Which corrugated sheeting is best suited for roofing and how to choose it correctly? How to choose a corrugated sheet for a roof - technical characteristics of the roofing material Corrugated sheet, types of characteristics.

There is no settlement where you will not see fences, roofs and gates made of corrugated metal. He received his recognition a long time ago, and his popularity is constantly growing. Today, corrugated roofing is used as a finishing coating in private, civil and industrial construction. This article will discuss the properties, types, characteristics and advantages of this practical and aesthetically beautiful building material.

In appearance the material is very attractive. It represents a profile that can be different geometric shape– wave, trapezoid, triangle, etc. Galvanized corrugated sheets are produced by cold rolling from galvanized sheets. Subsequently, the resulting profile is coated on both sides with a durable anti-corrosion polymer coating. The technology of this process may vary, as well as the color of the sheet. In some cases, the coating is not mandatory, and the profile may be without it.
Corrugated roofing sheets of wavy shape are especially in demand in the manufacture of finishing roof coverings. This coating is well adapted to weather changes. It does not corrode under the influence of various types of precipitation, and when interacting with sunlight, it does not change its color, that is, it does not fade.

If you are interested in a roof that should have a sophisticated, attractive appearance, then it is best to use galvanized corrugated sheeting coated with a colored polymer coating for the roofing.

What explains the popularity of corrugated roofing sheets?

The popularity of galvanized corrugated sheeting is explained, first of all, by its operational properties. Here, both the above-mentioned resistance to atmospheric influences in the form of precipitation, and resistance sunlight. It perfectly withstands mechanical stress in the form of hail and falling branches, and is also resistant to corrosion.
Galvanized corrugated roofing sheeting is also popular due to its small specific gravity. In most cases, it ranges from 5.5 to 9.5 kg/m2. Everything will depend on the thickness of the metal used.
Builders love this material because it is easy to work with and easy to install. It attracts home owners and developers with its low cost. All this makes galvanized corrugated sheeting an indispensable and most practical material for roof covering, especially if you want to carry out such work yourself.

Excellent material for different purposes

Although corrugated sheeting at first glance seems to be a simple and narrow-profile material, it is very diverse. Different types of corrugated sheets can be used for completely different purposes, for example, the following:

  1. roofing installation,
  2. creation of wall elements,
  3. creation of load-bearing structural elements.

In each individual case, you will need a completely different brand, which will depend on many facts, including the type of construction. When deciding which corrugated sheeting is best for the roof, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics.
Among the fairly large assortment, there are varieties of corrugated sheets that are most popular among consumers. Classification allows you to select the material whose grade is most suitable for a particular purpose. Let us dwell on the designation of sheet thickness:
N-60. Galvanized corrugated sheeting has a thickness of 0.5 mm - 0.9 mm and a weight of 5 kg - 12 kg/m? at a wave height of 60 mm. It is used mainly in the construction of load-bearing systems, as well as in the installation of durable finishing coatings for roofing. It can be an excellent material for fencing and fencing, as well as for the construction of garages.
N-75. The sheet has a thickness of 0.7 - 1.0 mm, weight ranges from 9.2 - 12.0 kg/m2. The profiled roofing sheet of this brand has a wave height of 75 mm and, according to its parameters, is a universal material. It is suitable, in most cases, for any purpose. It can be used as a load-bearing and protective structure in the construction of roofs and ceilings.

N-114. The most powerful of all varieties offered. Galvanized corrugated sheet has a sheet thickness of 0.7 - 1.2 mm, it weighs 10.2 - 14.5 kg/m? and has a wave height of 114 mm. In order to increase power, it is reinforced with additional grooves. The texture of this profile is not only capable of reliable protection- its noble appearance makes the building more impressive and attractive in appearance. Such corrugated roofing is used where structural strength is needed, although it can also be used for other purposes.

N-153. This sheet is usually called the European standard. It has a sheet thickness of 0.7 - 1.5 mm, weighs 10.3 - 21.5 kg/m2, its wave height is 153 mm. The material is used for the installation of floors and roofing. Types of corrugated sheeting of this brand are popular due to the ability to use them on roofs with a sheathing pitch of less than 9 meters.

N-158. Corrugated roofing sheeting of this brand is in high demand because it has the highest wave - 158 mm and can be used on roofing surfaces with a sheathing pitch of up to 9 meters. This profile is ideal when it is necessary to install load-bearing and other types of structures. Galvanized corrugated sheeting grade N-158 is characterized by maximum strength and rigidity of the sheet.

In the designation of this material, the numbers correspond to the height of the corrugation or stiffener.

Characteristics of profiled flooring

You probably noticed that corrugated roofing sheets of different categories differ in the thickness of the metal, the weight and height of the corrugation or stiffener.

The designations that are used to identify a particular type of material reveal it characteristics and indicate specific types of corrugated sheets.

The material, which in the designation begins with the letter C, is used as a wall material, the letter H indicates the roofing type of corrugated sheeting. In the case when two letters NS are used, we can talk about its universal purpose, when the material is used both for roofing and for erecting walls.

It should be borne in mind that corrugated roofing sheets can be produced in different thicknesses metal sheet, but have the same height. The length of the profile can be different - from 0.5 meters to 12 meters.

When constructing a roof, as a rule, a material with a profile height of more than 35 mm is used. On roofs with a short slope length, a profile is used whose wave height is 21 mm and which is designated H and NS.

Types of corrugated sheeting, their distinctive features and application

As already noted, corrugated sheeting is distinguished by its diversity. Without certain knowledge, you can get confused among it. When choosing corrugated roofing, how to choose exactly the material that will meet all the necessary requirements?

