Installation of roof windows in finished profiled roofing. Installation of roof windows in metal tiles: steps and tips

In this article we will look in detail at how to install a roof window with your own hands. This operation will require compliance with all recommendations and maximum accuracy. Even the slightest mistakes are unacceptable!

The design of roof windows has a number of features. This element is used in special conditions, because it will be affected by precipitation (rain, snow, hail). This requires a complete absence of cracks and seams, as well as high strength. The inclined arrangement puts an impressive load on the frames.

Almost all manufacturers of skylights use appropriate heavy-duty glass. It can easily withstand heavy loads. An ordinary one can simply burst when there is heavy snowfall or hail.

Important! Be sure to ask the manufacturer about the strength level of the glass unit - there must be an inert gas inside it.

This design consists of doors, frames and special fittings. A hydro- and vapor barrier apron is required. This element allows you to avoid leaks. The presence of additional thermal insulation is mandatory for the harsh Russian climate.

The cost of a roof window depends on several factors:

  • Glass thickness.
  • Profile materials.
  • Type of construction (we'll talk about this later).
  • Brand popularity. For products from recognized manufacturers you will have to pay a little extra.
  • Availability additional elements(roller blinds, roller shutters, etc.).

All known classifications

By type of materials used

There are three options:

  • Wooden. Despite the emergence of more advanced and practical materials, wood is still widely popular. Its main advantage is environmental friendliness and more attractive appearance. The disadvantages include a low service life (due to temperature changes and high humidity, they dry out) and a fire hazard.

Advice: wood should be treated with antiseptics and protective compounds - this will extend its life several times.

  • Plastic. The most common option today. The advantages of PVC are known to everyone - practicality, resistance to external factors, availability, etc. They are characterized by only one serious drawback - too strong tightness, due to which winter time the ventilation process is complicated (there is no natural ventilation).
  • Aluminum. They have the best technical characteristics. However, their price is significantly higher. Bye this material has not received wide acceptance, largely due to the high cost of the technology.

By design features

  • Extensions are the upper elements of the opening that create decorative outlines. Can have non-standard shape(triangular, semicircular, etc.).
  • Additional lower elements. They are used in cases where the height of the room is small, and one opening is not enough for normal lighting.
  • Light tunnel. It does not contact the attic - a reflective tunnel goes from it into the room, and a lampshade is fixed in it, which diffuses the light. It is most often used in small attics.
  • Balcony elements. An addition that provides access to the balcony. They are often used when the roof has a strong slope.
  • Cornice elements. They are installed vertically under the main roof window. The need for them arises when the wall is too high.

According to the location of the opening axes

The design of dormer windows varies; the opening method differs. The following varieties are distinguished regarding the location of the axis:

  • Central. The most popular option, since this design allows the doors to be rotated in all directions.
  • Elated. They are used in the area of ​​the upper boundaries of the opening.
  • Combined - the upper axis opens only outward, and the central part can be rotated (for example, to organize cleaning).
  • Side - these are hatches.
  • Lower (balcony).

There is another type that cannot be classified into any of the categories - the so-called “smart windows”. This is a system in which the doors are opened using a remote control. Such structures are used, as a rule, in two cases: if the height of the room is too high, or for aesthetic reasons.

Main scope of work

If you want to install it yourself, our instructions for installing roof windows will help you. Let's look at everything step by step.

Theoretical aspect - choosing a location

At the first stage, remember a few simple recommendations:

  • The ideal option is if the installation does not affect the rafters and they remain unchanged. When planning, you need to strive for this.
  • The size of the opening must be at least 10% of the area of ​​the room - only in this case will favorable lighting be provided at any time of the year.
  • The width of the opening should be 5-7 cm less than the pitch between the rafters. If you have them too often, you can make, for example, two small windows next to each other.
  • It is better to choose the height of the location from the angle of the slope. The steeper the roof, the lower the opening should be located. Recommended height 90-120 cm from the floor.

Rules for organizing the opening

Installation of roof windows begins with preparing the opening. In this case, there are several rules that must be followed:

  • We subsequently laid insulation between the opening and the frame. Therefore, we leave an allowance of several centimeters along the entire perimeter (depending on the selected thermal insulation material).
  • We leave a technological gap between the roof and the bottom line of the frames (within 10 cm).
  • We leave a gap of 4-8 cm between the roof and the top beam. This is necessary in order to prevent distortion of the structure as a result of wood shrinkage.
  • Frames must be mounted to the rafters, and not to the sheathing! Horizontal slats are also organized from timber, which is placed on the rafters.

