anti-icing system is the amount of electricity consumed. Please note that the equipment's power reserve may not be sufficient to lay the equipment.

Operating costs are determined taking into account the cost of electrical energy consumed during the operation of all elements of the system.

The formula is as follows - C year = Pн*h*s.

Its components:

  • Cyear - the price it costs to operate the system for a year, rubles;
  • Pn - rated power of the system, kW;
  • S - price of 1 kW/hour of electrical energy, rubles;
  • h is the number of hours the system operates during the year.

To calculate the approximate costs of maintaining the heating of the roof and gutters, it is important to determine the number of hours of its operation.

For this, it is taken into account that the system is active somewhere from November 15 to April 15, that is, 151 days or 3624 hours.

On average, 20% of this time the system is turned off automatically due to lack of precipitation or exit from the operating temperature range.

It turns out that the total number of hours of work is lower. We multiply 3624 by a factor of 0.8 and get 2900 hours.

Below we give an example of the annual cost of maintenance provided that resistive cables with a total length of 100 meters and a power of 3000 W are connected.

Cyear = 3 kW*2900 h*1.05 rub./kW*hour=9.135 thousand rub.

If self-regulating cables are used, electrical energy consumption will be lower by an average of 12-15%.

Rules for operating the anti-icing system

To ensure trouble-free operation and long-term operation of the heating system for the roof and gutters, it is important to strictly follow the installation instructions and trust the work to experienced workers. The last ones must pass necessary preparation.

If you do the work yourself without the necessary knowledge, there is a high risk of not getting the expected result.

The basic operating rules include:

  • Installation of the anti-icing system should be carried out while it is still warm, before the onset of cold weather;
  • The roof and gutters must be cleared of debris, and the system must be inspected twice a month. If a breakdown is detected, you can fix it yourself or involve specialists;
  • Cleaning must be done with extreme care to avoid damage to the insulation. Please note that if the integrity of the cable is damaged as a result of mechanical impact, the warranty is lost;
  • The settings are set on site, taking into account climatic factors. When independently determining the boundaries of turning on/off the system, you should rely on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Ready-made solutions on the market

Below we will consider ready-made solutions for anti-icing systems.

Gutter heating kit with Hemstedt cable, 28 meters.

The anti-icing system has a power of 23 W per linear meter. The advantages are resistance to UV rays and ease of installation.

The kit includes 28 meters of cable, which is enough to heat the drain and gutter, having a total length of 14 meters.

The total power is 700 W. Alternative option The application of the anti-icing system is the heating of platforms, steps and paths, pipes and tanks.

Heating cable 104 meters long from the manufacturer Hemstedt (Germany).

The kit is useful for heating drains and gutters with a total length of 52 meters.

Laying is carried out in two routes (between spacer routes). In addition to 104 meters of cable, the kit contains mounting tape.

The total power is 2.388 W. It is used for heating tanks and pipes, gutters and roofs, platforms and paths.

Heating cable from Germany (manufactured by Hemstedt), 44 m.

The anti-icing system has a total length of 44 meters and a power of 23 W/linear meter.

The product is resistant to UV rays, is laid in two routes and has a total power of 2.2 kW.

Scope of application - heating of platforms, paths and steps, gutters and roofs, tanks and pipes.

FS 10 - cable for heating water supply from Hemstedt, 10 meters long.

This device model is ready for use and turns on automatically when the temperature reaches above zero.

The heating cable consists of the following elements - a temperature sensor, a heating “cold” and “hot” conductor, as well as a plug.

Fastening is done using clamps to the pipe and subsequent connection to the power supply network.

The rated voltage of the product is 230 Volts, the length of the “cold” cable is 2 meters, the power is 10 W/m.

The characteristics also include an outer diameter of 9 mm, a nominal temperature of 65 degrees Celsius, and a minimum bending radius of 5 times the diameter.

The FS10 cable is excellent for small diameter pipes and can be laid in plastic pipes.

Heating cable Thermo.

It is one of the main elements of the roof and gutters heating system.

The kit also includes mounting tape for fastening to a concrete base, an insulating corrugated tube, as well as instructions in Russian. The cable cross-section is 6.7 mm.

The advantages of the product include protection of the cores with a special screen made of aluminum foil, the presence of additional insulation and cable reinforcement using fiberglass.

The upper temperature limit is 90 degrees Celsius. Power - 20 W per linear meter.