A little earlier we paid attention to the designation of the thickness of the sheets, and now we will tell you how corrugated roofing is marked depending on its intended purpose. Manufacturers produce different brands, designating them with a letter. Knowing in advance what information it carries, during the purchase you can have no doubt about your choice.

Types of corrugated roofing differ from each other and are successfully used in various construction, but the C-8 brand profile with a sheet thickness of 0.4 - 0.8 mm is one of the most popular. It is widely used in different types works

When building your own home, the future owner faces two main tasks, which sometimes seem mutually exclusive: to carry out all construction and finishing operations “conscientiously” and from quality materials and try to select these same materials so that it is possible to significantly reduce the expected costs. Corrugated sheeting belongs to the category of just such products for construction, when the price is not deterred by the number of zeros, and the result pleases the owner of the house for many years. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of unscrupulous sellers who want to take advantage of the client’s ignorance, so it makes sense to conduct a small educational program that is not the topic of this building material.

Corrugated sheeting for roofing

Profiled metal sheets are widely used in private construction. They are also well suited for roofing, but the product must meet this purpose in all respects. The abundance of technical characteristics can be confusing; the main guidelines should be the thickness of the corrugated roofing and the quality of the coating. Understanding this is extremely important, since manufacturers guarantee high-quality results only when using different types for their intended purpose.

Corrugated roofing photo

On construction markets and in stores you can purchase profiled sheets for construction:

  • walls (for example, outbuildings);
  • awnings;
  • fences;
  • for floors and ceilings;
  • for roofing work.

To ensure a reliable roof over your head, you should take a closer look at the building material itself.

Which corrugated sheet to choose for the roof

First of all, you need to understand that this material is a sheet of profiled metal, which, thanks to many stiffening ribs, acquires exceptional strength and resistance to various physical influences, and the ability to withstand sudden gusts of wind.

  • The raw material for it is rolled steel, which becomes corrugated sheets by cold profiling. His technical indicators follow from the thickness of the source material and profile configuration.

Reliable and good performance characteristics They are also provided with complex processing, which makes the corrugated sheet look like a layer cake.

  • The basis is a sheet of steel.
  • Further, it has a zinc coating on both sides.
  • Next comes anti-corrosion protection. The passivating layer also covers the metal sheet on both sides.
  • An intermediate step in production is a comprehensive coating with a primer.
  • On the bottom side, the corrugated sheet is treated with a layer of paint for protection, and on the front side it is applied polymer coating.

This production technology is not followed for all corrugated sheets. Available for free sale:

  • steel version, made of ferrous metal without any additional layers of coating and processing;
  • aluminum or copper analogs of the material;
  • corrugated sheeting designed specifically for roof construction. This is produced in several variations: perforated, rolled, embossed with various textures, bent;
  • galvanized profile without polymer coating. It is similar to the above-described option with a layer of paintwork materials, but is inferior to it both in appearance and in service life. Its cost is significantly lower (up to 40%), and it is intended for the construction of fences, garages, outbuildings and sheds.

The listed types of products differ in thickness and overall dimensions. When purchasing, you should pay attention to this nuance: the full width of the sheet may differ from the useful one. Builders distinguish the following types of profiled sheets (the gradation is based on their purpose):

  • carrier;
  • façade;
  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • formwork

Helpful tips when choosing

  • Considering the type of protective coating, thickness and external characteristics sheet, the first and third types of profiles from the list above are suitable for constructing a roof. At the same time, it is worth knowing that the load-bearing type of material, according to the developers’ ideas, has a special recess (called a capillary groove). Thanks to it, when installing an overlapping roof, an excellent drainage for rainwater is obtained. In most cases, it starts from the ridge and goes down to the drain at the eaves. Wall option corrugated sheeting does not have such a constructive solution.
  • If the choice is made in favor of a profiled sheet with a capillary groove, then when purchasing you should make sure that it does not bend. For some manufacturers, this groove can be deformed and therefore becomes useless.

  • Another important point: roofing material is perfect for the facade of a building, but this feature does not work in reverse. Therefore, façade corrugated sheeting cannot be used for roofs.

Brand of corrugated roofing

Like many Construction Materials profiled sheets are marked accordingly. The specialist can easily “read” the alphanumeric abbreviation and select the desired product. Common options include:

  • S - 21. This marking characterizes a material that has good rigidity indicators to be used for roofing. When installing it, professionals recommend making the lathing in increments of no more than 0.8 meters.
  • Designation NS - 44 and NS - 35 indicates that this profile is suitable for both fencing and roofing. Both are quite strong, but the first has additional stiffening ribs, which makes it more preferable.
  • RN - 20 is a brand of universal corrugated sheeting. It will serve well both as a material for a fence, and as a roofing profile, and as cladding on the inside and outside of buildings. It has a capillary groove, and the dimensions of such corrugated roofing sheeting are quite large - the working width is 1.1 m.

What's behind the letters and numbers?

  • The letters “S” and “N” are the initial letters in the types of profiles: wall and load-bearing. For the roof, as noted above, the latter option is preferable.
  • The order of the numbers indicates the useful width and height of the wave.
  • Profiled sheets manufactured in accordance with GOST are considered to be more reliable and of higher quality than materials produced according to technical specifications.

But in any case, the seller must have a quality certificate.

Types of corrugated roofing

The main criteria when purchasing corrugated roofing will be its purpose and characteristics (indicated in the labeling), cost, type of coating, appearance and the angle of the roof. The first condition was mentioned above, and the rest require detailed explanation.