Guided by these rules, you must cut the opening (it is better to use a chainsaw). This procedure is quite simple. However, if you already have roofing material and the interior decoration is done, then it will be much more difficult. You must know the internal arrangement of the rafters. It is ideal if you have a diagram at hand.

Remember that roofing material and rafters are cut with different tools. We saw wooden elements with a simple saw, and slate or corrugated sheets with a grinder with a special attachment. If you do not have the appropriate tools, or you do not know the location of the rafters, it is better to invite a specialist to organize the opening for you. Otherwise, you risk causing serious damage to your roof.

If the attic ceiling is finished with panels or similar material, then they can be dismantled first. This will allow us to know the location of the rafters, and will also make our life easier. We install the panels back only after completion of the work - in this case you will not damage them.

Specifics of box organization

Making a roof window with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to constantly check the accuracy and correctness of the installation. The level (ideally laser), tape measure and plumb line should be yours best friends at all stages of work.

So, you have cut an opening of the appropriate size, following the recommendations presented above. Next, you will need to create a box - an element that will support our structure.

  • We install a temporary support from below - any block can serve as it. The bottom of the window should be set strictly horizontally, so use building level. Even a misalignment of 1 mm will jeopardize the success of the entire operation.
  • Secure the bottom of the box with screws. Then we fix the upper corner.

Important! Do not tighten the screws all the way so that you can make adjustments if necessary.

  • So, we have temporarily fixed the box and now we need to adjust it. Along the entire perimeter, estimate the distance to the roof, as well as horizontality (verticality) using a level or plumb line. The gap should be the same on all sides. For adjustment we use special plastic wedges
  • Having once again checked the correctness of fixation, we install thermal insulation - we put it in the gap between the frame and the roof, without leaving even the slightest gaps! Remember that a colossal load will be placed on the structure, so even minimal errors and gaps are not acceptable.
  • The insulating material should cover the window by a few centimeters - this will provide additional protection from wind and moisture. Therefore, we trim it with a margin.

How to insert salary correctly

The frame is the structure that connects the window to the frame. It also creates maximum tightness and strength. It is installed in the following sequence:

  • First we install the lower part of the flashing. After which the top cover is fixed. These elements are secured with screws.
  • Then the side sections are mounted on special nails.
  • Next, insert the side parts all the way down. The sections are mounted to the sheathing using clamps.
  • The top and side plates are attached with screws.
  • Now we bring the roofing material to the fold on the flashing.
  • We attach the upper section of the flashing to the sheathing with clamps. We press it to the box with screws.
  • If there is excess roofing, trim it, leaving 5-10 mm.

The simplest step is inserting the frame

The most labor-intensive operations are over. Now you need to insert the finished structure. If you are working alone, first pull out the frame so that it does not slam, as this may cause defects. If you have a partner, you don’t have to do this, since he will hold the sash with one hand.

  • We attach the set to the salary. It should match it perfectly. Otherwise, you need to contact the manufacturer, as this is a defect.
  • First of all, we fix the bottom part. The lower brackets must be tightened until they stop, and the upper ones must be left slightly loose. As a result, we will create a slight backlash needed for adjustment.
  • At this stage, final adjustments are made. You must fix the window perfectly - the distance from the frame to the opening must be identical on all sides.
  • After making sure correct location, “tightly” tighten all fasteners.

At the end we finish external slopes on the attic windows. In particular, you need to install a waterproofing apron around the perimeter of the frame (it will prevent leaks). We attach it to construction stapler. If that doesn’t work, you can use small nails or special screws.

Those who decide to rebuild the attic above the bathhouse into a full-fledged living space will need to do everything to ensure that fresh air flows freely and sunlight. This problem can be solved by roof windows, the installation of which is somewhat different from the installation of simple windows. In this article we will talk about how to install a roof window, and also describe in detail the entire technology.

If the owner decides to install roof windows in the slopes, the resulting structure should form a multi-layer roofing system. You will need to not only secure the window very securely, but also do everything possible so as not to change specifications roofs. Therefore, all work must be performed with maximum skill and accuracy.