The outer shell is made of PVC. The length of the “cold” wire for connection is 3 meters, and the cross-section is 1.5 square meters. meters.

The entire product range is shown below.

Thermostat ET-02-4550.

This is an excellent solution for controlling your anti-icing system. It can be used to control electric and water heating devices.

The main options include the presence of two control zones, low energy consumption, convenient programming and the presence of an emergency relay.

The device clearly records temperature and humidity parameters. The operating temperature range is from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius. Rated current - 16 A.

Thermostat ETR/F-1447A.

This is a reliable thermostat that is installed in panels using a DIN rail.

The device is used to melt snow and ice on gutters and roofs of small buildings.

It has a remote sensor that monitors the air temperature. Operating temperature range from -15 to +10 degrees Celsius.

Installation can be done manually. The upper load limit is 3.6 kW. Rated current - 16 Amperes.

Thermostat ETV 1991.

A model that is mounted in panels on a special DIN rail. Application is possible for heating the entire room or heating the floor.

One of the areas of application is ensuring the melting of ice and snow on roofs, heating pipelines and protecting external areas.

Features - load up to 3.6 kW, as well as the ability to connect an external temperature sensor.

The operating range is from 0 to +40 degrees Celsius. Rated current - 16 A.

Heating cable from Germany Hemstedt with a length of 16 m.

The product is intended for heating a drain or gutter up to 8 meters in length.

The power is 25 “square” per linear meter. Features include resistance to UV rays and the possibility of laying in two routes.

The total power of the kit is 380 W. The system is controlled manually. Temperature range - from +5 to +40 degrees Celsius.

DEVIsafe 20T two-core cable.

The product is intended for heating roofs, gutters and gutters. It is resistant to UV radiation and precipitation.

Structurally, it has two cores with a screen made of foil and copper braid.

The upper temperature limit is 65 degrees Celsius. The length of the “cold” cable is 2.3 m. Product type is resistive. The cable has a diameter of 6.9 mm.

Cable FS10 36 meters.

Designed for heating gutters. The heating element consists of a plug, a temperature sensor, an electrical cold and hot cable, and 2 meters of cold connection wiring.

The cable is easy to install. It is secured using clamps, and the operating temperature range is from -15 to +5 degrees Celsius.

The system is controlled automatically. Power is supplied from a household network of 220-240 Volts.

Profi Therm cable.

Designed for heating drainpipes and roofs with one core and a power from 23 to 140 W.

This is a Ukrainian-made product, which is supplied with two couplings for each section.

The product is used (except for the purpose already mentioned) for heating steps, parking lots, paths and other structures.

The upper and lower ambient temperatures are +75 and -20 degrees, respectively. Control is carried out automatically. Supply voltage - 220 V.

Cable with thermal limiter, 22 meters long.

The product is based on two cores with photopolymer insulation. The bimetallic thermostat ensures operation at temperatures up to +5 degrees Celsius. Shutdown occurs at +15 degrees Celsius.

The main area of ​​application is heating of water supply pipes. Diameter - 8.2 mm. Maximum operating temperature - + 65 degrees Celsius. The length of the “cold” section is 2 meters. The total power of the set is 220 W.

Cable SMCT-FE 30W/m with two cores and a power of 4 kW from Thermopads (UK).

The power is 30 W per square meter. meter. The main area of ​​application is roof insulation, as well as providing outdoor heating.

The total length is 134 m and its thickness is 6 mm. The advantages include minimal losses and optimal use of heat. The average service life (under warranty) is 10 years.

Two-core cable TXLP/2 R.

Designed for heating roofs and drainpipes with a power of 28 W/meter.

The manufacturer of the product is Norway, Nexans. Scope of application - heating of steps, platforms, gutters, roofs, tanks and pipes.

This type of product is reliably protected from moisture, overheating and UV rays. It is equipped with a coupling-free connection, which guarantees trouble-free operation of the cable at the junction of the power and heating parts of the cable.

The work is carried out automatically. The upper temperature limit is 65 degrees Celsius. Warranty - 2 years.

Hemsted heating cable 19 m long.

Anti-icing system designed for 9 m gutter and downspout. Features include resistance to UV rays and a total power of 460 W.

The cable is laid in two routes. The maximum temperature should be 40 degrees Celsius. Control is carried out manually. The power of the product is 25 W/m.

The benefits of roof and gutter heating systems are difficult to overestimate. They help extend the life of the roof, remove ice, protect against the formation of icicles, improve the performance of drains and reduce the risk of leaks.