  • Corrugated sheeting is an affordable material, but even in this case no one wants to pay extra money. But quality cannot cost too little. The low price of corrugated roofing indicates that the manufacturer has clearly saved money on this product. In general, the cost depends on the thickness of the profile, the presence or absence of a polymer or other coating and the scope of application.
  • It often happens that prices for the same brand differ at different retail outlets. Therefore, before purchasing, it is worth doing “reconnaissance”, taking price lists from several stores and comparing them. Dealers have lower prices, and it is better to take the material directly from the manufacturer. Buying without intermediaries is also beneficial because the manufacturing company can fulfill an individual order: cut sheets required sizes or create a unique shade of polymer coating.
  • Experts will help you calculate the consumption of corrugated sheets on the roof, and recommend components and additional accessories. Similar consultations can be obtained online on the sellers’ website. Don't miss this opportunity.
  • A layer of paintwork can vary greatly in quality and affect the characteristics of the material. Most valued among specialists bright colors corrugated roofing with protection made of plastisol (PVDTF), matte and regular polyester.

  • The latter is valued for its good decorative qualities, but a layer of such material does not have a high ability to withstand external influences.
  • PVDTF is a coating with great resistance to damage and fading. Its use also affects the increase in the price of corrugated sheets.
  • Polyurethane-based polymers are able to withstand aggressive environments and mechanical damage. This coating significantly extends the service life of the building material.
  • Profiled roofing sheets must have a protective layer of zinc. Its thickness, by the way, can also be different. The larger it is, the higher the anti-corrosion properties.
  • Decorative coating also creates an additional protective barrier, although its aesthetic component worries developers much more. One of the advantages of corrugated sheeting is that the variety of glossy and matte shades allows design ideas to run wild.
  • External inspection of the material is sometimes neglected, or only a superficial examination is carried out, looking for dents and obvious chips. Partial or complete dismantling of an already installed roof is not worth saving half an hour on a detailed inspection of the material. Obvious defects will be visible immediately, but you need to take a closer look at the coating with an armed eye. The corrugated sheet will last a long time and will not crack if there are no following defects:
    1. paint splatters;
    2. obvious boundaries in the color transition, uneven paint coverage;
    3. chips or microcracks,
    4. peeling of the paint layer.
  • The sheet itself should be smooth, without jagged edges or cuts. When slightly bent without force, it will instantly return to its original shape as soon as it is released. In this case, no traces of creases should form, and even more so, the profiled sheet should not break.
  • Tilt angle the roof is coming last on the list, but it is far from being so in importance. The load from precipitation in winter and strong gusty winds will have a greater impact on the roof whose slope is greater. Depending on this design feature of the roof, it will be necessary to choose a thicker corrugated metal that will provide the required rigidity.

Corrugated roofing video

Following these simple recommendations will allow you to choose truly high-quality material to protect your home and its occupants from bad weather. And a purchase made with knowledge of the matter is a guarantee that the result will not disappoint, and roof repairs will not be required for a very long time.

Roofing corrugated metal tiles

Roof roofing with corrugated sheets

Since there are several ways to lay a roof made of corrugated sheets, and the material itself requires special treatment, the installation description is worthy of becoming a topic for a separate discussion. But some nuances can be noted.

The overlap of sheets depending on the roof slope is shown in the table.

  • If the roof pitch is less than 12°, then the use of silicone sealants is a must.
  • At the stage preparatory work The sheets are selected and the method of lifting them one by one to the immediate installation site is organized. The fastening system must be designed in such a way as not to damage the material. No work will be carried out in strong and gusty winds. Already on the roof you need to check the amount of deviation of the corrugated sheeting from the plane of the base. The permissible value is up to 5 mm.

If we take the corrugated sheet as the final layer, then the reverse order of roof installation will be:

  • from fastening corrugated sheets;
  • creating sheathing;
  • installation of counter-lattice;
  • layer of waterproofing material;
  • rafters, between which a layer of insulation is laid;
  • from the assigned edged boards or plywood covering the insulation;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • finishing from the side of the room.

  • The film for vapor and waterproofing is overlapped with special tape, and matte materials are used as insulation, especially if you plan to create a residential attic.
  • Cutting sheets before installation is carried out using a jigsaw, a circular hand saw with small teeth, or a hacksaw. A grinder with an abrasive wheel is not used. The cut area must be treated with enamel for polymer coatings.
  • For fastening, self-tapping screws with rubber seals are used. The final touch will be the installation of abutment strips: ridges, parapets, wind and cornice elements.

Corrugated sheeting (wall, roofing, load-bearing) is one of the most common and objectively in demand modern materials in construction.

Technical characteristics, properties and geometric dimensions of corrugated sheets, a variety of types, types and colors make profile sheets a worthy alternative to other materials.

What is corrugated sheeting?

Corrugated sheeting is a profiled sheet of metal with a wide range of applications in the construction industry (for fencing and fences, for wall cladding and roofing, for installing monolithic reinforced concrete floors on corrugated sheeting). Among users it is known as corrugated sheet or corrugated sheet. Manufactured in a factory by rolling sheet steel.

The steel core gives the profiled sheet rigidity, the coating gives an aesthetic appearance and resistance to external influence, profiling - additional rigidity without weighting.

A particular type of corrugated sheeting is metal tiles. The only difference between these materials is the specific arrangement of the shafts on the rolling mill, which allows the formation of a configuration similar to natural tiles. However, the installation of corrugated sheets and the installation of metal tiles are carried out using different technologies.

Profiled sheeting - GOST (regulatory framework)

The fact that profiled flooring is new for the domestic market, but demonstrates fast development material, evidenced by the adoption in 2012 of regulatory conditions for its production. Today, manufacturers who have a reputation for the quality of corrugated sheets rely on the provisions of GOST 24045-2010 “Bent steel sheet profiles with trapezoidal corrugations for construction.”