Requirements for roof windows

Done Right roofing pie saves heat perfectly, condensation does not collect on it, and it also lasts a long time thanks to its high-quality organized ventilation. The same requirements apply to skylights, which, among other things, should be easy to open and close. They, just like the roof, must be able to withstand any weather conditions.

In this regard, the installed roof windows must meet the following requirements:

  • mandatory presence tempered glass or it should be a triplex system;
  • they must have an energy-saving function and at the same time transmit excellent light flux;
  • equipped with a durable frame that allows constant protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Shading should be possible, ease of maintenance should be ensured, and summer and winter ventilation and a barrier against insects and dust are highly desirable.

So that the money is not wasted, before starting all the work, it is recommended to carry out all the calculations so that the choice of window is made according to the needs. It must match the roof covering and be in the correct position.

Window area

Making calculations is very simple; the final data will depend on the floor area. For every 10 m2 of base, 1 m2 of glazing should be provided, without taking into account the size of the window. It is worth considering the fact that the higher the window is located, the more light it can let in. However, this approach may interfere with those who like to look at things for a long time. surrounding nature, therefore, such an installation of roof windows in a finished roof is more acceptable for roofs with small slopes - within 15-20º.

In roofs with steep slopes, installation of a roof window in soft roof is carried out in such a way that its lower border is located at a height of 100 to 140 cm. The lowest value in this case can reach 80 cm, and the maximum - 190 centimeters. However, the placement height has almost no effect on the dimensions of the roof windows. As it were, total area glazing should be determined according to the proposed formula, and it does not matter how many windows the owner of the house wants to install.

Which window is better to choose for the attic?

On the market in currently you can find many varieties of dormer windows in design and functional features. They differ not only in size, but also in how they function, location rotary mechanism and pens. Regarding the window handle, the height of its installation will affect the installation height of the window itself.

If you install the handle very high, the window will be inconvenient to open and close, unless, of course, it has a remote control function. And if you place it too low, it can be dangerous for children relaxing in the attic. The choice of roof window will also be affected by the type of roof covering installed. The higher the relief of the roofing material, the higher the height of the external window frame will be. Some window manufacturers mark their products with data indicating the roofing materials with which the windows are preferable to be installed.

Keep track of what configuration the windows are sold with. It is necessary that they contain all fasteners, mounting angles, a moisture-proofing apron, as well as sealant and adhesive tape.

It is worth noting that if the kit does not include a drainage gutter, it is advisable to make it yourself, for example, from a piece of waterproofing material folded in half.

Determining the location of installation of roof windows

It is very important that the installation of a window in the attic roof is carried out in right place Thus, it will be possible to extend the life of the entire roof as much as possible.

When deciding on the installation location, keep in mind that you should not do this in the following places:

  • on the slopes of the valley, since moisture and other precipitation will collect in its corners;
  • near ventilation ducts and chimneys, because condensation often occurs in such places;
  • close to horizontal walls, where precipitation accumulates and there is a high likelihood of shading.

Strict technical standards There is no location for skylights, so when choosing them, be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The most important thing is the type of roofing. Rolled roofing material can be easily cut in the place of interest to us. For ceramic tiles this approach will not work. The window will need to be placed so that its lower part rests on top of a row of intact tiles. If this cannot be done, the tiles will need to be disassembled, and after installing the window, the fitted parts of the material will need to be laid on top of the window frame.
  • The pitch of the rafters is also considered important. Ideally, the design of the rafter system should remain unchanged. Try to buy windows with dimensions that allow you to easily install them between two adjacent rafters, while leaving a margin of 7-10 cm. An additional gap is needed for subsequent installation of thermal insulation. If the gaps between the rafters are too small to install a large window, it is better to buy two or three smaller windows and install them side by side.
  • It is worth noting that if it is necessary to remove a small section of rafters for the subsequent installation of a window, an additional horizontal beam is installed in the opening for it in order to strengthen the rafter system.
  • You need to pay attention to whether the handle is attached at the top of the window or at the bottom. In the first case, roof windows are mounted at a height not exceeding 110 cm, and in the second case - up to 170 cm

When deciding where and how to install a roof window in a finished roof, you need to consider installing a heating device under the window, thus preventing the occurrence of condensation.