In the absence of experience in such work, it is better to involve specialists who know the installation diagrams, strictly follow the operating technology and configure the system taking into account modern requirements.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Why do you need a drain? The drainage system is installed on the roof of the house for the organized removal of moisture from its surface.

Water from rain or melted snow flows through gutters to a designated area without spreading over the entire roof.

Usually the system is designed in such a way that the water flow is directed directly into the sewer pit or drainage system.

Water, flowing through the gutters, enters the drainage funnel, and then rushes through the drainpipe into the sewer in the courtyard of the house.

Gutters prevent water from getting under the roof and flooding the foundation of the building. In the absence of drainage devices, the ceilings and walls in the room begin to become damp, and mold starts to grow.

The house is in danger of slowly collapsing. Equipping the roofing surface of your home with a centralized drainage system means avoiding many problems.

In winter and in the first months of spring, when it’s cold outside subzero temperature, alternating with positive, the work of drains is complicated by the appearance of ice.

Frozen water in the gutters prevents the melted snow from draining away. Icicles appear, and with them there is a danger of injury and damage. People could be injured if a huge mass of ice breaks away from the cornice. Cars parked near the house are at risk. And the drain gutters and pipes themselves may become unusable.

There are two main reasons:

  1. If the day is warm, the snow begins to melt. The resulting water flows down the gutters. At night, when the temperature drops, the remaining water turns into ice. Such a difference in temperature in winter and spring is observed within the city. When a large number of houses are clustered, the air is always warmer. Metal gutters are sometimes covered with a thick crust of ice, which is very difficult to remove from the gutter without breaking it.
  2. The reason for the formation of ice is the roofs themselves, especially if the roof mansard type . The snow melts from the heat emanating from the house. Water flowing onto the cornice cools and freezes again. Unreliable or poorly designed thermal insulation can trigger snow melting.. Through cracks and unreliable joints in thermal insulation material internal heat comes out, warming up the snow. It turns into water and then into ice.

To get rid of this problem once and for all and protect the drainage system, it is necessary to install heating for the drainpipes. There are a number of anti-icing systems.

Causes of ice formation

Those that restrain snow from falling off the roofing and heat cables that serve to heat gutters. Their main function– free the roof from the ice crust and prevent dangerous icicles from forming.

Modern storm drainage systems must be equipped with an anti-icing system for the roof surface. What is she like?

Anti-icing system for roofs and gutters - what is it?

  1. Preventing the formation of ice and icicles on the roofing
  2. Eliminating the need to clean the roof manually, which is dangerous for humans and leads to damage to the roof when crushing ice.
  3. Reducing the risk of icicle collapse and physical injury.
  4. Maintaining stability in the operation of drainage elements throughout the cold season of the year. Eliminating the risk of foundation flooding and moisture penetration into the house.
  5. Increased service life of gutters, funnels and drain pipes.
  6. There is no deformation of the roofing and no risk of melt water leaking into the structure.

Building heating scheme

Heating cable for roofing and gutters: types and features

Any anti-icing system requires the presence of a heating cable for heating gutters and downpipes, which provides heat to the gutters and prevents water from crystallizing into ice.

There are two types of electrical cable:

  • resistive;
  • self-regulating.

Resistive type

Self-heating cable consists of multilayer insulating material. In the cable cavity there are two heating cores that are connected to an electrical source.


Current resistance and power are constant. It heats up to a certain fixed temperature, which cannot be adjusted.

This type is a conventional cable in a multilayer winding, which consists of:

  • outer polymer shell;
  • underneath there is a protective screen made of tinned copper wire;
  • then the inner polymer shell;
  • conductor or heating wire inserted into fluoropolymer insulating cores.

The principle of operation is similar to that of an ordinary household heating element.

Such a heating wire has a constant resistance and power, unregulated by the heating temperature.

In demand, having the following positive qualities:

  • low price;
  • Easy to mount on the roof.

This type of cable heats up equally along its entire length, which reduces its efficiency. To defrost severe ice conditions, a lot of power is required. The cable may overheat and break.

Resistive type

Use a self-heating cable with increased power irrational in terms of energy consumption. If the power is reduced, then ice areas in the gutters and on the roof remain unfrozen.

The flexibility of the cable allows it to be placed in any configuration. If bending waves are made more often and placed one to the other at a short distance, the heating power can be increased. But if the core overheats, the damaged cable cannot be repaired.