Other standards include:

Manufacturers of corrugated sheets

Note that the production of corrugated sheets is a rather expensive project, since high-quality equipment is expensive. But not so much as to serve as a significant barrier to handicraft production.

There are world-famous manufacturers on the domestic market: Ruukki (Finland), Pruszynski (Poland) are among the first suppliers of profiled sheets. You should know that the production of corrugated sheets under the Prushinski brand is organized at subsidiaries of the structures, and not as a franchise, so the quality of the products meets international standards. The price of corrugated sheets too.

Among those who have established the production of corrugated sheets in Russia and have established themselves as a reliable supplier, there are several companies whose activities are not limited to certain regions. However, due to the peculiarities of transportation in each region there is large manufacturers corrugated sheets

For example, where can you buy corrugated sheeting from the manufacturer:

  • in Moscow: ProfStalProkat LLC, Steel-Plass plant, MMK Profil-Moscow company, Stalkomprofil LLC;
  • in Samara: "KSP" (roofing and wall profiles), NPC “Roof” company, “Elektroshield” plant, “Mayak” plant;
  • in Yekaterinburg: MetalProfil Ural LLC, PGSoyuzProfil LLC, Ural Roofing Materials Plant LLC.

At the same time, we note that in each region there are relatively few large suppliers; mainly there are companies offering popular types of corrugated sheeting: wall and roofing (low-wave). However, you cannot judge the quality of a product by the size of the manufacturer. The choice of corrugated sheeting is more complex and is based on a number of factors.

The main characteristics and properties of corrugated sheets are the structure of the metal, types, types and varieties of corrugated sheets, metal thickness, length, width, sheet thickness, type of coating.

Corrugated sheeting is a composite building material, heterogeneous, but continuous. It is the presence of layers, with a clear boundary between them, that is the peculiarity of the metal used for the manufacture of corrugated sheets. It is impossible to separate the layers, but thanks to them a synergy effect is achieved.

The composition of the metal differs among different manufacturers in the number of layers - from 3 to 10 and the thickness of each layer.

Regardless of how much protective layers For corrugated sheets, the required components are: a steel sheet and a double-sided layer of galvanized coating. This is the most minimalistic option. How more quantity layers and their thickness, the greater the guarantee for corrugated sheeting provided by the manufacturer. This is due to the fact that each layer performs its own function. The layers differ not only in the thickness of the application, but also in their visual appearance and ability to withstand the effects of the external environment.

Corrugated sheet coating (color and texture)

The coating determines the service life of the profiled sheet, which ranges from 5-50 years. Agree, it’s worth studying what this depends on. First of all, from the coating. In terms of coverage, all corrugated sheets on the market can be divided into 3 groups:

Galvanized corrugated sheet

In this case, the steel core is coated with zinc with an application density of 275 g/m2. ( minimum thickness 90 µm). This coating thickness is standard, prescribed by the German standard DIN EN 10143. The galvanized coating has a 5-year warranty. Estimated service life is up to 20 years.

A cheaper sheet with a smaller layer of zinc will last less. It is usually used for temporary fencing, formwork, etc. Some manufacturers do not provide a warranty at all.

Note: Zinc is volatile material. The smaller its layer, the faster it will evaporate and the steel core of the corrugated sheet will be exposed. Accordingly, the faster the corrugated sheet will rust.

Aluminum-galvanized corrugated sheet

A mixture of zinc and aluminum is used for coating. It has a 10-year warranty. Estimated service life is up to 30 years.

Compared to zinc, aluminum-zinc coating has greater corrosion resistance (twice).

Corrugated sheeting with polymer coating

The warranty on the coating depends on its type and ranges from 10 to 20 years, and the estimated service life is more than 50 years.

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Types of polymer coating of corrugated sheets

During the manufacturing process, a coating is applied to the galvanized sheet. At the same time, the thickness of the zinc coating of the corrugated sheet, according to the standard, must invariably be 275 g/sq.m. (total on both sides).

Polyester, pural, polyurethane are types of coatings whose general purpose is to protect zinc. The thickness of the polymer coating of corrugated sheets is 25-200 microns. The color of the coating is determined according to the catalog of RAL and RR tables (from Ruukki).

  • polyester (PE). A popular coating that provides additional corrosion resistance. As for the surface texture, it can be glossy or matte. Glossy PE is applied with a thickness of 25 microns, matte - 35 microns. The coating is designed for use in normal climatic conditions;
  • pural. Coating made of a mixture of polyurethane and polyamide. Coating thickness 50 microns. Characterized by increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • plastisol (PVC and PVC200). The base is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Coating thickness 200 microns. Recommended for use in difficult climatic conditions;
  • polydifluorionad (PVF2). One of the components of the mixture are fluorine-containing polymers;
  • composite materials. Coatings containing an additional layer different materials, providing the sheet with aesthetic and practical properties. The composition of composite materials is a trade secret of manufacturers;
  • printech. It stands out from a number of other coatings in that it is an imitation of wood, stone or brickwork. Fences made of corrugated sheets imitating stone, brick, or wood look especially good.

An additional type of coating is film (lamination). It is rolled onto the corrugated sheet during metal profiling and reliably protects the polymer coating from mechanical damage.

Note. Film increases the price by 5-10%. Therefore, its application is often discussed with the customer and is preferable for expensive coatings, the integrity of which is difficult to restore by touching up.

Paper is used for packaging corrugated sheets. Thus, reducing the chance of damage during transportation or storage.

In practice, the choice of corrugated sheeting is based on the color scheme, which is quite diverse.