The sequence of installing a window on an attic roof

Work on installing a window in the attic consists of the following steps:

  • an opening is made under the mounted window;
  • install a frame with pre-removed glass;
  • install insulation and moisture insulation;
  • installing gutter from above window frame;
  • fixing salary elements;
  • installation of double-glazed windows;
  • Carrying out interior finishing, including installation of vapor barrier and creation of slopes.

As a rule, all manufacturers of roof windows apply full instructions, according to which you can do all the work yourself. There are a number of nuances, taking into account which the installation of windows will be carried out as efficiently as possible.

We make an opening in the roof according to the rules

The opening structure must comply with the following rules:

  • Due to the fact that thermal insulation will need to be laid around the entire perimeter of the frame opening, you will need to leave a gap of 2-3.5 cm. This value depends on the thickness and density insulation material.
  • A technological gap must also be provided between the lower part of the window and the roofing. The gap is determined based on the type of roofing material. If this is a tile, then the indentation in this case will be 9 cm.
  • A gap of 4-10 cm should be left between the roofing and the top mounting beam. In this case, the gaps are necessary to prevent the window from skewing as a result of possible shrinkage of the rafter system.
  • The window frame will be fixed to rafters or slats fixed at the same level horizontally. The slats are made from timber with a cross-section similar to the lathing.
  • From the inside, an outline is drawn along the moisture-repellent material or finishing according to predetermined distances.
  • Pieces of waterproofing material are cut around the perimeter of the window in such a way that a so-called “envelope” is obtained, that is, overlaps of 20-25 cm must be provided. Subsequently, they will need to be turned outward, fixed with a stapler to the frame or sheathing, and the excess parts can be removed. A moisture-repellent apron will be placed on them in the upper part so that the insulation shell becomes completely airtight.

How to properly install a window frame

Manufacturers' recommendations require mounting brackets to be secured to the frame. For example, the manufacturer Fakro recommends removing the double-glazed window before installing the brackets, and the manufacturer Velux advises removing it after installing the brackets.

It is best to lay and fix thermal insulation on top and bottom of the window with a stapler before installing the frame in the opening.

Frame installation and adjustment

Installation and adjustment of the frame is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The lower brackets are secured tightly, and the upper ones are only partially tightened so that adjustments can be made in the future.
  • At the next stage, the frame is aligned vertically and horizontally, and if any deviations were found, then using plastic corners make adjustments. It is recommended to temporarily install the sash in place to be able to control its correct fit to the frame. It is better to check the accuracy of the frame installation now, since this will not be possible later.
  • The distances from the opening to the frame on both sides should be the same.
  • When the adjustment is completed, all the bolts can be tightened completely, a moisture-repellent apron can be laid around the perimeter of the frame, and the insulating material can be secured on all sides using a stapler.

To install a drainage gutter, cuts are made in the sheathing above the window with dimensions equal to the parameters of the drainage device. According to these dimensions, a piece of moisture-proofing material is cut. The gutters are threaded through the removed part of the waterproofing and fixed to the sheathing. It is worth noting that the drain should be placed at an angle so that moisture does not collect, but flows by gravity into the ventilation gap of the roof.

Finishing work on the installation of roof windows

It is also worth remembering that the installation of the flashing must strictly comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Follow the rule - always start fastening the bottom element first, while threading all the flashing units through the flexible insulation. Then the frame is installed back, a vapor barrier is laid from the inside and slopes are made.

So we figured out the question of how to install a window in mansard roof. All the nuances were given, knowledge of which will help prevent mistakes during the installation process. Ideally, you need to adhere to all recommendations, regardless of the design features of the purchased windows. Take into account the technology for their installation and then you can do all the operations yourself.

Specifics of installing a roof window may seem complex and accessible only to experienced professionals. But that's not true. Like the construction of the attic itself, this operation is also not unique and requires special construction skills. You can correctly install a roof window on a roof with flexible tiles yourself, even alone.

So that everything works out correctly and quickly, the entire sequence of operations and nuances of the process can be viewed in the instructions - in the installation video instructions window openings in the TECHNONICOL roofing and in the instructions of the manufacturers of roof windows.

Work begins indoors. Mark (approximately) the center of the future window. Then a small hatch with dimensions of about 20 x 20 cm is cut out in the cladding. It is needed to accurately determine the location of the rafters. Next, we more accurately mark the outline of the future window opening.