To prevent this, you need to clean the roof from dirt and fallen leaves more often. Its short service life and high power consumption make it unpopular. And it is used more often on roofs with a large area.

Self-regulating heating cable for drains

The manufacturing technology of a self-regulating cable is more complex.

The heating capabilities depend on the matrix, the action of which is to spontaneously regulate heating depending on the air temperature.

The matrix is ​​located between two conductor cores.

With a large volume of snow and heavy icing of the roof, the power increases; as it warms up, the heating weakens.

Such functional feature allows you to save on energy consumption. When an ice crust forms, the heating element installed in the gutters automatically turns on.

When not needed, it retains its linear power. Always works in optimal mode. Self-regulation of heating, leading to savings, is the most important advantage of the heating wire.

Especially if the weather in winter is unstable and the temperature regime changes frequently. If part of the cable burns out, it is cut out and the working parts are reconnected. There is no need to install a temperature sensor or an on/off system.

Self-regulating heating cable

The thermal cable consists of an outer containment, internal thermoplastic insulation. At the end there is the semiconducting matrix itself and conductive cores. This is a special technology for self-regulation of heating power.

How to choose a heating cable?

The heating cable for drains has the following features: resistive does not respond to the temperature of the external environment, self-regulating, in turn, changes the degree of heating depending on the ambient temperature, which allows you to regulate energy consumption without switching on and off.

Both types of heating cable have their pros and cons. As for the cost, then a resistive conductor will cost you less. However, the self-regulating one is convenient to use due to its properties to maintain optimal temperature, and make energy consumption economical.

When starting to install a heating system, you should have a clear understanding of:

  • how the roof is constructed;
  • what is a drainage system?
  • what type of heating cable would be better suited exactly for you;
  • what are the climatic features of your area;
  • amount of precipitation, change in temperature.

You can contact specialists. Only a properly installed system will not cause failures during further operation.

What you need to prepare for cable installation

Sometimes it is advisable to install both types of cable. On the roof itself it is resistive, in the gutters it is self-regulating. The heating cable must be securely fastened.

For this they prepare:

  • the mounting tape itself big size . The resistive cable is laid in a spiral with a pitch of 25 cm, and the self-regulating cable with a pitch of 50 cm.
  • heat-shrinkable tube. Using this tube, the cable will be attached to the drainage system.
  • Rivet tape and sealing tape. The cable is secured in the pipe cavity with mounting tape and rivets. And on the roof surface with sealed mounting tape.


Do not make a hole in the roof to attach the cable.. This can cause moisture to leak into the house.

The roof surface where the cable is installed must be flat, without sharp corners so as not to damage the material. When purchasing a cable, pay attention to the service life. The longer it is, the better.

Cable fixings

It is advisable to choose one manufacturer of all the necessary components of the anti-rainfall system.

Before purchasing a roof heating system, carefully examine the roof. This is done in order to correctly calculate the power of the conductor.

If the roof does not have a thermal insulation coating, then the minimum power per linear meter should be 40-50 W. If isolated, then 25-30 W is enough.

How many meters of cable are needed for installation?

So, how to calculate the heating cable for a drain? To do this, measure the horizontal length of the gutters and multiply by two. Measure the vertical drains and add this figure to the first. Next, multiply the result by the cable power.

The power of the cable is directly dependent on the material from which the gutters are made. For plastic - 20 W per linear meter, for metal - 25 W, for wood - 18 W.

Cable cross-section

Installation of heating cable

Heating material is installed in the following sequence:

  1. The cable of the required length is cut and equipped with couplings. Carefully lay out and fasten the parts together.
  2. Place in and secure across using mounting tape. Resistive after 25 cm, self-regulating after 50 cm.
  3. In the drainpipe, the inserted cable is fixed with mounting tape or with a heat-shrinkable tube.
  4. For funnels, use mounting tape with rivets.
  5. The electrical cable is secured to the roof surface with mounting tape and sealant.
  6. The system control cabinet is installed in a specific location that is convenient and accessible.
  7. Connect control and heating units. Check the protective shutdown mechanism.
  8. After connecting the roof with the heating elements, a control check of the system is performed.

Heating system design

Installation of heating cable

Serpentine laying

Proper installation of the heating system, following the safety and protection instructions will solve many problems with roof icing, protecting the drainage system from ruptures, the house from flooding, and people from injury.

Useful video

How to connect a heating cable with your own hands:

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