Types and varieties of corrugated sheets

There are three main types of corrugated sheeting, based on wave height. Each type has types associated with the configuration of the wave (trapezoid, cylinder, and its height), which in turn determines a significant number of varieties.

It is characterized by smaller profiling, which allows for a larger working width of the sheet. Each manufacturer has its own marking of wall profiled sheets. However, the common thing is a letter marking indicating whether it belongs to the wall, and a number indicating the height of the profiling (wall corrugated sheet wave height). Wall sheets include sheets with wave heights of 8, 10, 15, 20 and 21 mm.

Note. Wall corrugated sheeting is distinguished by such quality as windage. A solid sheet is subject to wind load, which can be reduced by choosing a sheet with a higher wave or arranging a powerful frame.

Features a higher wave. Due to this, the useful width of the sheet is reduced, but its throughput, which is a defining characteristic for roofing materials. It is designated in the same way as the wall one, by a letter and a number. For example, PK-35 - corrugated roofing wave height 35 mm. Roofing sheets include wave heights of 20, 21, 35, 45, 57, 60, 75, 80, 90 and 100 mm.

Note. Roofing includes any corrugated sheeting with a wave height of more than 20 mm. This value is borderline and is found in roofing and wall sheeting. And the purpose (difference) is determined by the presence or absence of a capillary groove or when using simpler equipment in the orientation of the colored side (see figure).

This category includes sheets with wave heights of 75, 80, 90 and 100 mm. They are used in the construction of floors, incl. reinforced concrete. For reinforcement, stamping is used on the supporting corrugated sheet.

Note. The higher the wave height, the stiffer the profiled sheet, but the smaller its useful area.

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Among the numerous roofing coverings, corrugated sheeting is the most popular. If recently it was somewhat ahead of metal and bitumen shingles, then now, thanks to the most successful combination of quality and cost, corrugated sheeting has confidently come out on top.

Due to the fact that production technology roofing material very simple, corrugated sheeting is produced by a huge number of companies, both very well-known and very small. Not all of them are honest; there are also those who violate existing regulations. To make the right choice of corrugated sheeting, you should know what criteria are regulated by state standards.

This is one of the most important criteria choosing corrugated sheeting for the roof. If its profile meets the regulatory provisions of GOST 24045-94, then you can be sure that the roof will withstand all design loads without problems, and its service life will not be less than planned.

GOST 24045-94. Bent steel sheet profiles with trapezoidal corrugations for construction. Specifications.

By what parameters are the technical conditions of the sheet profile controlled?


The state standard classifies profiled sheets according to several parameters. Consumers are recommended to buy profiled roof sheets only if their characteristics fully meet the existing operating conditions of the building and its architectural features.


Depending on the purpose, the sheets can be used for roofing, for decking and fencing, or only for wall fencing.

The first ones are marked with the letter N, are distinguished by the highest flexural strength. They have thick sheet steel, they have a high profile, which increases mechanical bending strength, they are also made of alloy steel, characterized by high ductility values ​​and making it possible to stretch profiles from complex geometry without microcracks and loss of original properties.

Sheets for flooring and fencing are designated by the letters NS, are used both for covering roofs and for wall fences. If you buy them for a roof, you need to know that such material has insufficient strength; to increase the reliability of the roof, you need to reduce the pitch of the rafter system.

Wall profiled sheets are designated by the letter C, they are recommended to be used during the construction of fences. They have a low profile and small thickness.

Some developers, in order to save money Money They are trying to use such profiles for roofs, but professionals do not recommend doing this. The fact is that in this case it is necessary to make a continuous sheathing from OSB, and this is very expensive and ineffective from a material point of view. All savings are eliminated, but the risks of critical wetting of the wooden elements of the roof truss system increase. Wet wooden elements create many problems during the operation of a building.

Material of manufacture

Corrugated sheets must be made from thin-sheet galvanized steel GOST 14918 with zinc coating, having a protective coating of aluminum zinc TU 14-11-247-88, rolled metal with aluminum-silicon and electrolytic zinc coating. Each type of anti-corrosion coating has its own requirements for the thickness and quality of layers; it is these values ​​that affect the service life of a metal profile roof.

Prices for corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheet

Video - Raw materials for the production of corrugated sheets

Technical data of decorative coating

Depending on the type of profiled sheets, they can be without decorative surface coating or with such a coating. Paint and varnish materials, coating technology and technical specifications must comply with the provisions of GOST 30246.

Rolled thin sheets with protective and decorative paint coating for building structures. Technical conditions. GOST 30246-94.

If the sheet is made of high-quality materials that meet all the requirements of current technical standards, then it is marked.

For example, N57-750-0.8 AD ML-1202/ML-1203 GOST 24045-94.

The legend indicates that this is a roofing sheet with a profile height of 57 mm, a width of 750 mm and a metal thickness of 0.8 mm.

Keep in mind that the indicated metal thickness is given without protective and corrosion coatings. For decorative and additional anti-corrosion coating, ML-1202 enamel was used on surface C and ML-1203 enamel on surface D. The metal profile is made of rolled steel with an aluminum-zinc anti-corrosion coating. Products meet technical requirements GOST 24045-94. Each batch of goods must have an official document from the manufacturer with the same marking.

Technical requirements

The metal profile must correspond to the existing classes of zinc coating in terms of thickness and uniformity of the layer, type of crystallization and mass per square meter. If imported rolled steel is used for the manufacture of coatings, then its quality indicators must be no lower than domestic standards. Particular attention should be paid to this position when purchasing Chinese or Turkish rolled products. Some domestic manufacturers also cannot comply with all provisions of the standard and sell substandard products. The thickness, composition and technology of applying paint and varnish coatings are separately controlled.