Dormer windows are a factory product with standard sizes. For example, for rafters with a pitch of 60 cm, a window from one of the famous manufacturers with dimensions of 55 x 68 cm. It is worth noting that the roof window is most optimally installed on a roof with insulation and a slope of at least 15 degrees.

It is important to consider the location of the window itself: the top of the window should be located at a height of 185 to 220 cm from the floor, and the distance from the bottom of the window to the floor is recommended in the range of 90−140 cm.

According to the applied markings A window opening is cut out in the ceiling cladding, which should be about 4-6 cm wider than the window itself. Insulation will be placed in this gap.

Next you need to cut out the vapor barrier and remove the insulation from the structure. The diffusion membrane located on top of the insulation is cut crosswise and wrapped inside the room. After which the sheathing is cut out and trimmed flexible tiles. It is more convenient to do this from outside the roof. The membrane is attached to the sheathing with a construction stapler, and its excess is cut off. By the way, before doing this, you need to make sure that there is sheathing around the perimeter of the opening. Otherwise, it will need to be done additionally, since the window frame will subsequently rest on the sheathing.

The first stage has been completed– the opening is ready for window installation. Manufacturers of roof windows have taken care of the ease of installation of their products, providing the kit with all the accompanying materials and details: a thermal insulation contour on a rigid frame, waterproofing aprons, seals and, most importantly, instructions. So, it all starts with the insulation circuit, which is assembled according to the window manufacturer's instructions.

Further work will be required on the roof. Here, in order to tightly connect the roof to the window frame, it is necessary to remove part of the tiles around the window. There should be 5 cm from the edge of the tile to the window frame. Next, the contour of the window is installed in the opening so that the contour goes under the tile.

After unpacking the structure it is necessary to separate the turning frame and the window frame. They are installed one by one.

Mounting angles are attached to the window frame. They have their own standard mounting points, pre-marked on the frame.

Next, the box is placed in the insulation circuit. Fasteners (mounting angles) are located on the outside of the roof. From the inside, the gap between the rafters and the frame should be within 2-3 cm - for laying slope insulation.

After this operation, the window is leveled in the lower part, the box is adjusted from the sides and then the entire structure is fixed with screws to the roof. Next, you can insert a rotating sash, followed by adjustment of the frame and the sash itself.

It is necessary to provide a gap between the tiles and the window frame. It should be approximately 5 cm. Therefore, we cut off the excess tiles. And to ensure the tightness of the window, a special waterproofing apron is used, which is capable of releasing moisture from inside the structure and keeping it out from the outside. It comes included and is tailored to fit the window. The apron is applied around the window frame. It is fixed using a self-adhesive strip located on the back side. The edges of the apron go under the tiles. Moreover, its upper part is additionally placed under the lining carpet, providing reliable protection from leaks.

The next stage is the installation of a gutter system, or window frame. It is necessary for the effective drainage of water and precipitation from the structure and ensures a tight connection between the window and the roofing. The frame is assembled in the following sequence: first, the lower element is mounted, then the side parts and then the upper element. To install the lower element of the flashing, clamps are nailed on top of the apron (included in the kit). The bottom of the gutter snaps onto them. The cover itself is attached to the frame. Here, along the perimeter of the window, a “snow+” seal is mounted on the upper edge of the gutter for additional sealing of the window in winter. Next, the entire structure of the gutter and seal is pressed against the top with a lining.

Special linings isolate the junction flashing elements to the window frame and protect its wooden parts from moisture and negative influences sun rays. Next, the upper part of the flashing is mounted. To prevent the outer edge of the flashing from puffing up under the tiles, it is pressed using clamps.

The final stage of work on the outside of the window– using “FIXER” mastic. Afterwards, all that remains is to install the insulation of the slopes from the inside and restore the vapor barrier film.

Don't forget about safety precautions when carrying out work outside the roof. All processes must be carried out with a special safety system for working at height.

Behind last years The installation of roof windows has become widespread. This is due to the benefits that people receive when they decide to renovate their attic space and make it a place for comfortable relaxation.

A roof window is a structure installed directly into the roof. As a result of this, the attic turns from a dark and dusty room into a room filled with light, where you can retire from the hustle and bustle and relax.

Installation of roof windows is possible when the roof is tilted from 12 to 90 degrees. Modern manufacturers When manufacturing our products, we took into account such conditions as strong wind, high humidity, possibility of use, regardless of the complexity of the roofing system configuration.

Installing a window requires a lot of responsibility, because compared to ordinary windows, it is exposed to strong influence of precipitation, as it is located on the roof of the house. Therefore, the structures being installed must be strong, airtight and durable.

Price for installing a roof window

We strive to make the cost of window installation as affordable as possible for our customers. We care about quality and guarantee that the structure we install will reliably protect you from rain, snow, wind and low temperatures. From us you can order turnkey work of any complexity!

Installation workPrices for work in rublesUnitsExplanations
Installation of a window in a finished opening without roofing3600 PC.Preparing the opening, installing the window, leveling the width and height, installing waterproofing and protective flashing.
Installation of a window into a finished coated roof5900 PC.Preparing the opening, installing the window, leveling the width and height, installing waterproofing and vapor barrier, protective flashing, covering with flexible tiles.
Installation of a window into a roof made of6000 PC.Preparing the opening, installing the window, leveling the width and height, installing waterproofing and vapor barrier, protective flashing, installing metal tiles around the window.
Installation of a roof window in8500 PC.
Installation of a roof window in a roof made of6000 PC.
Balcony arrangement15500 PC.
Removing old windows1300 PC.
Covered with anti-mosquito mesh1700 PC.
Electric blinds3200 PC.
Electric roller shutters3400 PC.
Electric awning3400 PC.
Insulating a skylight1200 PC.

The products of these companies have slight differences. For example, on Fakro the opening handle is located at the bottom, while on Velux it is at the top. Choose Fakro when you need to place the window opening at the top, and Velux when you need to place the window opening at a lower location.

On average, the price of products from these two manufacturers is the same. Delivery is fast enough without delays.

Installing roof windows is a very responsible process.

Currently, construction has become widespread attic floors. This allows you to effectively use the attic space, adding to the building usable area. Living rooms, bedrooms, offices and even rooms for children are located in the attics, so such rooms need access to natural light. The attic, which occupies a large area, is often poorly lit by a pediment window. In this case, it is necessary to install skylights into the finished roof of the building. According to experts, a roof window, due to its inclined design, provides 30-40% more illumination than a conventional vertical one . Installing a roof window is a very important issue. After all, no one wants leaks or cracks in their home that are blown in by cold air. Maintaining tightness is the primary task when installing window openings in the roof. The best option use the services of specialists. But if the desire to do everything prevails on our own, then try to follow the recommendations and strictly adhere to the technology.

We start by choosing the type of window opening

Dormer windows should complement the building's exterior.

A constructive decision on the installation of translucent structures should be made at the stage of creating a project and constructing a building. If you don't take into account dormer windows, which rather serve for ventilation, roof windows can be divided into:

The material from which translucent structures are made may vary. It can be wood, aluminum, or plastic (PVC). Wooden ones are recommended for offices, living rooms, and bedrooms. And plastic would be better suited for rooms with high humidity– bathrooms and toilets.

When equipping an attic for a bathroom, you need to pay special attention to the insulation and insulation of windows.

There is also a classification based on the shape and design features of roof windows:

Advice! When choosing the design of roof windows, you need to start from design features roof, ease of use and attic size. So installation height window system depends on the slope of the roof and the height of the attic space.

Installation of roof windows in metal tiles has its own characteristics.

Window design

The standard design of a dormer window is a set of elements consisting of a frame, one or two sashes, including double-glazed windows and fittings. It is the fittings that ensure the opening and closing of the window, as well as its fixation in the desired position. In addition, the delivery package should include:

  • apron hydro- and vapor barriers;
  • gutter for water drainage;
  • flashing protecting the frame;
  • thermal insulation;
  • slopes installed indoors.

A standard roof window kit is quite easy to install.

Installation Basics

The installation of translucent structures in the attic must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, maintaining quality at every stage. Otherwise, you may end up with leaks and cracks. As a rule, windows are installed in roofs with a slope of at least 15 degrees and no more than 90. Withstanding building codes and taking into account the need to illuminate the attic, the lower edge is mounted at a height of at least 170 cm from the floor. The installation height is affected by the slope of the roof slopes, as well as the size of the window opening.