Important. Unfortunately, unscrupulous sellers take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and very often sell low-quality sheets at inflated prices. Developers cannot independently check the quality of galvanizing, measure the thickness of the paint coating and find out the composition of dyes. And it is very often impossible to find out actual data, there are no official documents of compliance with technical requirements, you have to rely on the honesty of sellers.

What determines the durability and reliability of a corrugated roofing?

They have loads of different intensity and nature, the better they resist them, the more durable and reliable the coating.


Professionals recommend not buying sheets less than 0.5 mm thick for roofing. The fact is that roofing sheets will always have areas that are completely devoid of protective anti-corrosion coatings. These are holes under screws, places where they are cut, mechanical damage during installation, etc. These areas are small in area, but can cause a lot of trouble. The thicker the metal, the longer it can resist the appearance of through corrosion. Of course, the mechanical bending strength indicators directly depend on the thickness of the sheet, but this parameter can be adjusted in other, cheaper ways. The fact is that in the price structure for metal profiles, the cost of steel is approximately 65%.

Profiles are rolled onto flat sheets while passing through special machine shafts. For roofing coverings, the profile height must be at least 25 mm; the optimal range is considered to be 40–50 mm. The higher the profile, the greater the ductility of the steel. Otherwise, critical internal stresses inevitably appear in stretching areas, and the thickness of the sheet noticeably decreases. State standards require the use of only high-quality alloy steel of special grades for the manufacture of profiled sheets. This is a rather expensive metal, which significantly increases the cost of roofing production.

It is due to this parameter that the bending resistance of the corrugated sheet increases. Accordingly, it is possible to increase the distance between the sheathing slats and thereby slightly reduce estimated cost roofs. But experienced roofers do not advise increasing the pitch of the sheathing too much; it would be better to have a safety margin. The roof should not be operated at the maximum permissible load limit. Most often, a profile with a height of 20 mm is purchased for roofs; this is at the limit of possibilities. Roofing with a profile height of 30–40 mm is much more reliable. As for geometry, then modern views corrugated sheets have additional grooves for condensate drainage. Additional grooves do not have a noticeable effect on the performance characteristics; due to this technology, companies have the opportunity to increase the cost of their products, while there is no need to make any investments in production technology.

Weight square meter profile, depending on the thickness of the sheet, ranges from 5–7 kg. For the roof with total area 100 m2 the difference can be approximately 200 kg. Such loads are considered negligible and are not taken into account when calculating the rafter system.

It must be borne in mind that all of the listed characteristics can deteriorate significantly if the installation technology is violated. Even the most expensive profiled sheets will have leaks; they do not appear due to physical wear or mechanical damage. The cause of the problems is incorrect overlap, errors during fixation of sheets, careless attitude towards building regulations and rules.

Characteristics of decorative coatings

Modern paints have a noticeable impact not only on design, but also on operational properties - they protect the zinc layer from oxidation processes and scratches. The highest quality finishing coatings can increase the service life of roofs by approximately 20–25%. What types of paints are used to coat the external surfaces of profiled sheets?


The most popular protective coating among users. The reason is good performance at a relatively low price. The surface can be matte or glossy. Suitable for all climate zones, not afraid of heat and low temperatures. Does not fade when exposed to sunlight. The coating is plastic, not afraid of bending, has excellent adhesion to metal surfaces. The thickness of the paint layer is at least 35 microns. Disadvantage - low mechanical strength, easily scratched, the lower layers of the protective anti-corrosion coating are exposed.


The paint thickness is 50 microns, the composition is modified with polyamide in order to increase physical strength. Retains original characteristics when heated to a temperature of +120°C. Disadvantage: sharp bends are not recommended. Microcracks may appear in these places, and over time they tend to expand. It is used quite often, and is somewhat more expensive than polyester.


The thickness of the coating, depending on the type of metal profile, can be 200 microns, due to this the surface is embossed. The coating is very resistant to mechanical damage, has special additives that protect against negative impact UV rays.


The most modern, high-quality and expensive coating. It is rarely used for metal profiles due to its high cost. Coating thickness up to 30 microns. The composition includes 20% acrylic and 80% polyvinyl chloride. Practically does not react to ultraviolet radiation. Well tolerated high temperatures heating and cooling. It is characterized by the highest mechanical strength and has good ductility.

Color influence

When choosing the type of paint and varnish coatings, you need to pay attention to their color. It must correspond to the architectural style of the building and look harmonious with nearby buildings. Depending on the country of location of the manufacturer, the color range of roofing coverings can be systematized according to RR, RAL and HTS standards. We most often use the RAL system; it has the easiest to remember designation and takes into account a large number of colors.

Each coating is designated by a four-digit code; in total, there are more than a thousand options in the palette, but in practice, profiled sheets have about ten varieties. The rest are almost never used; in residential construction there is no need to use such a wide variety of color solutions.

  1. Appointment of professional sheets. Perfect option– choose a material with the letter H, these sheets have the highest bending strength.

    If you want to buy universal roofs of the NS type, then the slope angle cannot be less than 35°. Otherwise, there is a possibility of critical deflections or fractures. Risks increase if rafter system and the sheathing do not take into account wind and snow loads, the design is not resistant to dynamic and static loads.

  2. Profile height and sheet thickness. The smaller the angle of inclination of the slopes, the thicker the sheet metal should be and the higher its profile. On pitched roofs with a slope angle of ≈20°, the metal thickness is at least 0.5 mm, the profile height is more than 30 mm.

    You need to know that if the thickness of the metal has a great influence on the price of the roof, then the height of the profile increases the cost slightly, but the strength increases noticeably. It is recommended to test the sheet before installation and estimate its weight. But such a quality check can only be done by professionals, they have experience in comparison various types profiled sheets.