Depending on the position of the window, you need to choose a design to make it convenient to use.
  • First important rule– you cannot attach the roof window structure to the roof sheathing. The place of fixation should be exclusively the rafters.
  • The lower part of the frame should be supported by a transverse beam; if it is missing, it can be supported by sheathing slats or an additional beam can be installed.
  • A gap of three centimeters should be maintained on all sides between window frame and roof rafters. This will allow the window frame to be leveled after installation.
  • The window frame is installed above the tiles, and in cases with roofing coverings high profile, the recommended distance between the roof and the lower end of the window structure is maintained.
  • To prevent condensation from forming, icing and fogging of the glass, it is recommended to install a heating device underneath.
  • If you want to achieve complete tightness, do not use polyurethane foam, only sealants specially designed for this will help achieve the desired result.

Installation sequence

The delivery package for roof windows must include instructions for installing this product. These guidelines must be strictly followed as translucent structures vary. Differences may be in the mounting brackets, their shape, and location of attachment. For example, the installation of window structures from companies such as Velux, Fakro, Roto has a general similarity, but at the same time it has fundamental differences in details and elements. Thus, the Fakro company produces window systems with marks marked on the frame, by which you can determine the recommended installation depth of the structure. Installation of a roof window from the Fakro company Installation of a roof window from the Velux company

Advice! Before installation begins, the window sashes must be removed. The technology is described in the installation instructions included with the kit. If a translucent structure is supplied with an installed flashing, it must also be dismantled.

Frame installation

The installation of roof windows begins with the installation of the flashing from the bottom edge of the opening to the top. First of all, the finished corrugated apron is installed in the lower part, followed by the side elements of the flashing and the upper part. The last to be installed are the overlays..

window design

This installation step is extremely important.

  1. We strictly maintain the gaps between the window frame and the roof covering. This will make it possible to level the entire finished structure after installation. Recommended clearances:
  • At the bottom of the window frame: non-core roofing
  • 1-4 centimeters;
  • low profile – 10 cm;
  1. high profile – 12 cm;
  2. Side gaps – 4-6 cm.

The upper gap is 7-15 cm.

Next, align the lower edge of the frame horizontally using a level and secure the mounting angles with screws. We do not tighten the screws all the way so that we can align the frame to the dimensions indicated above. We perform waterproofing - the material should be laid so that it overlaps the side of the frame. We start from the bottom and fit the waterproofing to the frame with an overlap. All overlapped joints of the insulator are secured with screws.

Poorly done waterproofing can be very expensive.

Installation of the flashing should also begin from the bottom; it is fixed to the roof with a window trim and self-tapping screws in the holes made. The side elements are fixed in the lower frame and attached to the window frame with nails. The top flashing is secured from the side with screws and secured with clamps to the roof sheathing. On soft or non-profile roofing, the side parts of the flashing are laid using bituminous materials. The profile covering of the roof should be placed on the sides of the flashing, retreating 5-10 cm. The joints of the flashing with the roof must be sealed with sealants or special tape. Installation of the salary

Warming and insulation

If the attic window does not have an opening function, then after fixing the frame, a double-glazed window should be installed. If we are dealing with an opening window, then we hang the sash. Next, you should pay attention to insulation and thorough waterproofing and vapor barrier. We isolate the window with inside, tucking the insulation material along the entire length of the frame. The outside should be covered with foil or similar material to avoid condensation. We also lay the slopes with insulation.

Window insulation is especially important for cold regions.

A moisture-proof vapor barrier is laid on top of the insulating material; this design is attached directly to the window with latches. If the insulating apron does not fit tightly, it should be further reinforced with screws or glue. If the window design includes a water barrier, it is necessary to install a drainage gutter so that the water drains in the right place under the window.

The final stage

Once again we check the tight fit of all elements of the flashing and, if necessary, additionally fasten it to the frame and sheathing. Finally, special elements are attached to the top of the flashing, the roofing material is tightly laid, and the joints are checked. In general, the installation of the window system in the attic is complete, you can hang the sashes, check the opening and closing mechanism (if the window is not blind) and remove protective film . In conclusion, we remind you about practical advice specialists - installation internal slopes

. The upper horizontal and lower vertical slopes will help improve the circulation of warm air from heating devices, which will protect the glass from fogging.

Experts recommend using branded slopes according to the window model.
Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist.” Teacher of history and cultural theory." Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

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