  3. Manufacturers' names. You should not pay attention to the warranty; in practice, there have not yet been recorded cases of filing lawsuits against manufacturers due to leaks in the roof. Companies will always be able to find any violations during installation, point out the wrong choice of sheet type depending on climatic conditions location of the structure, etc. In addition, most of the stores that sold building materials will no longer exist in 20–30 years, and there will be no one to make material claims against.

Visual determination of the best corrugated roofing

It is advisable to go to the store with an experienced, trusted builder; he often has to meet with various types corrugated sheets, which allows you to quickly distinguish counterfeit goods from high-quality ones.

What details should you pay attention to?

  1. On the reverse side of the sheet there should be a designation of the profile type. Such markings are not applied by sheet steel suppliers, but by coating manufacturers. Bending machines have a special apparatus for marking with durable paints. The absence of designations indicates outdated production lines or a reluctance to indicate product data and contact details of the manufacturer. In both cases, this should alert potential buyers.

  2. The surface of the sheets should be inspected. They may have special protective film or be without it. Many consumers, in order to save money, order sheets without a protective film.

    If there are deep scratches, dents, dirt, etc. on the surface, this indicates low production discipline at the enterprise, unprofessional employees, faulty bending lines and violations of the recommended manufacturing technology. Damage may occur during production, storage and transportation.

    Particular attention should be paid to the presence of foreign inclusions on the surface of the paintwork. It is strictly not recommended to use a metal profile with such defects. Poor quality finishing coat indicates that the thin sheets were prepared at unlicensed enterprises, but in China or Turkey. European goods never have the defects described above.

  3. Try bending the profile with your fingers. The appearance of a bend line even at large radii indicates the low quality of the metal. The profile is made not from expensive alloy steels, but from the cheapest structural steels. Their physical and operational characteristics are insufficient for use as roofing materials.

  4. Price. This parameter should be treated very carefully. If previously low-quality profiled sheets were sold only at very low prices, then at present there is no such obvious difference. Unscrupulous sellers know that domestic buyers automatically consider expensive profiled sheets to be of high quality and deliberately set high prices. If the product is expensive, then all documents on quality compliance, designations, addresses and company names are necessarily present, this is additional advertising for responsible manufacturers, they always indicate their products.

Important. Always try to compare the color of the protected areas of the sheets with the exposed ones. If there is a large difference in color shades, then this is direct evidence of poor quality.


It is best to buy goods from manufacturers, and not from intermediaries; they have all the accompanying documents that allow you to objectively assess the actual quality of the roof. Today this is no problem. Exists convenient system delivery, it is possible not only to choose the appropriate metal profile option, but also to receive professional advice on its use.

Most serious manufacturers provide . For this purpose, special departments with professional employees are created. They have extensive practical experience in solving various problems that arise during work. No theoretical articles can provide for all situations that arise in practice. Experienced roofers are able to independently make the only correct decisions in each specific case. Advice from such experts helps developers avoid making annoying mistakes.

When choosing a coating, you should never be guided only by price. The roof is very important architectural element of any structure, not only durability, but also comfort of living and safety of operation depends on its reliability. It is not recommended to build a cheap roof; repair work will always cost much more than saving on the quality of building materials.

Prices for metal tiles

Metal tiles

If you have already chosen corrugated sheets, it’s time to start doing the calculations. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of corrugated sheeting for the roof so that you do not have to buy additional material or there is not too much left over. You can find out how to do calculations. It’s easy to find out the required amount of materials for the sheathing by using our construction calculator.

When purchasing corrugated sheets, Special attention You should pay attention to the parameters of the sheet of this roofing product, since the number of joints during its installation depends on this, and therefore the tightness of the created surface. The format of the roofing material is selected based on the size of the slopes, thereby minimizing the amount of waste.

The technical characteristics of corrugated sheets for roofing determine its performance, such as durability, strength, sufficient resistance to external loads. Before installation, you need to assemble the sheathing in accordance with all the requirements for it.

Corrugated sheets are made from high-quality sheet steel using special equipment. To give the sheets a configuration, the cold pressing method is used. As a result, the material may have a rectangular, wavy or trapezoidal relief, due to which it is able to withstand significant loads.

Profiled sheets are in demand products; they are used in industry and the construction sector. This material is purchased for covering various structures, assembling permanent formwork and laying on the roofing surface.

The defining parameters of profiled sheets are:

  • length;
  • width;
  • thickness;
  • pitch, height and wave configuration.

Parameters of profiled sheets for the roof

In the Russian Federation, GOST 24045-94 is in force - a standard that regulates dimensions, as well as other characteristics roofing sheet made of steel, for example, the thickness of the galvanized layer. A material produced in full compliance with the standards can easily serve its service life, which is indicated by the manufacturer in the accompanying documentation.

Sheet length

Rolling machines used to make corrugated sheets can produce sheets no longer than 14 meters. Products are presented in the trading network standard parameters, whose dimensions are small, making the products easy to transport and stack.

Corrugated roofing sheets are produced not only by large companies, but also by small industrial enterprises. If you plan to purchase products from a local manufacturer, experts advise selecting sheets in accordance with the length of the slopes.

The advantages of this solution are obvious:

  1. Roof covering turns out to be more reliable. This is explained by the fact that it has higher tightness, and therefore durability, since there are no horizontal joints between the sheets.
  2. The cost of installing the roof is reduced, since there is no overlap of elements, the work is completed faster, and the amount of waste is minimal.

When choosing corrugated sheets, you need to take into account that when the length of the sheets exceeds 6 meters, their delivery will cost much more, since for this you have to rent special equipment. Products long length It is much more difficult to lift onto the roof due to the presence of significant dimensions and weight - you will need to use lifting mechanisms.

When corrugated roofing sheets are made to order, special equipment is configured so that the material of the required size is cut automatically. The machine adjustment system allows you to change the length of products in the range from 500 to 14,000 millimeters with a cutting step of 500 millimeters.

Width of profiled decking

The material used to manufacture the metal sheet, which is rolled sheet steel, has a standard width of 1250 millimeters. True, after processing is completed, the metal product changes its size due to the formation of corrugations on its surface.

Such a parameter as width is affected by the height of the waves and the shape of the profile. For example, for a wall profiled sheet of grade C8, which has a slight corrugation, it is 1200 millimeters. But the H75 load-bearing flooring has a width of only 800 millimeters, despite the fact that in both cases rolled steel of standard sizes is used for production.

Each roof profile sheet is characterized by two width parameters:

  • the general geometric value, which is equal to the distance between the edges of the product - it can be found out using a construction tape;
  • working size, indicating how much of the roof slope in width will be covered, taking into account transverse and lateral overlaps.

For example, the useful width of C8 brand products is 1150 millimeters with a geometric value of 1200 millimeters.

As a rule, the lateral overlap does not exceed one or two waves, which depends on the loads exerted on the roof and the design features of the truss structure. An overlap of two waves is used when arranging roofs with minimal inclination slopes, which helps to increase the tightness and strength of the coating.

When calculating the required amount of sheet material to create a roof, you need to take into account the working width, since it may not be enough during the installation process.

Sheet thickness

When purchasing metal material for laying on the roof, you should pay attention to such a parameter as thickness. To produce corrugated sheets, rolled steel is used, the size of which is 0.45 -1.2 millimeters. The thickness of the metal determines the lifespan of the coating being laid, since the thicker it is, the stronger and better it resists corrosion processes.

When choosing optimal option It must be remembered that the profiled material, which has a thickness of a maximum of 0.5 millimeters, does not tolerate the influences exerted on it well, therefore, when installing it, a thin or continuous base is constructed.

When roofing products are thicker than 0.7 millimeters, they are strong and durable, but they weigh much more. As a result, the installation of sheets becomes more complicated while simultaneously increasing the load on the rafter system. For this reason, when installing a roof made of corrugated sheets of such thickness, it is necessary to strengthen supporting structure, which will increase the already heavy load on the foundation of the house and its walls. An increase in this parameter leads to an increase in construction costs.

According to experts, the optimal thickness of roofing profiled steel decking is 0.5-0.6 millimeters. A covering mounted from such sheets excellently resists wind and snow loads and is light in weight. The cost of this material is affordable for many consumers.

At the same time, the durability of the roof depends on the quality of the galvanized layer and the external protective coating. When a product meets the standard, it will last for decades.

Technical characteristics of profile sheet

High-quality profile sheets should easily withstand various loads and effectively remove precipitation settling on the roof surface. These properties depend on the height and topography of the profile. The higher the waves, the greater the load the metal material can withstand.

When assessing the configuration, you need to pay attention to the presence of longitudinal additional stiffeners, since such sheets are more durable. The stiffening ribs on products with a trapezoidal profile are located on the edges of the trapezoids or between their bases. The increased longitudinal rigidity allows the installation of corrugated sheets on flat roofs, and when arranging pitched structures you can increase the sheathing pitch.

When building a roof, either universal (NS) or load-bearing (N) corrugated sheets are used. When creating light canopies, wall (C) products are chosen.

The presence of a capillary groove at the edge of specialized steel roofing sheets allows moisture that has gotten under the coating to be removed.

If the product is made of steel whose thickness is 0.5 millimeters, then the edge of this groove can be easily deformed during transportation and installation and will not be able to perform its intended function. As a result, moisture will begin to penetrate inside the “pie”.

Before purchasing the required amount of roofing material, you should make the appropriate calculations, for which you need to know the surface area of ​​the slopes, design features roofs, profile type and profiled sheet sizes.

The procedure for calculating the length of roofing sheets

If a profile sheet for roofing is chosen as the covering material, its dimensions and cost are indicated in the design and estimate documentation along with its brand.

The ideal solution is a sheet whose length will correspond to the parameters of the slope, so as not to lay each strip on it from several segments. A roofing covering with the fewest number of joints is more resistant to leaks and high loads. But we must not forget that a sheet with a length of over 6 meters is not easy to lift onto the roof and fix without damaging it.

When a standard format product is selected for roofing, it is necessary to calculate how many sheets will be required to lay one strip.

To do this, use the formula:

N=(A+B):D, where

A – slope length;

B – length of the edge of the corrugated sheet, protruding 5-10 centimeters beyond the edge of the cornice;

D – length of the metal sheet;

N is the required number of sheets.

Then use the formula:

N1=N+N×C:D, where

C is the amount of overlap (you can find it in the manufacturer’s instructions, usually it is 15–20 centimeters).

To complete the calculation, the values ​​of N and N1 must be summed and rounded to the nearest whole number.

Calculation of the width of corrugated sheets

To find out the number of sheets that need to be laid along the width of the slope, you should divide the horizontal length by the useful width of the product. To the obtained value add 50 millimeters for the projections of the cornice. When a roof of complex shape is being erected, calculations are performed separately for each of the slopes.

If large trimmings remain, they can be used on other areas of the roof being developed. In this case, the corrugated sheets on each of the slopes are placed in only one direction during the installation process.

Thus, we can conclude: without taking into account the parameters of the corrugated sheet it is impossible to correctly design the roof.

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